Graham Purcell


Морской пехотинец
Costume Design
Уволенный в запас против своей воли, по возвращении из Ирака он сталкивается с серьезной проблемой. Его красавицу-жену похищает беспощадная банда охотников за драгоценностями под руководством страшного убийцы. Теперь Джону Твайтону предстоит спасти ее, используя весь опыт ведения боевых действий.
Дом восковых фигур
Costume Design
Автомобиль ломается, и компании молодых людей приходится обратиться за помощью к обитателям заброшенного городка. Главной достопримечательностью этой местности, является дом с большим количеством очень уж реалистичных восковых фигур. Страх неминуемо настигает незваных гостей, когда они узнают, что кое-кто хочет расширить свою коллекцию, заполнив весь город трупами убитых ими случайных приезжих, и покрыв их тела воском. Друзьям придется найти выход из положения, если они не хотят оказаться постоянными экспонатами Дома восковых фигур…
Border Patrol
Costume Design
Even the dead need policemen. Meet the Border Patrol, which is to ensure that the law is enforced in the territory of the dead. These hard supernatural guards are responsible for sinners to face their destiny and that good are the creator. To Numan, a character who makes the laws are enforced in the gloomy abyss between the two worlds, the present case appears to be the most tremendous of his career, both his past life in New York, as now become the Patrullero Spooky Frontera . When chasing a serial murderer, Dr. Helms, Numan is forced to break the rules of Purgatory and ask for help to the police in Miami Chavez, a mortal. The union of these incredible allies soon becomes clear that Helms, a strange supernatural being generic, has the power to open the door to other territories, threatening the existence of Life and Death as we know it.
Silent Predators
Costume Design
In 1979, a delivery truck makes its way up a lonely southern California highway in a storm, bound for the San Diego Zoo with a deadly tropical rattlesnake as cargo. When the truck suffers a blowout, the driver loses control and hits a tree, shattering the snake's aquarium in the back and the window separating the snake from the driver. The snake slithers into the front of the truck, kills the driver with its bite and then moves off into the forest. Flash forward to 1999. The small southern California town of San Vicente has grown from 6,000 to 30,000, and the rattler, which escaped nearby years ago, has bred. There are now 25,000 of these hybrid rattlesnakes, and they are slowly making their way downhill into the town, attracted by the movement of the blasting as the town paves its way toward progress. Progress, in this case, brings terror, in this tale originally penned by John Carpenter.
The Everlasting Secret Family
Costume Design
A beautiful, if ambitious and amoral, youth is tapped to become the lover of a powerful senator. The young man quickly realizes that he can hold this place, with all its perks, only as long as he is young. He has no other function than being young. With the help of an aged judge, the young man, referred to only as The Lover, contrives a plan to make a change in the way of the world, a plan that will take him years to realize. To succeed, he must manipulate, in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, the senator, his wife, the family chauffeur (who was, when young, a lover), and, by implication, the entire well-planned and controlling everlasting secret family.
An Indecent Obsession
Costume Design
Sister Honour Langtree (Wendy Hughes), is in charge of a military hospital for psychiatric patients. She however transgresses boundaries by developing a sexual attraction for a new patient.
The Highest Honour
Costume Design
After a highly successful raid on Singapore Harbour, soldiers of Z Special Unit lead a new expedition in Singapore, with disastrous results.