Lucien Callamand

Рождение : 1888-04-01, Marseille, Bouches du Rhône, France

Смерть : 1968-12-03


Young Wolves
Petit rôle (uncredited)
Alain, "a young wolf", elegant and racy, is maintained by the princess Linzani. At the same time, he goes out with a girl of his age, Sylvie, who despite her bold attitude has never had a lover.
Le naïf amoureux
The boss of the café-tobacco
Paul is an accomplished teacher at Janson-de-Sailly. A "good guy" who, having returned for the holidays to the provincial town where he was raised, finds Véronique, his childhood friend. He falls madly in love...
Черный тюльпан
Накануне Французской революции в тихой провинции жуткий страх наводит на знатных мерзавцев таинственный разбойник в маске, чьим фирменным знаком стал черный тюльпан. Неуловимый мститель находчив, бесстрашен, благороден и умен, он прекрасный наездник и гений фехтования. Дворянин Жульен — беспечный неженка, глупый и трусливый — совсем на него не похож. Но никто не знает, что есть нечто, крепко связывающее этих двоих.
Мороз по коже
Двое слесарей решают воспользоваться удачным стечением обстоятельств и сорвать куш — обчистить сейф одного из клиентов. Однако с самого начала все пошло совсем не так, как задумывалось. Простая кража превратилась в ограбление с убийством. Поль арестован, а Даниэль вынужден бежать из города. В сельской глубинке ему удается устроиться на работу к Тому, хозяину автозаправки, который сразу же проникается доверием к Даниэлю. Но спокойно переждать шумиху и здесь не получается: сексапильная жена Тома ненавидит своего мужа и мечтает заполучить деньги, которые тот хранит у себя в сейфе. Шифр известен только хозяину. Впрочем, наложить лапу на кубышку Тома жаждет не только его жена, но и алчные родственники…
There's Going to Be a Party
FBI agent John Lewis travels in Europe, from Paris to Lisbon, trying to locate a disappeared fellow secret-agent, Mark Lemoine. Soon he has trouble with a violant gang, and is involved with a young French reporter, Michèle Laurent. Finally, the chief of the Secret Service tells Lewis that Lemoine never existed. Instead of ending his mission there, the real trouble starts.
The Regattas of San Francisco
A teenager who suffers from his mother's escapades imagines the life of his father in San Francisco.
Prisoner of the Jungle
Member of Bourderoux's office
The survivors of a forced landing progress in a hostile African bush.
Единственный ангел на Земле
Если бы он случайно посмотрел в её глаза, она бы замерла от счастья! Маленькая стюардесса Лина красива, великолепна, безумно влюблена, и все же совершенно несчастна. Потому, что является для соблазнителя и гонщика Пьера Шелло пустым местом. Он думает только о своей невесте, богатой и избалованной Августе фон Мюнхенбург. Даже лучший друг Мишель не может заставить его перестать думать о ней. И казалось бы, ничем нельзя помочь девушке, но на помощь к ней, с неба спускается Ангел, в обличии Лины…
Ты – яд
Julien - le jardinier
Загадочное ночное происшествие вынуждает Пьера Менда предпринять собственное расследование. Следы ведут в дом к двум женщинам — сестрам.
Une nuit aux Baléares
Mort en fraude
The Chief of Police
Дело доктора Лорана
M. Bertrand - le directeur de l'école
Доктор Лоран переезжает из Парижа в деревню Сен-Мартен, чтобы стать преемником доктора Бастида. Едва сойдя с автобуса, Лоран услышал из окна дома женский крик, и узнал, что это страдает будущая мама, которой вот-вот предстоит родить первенца. Бедняжка испытывает такие сильные боли, что ей не помогает даже морфий.
Это называется зарей
По роману Эммануэля Роблеса. Герой фильма работает врачом в небольшом поселке на Корсике. Ему приходится оказывать помощь и богатым, и бедным. Он видит много трагедий, но не может оставаться равнодушным к чужому горю…
My Husband Is Marvelous
Un ami
A young journalist, Sylvia, has to interview a writer, Claude Chatel, whose success is due to his misogyny.
Я был им три раза
Un monsieur (uncredited)
Жан Ренневал, стареющий, но всё ещё красивый актёр, соблазняет зрительницу Терезу Вердье. Она назначает ему свидание после ужина, когда её муж Анри уедет. За ужином Анри рассказывает Терезе и её подруге Генриетте о своих предыдущих двух жёнах. Обе изменили ему: Люси — с его двойником Гектором, а Жюльетт с султаном Амманлифа. Отправившись в путь, Анри опаздывает на поезд и возвращается домой, где застаёт свою третью жену в постели с Ренневалом, нарядившимся в костюм кардинала, который убеждает его смириться с изменой.
Dans la vie tout s'arrange
A Boston school teacher fights with a group of impoverished Frenchmen for possession of an inherited château. Elizabeth Rockwell is indignant when she finds her château filled with squatters, a widower with five messy children, who have no regard for private property rights.
A Girl on the Road
Valet (uncredited)
To escape his female fans, Carlos Cortez makes for the Riviera. Along the way, he picks up a hitchhiker named Annabel who invites him to go camping with her friends. Living under his real name, the incognito star wins new friends. But a theft complicates things. Fortunately, Annabel is still around and Jacques can do no better than to marry her.
Le maréchal de Brandebourg
Молодой красавец Фанфан идет в армию, чтобы избежать насильственной женитьбы и осуществить предсказание цыганки, нагадавшей ему славу воина и невесту королевской крови. На деле очаровательная предсказательница оказывается дочерью сержанта, вербующего крестьян в армию. Узнав про эту хитрость, Фанфан не отступается от своей мечты и, полный надежд на исполнение предсказаний лже-цыганки, встает под королевские знамена…
The Woman with the Orchid
Tailor Jourdan / Captain Wells
A bold police officer arrives, not without difficulty, to infiltrate a dangerous gang of drug traffickers. With the help of a beautiful young woman, he tries to stop their nefarious activities ...
Монте Карло
Le portier
В один прекрасный день, миловидная сиделка, перепутав младенцев в яслях, отправляет чужого ребенка погостить к чужому дедушке. Дедушка оказывается музыкантом джазового оркестра, едущего нагастроли в Монте-Карло. Оркестрант не удивляется «подкидышу» ведь он истинно верит, что это его внук, которого он еще не видел. Музыканты становятся «няньками на гастролях». Старшая воспитательница пришла в ужас, узнав, что ребенок пропал. Для того, чтобы исправить оплошность, она отправляет няню вслед за малышом и оркестром в Монако, где красотке суждено распутать пестрый клубок комедийных курьезов и встретить свою любовь…
Bouquet de joie
Back from America, famous singer Charles Trénet, nicknamed "Le Fou Chantant", makes the conquest of a bombshell called Anita. He tries to persuade his young friend Georges to follow them to the French Riviera but the pessimistic gloomy finicky fellow won't do it. Instead, he decides to go on holiday with his newly married wife but the trip , due to his grim mood, is no bed of roses. In Juan-lès-Pins they finally meet Charles, who is so infatuated with Anita that he has forgotten to meet his old friend Henri Poupon, the Meridional actor. Thanks to cheerful Charles and to the sunny climate, Georges relaxes and things improve in his relationships with his wife. The couple can applaud Charles who is giving one of his concerts there before he flies back to the USA, on Anita's arm this time.
Le porteur (uncredited)
Stan and Ollie are marooned on an atoll. This was their last film together.
Адемар, или Игрушка судьбы
Le régisseur (uncredited)
Адемар Помм с детства, вызывает смех окружающих. Виной тому — необычайно подвижная и выразительная мимика. Отчаявшись, Адемар обращается в приют для людей с явными физическими недостатками, с просьбой принять и его. Он рассказывает приемной комиссии о том, как Тисале — армейский товарищ Адемара, пытался пристроить друга на работу, но, всякий раз, затея оканчивалась провалом — Адемар невольно смешит людей даже на похоронах…
Pardon My French
A Boston school teacher fights with a group of impoverished Frenchmen for possession of an inherited château. Elizabeth Rockwell is indignant when she finds her château filled with squatters, a widower with five messy children, who have no regard for private property rights.
The Convict
Maître Gloriette
The practice of Dr. Julien, a GP of Marseilles, consists mainly of drug-addicts. One day, one of his patient dies at his surgery and Julien yields to the temptation : he steals the dead man's money and hides the corpse in a trunk. But the whole thing is discovered and ... misinterpreted. The doctor is condemned for killing the junkie and sent to the Cayenne convict prison, from which he escapes. The Indians give him shelter and he is soon given the opportunity to return their good deed when a yellow fever epidemic strikes their tribe. A young woman helps to fight the disease and, thanks to her, Julien starts considering that a new life is possible for him.
Banco de prince
Josette, the daughter of a hotel-casino owner on the French Riviera is wooed by Pradier, a young gambler she (and everyone else) mistakes for the Prince of Austravia. On the other hand another young man starts courting her and she does not feel insensitive to his advances. What she does not know is that Monsieur Lefèvre, whom she feels so much to her liking, is actually the real prince of Austravia. When the Austravian revolution dethrones the prince, the young man has only one citadel left to conquer: Josette's heart.
Les aventuriers de l'air
Le Guérec
A pilot, hero of the war, finds himself implicated in spite of himself in a traffic. He is wanted by the police, but his former companions and an air hostess will help him prove his innocence.
La maison du printemps
Four young girls fall in love with the same man.
The Patron
J.P. Otin
Agnès de Louvigny, aviator, crashes with her plane on the villa of Martial Simonet, a fashion designer nicknamed La Patronne. But tourists are busy in front of the villa.
Dominique, a medical student, works in a cinema to help her friend Simone Lambert, a pharmacy student. Big scandal in his bourgeois-minded family when we learn and he works and he has a friend. His father chases him away brutally. Dominique is going to live with Simone, in her sixth grade. From that day on, she receives a visit from a mysterious character who calls himself a novelist and who helps her to meet the needs of her household. Dominique discovers that this character is none other than his father: he no longer understands.
La danseuse de Marrakech
A little Métis girl, Kalina is saved from a massacre by Taraor, a black man from Sudan. Having become a great and beautiful dancer from the South, she meets Captain Portal, in garrison in Marrakech. This is the beginning of a great love story. But that's counting without Taraor's jealousy.
Nous avons tous fait la même chose
Rémi sees his marriage troubled by a scandal caused by his former mistress. He takes refuge with his godmother while his wife organizes her revenge.
Love and Companionship
The doorman of the Cannes hotel (uncredited)
The accountant of an insurance company, rather eccentric and quick to push the song, is responsible for monitoring the actions of an alluring South American whose suicide would mean the collapse of the company. Finally, the accountant discovers an attempted insurance scam and marries the surly and charming interpreter who was the liaison between the South American and himself.
A Royal Affair
Mme Beaudrier, the wife of a Parliamentary Senator, hurls a pastry at visiting King Joan IV of Cerdagne, sparking off a series of farcical events involving all levels of the government and their mistresses.
Миллионеры на один день
Le ministre
A typographer makes a mistake by printing the winning number of the national lottery. Many people believe they have won the jackpot. Pursued by his newspaper editor, the worker appears in court where all mystified people are invited to testify.
Sin and Desire
Stage manager
The tumultuous loves of a diver and a pretty bitch. Mario loves Perrucha, she only loves money. When, by dint of diving, the boy's health deteriorates, the girl goes to find an important industrialist. Such a story can only end badly and Mario strangles Perrucha.
We Request an Assassin
A son of a family in debt decides to put an end to his life and calls on a professional killer to do so, who promises to kill him within forty-eight hours. However the next day, money, luck and love smile at her again. Then can begin an infernal hide-and-seek between the assassin and his victim.
Школа бездельников
Calculation Examiner
По произведению Элизы Фрейне. Паскаль (Бернар Блие), молодой студент педучилища, тяжело раненный на фронте в 1918 году, в октябре 1920-го получает работу в школе деревни Салез департамента Верхний Прованс. Он отказывается от формалистской и армейской дисциплины своего предшественника, старого Арно; например, разбирает на дрова кафедру, чтобы покончить с сыростью в классе. От этой новости старого учителя чуть не хватает удар. Цель учебных методов Паскаля - раскрыть душу, личность каждого ученика и пробудить в детях жажду знаний. Взрослые (в особенности - уважаемые жители деревни) не доверяют его добрым намерениям.
56, rue Pigalle
Lucien Bonnet, Jean Vigneron's manservant, blackmails his boss, who is having an affair with Inès de Montalban, married to Ricardo. Vigneron pays the sum but Lucien is killed by an accomplice, Baruch. Everything seems to accuse Jean who, for fear of compromising Inès, prefers to keep mum. Fortunately, his innocence will be proved thanks to a surprise witness. The two lovers flee to Congo while the husband soon forgets them, finding comfort in debauchery.
In the Basque Country, two friends, José and François, live a cheerful life. The two sly foxes use their wit to boost the business of an innkeeper they have a connection with. José is in love with Angélica, the innkeeper"s daughter, while François courts petite Annette. José also happens to have a beautiful voice and one day a night club manager hears him and wants to hire him. He will have to choose between Angelica, the inn, his roots... and a singing career in Paris.
Le dolmen tragique
Chatelard, one of Viscount de Kerlec's guests, has died in mysterious conditions. The police initiates an investigation and sends detective-inspector Pauc to de Kerlec's manor. Pauc decides to mingle with the viscount's guests , who are all likely to have committed the murder. Among them, there is Jacques Mauclerc, a naval officer, and a seedy character named Bartoli, in fact a spy in search of secret documents. Pauc will end up untangling the web during a dramatic séance.
Trafiquants de la mer
Le juge Vermorel
A gang of drug pushers is rampant on the French Riviera. The police has been informed and arrests an accomplice who is about to collect the drugs dropped off from a yacht. This person happens to be a public figure of a nearby village...
The Sharks of Gibraltar
In order for important British admiralty papers to pass into the hands of the Germans, the spy Gordon has the ingenious idea of ​​transforming a lamentable drunkard into a Lady, haughty but submissive to his orders. Stella's transformation is complete, the success extraordinary. Why must a French officer touching the heart of the former pochard bring down the fragile edifice? A submarine is about to blow up, Gordon is shot down and a confessed Stella returns to her horrible taverns to drown her sorrows in alcohol for good.
The Marriage of Ramuntcho
A Parisian painter working in the Basque country succeeds in keeping together a young woman and her smuggler boyfriend, even though the artist has feelings for the intended bride himself, and then he completes a painting on the subject of the wedding.
La Cabane aux souvenirs
Laurangeais stays in a nursing home after his wife dies following an accident caused by Terrian, his adopted son. When he leaves he finds Terrian who is going to get married. He drags his future wife into a cabin and kills her.
The Unknown Singer
Julien Mortal, a singer from Portugal suffering from amnesia, made a career in France under the name of Paolo. One day, he discovers the truth about his past: a man tried to assassinate him.
Jean is a good man who has a steady job (he is a mechanic in the village garage) and a companion named Aline. But Jean is also a guzzler and a philanderer. As a result, when a local prostitute is killed in the surroundings, he becomes at once the victim of rumor...
The Bohemian Life
Old bourgeois
Four young friends share the carefree, cheerfulness, laughter and dances of Bohemian life. Rodolphe the painter, Alexandre Chaunard the composer, Colline the philosopher, as well as Marcel and his friend Musette. Mimi, a romantic young girl, falls in love with Rodolphe.
Парижские тайны
Monsieur Pipelet
Paris, 1830. Fleur de Marie is rescued from poverty by the mysterious Rodolphe, who is in fact the Grand Duke of Gérolstein, who has gone incognito in search of an illegitimate child he once had. Which is not at all to the taste of Sarah Mac Gregor, her current mistress who kidnaps Fleur and has her locked up in Saint-Lazare prison.
Two Shy Ones
Jules Frémissin is shy and in love. The father of the object of his flame is also shy. The marriage proposal is very laborious, because before marrying Cécile Thibaudier, Jules must fight a duel with the arrogant Vancouver, convinced that all this eager and awkward courtship was intended for his own wife, also named Cécile.
Sacred Fire
A young woman from the countryside travels to Paris to become an actress. Despite all kinds of difficulties, affronts and emotional adventures, she succeeded in gaining a place in the world of entertainment and becomes a great movie star.
Mélodie pour toi
Famous singer, René Sartène, falls in love with a young bourgeois, Marie. Irène, her stage partner and the director of the show combine their efforts to annihilate this budding happiness.
Promise to the Unknown One
A young woman is in love with a young writer, winner of the Prix Goncourt. Married to a banker, she must face her husband's anger and the blackmail of a former suitor.
L'assassin a peur la nuit
Le directeur du 'Petit Brummel'
Having pulled off a robbery with his friend Maurice, Olivier leaves his mistress Lola and hides out in a small village in the country. He finds work, thanks to a young man named Gilbert, who introduces him to his sister, Monique. Once the robbery has been all but forgotten, Olivier intends to head back to Paris, but before he goes, he steals money from his employer. In Paris, Olivier wants to say a proper goodbye to Lola, but she is being blackmailed by Jérôme, an antique dealer who has recognized a necklace stolen by Olivier. Before returning to Monique, Olivier calls on Jérôme to recover the necklace.
Chambre 13
On a Marseille film set, a street urchin who has been hired as an actor is suspected when both a star and a baroness are robbed.With the help of the boy's neer do well friend the real crooks are tracked down.
The Italian Straw Hat
Fadinard is going through the woods on his horse en route to his wedding. Unfortunately, his horse eats the straw hat of a married woman who is having a secret rendezvous with her lover. In order to save the woman's honor, Fadinard must find the exact same type of hat to replace the one his horse ate and still be able to get to his wedding on time.
The Acrobat
Le médecin-chef
After a deadbeat patron at his restaurant gets special care from the cops who think the man has amnesia, the maitre d'hotel decides to pretend he too has amnesia. He is claimed in turn by an aristocrat family and by trapeze artists.
Дочь землекопа
Патрисия, дочь землекопа Паскаля Аморетти, влюбляется в летчика Жака Мазеля. Но тот уходит на войну, так и не узнав, что девушка, в которую влюблен еще и помощник землекопа беременна. Богатые родители летчика, которых сыграют Даруссен и Азема, отказываются признать ребенка погибшего на войне сына. А родной отец изгоняет девушку из дома.
The peace of Trépigny is shattered when the new mayor Lebrennois sets out to modernise the little village and make it more attractive to tourists. Opposed to his schemes is the village's stationmaster Gargousse, a free-spirited soul who poaches in his spare time and has no time for Lebrennois's grand ambitions. Relations between Gargousse and the mayor are further strained when the former's goddaughter Antoinette begins an affair with the latter's nephew Allain. The mayor insists that the railway line is out-dated and should be replaced with a more efficient coach service. By taking up Lebrennois's offer of a duel, Gargousse has one last chance to save his job and discredit the unpopular mayor...
Barnabé, an occasional flutist, goes to Mme Petit-Durand to organize her daughter's 20 years. But he is confused with the Count of Marengo whom Mme Petit-Durand wants to give as husband to her daughter, who has already made her choice.
I Accuse
Soldier Damaseau
After serving in the trenches of World War I, Jean Diaz recoils with such horror that he renounces love and personal pleasure to immerse himself in scientific research, seeking a machine to prevent war. He thinks he has succeeded, but the government subverts his discovery, and Europe slides with seeming inevitability toward World War II. In desperation, Diaz summons the ghosts of the war dead from the graves and fields of France to give silent, accusing protest.
Naples Under the Kiss of Fire
Mario Esposito, who sings in a Neapolitan restaurant, is in love with Assunta, the niece of Teresa, the owner of the place. He shares his apartment with Michel, his best friend. This one has fallen under the spell of Lolita, a gorgeous adventuress he met at the cathedral where he officiates as the organist. But things go awry as, while Michel intercedes with Aunt Teresa for Assunta's hand in his favor, Mario in turn falls in love with Lolita. On the very day of his wedding with Assunta, Mario runs away with Lolita, thus betraying both his love and his friend. But it does not take long before the young singer realizes the big mistake he has made.
Abused Confidence
le valet des Ferney
Lydia (Danielle Darrieux) is a student, poor and orphaned, who pretends to be the daughter of a famous writer.
Un scandale aux galeries
No overview found
Take the Road
Jacques is a jolly bachelor who lives a wild life with his a mistress Wanda and all he wishes is to go on living the way he does. But Father won't allow. He demands that Jacques get married. More or less reluctantly, Jacques decides to comply but on the way to his father's home - where he is to meet the bride Dad has chosen for him - the young man comes across the charming Simone and falls in love with her at first sight. He elopes her, determined to ignore his progenitor's orders. Little does he know that Simone, the girl of his heart, is none other than the one he was supposed to marry...
Un mauvais garçon
Le voisin de palier
Monsieur Serval has made a deal with his daughter Jacqueline. She can be a lawyer and act her own way provided that, in a given period of time, she becomes a great name of the profession. If she does not, she must pledge herself to marry the son of a rich man, Monsieur Feutrier. Jacqueline accepts and starts her career by defending Pierre Besnard, a bad Boy. Not only does she get the case dismissed but she falls in love with Pierre as well. But she is not famous for all that and sooner or later she will have to bring herself to marry Feutrier's son.
Quand minuit sonnera
A criminal is being blackmailed by his former accomplices. He does everything in his power to gain time because the statutory limitation for the crime he committed starts at midnight.
Generals Without Buttons
Separated by an ancestral hatred, two small villages of the South see their infant population engaging in war, while the teacher of the first village and the mayor of the second love each other.
Symphonie D'Amour
A ten-year old film when it was first released in the USA as "Symphonie D'Amour" in 1946. Panard (Fernand Gravet) is a talented composer who is having little success in his musical career. He is reduced to hiring out as a sandwich-board man to advertise what proves to be his own show. His girl, Jacqueline Francell, interests a Marquis in backing the show. She and Panard are happily reunited after the successful opening of his operetta.
Une gueule en or
The Marquis de Barfleur, an unattractive man, decides to resort to plastic surgery to ensure the fidelity of Colette, his young mistress. Now endowed with a face to die for, he is about to achieve his goal. But the Marchioness de Barfleur, the Marquis' loving wife, does not hear it that way. She has her revenge claiming everywhere that her husband is... dead! An assertion people believe since they do not recognize the Marquis! When her vengeance has lasted long enough, she forgives the Marquis and husband and wife fall into each other's arms.
Arènes joyeuses
Cabissol, the Mayor of Martigues, a town in the South of France, wishes to organize a bullfight as part of the coming festivities. But that is not counting on Escopette, an opponent of bullfighting, who kidnaps the bulls. What further complicates things is that the appointed bullfighter, Chico de Granada, takes the French leave with Violette, one of Cabissol's daughters. As a measure of retaliation, Cabissol decides to force Escopette to replace Chico in the arena. Fortunately, Rémy, the head herdsman, comes to his rescue. Finally, everything goes well and Cabissol is so happy that he gives Rémy the hand of Marguerite, his other daughter.
Vogue, mon coeur
Ginette is always squabbling with her mother and she cannot take it any more. One day, she asks Jim Ashbury to intervene and this is how the son of a wealthy lord gets involved in the life of a pretty Jane Doe. Charmed by Ginette, Jim invites her to a cruise on the Mediterranean. It does not take long before Cupid sends his arrows at the two young people but things are not so simple for all that. Jim indeed fears Ginette might want to marry him for money, which is totally wrong. Fortunately, Lord Ashbury manages to persuade his stubborn son of his error.
What a Funny Kid!
Lucie turns the house of chic dandy Gaston upside down.
Inspector of the Red Cars
Bernard, Sleeper Coach conductor and automobile inventor, is confused to be the racing car company president, and falls in love with a countess, who is actually a slogan prize winner chorine.
Count Obligado
Antoine, elevator operator of a haute couture house, takes advantage of an inheritance to lead the high life for three days by pretending to be a rich count.
L'or dans la rue
The secretary
A young man is involved in a swindle to produce synthetic gold, but fortunately when the fakery is uncovered he still has his girlfriend and a ticket to America.
Король Елисейских полей
Скромный житель Парижа оказывается как две капли воды похож на известного гангстера. Путаница начинается, когда гангстер совершает побег из тюрьмы.
Mam'zelle Spahi
Maître Serpolet
Two mistresses snubbed by their respective lovers crash a military ball and their lovers then resort to an unusual strategy to win them back.
C'était un musicien
Cafe owner
When he is not conducting his orchestra, a talented young man invents a device to thwart car thieves.Associating himself with a rich Dutch baron, he falls in love with the baron's daughter.
The Amorous Garrison
In a small provincial town, the new colonel of the dragoon regiment consigns all his men. Three soldiers defy orders and jump the wall. But the colonel becomes indulgent thanks to the intervention of the general who did not remain insensitive to the charm of a young American.
Une fois dans la vie
One weekend an office worker is stuck with five million francs that he is temporarily unable to deposit, so he pretends to be a rich man.A woman takes that opportunity to seduce him, while a gang of crooks seeks to fleece him.
Bouton d'or
A Man Has Been Stolen
A young man is kidnapped by his business competitors, but the jailer falls in love with the man she has to keep a prisoner. A lost film.
A Woman at the Wheel
A young sportsman, heir to a tyre manufacturers wants to end the rivalry between his father's company and their main rival, by marrying the daughter of the rival family.
Naked as a Worm
A very rich businessman, knight of the Legion of Honor, bets that he can start his career from scratch. After all kinds of adventures, he climbs the ladder of society and, having become rich again, finds love and a new fortune.
A Weak Woman
Arlette Morand, a rich and pretty young widow, would like to remarry. She hesitates between Henri, the athlete, and Serge, the artist. She grants her favors to Henri, for whom it is only an adventure. She realizes that she doesn't love him and goes to join Serge on the boat that takes him to England...
La belle aventure
Happy Hearts
A young man, Charles, operator in a neighborhood cinema, is suspected of involvement in the theft of jewelry. His fiancée, Lucette, but it would save would necessitate denounce his brother Olivier who is the leader of the band of thieves. Lucette will see the victim, the jeweler Van Hoolst who agrees to withdraw its complaint against restitution jewelry. Thieves do not meet the market but ultimately, the operator is cleared and becomes the owner of the cinema.
Vous serez ma femme
Fresh out of prison a small-time crook finds his girlfriend's dropped him, which sends him into a murderous rage.
Ronny is a young designer on her way to the capital of the Ruritanian Kingdom of Perusa with the costumes she has created for the operetta written by the Prince. On her journey, she meets the prince and is persuaded to take the place of the star who had just walked out. The prince falls for Ronny but how can he marry a commoner?
Käthe von Nagy plays Ronny, who designs the costumes for the upcoming premiere of an opera written by the young prince of Perusa (Willy Fritsch) and has to deliver them personally due to the urgency of the commission. Arriving there, the prince not only is charmed by the young lady (who wouldn't?), but also mistakenly believes her to be the famous singer who is to be the female lead in the opera. What Willy does not know yet is that the real singer has cancelled her appearance, and as the state ministers hope to distract him from politics with the performance of the opera, they indeed want Ronny to appear in the show….
Le capitaine Craddock
Fortuné Bidon
On his wedding night with Hilda Bergmann, the daughter of a swedish chemist, the young and rich american Willy Keanton is stabbed by an unidentified masked man. He kidnaps the young woman, who is found later on by the count Robert d'Arbel. The detective Jacques Miral, nicknamed « the pointed tower's ferret » is put in charge of the case. Soon, he discovers that an international bandit, Méphisto, seeks to seize the formula of a process against asphyxiating gas, invented by professor Bergmann. The struggle is tough between Miral and the uncatchable Méphisto. Monique Aubray, Keanton's secretary and engaged to the detective, the Nostradamus stallholders and the « mastiff of Bordeaux », and the famous novelist Fortuné Bidon are also involved in the case...
The Devil's Holiday
Betty marries rich Allan out of interest and drives a wedge between him and his family.
One Night at the Front
Venice nights
A hole in the wall
Ma concierge est trop jolie
Madeleine Aubry is the new concierge at the apartment house, and she's a hard-working girl. She can get no work done, because all the men insist on doing it for her. If she is sweeping out the foyer, one comes and sweeps for her; when she turns her attention to polishing the stair rail, another shows up to do the task; and when she takes the opportunity to darn socks, a third does that chore.
Bread for the Birds
Like Max Ophüls, Capellani set many films in the theatre – backstage, on stage, in the public eye; Here is a rags-to-riches story of a dancer and her older benefactor, a kind-hearted piano tutor.
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Everyman Coupeau's attempts to stop drinking are routinely thwarted by the wicked and vengeful Virginie. Based on Zola's novel, Capellani's film is about the free fall of a group of working-class French folk into degradation and tragedy due to carelessness, jealousy, and alcohol abuse. At the time of its release, L'Assommoir was hugely successful.