Frank Deese


Josh and S.A.M.
Josh and Sam are two brothers facing change, their mother is about to marry a French accountant and the kids are sent to go live with their father in Florida. Meanwhile, Josh tells Sam that he is a "S.A.M." that is going to be sent to Africa to fight in a war and that Canada is a safe haven for any S.A.M. unwilling to fight. Will Josh & S.A.M. make it to Canada or will they wish they should have never left home?
Josh and S.A.M.
Josh and Sam are two brothers facing change, their mother is about to marry a French accountant and the kids are sent to go live with their father in Florida. Meanwhile, Josh tells Sam that he is a "S.A.M." that is going to be sent to Africa to fight in a war and that Canada is a safe haven for any S.A.M. unwilling to fight. Will Josh & S.A.M. make it to Canada or will they wish they should have never left home?
Рик разъезжает на лихом мотоцикле и разгуливает с бейсбольной битой. Но он — не бандит и не трудный подросток. Рик — новый директор школы, самой худшей в районе, да и в мире, пожалуй. Вместо литературы и математики ученики увлечены драками и наркотиками. Только сумасшедший рискнет изменить существующий порядок. Однако Рик — талантливый учитель. Вместо указки он берет свою любимую биту. Кто сказал, что бить учеников не педагогично?