Mathew Zajac

Mathew Zajac


Mathew Zajac


Заклятье. Наши дни
Bishop Gornik
Основанный на реальной истории фильм не продолжает сюжетную линию оригинального «Заклятья», но при этом нам вновь предлагают окунуться в мистическую атмосферу зрелищного хоррора, в котором обычным людям предстоит бороться с демонической силой. В центре повествования оказывается британская журналистка Николь, которая собирается написать статью о произошедшем в румынской деревушке убийстве местной жительницы.
Iona returns to the island where she was born with her teenage son to seek refuge from a violent crime in Glasgow. Iona's return exposes her tormented son, Bull, to a way of life she rejected when she left the island and sends a shockwave through the family she left behind.
Mr. Rakovic
Пятеро альпинистов совершают восхождение на одну из шотландских возвышенностей. Поднявшись, они обнаруживают юную девочку, которая непонятно как оказалась одна, в палатке, в совершенно дикой местности…
Вальгалла: Сага о викинге
1000 год нашей эры. Немой воин по прозвищу Одноглазый, вырывается из 10-летнего рабства. Сурово расправившись со своими мучителями, он вскоре встречает викингов, с которыми направляется в Иерусалим. По пути следования путешественники переживают страшный шторм, затем их судно попадает в необычный туман. Выбравшись из непроглядной пелены, викинги оказываются около неведомых земель…
Низкое зимнее солнце
Father Brannigan
История о работе шотландской полиции. Два полицейских детектива Эдинбурга убивают третьего и обставляют всё так, словно тот совершил самоубийство. Труп сажают за руль автомобиля, который сбрасывают с пирса. И всё бы ничего, если бы при подъёме этой машины не нашли два трупа! Второй оказался в багажнике с отрубленными руками и без головы… Для чего полицейским понадобилось убивать коллегу и как они теперь выкрутятся?
Man to Man
Hector Duncan
An epic about anthropologists who hunt and capture pygmies for study back in Europe, in an attempt to illustrate the link between man and ape.
The Planman
John Baresci (as Matthew Zajac)
A lawyer finds himself increasingly frustrated by the professional criminals he is called upon to defend, and hooks upon the idea of devising perfect crimes.
Einstein's Biggest Blunder
Narrator (as Matthew Zajac)
Science Documentary hosted by Mathew Zajac and published by Channel 4 broadcasted as part of CH4 Equinox series in 2000 - English narration At the dawn of a new century, a new theory is being born. It threatens to demolish the foundations of 20th century physics. Its authors are two of the world's leading cosmologists. If they're right, Einstein was wrong. It all began when Andy Albrecht and Joao Magueijo met at a conference in America in 1996. This program began from Newtonian view of the universe then takes you through the General Relativity and the Flatness problem. This leads to the Horizon problem and its solution, the Inflation theory. However modern astronomy doesn't stop here, the Inflation theory has its flaw too, and what happened before the big bang? This can all be answered by changing one thing, the one thing no body dare to question until now.
Chasing the Deer
Alistair Campbell
The Jacobite Rebellion of Scotland, and thirty years after the first battle, Bonnie Prince Charlie and his army make a stand at Culloden.
A young boy dies after swimming at a seaside resort, and the local children, led by Gavin, investigate and are led to suspect that contamination from a nearby nuclear plant is to blame. Their teacher is sympathetic, but has broken into her house, perhaps as a warning. Gavin is nearly killed after talking about the problem on TV, but gradually all is uncovered - with terrible consequences for Gavin.
The Chalk Mark
‘The Bad Man’
In and around the tenement blocks and rubbish tips of the Glasgow slums, this short film depicts a young boy’s perspective of his family, his friends and the local ‘bad man’.
Подземный мир
Underworlder #2
Очень популярная танцовщица и певица ночного клуба похищена страшными уродливыми чудовищами. Богатый бизнесмен, большой поклонник этой женщины нанимает частного детектива, чтобы тот нашел её…
Circling a Fox
Circling a Fox takes Matthew Zajac’s multi-award-winning play about his father’s life and turns it into a genre-bending documentary film that challenges received notions of personal and national identity. It is a deeply personal story, taking us on a journey from war-torn Poland and Ukraine to the Highlands of Scotland and then back again. Blending documentary, theatre and poetic drama-reconstruction, Circling a Fox tells the story of Matthew's quest to seek the truth about his father’s past and his efforts to use theatre to reach out to a family he never knew he had.
Circling a Fox
Circling a Fox takes Matthew Zajac’s multi-award-winning play about his father’s life and turns it into a genre-bending documentary film that challenges received notions of personal and national identity. It is a deeply personal story, taking us on a journey from war-torn Poland and Ukraine to the Highlands of Scotland and then back again. Blending documentary, theatre and poetic drama-reconstruction, Circling a Fox tells the story of Matthew's quest to seek the truth about his father’s past and his efforts to use theatre to reach out to a family he never knew he had.