Mark Headley


Звёзды в полдень
Border Policeman
В 1984 году в Никарагуа загадочный английский бизнесмен и упрямая американская журналистка завязывают роман. Оказавшись втянутыми в опасный лабиринт лжи и заговоров, они пытаются сбежать из страны.
Co-Executive Producer
Джордж был вполне доволен своей жизнью. Хорошая семья, дом и стабильный доход служащего успешной корпорации. Но начинают происходить странные вещи: многие знакомые Джорджа просто спонтанно взрываются. Сам герой видит одни и те же сны, которые по заверению врача свидетельствуют о надвигающейся на него неизбежной гибели…
Ring Around the Rosie
While spending time at her grandparent's secluded summerhouse to clean up the place after her grandmother's death, a young woman is plagued by horrible visions and dreams of tragic past events.
Chingaso the Clown
A man paints his face and heads off to seek revenge on crime kingpin Bastard the Clown and his Clown Army.
Dr. Chopper
Five young friends head out to the country for a weekend at the family cabin and run afoul of a group of motorcycle riding madwomen led by the sadistic, knife-wielding plastic surgeon Dr. Fielding.
A mortician at a funeral home finds a way to bring back the dead for an hour at a time to do his dirty work. The town's chief of police (Fahey), gets suspicious and tries to get to the bottom of the mysterious and brutal deaths and events happening in the small town before too many people die.
All For Lust
An engaged bachelor and his friends go out for a night of action. After seeing all of the nudity on the sunset strip, they decide to compete to see who can get the most action.
Malibu Spring Break
Two Arizona girls head out to the Malibu beaches for a springbreak of partying and fun in the sun.
Naked Betrayal
A gambling lord causes a young poker player to get deeply in debt. The young man soon finds himself in a world where willing women are as easy to get your hands on as a freshly dealt hand.
Animal Attraction III
A nightclub owner is plagued by financial problems, as well as a masked kidnapper, just before his new club opens.
Железные люди
Associate Producer
Новый босс американской якудзы, молодой и жестокий Такура добивается власти кровью и обманом. Он, не задумываясь, устраняет конкурентов и бывших друзей, зная, что в мире больших денег и стальных нервов он может полагаться только на свою хитрость и беспощадность. Заключив с русскими мафиози крутую сделку по продаже оружия, Такура намерен убрать покупателей, став непререкаемым королем преступного мира. Но он не предполагает, что его планы хочет сорвать бесстрашный полицейский, действующий под прикрытием в верхушке русской мафии…
Passion Crimes
Heather, a corporate lawyer, works to prove the innocence of her client - a man accused of the murder of his wife, following her disappearance. However, Heather falls for the accused and the two begin a torrid affair.
100 Kilos
The rise and fall of the Freeway Boyz, These group of young men sold millions of dollars of drugs in the streets of South Central Los Angeles, and inadvertently financed a CIA private war in Nicaragua.
Misconduct of Miss Heather Finn
Detective Denise Lopez is investigating the murder of a stripper. While investigating the murder, Denise discovers a plot to kill another stripper.
Незабываемый апрель
Line Producer
Хотя ужасы Второй мировой войны творятся далеко от тихоокеанского побережья, где подросток Дьюк Купер и его три лучших приятеля играют в войну, но и до этих мест докатывается эхо сражений…
Bodily Sanctions
Executive Producer
Three guys decide to spend a few days at a club where they find nothing but beautiful girls, since one of them has just got married. As soon as they get there, they decide to spice up their: the men make a $2000 bet for the person who achieves the most goals, which consist of having sex with women in jacuzzi tubs, having sex with two women at once, and more.
Soul Desires
Liam, although has everything - health, money, women, he, as ever, approaches the embodiment of his dream - to open the coolest erotic nightclub in Hollywood. He and his partners decide to open the club. But Liam has a problem. Goldberg, one of his partners who does not belong to the most honest people, has a clairvoyant clause that if the club does not open at a proper and agreed date, he will withdraw from the tug. Construction is prolonging, and Liam and other partners are in a time of stress. They need to get the money quickly because they will all face a serious disaster if they miss the deadline. He is in search of beautiful girls for night club, but first of all he has to choose them. One of the girls will do everything she can to be chosen.
Их поменяли мозгами
Production Manager
У Фрэнка - самые обычные мечты: иметь подружку, быть своим в «тусовке» и оживлять покойников. И однажды ему предоставляется шанс. Двое школьных хулиганов случайно убивают своего одноклассника Карла. Фрэнк предлагает им вернуть его к жизни. Но - с одним условием: ребята помогут ему заполучить все, о чем он мечтает. Сделка заключена, и, достав свежий мозг из отцовской лаборатории, Фрэнк приступает к делу. На следующее утро недотепа Карл превращается в наглого сердцееда и настоящего монстра. Как оказалось, Фрэнк пересадил в его голову мозг серийного маньяка-убийцы Скитера, которому очень нравится новое молодое тело. Карл - Скитер намерен насладиться всеми прелестями жизни, а для начала превращает свой дом в «камеру ужасов».
The Diamondback Militia violently opposes certain US policies regarding satellite info. After a lightening attack on a federal courthouse, the Militia takes over a space shuttle tracking station. The take control of a multi-billion dollar communications satellite. Who will save the space shuttle and it's crew?
The Midas Touch
Drama about a 12-year-old boy who fantasises about having enough money to be able to cure his grandmother's serious heart condition. When he finds himself in a haunted house, the mysterious owner 'grants' him one wish - the Midas touch. The boy soon learns that it is more of a curse than a blessing when everything he touches turns into gold.
Johnny Mysto: Boy Wizard
In this light-hearted fantasy, a talented young magician stumbles across an unusual ring and ends up in Camelot before King Arthur. It turns out the ring belongs to none other than Merlin.
The deal is simple. Buy the stolen drugs for almost nothing, sell them and make a bundle. For Ray and the others, it's the deal of their lives. For Heather, the rich girl, it's a ride on the wild side. Deep in the dark, abandoned warehouse, Speed, the dealer, counts the money. Outside, a black Mercedes pulls up...five killers step out. They want their drugs back and they don't want witnesses. Trapped in the warehouse, the horror begins.
Lethal Cowboy
Cody is shot by Malone because Cody had a debt with him. Malone and his henchman buried him in the desert. What they do not know, however, is that they have just buried Cody on a sacred Indian cemetery.
Death Run to Istanbul
Gary is a drugged out former kickboxer who owes gangsters $15,000. Alonso, the young mob chief, forgives the debt if Gary is willing to transport a briefcase full of drugs to Istanbul. He loses the case, the criminals come after him, and his former girlfriend, Sam, must now come to his rescue.
Nudist Colony of the Dead
Judge Rhinehole orders the Sunny Buttocks Nudist Camp closed down as an affront to the community. The members of the camp enter into a suicide pact, but vow to return for vengeance. Five years later, a group of campers on a retreat argue with each other about religion and sing big production numbers as the group begins experiencing an attrition problem.
Vampires on Bikini Beach
Two teenagers find a book called "The Book of the Dead," and soon they discover that a vampire cult, which needs the book to raise the dead so they can take over the world, is after them.
Vampires on Bikini Beach
Two teenagers find a book called "The Book of the Dead," and soon they discover that a vampire cult, which needs the book to raise the dead so they can take over the world, is after them.
Vampires on Bikini Beach
Two teenagers find a book called "The Book of the Dead," and soon they discover that a vampire cult, which needs the book to raise the dead so they can take over the world, is after them.
Неоновые маньяки
Line Producer
Группа тинейджеров пытается убедить полицию Сан-Франциско, что захлестнувшая город волна убийств — дело рук компании монстров, обосновавшихся под одним из городских мостов, но им конечно же никто не верит.
Hollywood Harry
Line Producer
Tongue-in-cheek account of a private eye hired to find a young porn actress.
The Mini-Skirt Mob
Johnny (uncredited)
Driven by jealousy, the jilted leader of a female motorcycle gang instigates a sadistic reign of terror against her ex-lover and his new bride.