Kim Chang-wan
Рождение : 1954-02-22, South Korea
Kim Chang Wan is a South Korean rock singer, composer, musician, actor, TV host, radio DJ, writer, and poet. Kim, along with his younger brothers Kim Chang Hoon and Kim Chang Ik, began composing music during their mid-teens and formed the band "Mui" when they were college students.
After Kim graduated in 1975 from Seoul National University, they went professional and changed their band's name to Sanulrim (meaning "Mountain Echo"). The band's psychedelic rock/hard rock sound (reminiscent of the Sex Pistols) was music Koreans hadn't heard before, and Sanulrim revitalized the Korean music scene, which was currently devastated after several major musicians were arrested for marijuana possession in the 1970s.
They held a 30th-anniversary concert in 2007 and made plans to release the 14th album. But drummer Kim Chang Ik was killed in a traffic accident in Vancouver, Canada on January 29th, 2008, and Sanulrim disbanded after his death.
Having worked as a music director and film score composer in the early 1990s, Kim also began acting onscreen. He did not only starred in movies such as Blades of Blood, Antique Bakery, Shinsukki Blues, Windstruck, and My Love Ssagajy but also in roughly 30 television shows.
The versatile Kim has also starred in a stage play (A Nap in 2010), hosted variety shows and radio programs, and written several books (some containing poetry).
Choi In-Beom
A plastic surgeon performs strange body experiments on his victims. A woman then goes to the plastic surgeon to seek out the perfect body. Through the surgery the women does receive the perfect body but also must now live out two separate lives.
King Seonjo
1592 год. На пороге японского вторжения Чосон брошен в политический и социальный хаос. В это смутное время Ли Мон Хак возглавляет народное ополчение для отпора врагу. Однако, на самом деле, собирается захватить власть в стране и стать королем.
Lee Moon-gyo
Эта история рассказывает легенду о красном почтовом ящике, который может пересылать письма умершим людям. Чо Хана не смогла забыть своего любимого и решила отправить ему письмо «на небо». Она встречает Шин Чжечжуна- «Небесного почтальона». Когда-то он был успешным бизнесменом, но попал в автокатастрофу и сейчас находится в коме, а его дух странствует и в течении двух недель выполняет задание Бога по пересылке писем. Он легко может путешествовать между 2-я мирами (настоящим миром и тем светом) , и видим только для тех, кто потерял и оплакивает близкого человека. Хана вызывается помочь ему в этом нелёгком деле. Таким образом, она по-немногу старается забыть свою боль. И начинает влюбляться в Чжечжуна.
White Beard
Само собой разумеется, что если речь пойдет о кондитерской, то все и начинается с торта… Брошенного в лицо…
Several Questions That Make Us Happy is composed of six different stories in a omnibus way, describing mondern society's loneliness, misunderstanding between couples, trust with others, courtesy between lovers, and self-centered blame for others, etc. It is based on the sincere question why we are so unhappy and how I can make happiness.
Chief of police box
Когда офицер Гён Чжин Ё слышит женщину, кричащую, что кто-то схватил её кошелек, она не может позволить такому преступлению пройти незамеченным. Гён Чжин бросается в погоню за Мён Гу Го, ловит его, и доставляет в отделение полиции. Там, она обнаруживает, что Мён Гу — не преступник, а наоборот, храбрый гражданин, который пытался поймать настоящего грабителя.
Ha-young's father
Если у вас выдался неудачный день, то лучше просто пойти домой, а не пытаться испортить его еще больше. Старшеклассница Кан Ха Ё вела счастливую и беззаботную жизнь, мечтая встретить своего прекрасного принца и ей кажется, что она его уже нашла. Но один из самых радостных дней для влюбленных — 100-ый день знакомства, оказывается одним из самых ужасных для Ха Ён: мало того, что её бросает парень, так она еще и попадает в крайне неприятную историю. Возвращаясь домой после школы, она вымещает свою обиду и гнев на пустой банке из-под кока-колы и, ударив по банке в последний раз, случайно попадает ей в голову Хён Джуна, который проезжал мимо на новеньком «Лексусе 430». Машина врезает в стену и взбешенный Хён Джун требует выплатить ему $3000 за ремонт, грозя обратиться в полицию. Тогда Ха Ён удирает с места происшествия, но к несчастью теряет свой бумажник и, придя домой, получает звонок от Хён Джуна с требованием вернуть деньги.
Dr. Jo
Suk-yoon, a successful toy designer, and Jin-won, a respected textile designer, started off as a campus couple in college after falling in love at first sight. They are now happily married and well off, but have no children. Jin-won, raised by her aunt after the early death of her parents, anxiously craves her own motherhood. Her desperation grows despite Suk-yoon's efforts to comfort her. Then one day, the couple receives the miraculous news that they are pregnant. They are overjoyed and their days are filled with anticipation and love until they find out that what they thought would be a lifetime with their child will not last more than a day.
Three teenagers from different backgrounds, each for different reasons, accept positions as undertakers. There's only one problem, no one in their town has died for over a decade! With no chances to get in any practice, it all comes down to the line one day when a widow commits suicide, and the three undertakers are put to the test!
Reporter Kim
Расследуя обстоятельства загадочной гибели своей племянницы и трёх её друзей, журналистка Сан-Ю узнаёт о странной видеокассете, которую все четверо посмотрели ровно за неделю до смерти...
This film depicts the passion and frustration of young people who dream of becoming popular rock musicians. Dohyun neglects his studies because he is only interested in one thing - rock music. He comes to Seoul to work and ente rs a band. he meets his future manager, Jeewoo, and makes his debut as a singer. However, the production of his first album is cancelled because it is considered 'not commercial' enough. Dohyun returns to his hometown, depressed. Jeewo, however, finds him and helps him open his first gig after weeks of practice. The gig turns out to be a complete failure. Dohyun and his friends sing in the middle of the street with pedestrians as their spectators. The film ends with Dohyun frustrated over his unsuccessful career as a rock musician.
Hye-joo and Eun-kyung vie for 1st place in school. Tae-ho, who's tormented by his parents who incessantly nag about grades, has a crush on Hye-joo. The two girls begin an earnest struggle for the top score as they prepare for the final exams. But when Eun-kyung sees Hye-joo, who's been too sick to study, cheat, she becomes indignant.
In a high school second grade classroom, Bonggu (Gyu Seok) and Genija (Choi Soo-hoon), whose grades are low, love each other (Yi Yeon Yeon) and Niho teacher. The hard - luck Changshu helps his mother to clean the liquor, but the Eun - joo, who grew up in a rich environment, screams without understanding him. Eunju is always attracted to the innocence of the pure mind while maintaining good grades and suffering obsession with the grades due to the obsession of the parents. She takes her parents' cold eyes when she is pushed to the seventh place by the next exam. Eunju can not endure it and suicide. In the classroom, a flower is placed on the desk of Eun-joo, and the hearse and the children are tears as the hearse runs the school.
Choi In-bum
After witnessing his young wife committing adultery, a psychopathic plastic surgeon begins his killing spree, which starts to reveal his killer instinct.