Bill Berry


How Not to Propose
Executive Producer
Travis plans the perfect romantic getaway to propose to longtime love Lena. As the carefully orchestrated weekend comically fails to go as planned, Travis may not get the answer he’s looking for.
Letter Never Sent
Co-Executive Producer
Home for a visit, Henry finds a love letter written in high school for best friend Claire. Still in love with her, he decides to finally share the letter only to find it's missing and in the hands of Claire's new boyfriend.
Cloudy With a Chance of Love
Co-Executive Producer
Quirky meteorologist Deb spends most of her time finishing the passionate pursuit of her meteorology Ph.D. The wind of change starts blowing, however, when a handsome news director recruits her to fill in as an on-air weather personality.
Romantically Speaking
Co-Executive Producer
A young lady who has grown up with her father being a radio DJ, becomes one herself. Falls in love and hosts a 'Romantically Speaking' show.
Волк одиночка
Line Producer
Воспользовавшись тем, что убийство местной девушки осталось нераскрытым, студенты решают разыграть своих товарищей и распускают слухи о серийном убийце по прозвищу «Волк», маньяке с большим ножом, который выходит на свою кровавую охоту в камуфляже и с оранжевой маской на голове. Описывая приметы следующих жертв Волка, друзья хотят проверить, сумеет ли кто-нибудь распознать их ложь. Но вдруг «выбранные» ими жертвы действительно начинают погибать… После цепочки загадочных смертей, друзья понимают, что они могут стать очередными жертвами интернет-маньяка, и им необходимо остановить убийцу…
The Hollywood Sign
Line Producer
Three washed-up actors must deliver the most convincing performances of their lives as part of a dangerous plot designed to finance their triumphant comeback.
Лепрекон 3: Приключения в Лас-Вегасе
Line Producer
Город, который поклоняется золоту, может поставить памятник злому гному Лепрекону, вечному хранителю желтого металла. В лас-вегасском ломбарде карлик опять оживает, сеет на своем пути смерть и ужас, а однажды, в поисках оброненного золотого шиллинга, попадает в казино, где чувствует себя, как дома. Шиллинг между тем начинает переходить из рук в руки, и каждому новому его владельцу достаточно произнести слово «хочу»…
Blue Desert
Assistant Director
After surviving rape, comic-book artist Lisa Roberts is moving from New York City to small town in Arizona. But there's danger in small towns too.
Production Executive
Семейство Кэшенов перебирается жить в степь, где покупает некоторое время пустовавший дом. Приводя его в порядок, новосёлы случайно обнаруживают за сервантом странную дверь, закрытую на висячий замок и украшенную индейской символикой. Кэшены отпирают её и тем самым освобождают из подземного заточения монстра, которого вожди команчей много лет назад призвали в мир, чтобы прогнать со своих земель бледнолицых захватчиков.
Brotherhood of Death
A group of Black soldiers are home from the war and head to a small Southern town. The town is dominated by a group of Klansmen who keep the Black majority from voting or being treated like human beings. However, these newcomers convince the local population to register to vote so they can take back power and achieve justice. When hundreds show up to register, the Klan responds with violence. Eventually, though, the Black community has little choice other than fight back and the film ends with a small war between these combat vets and the Klan.
Brotherhood of Death
A group of Black soldiers are home from the war and head to a small Southern town. The town is dominated by a group of Klansmen who keep the Black majority from voting or being treated like human beings. However, these newcomers convince the local population to register to vote so they can take back power and achieve justice. When hundreds show up to register, the Klan responds with violence. Eventually, though, the Black community has little choice other than fight back and the film ends with a small war between these combat vets and the Klan.
Brotherhood of Death
A group of Black soldiers are home from the war and head to a small Southern town. The town is dominated by a group of Klansmen who keep the Black majority from voting or being treated like human beings. However, these newcomers convince the local population to register to vote so they can take back power and achieve justice. When hundreds show up to register, the Klan responds with violence. Eventually, though, the Black community has little choice other than fight back and the film ends with a small war between these combat vets and the Klan.