Renji Ishibashi

Renji Ishibashi

Рождение : 1941-08-09, Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan


Renji Ishibashi


My Happy Marriage
How to Find Happiness
Toshihide's Grandfather
Toshihide works as a doctor at a clinic located by the sea. One day, he meets Ako. She looks exactly like the woman he admires. Due to her, his heart flutters. Soon, Toshihide realizes that Ako is not his ideal woman. A case leads to Ako to begin living with Toshihide and his family. Living with the warm-hearted family, Ako slowly regains herself and becomes a person with a truthful and honest mind.
Tamio Akanishi works at a public office in Yokohama. He is going through one of the worst periods of his life, having been left by his fiancée. One day, his boss tells him to take care of a big, white dog, abandoned by its previous owner. Tamio begins to live with the dog, who doesn't bark and only makes a sound that sounds like "haw", and thus he names it Haw. While living together, the connection between the two deepens.
The Broken Commandment
At the strong insistence of his father, Ushimatsu Segawa conceals his origins from a “buraku” area of low-class “untouchables,” leaving his hometown to serve as an elementary school teacher where he excels and is loved by his students. But he constantly struggles with the secret of his low-birth status and is disturbed by all of the discrimination levelled upon his class. It prevents him from pursuing a romance with Shiho, whom he meets at the temple where he resides, but who descends from a samurai family.
Winter Rose
Tatsuo Okishima
Jun Wataguchi lives a lazy, half-hearted life, not going to school, hanging out with half-witted delinquents, and begging money from his friends. His parents, who run a shipping business transporting earth and sand for reclamation by boat, manage to get by, despite the dwindling number of jobs and lack of successors over time. Jun showed no interest in his parents' business, and the father and son hardly ever spoke to each other. One day, one of Jun's friends is attacked by someone and an unexpected person emerges as the culprit.
99.9 Criminal Lawyer: The Movie
Shozo Wakatsuki
Hiroto Miyama works with rookie lawyer Honoka Kono on a team that specializes with criminal cases for Madarame Law Firm. Atsuhiro Sada has become the director of the law firm. One day, the law firm receives a request about a case that took place 15 years ago. The case was about a poisonous wine incident.
99.9 Criminal Lawyer: SP
The super unconventional lawyer is back! Our new friends are comic book girls! And the biggest enemy of all! The strongest lawyer who manipulates the prosecution behind the scenes sets out to prove the devil... Take on a case that is 100% impossible to prove!
Великая битва ёкаев: Защитники
Пятиклассник, в венах которого течет кровь охотника на ёкаев, внезапно переносится в фэнтезийный мир, где ему придется возглавить битву одних монстров против других.
Shinichi and Chikako Ohara have been married for 50 years. After Shinichi retired from his job, he has stayed at home, which Chikako stresses over. They are on the verge of having a divorce. Meanwihle, their daughter, Aya runs a food truck. She meets Ryota Kanno who is her customer. Ryota recently began working as a funeral undertaker and invites Aya to attend the Oshukatsu Fair. Aya also recommends to her mother Chikako to attend the Oshukatsu Fair. Chikako gets the latest information on preparing for death at the fair, but Shinichi doesn't like that. Their relationship gets even worse.
Ryuukou Kanbou
The novelist Shiga Naoya lives with his wife Haruko and their 4-year-old daughter Saeko. He is paranoid about Saeko’s health, making her wear heavy clothes even in summer in order to prevent her from catching a cold. Their child before Saeko died due to an epidemic, and he believes thorough enforcement is a natural consequence. In 1918, the Spanish flu reaches Japan. As the number of infected people grows, Shiga starts to suspect their servant Ishi might have gone to watch a travelling entertainment troupe’s performance which drew a great number of villagers. It is something Ishi is likely to do. But when Shiga questions her, she says that she did not go. However, she makes him have misgivings on a regular basis and he decides to take this opportunity to make her quit. An uproar ensues. Shiga feels that he has become a tyrant and refrains from kicking her out but he loses all reason and faith in humanity amid the pandemic…
The Blue Danube
The soldiers no longer know why they are at war, and when it even started. Daily and dutifully they march to the river and shoot at the opposite village from 9 to 5 – orders are orders after all. They’ve done so for decades. When private Tsuyuki is transferred to the marching band, people keep asking him what use music is in times of war.
Angry Rice Wives
In August, 1918, Matsuura Ito lives in a coastal village of Toyama with her husband and three children. During the summer, there wasn't much fish to catch, so her husband has been far away from home to catch fish. To support herself and her children, Ito carries goods from ships like the other women in the village. Meanwhile, the residents encounter rising prices for rice. The women are unable to feed their family due to the high prices of rice. The women ask a nearby rice store to sell rice at lower prices, but it fails. The price of rice continues to rise daily. Due to an incident, Ito and the other village women step up to the plate.
I Never Shot Anyone
Susumu Ichikawa / Gozen Reiji
Renji Ishibashi, starring in the movie for the first time in 18 years, plays a hero with two faces, a dull novelist and a legendary killer. Susumu Ichikawa, an obsolete writer with no manuscript at all, had another face - a legendary hitman. But the truth of the matter is... he had never shot a person. One day, he receives a murder request from a friend. Seeing this as an opportunity to achieve the ideal hard-boiled novel, he decides to hire a real hitman and demands that he report to him the assassination situation as it was.
Проклятие деревни Инунаки
Hayato Nakamura
Юма со своей девушкой Акиной попадают в давно несуществующую деревню Инунаки, после чего Акина становится сама не своя, постоянно напевает какую-то песню и в результате кончает с собой. Когда Юма решает вернуться в проклятую деревню, за ним увязывается младший брат Кота, и оба бесследно исчезают. Мать в истерике, отец заявляет, что больше не хочет иметь ничего общего с их грязной кровью, а сестре Канаэ, которая с детства пытается не замечать призраков, придётся спасать братьев и разгадывать тайну мистической деревни Инунаки.
SHANAŌ: Les Garçons-Bonbons 3
Go-Shirakawa Hōō
The third movie in Léona Hirota's 'Candy Boys' series.
Walking Man
Atomu (Shuhei Nomura) was raised by his mother in a poor environment. He is now a young adult, but he stutters and has timid personality. To support himself, Atomu works part-time for a used junk collecting company. Atomu finds inspiration in rap music and his life changes.
Si Shi
III век до н. э., период Сражающихся царств, когда на территории современного Китая было множество постоянно воевавших друг с другом небольших государств. Где-то на задворках одного из таких царств живут двое сирот и ежедневно тренируются, чтобы исполнить свою мечту стать великими генералами. Но один из друзей оказывается поразительно похож на правителя, и парня забирают во дворец в качестве его двойника.
When My Mom Died, I Wanted to Eat Her Ashes
When Satoshi was little, his mother Akiko always took good care of him. She was gentle, but mentally strong. However, two years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and now it's Satoshi's turn to comfort and care for her. However, despite his best efforts, she passes away. A year after Akiko's passing, Satoshi, his father Toshiaki and his older brother Yuichi start new lives. Around that time, Satoshi receives a present from his mother.
Another World
Tamio Iwai
Ko, a man in his late 30s, lives in the countryside with his wife and teenage son. Mitsuhiko, who runs a local car dealership, also stayed in his hometown. One day, their mutual friend Eisuke returns from a long military operation and their reunification brings back both pleasant and painful memories.
Всего лишь игра
Сиромии живёт в Осаке вместе со своей пятилетней дочерью Ёёко. Вскоре ему исполнится 40, но он сидит без работы. У Ёёко есть некая тайна. Однажды в их жизни появляется Мати, подруга детства Сиромии. Сейчас Мати работает в полиции, и Ёёко вызывает у неё подозрения.
Падающая камелия
Урю Симбэй не смог спокойно смотреть, как отец близкого друга погрязает в коррупции. Однако на поданную жалобу ответа не получил. Поэтому, забрав с собой жену, покинул родной удел, Огино. Позже обвинённый им чиновник оказывается убит, и подозрения падают на Симбэя. Суровые условия жизни вдали от родины сказались на здоровье жены Симбэя Сино, которая в конечном итоге умирает. Перед смертью она просит Симбэя пообещать, что он продолжит жить, и вернётся в свою деревню, чтобы наблюдать за опаданием лепестков камелии весной, а также помириться со своим другом Унэмэ и с его помощью восстановить справедливость. Когда Симбэй пытается очистить своё имя и установить настоящего убийцу, он становится жертвой сложных интриг...
Designated Lawyer
Seizo Tagane
Suspicions fall on politician Tagane Seizo over the sale of nationally owned land to a social welfare service corporation back in 2010. Seizo Tagane is then given immunity for his testimony, but people become furious that he was not going to be prosecuted. A committee of prosecutors meets and concludes that Seizo Tagane should be prosecuted. An outstanding lawyer Yui Hitotsugi takes the prosecutor's position in the case with the help of the prosecutor Tachibana.
Кровь волка-одиночки
Shohei Ikago
Хиросима, 1988 год, до принятия закона о борьбе с организованной преступностью. Если верить слухам, детектив Сёго Огами как-то связан с якудза. Вместе с другим детективом, Сюити Хиокой, он расследует дело о пропавшем без вести сотруднике финансовой компании. Это расследование обостряет и без того серьёзный конфликт между двумя враждующими группировками якудза.
Lost in Ramen
Retsuto Akashi
A suicidal high school student, a ramen shop owner closing shop after the passing of his wife, and a cuisine researcher stranded in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region get connected due to a bowl of ramen.
Star Sand
Professor Shiroma
In the closing days of World War II, Japanese-American Hiromi, a girl age 16, encounters an American deserter, Bob, and a Japanese soldier, Iwabuchi, living together in a cave on a small island in Okinawa. The two men are deserters from their armies; yet both vow never to harm another human being again. Hiromi looks after the deserters until another soldier appears and the peace of the cave is shattered. It leads to the death of three of them and a fascinating mystery that isn't solved until the present day.
Family Court Investigator Akira Yamanobou 2
Kenichi Yamanobo
The Dog Bridegroom
Yoshio Sawamura
Ninomiya Azusa is a depressed elementary school teacher in Tokyo, who has problems both at work and in her personal life. One day, she suddenly hears a voice saying "If you go to Imore Island, you will get what you want.", so she decides to give it a try.
Клинок Бессмертного
Самурай Мандзи случайно убил мужа сестры, после чего та немного подвинулась умом. Больше у девушки никого на свете нет, поэтому старший брат живёт только для того, чтобы её защищать. Однажды злодеи убивают сестру и калечат Мандзи, который желает лишь одного — смерти, но рядом вдруг оказывается странная старушка. Она заражает самурая кровяными червями — загадочными паразитами, которые делают своего носителя бессмертным, затягивая раны и восстанавливая отрубленные конечности. 80 лет спустя та же старушка направляет к самураю девушку, желающую отомстить за смерть отца. Девушку, как две капли воды похожую на покойную сестру Мандзи.
Tomato No Shizuku
Tatsuo Haru
With their hair salon business now on track, longtime couple Sakura and Makoto mull over inviting Sakura's estranged father to their upcoming wedding.
Nirvana Island: The Last 47 Days
Ryunosuke Aoyama (voice)
The movie depicts the confrontation between younger brother Akira Miyamoto (Shunya Shiraishi) and older brother Atsushi Miyamoto (Ryohei Suzuki) on Higanjima.
Samurai Hustle Returns
Terusada Matsudaira
Masaatsu Naito successfully completes Sankin-kotai (required ritual to visit the shogun). On his way home, he hears that an insurrection by peasants has taken place in his hometown of Yunagaya. Masaatsu Naito knows that it is a counterattack by Matsudaira. He returns to Yunagaya, but finds that his castle is gone.
The Projects
Shozo Gyotoku
Whether it's someone mixing burnables and recyclables or noise from a neighbor's domestic spat, there's always something occupying the residents of a housing project in the suburbs of Osaka. However Hinako (Naomi Fujiyama) and Seiji (Ittoku Kishibe) couldn't care less. Having moved in just six months ago after the closure of their herbal medicine shop, the old couple is reluctantly putting their life back together. But when Seiji disappears, the apartment rumor mill churns: divorce, murder, dismemberment? As the story spins out of control, and a mysterious man with a parasol puts in a tall order of natural remedies, the truth turns out to be even more fantastic than gossip. Ranging from incisive comedy of errors to absurdist adventure to moving late life romance, "The Projects" is one of the biggest surprises of the year.
Family Court Probation Officer, Akira Yamanobo
Kenichi Yamanobo
Tokyo Family Court judicial research official Akira Yamanobo is in charge of Tetsuo and Ayano Katase's divorce arbitration. Ayano, the wife, who works for a boutique company, insists her husband is involved with another woman. Supported by her employer Kotomi Saegusa, the company president, she demands a divorce as soon as possible. On the other hand, her husband Tetsuo, a trading professional, denies having a relationship with a woman. He says he will not agree to the divorce and does not plan to let his only son Kenta go, so the arbitration continues. According to Akira's investigation, Ayano gave birth to Kenta as a single mother five years ago when she was working as a hospital clerk, making him Tetsuo's stepson. Tetsuo loves Kenta as his own child, so Akira doesn't understand why Ayano is so insistent on getting a divorce. However, Tetsuo's insistence on not giving up custody of his stepson Kenta is also very unusual.
История о трёх мужчинах: Судзуки, Кудзира, Сэми. Судзуки бывший учитель средней школы. Его подругу убили — он бросил работу и решил отомстить ее убийце. Для этого он проникает в мир преступников. Кудзира наемный убийца. Он доводит своих жертв до самоубийства. Сэми так же наемный убийца, но он любит использовать нож.
The Big Bee
Set in 1995. A helicopter, operated remotely, is hovering in the sky over a nuclear power plant. The power company, prefectural government and media all receive a fax. The fax contains a threat that if the nuclear power plant is not taken offline the helicopter will be dropped. 8 hours is given as the deadline. Making the situation even more dire, a young child is in the helicopter.
This Country’s Sky
Set in Tokyo, Japan near the end of World War II. 19-year-old Satoko (Fumi Nikaido) lives with her mother (Youki Kudoh) and her aunt. The war is turning more grave. Even though Satoko is near the age to get married, she can't even think of marriage due to the unstable situation. Satoko then begins to communicate with her neighbor, Ichikawa (Hiroki Hasegawa). He has avoided military service due to failing his physical test. As Satoko communicates with Ichikawa, she begins to awake as a woman.
Хроники подопытных
В начале 1990-х в Японии проводились тайные эксперименты по созданию сверхчеловека. В своих экспериментах учёные использовали два метода. Первый метод заключался в том, что родители будущего ребёнка постоянно находились в стрессе. Тем самым это состояние провоцировало развитие мутаций у младенцев ещё в утробе матери. Второй метод состоял в том, что путём генных манипуляций новорождённым детям внедрялись гены насекомых. В результате этих экспериментов на свет появилось несколько детей-мутантов.
Chateau de la Reine
Nihachi Tanno
The hotel Chateau de la Reine is located in Paris, France and it is considered the finest hotel there. The hotel has been in existence for 300 years. Tourists from all around the world want to stay at the Chateau de la Reine. A travel agency, which is teetering on bankruptcy, devises a plan to revive their company. They want to offer suite rooms at the Chateau de la Reine for night and day periods. The plan appears perfect, but the tourists who made reservations have tempers.
Лев, который идет против ветра
Masayuki Murakami
Врач Коитиро Симада оставляет благополучную Японию и едет в Кению, чтобы спасать людей, страдающих от бедности и войн.
Бумажная луна
Kozo Hirabayashi
Daily, Rika Umezawa battles a nagging sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction. She works a tiring job, comes home to an unappreciative husband and has little opportunity to enjoy life. But things change when office gossip about affairs and embezzlement inspire Rika to do the unthinkable. Soon, Rika finds herself filling the void with a university student named Kota and the millions entrusted to her by clients. Is her newfound lifestyle the key to happiness? And if so, how long can it last?
Detectives Shintarou Sakurai (Sho Aikawa) and Koichi Hikage (Susumu Terajima) are partners. They are also corrupt and often blackmail criminal groups and seize their money. One day, the Chief of Police becomes aware that 2.5 million yen in seized money is missing. He orders Shintarou and Koichi to bring the money in by tomorrow morning. Shintarou and Koichi are in big trouble. They then read an article about a pension fund embezzlement case involving 6 billion yen. The prime suspect of the pension fund embezzlement case spent most of that money, but he has 2.5 billion yen left.
История таинственного мыса
На морском берегу стоит кафе, где делают прекрасный латте и подают различные вкусняшки. Хозяйка этого кафе целыми днями сидит на берегу и смотрит в море, будто кого-то ждет, а её очаровательный племянник в это время обслуживает посетителей. Люди они открытые и добрые, поэтому народ приходит сюда не только кофейку погонять, но и про жизнь поговорить. Иногда пожаловаться, иногда попрощаться.
Time Trip App
In 1868, a battle between new government forces and shogunate forces are about to take place in Edo. Katsu Kaishu (Hiroshi Tamaki) wants to avoid useless bloodshed and sends a peace envoy to Takamori Saigō, but Katsu Kaishu is unable to get a response from Takamori Saigō. One day, Katsu Kaishu meets high school teacher Mikako (Satomi Ishihara) and her student Masaya who is captivated by the shogunate. Mikako and her student Masaya tells Katsu Kaishu that they are from the future. Katsu Kaishu takes care of Mikako and her student Masaya, while Mikako hopes to go back to the future where she came from.
Samurai Hustle
Terusada Matsudaira
During the reign of the eighth shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, the Yunagaya Domain in the Tohoku region is a small han. But at the han, there is a gold mine. Suddenly, Masaatsu Naito of Yunagaya Domain receives an order to perform Sankin-kotai within 5 days. Sankin-kotai is a custom that requires the daimyo to visit the shogun in Edo. Unfortunately, the time needed to visit the shogun in Edo for Masaatsu Naito is 8 days. Masaatsu Naito also learns he received the order because a high ranking government official wants the gold mine. Also, the expense for Sankin-kotai is high and the Yunagaya Domain is such a small han that it seems impossible to complete. Nevertheless, Masaatsu Naito begins an unexpected operation to complete Sankin-kotai in 5 days.
Climbing to Spring
Hisao Nozawa
Toru grew up in alpine countryside around Mount Tate. As a child, he resented the yearly trek up the mountain with his father to prepare their mountain hut for the summer season of climbers. When Toru grows up, he leaves his hometown and enters the working world as a stock trader. One day, Toru receives word that his father has passed away. He returns to Mount Tate once again, and becomes conscious of a new calling. But, does Toru have what it takes to follow in his father footsteps?
Kikaider REBOOT
Shinnosuke Tanabe
The movie is set in the near future, when the “ARK Project” has initiated a program to increase the quality of human life through the peaceful use of robots. Dr. Komyoji, the chief scientist on the project, has developed a process to create a robot with a figurative human “heart” through the installation of a “conscience circuit”, but his plans are violently opposed by researcher Gilbert Kanzaki. When Dr. Komyoji is killed in an apparent accident, his children Masaru and Mitsuko are targeted by mysterious forces within the ARK Project looking to gain control of the scientist’s research data. But the villains are opposed by Jiro, the android with a human conscience who fights for justice as the hero Kikaider.
Silver Spoon
Aki's Grandfather
Ooejo Agricultural High School is located in Hokkaido. Most students are from families involved in agriculture and their dreams are to continue working in agriculture. Meanwhile, Yuugo (Kento Nakajima), who graduated from a prestigious middle school, applied to the Ooejo Agricultural High School just because the school has a dormitory. Yuugo, who grew up in the city, finds himself in an unfamiliar environment at Ooejo Agricultural High School, surrounded by nature and animals. Yuugo is also the only one who doesn't know what type of career he wants to pursue. Yuugo becomes impatient. He goes through struggles everyday, but he also gets to know the other students and rural life in general. He begins to grow as a person.
Возвращение домой
Много лет назад старшеклассник Дзиро Савада был обвинен в проступке, которого не совершал. Преступление было несерьезным, но из-за отношения со стороны соседей парню пришлось покинуть родной город. Прошли годы, и Дзиро возвращается на родную улицу. Но только теперь на ней никто не живёт. После великого землетрясения 2011 года город брошен и лежит в руинах. Постепенно вслед за Дзиро сюда начинают возвращаться и другие его земляки. Про старые обиды уже никто не вспоминает, для каждого возвращение становится шансом начать жизнь с нуля.
Mourning Recipe
A widower and his daughter deal with the death of the man's wife.
The Human Trust
Detective Kitamura
A professional scammer is hired by a wealthy young businessman to find a hidden treasure looted from the Bank of Japan and supposedly stashed away by a group of men after WWII in various locations around the globe. Eventually an assassin is put on their trail.
Under the Nagasaki Sky
Ryoichi Takamori
Under the Nagasaki Sky
I'll Give It My All ... Tomorrow
Shiro Ohguro
41-year-old Shizuo Daikoku (Shinichi Tsutsumi) suddenly quits his job at a company to become a mangaka. His family and friends become involved in his new pursuit...
Yakuza Ladies Neo
Kotone (Tomoka Kurotani) is the wife of Mitsuru Kiba (Kazushige Nagashima), boss of the Kiba gang in the Saikyo Alliance. She hides a girl named Sakura Nishizawa (Rina Koike), who is chased by Azami (Natsuki Harada). Azami is the wife of Kato (Masayuki Imai), boss of the Kato gang in the Saikyo Alliance. Years ago, Azami's lover was murdered by Mitsuru Kiba. To get revenge, she married Kato. Through the girl Sakura Nishizawa, Kotone and Azami unexpectedly meet and become involved in a large conspiracy.
Происходит серия похожих взрывов в провинциальном городе. Последняя цель - маршрут общественного автобуса. Детектив Чайя преследовал подозреваемого и задержал его - таинственного человека с острым интеллектом и недюжинной физической силой. Подозреваемому назначили психологическое исследование, проведенное доктором Марико. После проведения психологической экспертизы, она выдвигает гипотезу: "Возможно ли, что этот человек родился без эмоций?"
Strawberry Night
Reiko Himekawa (Yuko Takeuchi) is a female detective at the Metropolitan Police Department. Reiko doesn't come from an elite background, but she has risen fast through the ranks with hard work. Reiko than becomes involved in a murder case named "Strawberry Night" due to the mysterious use of those words surrounding the case ...
Cowboy Bebop: Don't Bother None
When three bounty hunters accidentally meet in a bar, their stark personalities begin to clash, turning into a three way gun fight.
A Chorus of Angels
Teacher Kawashima Haru takes a position on a remote island off the coast of Hokkaido, where she takes charge of six students. However, she is later forced to leave after an accident occurs. 20 years later, Haru learns that one of her former students has committed a crime, and eventually returns to the island once more.
Eight Ranger
Set within the devastated city of Eight City, the Eight Rangers protect the city and go against the evil Dark Kuruseido.
Hayabusa: The Long Voyage Home
Haruo Kinoshita
In May 2003, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (or JAXA) launched an unmanned spacecraft of their own development to retrieve samples from an asteroid. Seven long years later, Hayabusa achieved its goal and was the first of any kind of craft launched from Earth to safely return samples of this kind to home base. The story was one of such great national pride for Japan, and in the wake of the tsunami and resulting tragedies in Japan it’s strong nationalistic message became the subject of no less than three rival films. Yukihiko Tsutsumi’s high-profile effort, simply titled Hayabusa (2011) starred the incomparable Toshiyuki Nishida. Most recently, Welcome Home, Hayabusa (2012) was released to Japanese audiences. Slipping in between those two was Hayabusa: The Long Voyage Home, concentrating on the people on the ground who helped return the probe safely.
Tales of the Bizarre: 2011 Fall Special
Janken master
Phone Call to the Bar
Kyosuke Iwabuchi
In the Susukino red light district of Sapporo, a private detective (Yo Oizumi) drinks alcohol with his driver Takada (Ryuhei Matsuda) in his favourite bar. There he receives a phone call from a woman who identifies herself as Kyoko Kondo. The woman asks the detective to complete a simple task. The detective, having an excellent sense for danger, thinks the work is easy and accepts the case. The next day he begins the investigation.
Ninja Kids!!!
The film stars Seishiro Kato as Rantaro who is sent to a ninja training school by his parents. During the summer, their teacher is invaded by a group of rival ninjas culminating in a race to ring a bell on top of a mountain.
Kensan Shigetake
The annual kabuki show is the main attraction in a rural Japanese mountain town. However, Yoshi's life is thrown into disarray days before the performance when his estranged wife and former best friend arrive back in town...
Code of the Bandits
Bandit leader "Night Rabbit" Kakuemon has always kept the rule to "never kill, never rape, never steal from the poor", passed down to him by the gang's previous leader. He has never been arrested, and for that, he always thought he would have a peaceful death. But one day, after talking to a young one-armed homeless girl, he decides to break up his gang and turn himself in.
Threads of Our Hearts
Akito has been the ears and voice of his mother, Reiko, since he was a child. Reiko was born deaf and has long dreamed that her son would become a professional pianist. Akito is studying to enter a prestigious music college, but he begins to have doubts about his talent. One day, he meets Izumi, a deaf girl who plays in a street band. He is attracted to her positive nature, but his mother disapproves, fearing Izumi could hinder his success in "a world with sound." Reiko insists Akito focus on his piano, but her expectations burden him. Then Akito begins to question his mother's attitude towards life as well as his own when he discovers something new about her.
Strangers in the City
Tadashiken Ikebe
Former high school teacher Kazuo Hatano (Toru Nakamura) reunites 12 years later with Masako Tezuka (Manami Konishi). Masako Tezuka was his former high school student whom he married after her graduation. Their marriage became a scandal & the couple divorced ...
Memories of a Dog: Daido Moriyama's Journey to Photography
Himself / Narrator
NHK documentary about the renowned Japanese photographer Daido Moriyama, with special focus and interview of Takuma Nakahira - the founder of avant-garde magazine "Provoke" in the late 60s.
В безжалостной борьбе за власть несколько кланов якудза оспаривают расположение Крестного отца. Главари поднимаются по иерархической лестнице в организации, не пренебрегая заговорами и лживыми клятвами верности. Опытный якудза Отомо наблюдает за развитием карьеры своих товарищей: оставив позади замысловатые татуировки и отрубленные пальцы, они штурмуют мир финансов. В мире коррупции, где царят предательство и месть, ни на минуту не прекращается борьба за достижение вершины или просто за выживание. Это — мир, где героев не существует…
The story of a strange living situation in a 2LDK apartment in suburban Tokyo. There are five residents ranging in age from eighteen to twenty-eight. They are not in any way romantically involved with one another, but one can see subtle hints of affection and friendship among them. In the end, however, none of them really know each other.
Потеря человечности
Hirame Hakuta
История о молодом человеке, который с детства ощущал окружающий мир иначе чем другие. За годы он научился надевать маску, чтоб скрывать свою отчужденность. Он чувствовал себя неспособным принадлежать человеческому обществу, особенно из-за отказа общества воспринимать его серьезно.
Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade: Movie Wars 2010
Eijiro Hikari
Movie War 2010 is split into three parts. The Kamen Rider Decade portion of the film, written by Shoji Yonemura, is titled Kamen Rider Decade: The Last Story. It follows the series cliffhanger ending at the climax of the Rider War. The film is billed as the "True Ending" and was originally subtitled Decade vs. All Riders. The Kamen Rider W portion of the film, written by Riku Sanjo, is titled Kamen Rider W: Begins Night, taking place between episodes 14 and 15 of Kamen Rider W, investigates the origins of Kamen Rider Double as briefly shown in the cold opening of the series' first episode, referred to in the series as the "Begins Night". The film is described as the "True Beginning" and was originally subtitled Episode Zero. In the final portion of the film entitled Movie War 2010, a convergence of the two films that brings the casts and characters of Decade and W to finish the fight with Super Shocker together.
Car rental man
A seemingly "normal" office worker Hiroko has a secret. At home she lives with a prosthetic torso - no head, arms or feet, just body and penis. Hiroko bathes with the torso and she also makes love with the torso at night. Hiroko's secret life is interrupted when her outgoing sister Mina rings her doorbell. Mina is running away from her abusive boyfriend and wants to stay at Hiroko's home
A Good Husband
Bunta Hara
The heart wrenching love story between a married couple. The jobless husband cheats on his wife and has no love for her. The wife wants to go on a trip to get pregnant.
Castle Under Fiery Skies
The year is 1575 in feudal Japan. Oda Nobunaga's (Kippei Shiina) forces defeat Takeda Katsuyori, when Nagashino Castle was besieged during the Battle of Nagashino. The next year Oda Nobunada decides to build a lavish new castle symbolizing his unification of various factions. The castle named Azuchi Castle will be built near water and high enough to be seen from the capital city of Kyoto. Director Mitsutoshi Tanaka's adaptation of Kenichi Yamamoto's novel of the same name received the 33rd Japan Academy Film Prize for Excellent Art Direction.
20th Century Boys 3: Redemption
Inshû Manjôme
The final showdown, and the final reveal. who is Friend? How can he be stopped?
Yamagata Scream
Narisada Itotanba
High school seniors Mikayo, Chuko and Kei are forced to join a historical research club to fulfill a graduation requirement. Their teacher, Mr. Kachi, plans a mandatory club trip to a small village called Oshakabe in Yamagata prefecture to study remnants of an ancient clan of warriors called the ochimusha who displayed legendary cowardice in battle. When they arrive, the local villagers hold a special ceremony and construct a "super shrine". As a result, an 800-year seal is broken, unleashing a curse that causes the ochimusha to rise from the grave.
Гора Цуруги: Хроника геодезических пунктов
Sakichi Ogata
Гора Цуруга, расположенная в префектуре Тояма, возвышается на 2999 м над уровнем моря. Она известна своей неприступностью, и с древних времен считалась священной. Поэтому вплоть до 20 века, гора оставалась белым пятном на топографических картах Японии. Но в 1907 году военное командование призывает Сибасаки, известного топографа, и приказывает взойти на гору Цуруга, чтобы произвести геодезическую съемку. Сибасаки в компании с Тёдзиро, местным проводником, и группой смельчаков берется выполнить это опасное задание и установить на вершине горы тригонометрический пункт (тригопункт) — специальный геодезический знак, служащий опорной точкой для геодезических измерений на местности.
The Code
Detective 511
For 60 years, the group of detectives known as "Detective Office 5" has raised the bar for detective work. The agents of Detective Office 5 are a group of stellar detectives lead by the genius code breaker Detective 507. When an unknown client enlists 507 to crack his most difficult programming code yet, the detective embarks for Shanghai where he crosses paths with a sniper, an informant, the head of the Blue-Dragon Mafia, and beautiful singer on the run, Meilan. As 507 stumbles deeper into a twisted quagmire of intrigue he discovers the sad truth behind the mystery.
Super Kamen Rider Den-O & Decade NEO Generations: The Onigashima Warship
Eijirou Hikari
Under the impression that they saved the World of Den-O, Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade) and company begin their journey to the World of Kabuto when they are halted by Sieg who presents them a manuscript that detailed the legendary Oni Conquest with Momotaros' image on it. As this occurred, the Tarōs mysteriously vanish from the DenLiner as they are about to help Kotaro Nogami (Kamen Rider New Den‑O) out with the true threat to their world.
Kamogawa Horumo: Battle League in Kyoto
bar manager
The story is about a group of university students who inevitably gets involved in playing a game of "Horumo" - a combat match where each person manipulates 100 spirits (referred to as "oni") to fight the opponent. Akira Abe, a freshman at Kyoto University student falls for his classmate Kyoko, and soon ends up at a mysterious club called “Kyoto University Azure Dragon” which turns out to be one of the Horumo teams, playing the mysterious (and somewhat absurd) game which started over 1,000 years ago in the Heian period.The heat rises as you see the 2,000 CGI created spirits wage fierce battles against the backdrop of breathtaking beautiful city of Kyoto. Let the battle begin!
My Grandma
Genjiro Shigeta
Home-design sales representative Tomohiro lives with his wife and their son. As his job involves houses, it is his motto to take great care of the family who live in the house. However, he has been working so hard that he has forgotten to cherish his own family. When he looks after a client who wants to leave her father-in-law in a nursing home, it reminds him of his grandmother whom he loved so much. Father's death, grandmother's struggle with disease, and home care - those were grueling times, but the memories have become invaluable for Tomohiro. He realizes his family is the most precious thing of all. On a day off, he and his family decide to visit his mother who lives alone in their old hometown.
Where The Legend Lives
Kohei Miyazaki (Naoto Takenaka), a former railroad worker, has become obsessed with discovering the ancient country of Yamataikoku. His obsession sprouted from a day when he discovered ancient ceramics while repairing railroad tracks. Now completely blind, Kohei relies on his wife (Sayuri Yoshinaga) to guide him through the country and read the maps in their pursuit of Yamataikoku.
Advocate General (segment "Merde")
Три совершенно разные истории, общее у которых лишь одно: место действия — мегаполис Токио. Первая «Дизайн интерьера» повествует о молодых людях, приехавших покорять столицу Японии. Акира мечтает стать выдающимся кинематографистом, а его девушка Хироко ищет свое жизненное предназначение и находит его неожиданно фантастическим образом. Вторая «Дерьмо» о «существе из канализации», безумном получеловеке-полузвере, пожирающем исключительно цветы и деньги и терроризирующем весь город. И последняя «Сотрясающийся Токио» о парне Теруюку. Он хикикомори. Так в Японии называют молодых людей, стремящихся к изоляции от внешнего мира, ведущих затворнической образ жизни. Все меняется, когда в дверь Теруюку стучится любовь в образе симпатичной разносчицы пиццы...
Kirato Saw Honorable Death With No Surrender ~ Mizuki Shigeru's War
Company Commander
Sorrowful Hitman
A Hitman must protect a 15-year-old girl
Суши girl
«Убитая» изменой бойфренда, Эбби и сама не могла объяснить, как очутилась в Токио. Одинокая и потерянная в чужом городе, она не спешит обратно домой. Новые яркие впечатления помогут заглушить боль предательства и начать жизнь с «чистого листа». От нечего делать Эбби устраивается на работу в ресторанчик, где гостям предлагают попробовать самый изысканный суп рамен. Видя, какой магический эффект оказывает этот суп на посетителей, она мечтает научиться искусству приготовления этого супа. Она умоляет гениального повара — сушиста, взрывного и тираничного японца, взять ее в ученицы. Капризный японец вдоволь поизмывается над Эбби, но откроет ей главный секрет: главный ингредиент супа — это целая вселенная чувств, подаренная поваром каждому посетителю.
Тетрадь смерти 3 - Л Изменить мир
Shin Kagami
После окончания расследования по делу Киры L сталкивается с еще одним серьезным случаем. В мире снова появляется человек, который обладает страшным оружием. На этот раз L должен обходиться без своего верного помощника Ватари и у него остается всего 23 дня, чтобы раскрыть это дело.
Сукияки Вестерн Джанго
Через несколько сот лет после печально знаменитой битвы в заливе Данноура (1185) в далекой японской горной деревушке нарастает напряжение. Одетая в белое банда Гэндзи (из клана Тайра) и одетая в красное банда Хэйкэ (из клана Минамото) вступили в жестокое противостояние, порожденное слухами о спрятанном золоте. Когда в деревне появляется безымянный странник, обремененный темным прошлым, но мастерски владеющий искусством стрельбы, и Гэндзи, и Хэйкэ задают себе вопрос, на чью сторону он встанет. Битва за власть, предательство, похоть и любовь переплетаются, пропитывая землю кровью. Историческая война между кланами вновь обретает жизнь в формах «спагетти-вестерна».
Closed Note
Nakazawa Masamichi
Kae Horii moves into her new flat in an undisclosed area of Kyoto. While unpacking her belongings, she discovers a hidden compartment behind a inconspicuous mirror. In that compartment, Kae finds a notebook, that turns out to be a diary belonging to the previous tenant. Later that evening Kae starts to read the diary. The writer of the diary is Ibuki Mano, a young lady about to embark on her first year as an elementary school teacher. Ibuki is also in love with a man named Takashi, who may or may not hold similar feelings for Ibuki.
Masahiro Oyabu
Токийский прокурор Кохэй Курю расследует простое убийство, которое с лёгкой руки высокопоставленного коррумпированного чиновника неожиданно для Курю превратилось в судебное разбирательство с широким общественным резонансом.
В далекие небеса
Симпатичный паренек Рюноскэ Кусуноки приезжает в деревню на Хоккайдо, куда его отец, правительственный чиновник, был направлен для устройства нового аэропорта. Кусуноки старший вынужден противостоять сопротивлению со стороны жителей деревни. Он должен убедить упрямцев принять его предложение. У его сына Рюноскэ тоже проблемы, он пытается вписаться в распорядок его новой школы. Вначале его врагом становится сын владелицы молочной фермы Кохей Цучида. Однако, в конечном счете, они становятся верными друзьями.
Hissatsu Shigotonin 2007
Kagaya Hikozaemon
A violent fire one evening kills a husband and wife couple and burns their Kazusaya rice shop to ashes. Their daughter Sachi manages to make it out alive, but she claims the fire was set by henchmen from the rival Harimaya shop who abducted her sister. After policeman Watanabe Shogoro hears her story, he begins investigating the case, but desperate to avenge her parents' deaths, Sachi later enlists the aid of a mysterious woman who offers to kill Harimaya for a price. Watanabe soon discovers that there is more to this case than meets the eye.
Red Colored Elegy
Uninvolved with the political movements of the time, Ichiro and Sachiko hope for something better, but they’re no revolutionaries; their spare time is spent drinking, smoking, daydreaming, and sleeping—together and at times with others.
Akanezora Beyond the Crimson Sky
A young tofu maker, Eikichi comes from Kyoto to open a tofu shop in a friendly neighborhood. He meets there a feisty local girl Ofumi who befriends him as he sets up his shop, Kyo-ya and in spite of the difficulties stemming from cultural differences between the two ancient capitals including the favored taste of tofu itself, they eventually marry and become the owner of a tofu shop on a more respectable street. Behind the rock-solid business of Kyo-ya, their son, Eitaro bears the brunt of other tofu shops' animosity toward Kyo-ya's refusal to comply with Edo's way of running business and starts to frequent a gambling hall run by the mysterious "Boss", which throws the family into a critical situation that threaten to pull them apart...
Die Silbermaske
Dr. Caligari
Sabine is able to transform into a silver superhero through the power of the Ring of Nibelungen. She travels to Japan where she searches for her father and battles the forces of Dr. Caligari.
История восхождения маленькой деревенской девочки на пьедестал красавицы Хигураши-ойран, которой восхищались все без исключения. С детсва она обладала не простым нравом, что вызывало много сложностей и провоцировало появление завистников и недоброжелателей. Но, не смотря на это, красавица-куртизанка смогла подняться до статуса ойран, оставив позади всех конкуренток. Постепенно, она становится самой популярной женщиной Квартала. Богатый и влиятельный самурай изъявляет желание выкупить ее и сделать своей женой. О чем еще может мечтать куртизанка? Но вот есть одна проблема…. она беременна и с ребенком расставаться не хочет.
Baian Fujieda the Assassin
An adaptation of the Shotaro Ikenami novels, set in the historical Edo period, and centered on Fujieda Bayan, a medicine man and doctor by day, but ruthless killer for hire by night. His tools of the trade are the same in either job: acupuncture needles that leave no trace.
Aoki Shozaburo
In a poor district of Edo lives a young samurai named Soza. He has been sent by his clan to avenge the death of his father. He isn't an accomplished swordsman however, and he prefers sharing the life of the residents, teaching the kids how to write etc. When he finally finds the man he is looking for, he will have to decide whether he follows the way of the samurai or chooses peace and reconciliation.
Big Bang Love, Juvenile A
An unknown future. A boy confesses to the murder of another in an all-boy juvenile detention facility. More an exercise in style than storytelling, the story follows two detectives trying to uncover the case. Homosexual tension and explosive violence drives the story which delivers some weird and fascinating visuals.
The Whispering of the Gods
Rou has returned to the monastery he was raised in. As he listens to the whispering of the Gods through his germanium radio, Rou defies God in every which way and puts religion to the test.
Kamen Rider: The First
Member of the House of Representatives
Takeshi Hongo is a man of extraordinary intellect, but his promising future is about to be maliciously snuffed out by and evil secret society known as Shocker. Reinvented against his will and transformed into a powerful experimental cyborg, Hongo will forever be known as Kamen Rider The First.
Detective Office 5
In a small nook of Kawasaki Private investigator 591 and adultry specialist investigator 522 embark on separate investigations that leads them both to the same beautifician.
Весенний снег
Начало двадцатого века. У Киёaки, молодого человека из аристократической семьи, есть все, что можно пожелать, но ему хочется чего-то большего. Слишком поздно он понимает, что то, чего он хотел, было совсем рядом.
Nankaibou Tenkai
1614 год. Япония, наконец, объединилась под властью первого сёгуна Токугава. Генноске из клана Кога и Оборо из клана Ига остаются последней надеждой двух деревень, разрываемых трагедией беспрерывной мести. Их благословенная любовь должна принести мир страдающим ниндзя, населяющим деревни.Однако заговор Токугавы снова сеет вражду между ними. Генноске выступает в защиту мира, а Оборо выбирает сражение как средство разрешения конфликтов. И теперь, когда им предстоит встретиться как врагам, смогут ли они сохранить свою божественную любовь?
Великая война гоблинов
Ou Kubi
Во время праздника всех святых в японской школе десятилетнего мальчика Такаши выбирают Великим Всадником Кирина. Но одноклассники смеются над ним и считают трусом и слабаком. Чтобы доказать, что он не трус, он во время летних каникул должен подняться на Великую Гору Гоблинов, где, как повествуют древние легенды, обитают духи, и достать легендарный меч… В это время по всей Японии начинают пропадать дети, ужасные монстры нападают на людей. Все это происки злых духов, ужасных настолько, насколько только может себе представить человек. Начиная свое путешествие, Такаши и представить не мог, с кем ему придется столкнуться лицом к лицу и какую схватку предстоит выдержать. Одним словом, каникулы обещают ему много опасных сюрпризов!
Miracle in Four Days
Dvorak's Symphony No. 9, "From the New World" wafts through a hospice recreation room. Sitting at the grand piano is a young girl, Chiori, with a prodigious ability to play any piece of music after one hearing. Keisuke Kisaragi whose career was abruptly cut short when he jumped in front of a bullet fired by a crazed gunman. The nerves in one hand were severed but he saved the life of Chiori. The tragic incident takes the lives of Chiori's parents, however, and Keisuke becomes her guardian. Not long after their return to Japan, Keisuke discovers Chiori's musical gift.
Ichigo Chips
Ichigo no kakera deals with a female manga artist Ichigo Nekoda (Miyazawa), whose career is heading into a downward spiral as she can't reinvent the success of her 12 year old hit the Cherry Road. Now in her early 30's she's become quite fond of alcohol and egoism to some annoyance of her loyal manager Tomoko (Kajiwara), who isn't willing to leave her side even though the financial strains of her client are also becoming her personal burdens. Ichigo still gets greeted by her female fans and willingly signs autographs, but getting praised for work that she's done over a decade ago doesn't digest as smoothly as one would assume. Her on and off man, who happens to also be her editor steers toward the off days more than usual as he also grows tired of Ichigo's uninspired ways. But when the going gets tough, Ichigo heads down to a transvestite bar where she's more than welcomed with words of wisdom and a few hard drinks.
Второй пропущенный звонок
Проливной июльский дождь не дает выйти на улицу… Киоко работает в детском саду на полную ставку, а по вечерам изучает детскую терапию, и у нее почти не остается времени, чтобы встречаться со своим парнем Наото — честолюбивым фотографом. Однажды Киоко забегает в китайский ресторан, где подрабатывает Наото. На пороге из ее мобильника раздается жуткий звонок. Они узнают этот звук, он предварял звонки с «прогнозом смерти», звучавшие в прошлом году. Они вспоминают о том, что произошло… запись собственного голоса, кричащего от ужаса… неизбежность конца. И вскоре мрачная смерть входит в мир Наото и Киоко, и становится очевидным, что проклятие не снято…
Year One in the North
In 1868, after the fall of the Shogun-dominated Japan, the new government orders people from Awaji, near Kobe, to re-locate to the northern part of Hokkaido. These people once supported the now displaced Samurais of the older days. After two years, over 500 of them settled in their new land under the leadership of Hideaki, husband of Shino. However, as crops fail he is to go to Sapporo to learn new techniques of farming, leaving his wife and daughter for 5 years. All this time, the new community is constantly watched by the government which choose to again uproot them from their new homes.
The Motive
Kazuki Hayakawa
Four people are discovered brutally murdered in an up-scale high-rise apartment. All the victims appear to be family, but as the investigation deepens it is discovered that one of the victims isn't related to the family.
Nejirin bou
A woman as the main character, love and friendship, and one of the
Perfect Education 6
Fumiya owes 5 million yen to a female load shark for a gambling debt, while having affair an with Mrs. Hosoi who offers him 5 million to murder her husband. Fumiya has no choice but to kill Mr. Hosoi. Unfortunately he's see by a neighbor. In the escape, he meets a girl named Akiko. He hides in her house. Later on, Fumiya and Akiko fall in love and have sex. After that, he finds that the house owner Shin kidnapped Akiko whem she was a little girl and has kept her in the house for over a decade. Fumiya is determined to take her away from Shin's brutal confinement. A battle of wills between jailer, prisoner and accidental savior begins….
Izo is an assassin in the service of a Tosa lord and Imperial supporter. After killing dozens of the Shogun's men, Izo is captured and crucified. Instead of being extinguished, his rage propels him through the space-time continuum to present-day Tokyo. Here Izo transforms himself into a new, improved killing machine.
Цветок и змея
Ippei Tashiro
95-летний якудза позарился на танцовщицу Сидзуко. Мужа Сидзуко принуждают расплатиться за огромные долги женой. Тояма соглашается, наивно полагая, что единственное, на что способен старец, это жаждать посмотреть на голую танцующую Сидзуко...
Бывший полицейский детектив Соитиро признается в убийстве своей жены. Он сообщает, что он совершил убийство по ее же просьбе – жена после смерти их сына от лейкемии заболела болезнью Альцгеймера и не хотела больше жить. На допросе Соитиро наотрез отказывается отвечать только на один вопрос: что он делал два дня после убийства, пока не сдался полиции. Судебный вердикт по делу отставного детектива будет вынесен лишь после того, как станет известна правда об этих двух днях.
Один пропущенный звонок
У вас звонит мобильный телефон. Но вместо привычного сигнала — странная незнакомая мелодия. Вы не успеваете ответить. На дисплее надпись — «1 пропущенный звонок». Номер звонившего — ваш собственный. Время звонка кажется очень странным — оно сдвинуто в будущее от сегодняшней даты ровно на три дня. На автоответчике одно сообщение. Это ваш собственный голос, ничего не значащие слова, какие-то посторонние звуки и вдруг — леденящий душу предсмертный крик. Это кажется чьей-то дурацкой шуткой, но жить вам осталось ровно три дня…
The Negotiator
After a convenience store robbery, three unidentified men hold a group of people hostage in a hospital. Inspector Ishida and Captain Tohno handle the negotiations while one of their colleagues, Lt. Ando, tries to find out why the men decided to take the hospital hostage. Through flashbacks, relevant information is revealed to the audience. When the negotiations are finished, most things seem to be fine until they lose track of the criminals. Then, the story unveils from a different perspective, its roots in feelings of love and vengeance.
Театр ужасов якудза: Годзу
Молодой якудза Минами — член банды Адзамавари. Его эксцентричность, заставляет порой людей сомневаться в его психическом здоровье, недолюбливает его и босс банды. И однажды он посылает Минами в сопровождение Аники, который однажды спас Минами жизнь. Путь лежит в таинственный город Нагоя и в дороге предстоит встреча со странными обитателями города.
Time Limit
Mizusawa (Takenouchi Yutaka), an explosives expert, is arrested and charged with a string of bank robberies. Because he is a flight risk, Detective Kayama (Ogata Ken) is assigned to transport Mizusawa to Shizuoka for questioning. On the way, Kayama receives word that the hotel where his wife and daughter are attending a party has been rigged with a time bomb. Being a "by-the-book" kind of cop, Kayama refuses to abandon his job and return to help his family. Meanwhile, the hotel is swarming with police and the bomb squad who are searching for the bomb and the culprit. Time is almost up. Mizusawa claims that he is the only who who can deactivate the bomb.
Yakuza Demon
Seiji and Yoshifumi are the only members of the Muto branch of the Date Family. The two respect and love their leader, Mr. Muto, like a father and the three share a firm bond. But their fate is sealed when the Family is involved in a conflict. Muto is unable to pay his share of funds for the oncoming battle but tells executives of the Family that he would fight at the front line instead. In the wish to protect Muto, Seiji has him arrested by the police. Ignoring the Family executives' mocks of "Muto escaped to prison", Seiji prepares for the battle and attacks like a demon on behalf of his boss...
Tenshu is imprisoned and sentenced to death for murdering the men who raped his girlfriend. However, he manages to survive his execution and is presented with an option: face another execution attempt or subject himself to their bizarre and dangerous experiments.
Jusei: Last Drop of Blood
After serving a jail sentence, a former leading yakuza (Takaaki Ishibashi) has gone straight. He has married and is now holding a regular job. However, he is continually harrassed by a police inspector who cannot forgive his past. Meanwhile a major gang war erupts. With his former gang in danger of being exterminated, will his loyalties draw him back in?
The Man in White Part 2: Requiem for the Lion
A rowdy, young yakuza takes revenge against a gang of thousands for the death of his boss.
The Man in White
After his father figure like mafia boss is murdered, Azusa Moribe (Masaya Sato) goes on a one man killing spree to exact revenge.
Ginji - The Slasher
Muneyasu Kuroda
In prison for 50 years after massacring his corrupt workmates with a samurai sword in 1945, Ginji Sonesaki (Riki Takeuchi) is given the nickname of Ginji the Slasher. On his release he finds himself on the streets living with the homeless hiding from a man whose life he tried to end. His former boss and the object of Ginji's hatred is now a highly-regarded figure in politics but Ginji plans to remind him of his past transgressions and make him pay for ruining his life.
Another Battle/Conspiracy
Katsunori Takahashi and Ken Watanabe star in a modern yakuza tale in the classic Japanese film series, Battles Without Honor and Humanity, directed by Hajime Hashimoto.
To the Bracken Fields
A poor village in the Tohoku area has a law that states when a resident becomes sixty years old, they must move to the place called Warabino, far away from home.
At the turn of the 20th Century amongst tension between China and Japan, a Japanese swindler in Shanghai plans to profit by selling weapons. He steals arms from the Japanese military and sells them to the rich Chinese.
Behind Flower and Snake
In Behind Flower and Snake, together with extreme Japanese director Takashi Ishii, Aya Sugimoto shows you how they transformed this adaptation of erotica author Dan Oniroku's novel into the controversial hit, Flower & Snake (2004). This film features the behind-the-scenes footage and deleted scenes. You can hear what the director and actress think about the making of the film, and see for yourself how Aya Sugimoto made her character alive.
Trick: The Movie
God No. 003
Disaster befalls a village's inhabitants every 300 years. A popular self-styled magician named Naoko (Yukie Nakama) is summoned as a deity to rid the people of their anxiety. But there are many would-be deities there, each posing as a god. When a series of bizarre incidents occur, Naoko is cornered with a genius physicist (Hiroshi Abe) and Detective Yabe (Katsuhisa Namase). Do deities actually exist, or are they charlatans?
Deadly Outlaw: Rekka
After Kunisada's Yakuza leader and father figure is brutally murdered, he and his best friend go on a two-man mission to avenge his death, killing other Yakuza leaders leading to a final confrontation by the old man's killers.
Лишь море знает
Девятнадцатый век. Красивая и юная О-Шин работает гейшей в одном из борделей Японии. Однажды она встречается с самураем по имени Фусаносуке, спасающимся бегством после убийства одного могущественного человека. Она помогает ему скрыться от преследования, и молодые люди влюбляются друг в друга. Но смогут ли их чувства выжить в мире, где обычаи и бремя долга всегда берут верх над эмоциями?
Якудза: Кладбище чести
Denji Yukawa
Ишиматсу моет посуду в ресторане, часто посещаемом «якудза». Когда одинокий бандит входит в ресторан и начинает стрелять в посетителей, все гангстеры впадают в панику. Ишиматсу спокойно появляется из кухни и бьет бандита по голове табуретом. Это его билет в мир организованной преступности. Он становится жестоким боевиком «якудза», и, благодаря своей жестокости начинает продвигаться по иерархической лестнице. Однако, вскоре становится понятно, что Ишиматсу неспособен функционировать в пределах иерархии «якудза». Его сильный характер и яркая личность делают его незаменимым, но недостаток уважения доставляет больше проблем, чем его кулаки решают. В результате ссоры внутри клана Ишиматсу стреляет в своего босса. Он должен скрыться от возмездия клана. Как одиночка, свободное орудие «якудза», освобожденный от ограничений иерархии, Ишиматсу находит идеальное поле для своих собственных сильных убеждений.
Dawn of a New Day: The Man Behind VHS
Kanezawa (Vice-President of Nippon Victor)
A Japanese film that tells the tale of the birth of VHS. It follows Kagatani Shizuo, an electronics employee who rallies his coworkers to save their jobs by increasing sales. They do this by developing the VHS standard. They battle with Sony and their standard and ultimately prevail.
Shooting Stars in the Twilight
Hiromi works in a posh French restaurant. One day, he meets an ordinary-looking old man who has a discerning palate. He is no ordinary cook, and can pinpoint the exact problems with Hiromi's dishes. His name is Tatematsu Ippei, a legendary chef renowned for his work in France once upon a time. After a food poisoning mishap, his fiance Sophie had left him and he cut himself off from the culinary world. Hiromi is engrossed with Ippei's cuisine and asks for lessons. Meanwhile, Sophie, now the wife of the director of a top tableware manufacturer, comes to Japan. Ippei cooks a banquet for her using Hiromi's restaurant as a front. Sophie notices that the food is made by Ippei, her former lover. The two meet and enjoy a short-lived reunion, but go on to live their own separate lives.
Kadokawa Mystery & Horror Tales Vol. 1
MEINICHI Directed By Tomoyuki Akashi Cast: Sayaka Yamaguchi, Asami Mizukawa "Maybe father was right. Maybe we should not have moved into that house..." When Minako loses her boyfriend in an accident, her sister tries to cheer her up, though sinister forces would have it otherwise... CRUEL KIDNAPPING: Directed by Tomoyuki Akashi Cast: Toru Masuoka, Renji Ishibashi As Toshio struggles to make ends meet, his daughter is kidnapped and a ransom note arrives. Desperation leads him to a cruel plan designed to procure the money he needs. DESIRE TO KILL: Directed by Kenji Nakanishi Cast: Mayumi Wakamura, Sousuke Takaoka Alone in her house, Rie comes face-to-face with a murderer. Determined to protect her child, she makes a desperate attempt to convince the man to leave.
When a young Yakuza torments the customers in a rival crime family's nightclub, it is not long before his dead body is found. Soon, inter-family retaliation follows, resulting in the death for a prominent crime boss. Devastated by this turn of events, the temperamental Kenzaki vows to avenge his boss's death and, as bloody violence ensues, the body count reaches excessive proportions.
Ковбой Бибоп: Достучаться до небес
Renji (voice)
Марс, 2071 год. В самый канун Хэллоуина, когда на Земле по улицам ходят ряженые, а дети украшают дом тыквенными головами со свечками внутри, Красную планету постигает страшная трагедия. В результате теракта с применением биохимического оружия массового поражения погибают сотни колонистов. Тот, кто совершил это злодеяние должен понести заслуженную кару, поэтому за поимку мерзавца назначается огромная премия. А там, где есть возможность одновременно заработать и совершить благое дело, всегда появляются они — знаменитые на всю Солнечную систему охотники за головами и искатели приключений Джет Блэк и Спайк Спигел. С прошедшего огонь и метеоритные дожди межпланетного корабля «Бибоп» — это как раз те парни, кто могут достать мерзавца и вернуть Марсу мир и покой. Конечно, они в деле! И охота начинается…
Yakuza Ladies 11
When her husband is betrayed by his fellow yakuza and jailed, his wife takes over and fights to prevent his expulsion from the clan.
The Firefly
Japanese film icon Ken Takakura, who has starred in over 100 films, stars in this elegiac look at war and remembrance. Hideji Yamaoka (Takakura) was a suicide pilot during the war who somehow survived Japan's surrender. After decades of working as a fisherman in Kumamoto, a provincial seaside city in southern Kyushu, Yamaoka remains reluctant to discuss his wartime experiences with anyone, much less an intrusive reporter looking for a feature story. Then a series of events shake Yamaoka to the core, forcing him to re-evaluate his past.
Чёрное лето Японии: Ложное обвинение
Detective Yoshida
В полночь 27 июня 1994 года в Мацумото произошли первые случаи смертельного отравления зарином. Этот день навсегда стал печальной датой в истории Японии. Первым о случившемся в полицию сообщил служащий Тосио Камбэ. Несколько часов спустя полиция предъявила ему обвинение в убийстве...
Shura's Barbarian King
Fumihiko Saizonoji , a man who lost everything in the plot of a bank and a general contractor when he was a child . Now , as Fumihiko Kanzaki , a man with two faces , a bank clerk and a fraudster , he goes on a revenge path for Shura alone against a huge organization !
Kumamoto Stories
Jidai-geki period / folklore type stories that were comissioned by the Kumamoto prefacture of Kyushu island in 1996 and filmed over a period of three years. Kumamoto Monogatari is a 2002 omnibus which includes the three short films: Zuiketsu Genso: Tonkararin Yume Densetsu, Kikuchi-jo Monogatari: Sakimori-tachi no Uta, Onna Kunishuu Ikki.
Kaido is a professional pickpocket who works the Tokyo subway with his young foster-daughter, Rei: She lets herself be groped while Kaido relieves the groper of his wallet. More often than not they're observed by a middle-aged cop, who generally lets Kaido go free. Rei is unsettled when Kaido takes on a young street punk, Kazuki, as an apprentice -- with instructions to make Kaido stop drinking. Kazuki, however, would like to go into business with Rei.
Tales of the Bizarre: The Movie
Old Man (segment "Chess")
A four-part anthology in the spirit of The Twilight Zone, this film starts off with a group of commuters stranded at a train station in the rain, listening to stories told by one of the group. These include tales of a group stranded in the mountains and haunted by guilt over a death they inadvertantly caused, an emotionally broken chessmaster pressed into playing a real-life game for an eccentric millionaire, a wandering medieval samurai who finds a modern-day cell phone on the ground and a person on the other end asking questions about the past, and a young couple who agree to try a computer simulation of what their future as husband and wife would be like.
Police Sergeant
Junko was born with a type of ESP called pyrokinesis which she can use to incinerate anyone and anything at will. Junko is secretly in love with Kazuki, a young man who works with her. His sister is killed and a boy named Masaki suspected but the police don't arrest him. Junko tells Kazuki about her powers and takes revenge.
Феодальная Япония. Хорисото — маленький городок, принадлежащий феоду некоего князя. Вот уже несколько лет в городе процветает преступность и беззаконие. По сути дела, им никто не управляет: самураи-вассалы князя не имеют права вмешиваться в городские дела (к тому же, положение в городе их вполне устраивает, пока трое боссов обеспечивают им теневой доход), а градоначальники в Хорисото не задерживаются дольше трех месяцев. За год трое градоначальников подали в отставку, и теперь в город направляется четвертый. Его имя Мочизуки Кохэйта, и репутация пройдохи и бабника бежит впереди него.
Produced for Fuji TV in 2000, the film reinterprets the story of a special samurai force - the Shinsengumi - at the end of the Edo period.
Story of Kikuchi Castle: Song of the Defenders
Kikuchi-jo Monogatari: Sakimori-tachi no Uta is a 2001 Japanese historical drama directed by Takashi Miike. It is one of three historical films included in the 2002 DVD compilation, Kumamoto Monogatari. The other two are Zuiketsu Genso: Tonkararin Yume Densetsu and Onna Kunishuu Ikki, both also directed by Miike.
Живым или мёртвым
Банда Рюичи стремится обрести свое место под солнцем: грабит банки, устраивает разборки с китайскими и японскими гангстерами, пытается взять под контроль пригороды Токио и поставку наркотиков с Тайваня.
The Black House
A meek agent at the Showa Life Insurance company receives a phone call from a customer who says that she's planning to commit suicide and wants to know if her policy will pay out. Concerned about her safety, the agent visits her house only to find that her young son has hanged himself. As he investigates further, more and more people connected with this family start having "accidents," and if he's not careful, he might be next.
White-Collar Worker Kintaro
Kintaro is a reformed delinquent, the former leader of a biker gang who has gone straight. Working at a construction company, his unorthodox tactics cause trouble with his colleagues. He is transferred to a tiny countryside branch, where he butts heads with his lazy superior until the two men discover a plot by the competition to put the construction company out of bussiness. With the help of his old biker friends, Kintaro prepares to confront the masterminds behind the scheme.
Old Man in Wheelchair
Мужчина, семь лет назад потерявший жену, решает найти себе подругу жизни. С помощью приятеля, близкого к шоу-бизнесу, он организовывает кинопробы, которые, на самом деле становятся смотринами девушек разных возрастов и их вредных привычек. И находит, что искал…
Jubaku: Spellbound
When a major bank is caught paying off a corporate extortionist, the media and prosecutors begin to dig, breaking open a money-and-favours scandal that threatens to rock the entire structure of business and government to its core. While the bank's top executives continue to vacillate, a quartet of middle-management reformers, led by straight-arrow Kitano (Koji Yakusho), decide to stage a boardroom coup and install a new, clean management team. With the aid of a hotshot news anchor (Miho Wada) and a hard-nosed prosecutor (Kenichi Endo), heads begin to roll.
Beggar Monk
When his mother's untimely death quickly follows his father's, a doctor begins to believe a killer may be targeting him and his amnesiac wife.
Railroad Man
Town Mayor
A railway stationmaster at a dying end-of-the-line village in Hokkaido is haunted by memories of his dead wife and daughter. When the railroad line is scheduled to be closed, he is offered a job at a hotel, but he is emotionally unable to part with his career as a railroader. His life takes a turn when he meets a young woman with an interest in trains who resembles his daughter.
The Central Quicksand
A tremor struck the Information Industry Bureau of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. The prosecution arrested a local contractor on suspicion of bribery, and then the brunt was directed to the Information Industry Bureau. The interviewee was Akihiko Kurahashi (Shinobu Tsuruta), the leader of the non-carrier group. Previously, Kiichiro Yamada (Ken Ogata), a clerk who lived next door in the government building, couldn't help but sympathize with Kurahashi, who had succeeded in his career.
I Want to Hear the Wind's Song
Masayuki Takamori
A heartwarming, based-on-true-story of how a hearing-impaired couple, Masahiro and Namiko, knew each other, got married and began participating in the Triathlon. The story is told in flashbacks as Namiko awaits childbirth.
The Bird People in China
Wada, a salary man, is enlisted to venture off to China to investigate a potential Jade mine. After his arrival, Wada encounters a violent, yet sentimental, yakuza, who takes the liberty of joining his adventure through China. Led on their long and disastrous journey to the mine by Shen, the three men come across something even more magical and enticing.
Based on real-life events, this erotic thriller tells the sad and sadistic tale of a Japanese geisha whose behavior spiraled out of control.
Tom Cat Holmes and the Twilight Hotel
The second TV movie Obayashi Nobuhiko directed based on Akagawa Jiro's Mikeneko Holmes series.
Ohaka ga nai!
Gendai ninkyoden
The 8-Tomb Village
A band of samurai warriors places a curse on a family fortune thus frustrating the heir 4 centuries later.
A business man visits his hometown to search for a missing employee
Kagerô 2
An entertainment drama depicting the conflict of yakuza, centering on the female torso and her sister's feud.
Seraphim Night
Directed by Banmei Takahashi of "New Love in Tokyo." A drama centered around identity, with a half Korean/Japanese man and a hermaphroditic woman.
Семья Абэ
Hayashi Geki
17 век. Умирающий князь Хосокава Тадатоси запрещает своим приближенным вассалам совершить дзюнси ("дзюнси", "смерть вослед" - харакири после смерти своего господина). Однако многие верные вассалы нарушают приказ господина и делают то, что считают своим долгом. Наследник старого князя своим приказом запрещает новые самоубийства. Старый воин Абэ Яитиэмон, следуя приказу усопшего господина, отказывается от своего намерения. Однако сплетни и шепотки за спиной, осуждающие его и усматривающие в этом признаки малодушия, возвращают к мысли о необходимости совершить "дзюнси". Тем самым он нарушает приказ нового главы клана и его семью за это наказывают - резко уменьшают жалование главы рода, снижая статус рода в клане. Это решение приводит к трагическим событиям, заставившим многих самураев принять личное решение о том, что дороже - жизнь или честь.
Onihei's Detective Records
A criminal syndicate wants detective Onihei dead, but the resolute hero proves to be hard to kill.
Asian Blue: Ukishima-maru Incident
Asian Blue focuses on Koreans brought to Japan to work in forced-labor brigades during World War II
Angel's Share
A strange duo, Minko and Hiroto, who believe themselves to be angels, throw out fashion massage leaflets called “Angel Dispatch” from the roof of a building on Christmas Day in order to save unfortunate people. The flyers were blown by the wind and fell into the city.
Голоса павших студентов: Последние друзья
Фильм начинается с современного игрока в рэгби, Цуруи, который получает сильный удар во время игры и просыпается в 1943 году, в униформе, готовым отправиться на фронт. Он теряет всякие воспоминания о комфортных 90-ых.
The Young Blood Typhoon
On the way home from a small assault incident at a love hotel in Tokyo, Shuntaro Katagiri playfully entered the love hotel with his friend Iwanaka. When I fell asleep, I screamed and screamed from the room. Katagiri, who was full of blood, jumped out of the room after hearing the noise. A running girl, a bloody man, and a muscle man, a yakuza, a mysterious woman. The corridor of the hotel turned into a shambles for a moment, but Katagiri, a karate master, he slammed the place and he broke it. A strange space-This was his first encounter with the girl
チンピラ仁義 極楽とんぼ2
The follow up to the very popular first instalment.
Spanking Love
Ryusaku Owaki
Ryo Masuda is a washed up adult video director without a leading actress. Now, he has to find someone to re-place her quick, so he can produce his latest low budget S&M video. When the young Yukie appears to turn the production into an unexpected hit, Ryo becomes drawn to the world of sadomasochism and his newfound star.
History of Jirocho Shimizu
Boss Katsuzo Kurokoma
A historical chivalric drama with tears and laughter, telling the story of Jirocho Shimizu's family, his confrontation with Katsuzo Kurokoma's family, right up to the final battle on the Tenryu River to avenge Ishimatsu Mori.
Пик предательства
Kihei Itô
Иэмон Тамия – бедный самурай, зарабатывающий себе на жизнь игрой на музыкальном инструменте «бива» возле храма в старом Эдо. Иэмон с ранних лет лишился родителей и познал тяготы жизни ронина, голод и лишения. Всего через несколько месяцев после того, как его взяли на службу к даймё (крупному феодалу), его господин вынужден был по приказу Сёгуна совершить харакири.
47 ронинов
Heihachirô Kobayashi
Во дворце сёгуна знатный придворный Кира Кодзукэ-но сукэ тяжко оскорбил Асано Такуми, правителя области Ако. В гневе Асано обнажил меч и ранил Киру. Подобные действия во дворце сёгуна карались смертью; Асано был арестован и приговорен к самоубийству. Самураи, находившиеся у него на службе, оказались без предводителя, то есть стали ронинами. Верные долгу, они поклялись отомстить за своего господина.
Psychic: Traveler to the Unknown
Hikaru, an ordinary man, discovers a way to unleash the supernatural powers hidden inside his soul, allowing him to cure others with his newfound “ki” healing power.
Based on the comic book series by Tadashi Ichinose and Kyouta Kita.
The Shootist: Final Episode
Matsushita decides to make a new journey by meeting a fateful woman, Askako, while being chased by a hitman and the police. What awaits him at the end?
Nemuri Kyôshirô 2: Conspiracy in Edo Castle
Sakai Nobunari an Elder in 'Honmaru' (or the main enclosure) and Mizuno Tadakuni an Elder in 'Nishinomaru' (or the south-east enclosure) have been at odds behind the scenes over the marriage of Tokugawa Ieyoshi, heir to the Shogunate. Kyoshiro, who has come back in Edo after 3 years is involved in it against his will. It's because he gets to know Lady Mihoyo who is a spy for Sakai and looks exactly like his late mother. As she couldn't complete her mission she has nowhere to go. Kyoshiro shelters her from both parties that seek her life. The original story is from "Nemuri Kyoshiro Burai Hikae" written by Shibata Renzaburo. Not only is one of Japan's greatest legends kept alive, but some secrets of Kyoshiro's past are finally revealed for the first time.
Youth Peony Lantern
Based on "Kaidan Botan Dango" by Sanyutei Encho, a rakugo storyteller who was active from the late Edo period to the Meiji era, Kara Juro was in charge of the script. A feature-length historical drama depicting a fierce and painful love story between ghosts and humans. Impressive artistic and fantastic painting with depth as if you were watching the stage. In all, this work is a beautiful, love horror fantasy.
Lone Wolf and Cub: The Final Conflict
A noble samurai serving the Shogun as 'Kogi Kaishaku-nin' (Official Executioner) is the target of a plot by the evil Yagyu Clan to take away his position and replace him with a member of their own family. When his wife is murdered and evidence is produced that he was plotting against the Shogun the Code of Bushido calls for him and his son to commit sepuku. Instead he defies the Shogun's orders and takes up arms against his enemies, becoming an assassin for hire.
Date Masamune: The One-Eyed Dragon
Biopic of Date Masamune
The New Virgin Story
A love triange arises between a virgin, a stripper, and a mysterious girl
The Triple Cross
Following the bloody aftermath of a heist, three robbers are double-crossed by a new accomplice, who is then tracked down amid escalating carnage and spectacular car chases.
The Shadow Over Innsmouth
A Japanese adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow Over Innsmouth", directed by Konaka Chiaki (Marebito, The Big O) and starring Sano Shiro (Infection, Violent Cop)
Убийство в масляном аду
Япония, XVIII век. Окиши, жена торговца маслом, имеет на попечении ребёнка по имени Йохэй, сына компаньона мужа. Но ребёнок взрослеет. И когда он становится мужчиной, Окиши падает жертвой обаяния юноши…
Shadow Hunters
In the middle of the Edo period, when the finances of the shogunate were in a desperate situation, the shogunate sent its shadow spies to each clan, who secretly planned the abolition of the clans and the seizure of their territories. The Inami clan has mastered the essence of making weapons, thus breaking the law. To protect the clan, its elders hire three "Shadow Hunters"... TV movie based on the popular manga by Takao Saito.
One day, Mori no Ishimatsu (Kankuro Nakamura
Shimanto River
A young boy, Atsu, grows up along the banks of the Shimanto River in rural southern Shikoku. He comes to grips with the unfairness of life and the emotional pain involved in the loss of innocence. The film is based on an autobiographical novel written by Kyuzo Sasayama.
Playtime Never Ends
Top of Police Branch
Remade in Korea as Going by the Book.
Kanei Chronicles
Genyusai Negoro
From all over Japan, the greatest warriors: Yagyu Jubei, Miyamoto Musashi, Araki Mataemon, and more came to test their blades in a tournament of swords. But behind the match a bloodthirsty plot is born. Tokugawa Yorinobu, a corrupt shogunate official plans to assassinate Shogun Iemitsu and take his place. With scheming samurai Yui Shosetsu and ruthless Negoro ninja leader Genyusai, he plans to incite a ronin uprising and cut a bloody trail across Japan, with terrifying Chinese gunboats to back his play. Matsudaira Izu-no-kami, councilor and friend to the shogun, along with master swordsman Yagyu Jubei and ninja master Hanzo Hattori must stop Yui Shosetsu and his army of ronin and ninja assassins from tearing the country in half and taking over the government!
Yakuza Ladies Revisited
Detective Wakahara
The wife of a yakuza lieutenant tries to keep the peace when the clan's heir suddenly dies and a succession conflict threatens to break out.
Two Magical Nights
This 'Young V-Cinema' film was created for young people, turning from the action of Toei V-cinema. A pop love story featuring a veteran actor and a unique female talent / model.
Ready to Shoot
A middle-aged man discovers an injured refugee woman trembling in the corner of his bar in Kabukicho. He quickly becomes aware that her life is in his hands when he learns she is hiding from the yakuza.
Near the end of Japanese civil war, several disgraced ronin living in Edo's red light district attempt to regain their honor by defending a brothel from a hostile militia bent on wiping out local prostitutes.
Cats on Park Avenue
Yukio Seki
A story about the lives of young aspiring dancers who strive to create their own musical about stray cats.
The Enchantment
A Tokyo psychiatrist is hoping to better his career by marrying the daughter of a prominent doctor. The match is threatened however when an attractive but very troubled tourist guide comes to him for consultation...
Business Trip
Песчаный замок
Сюхей — служащий компании и живёт с семьёй в обычной многоэтажке. Не имея малейшей возможности купить свой дом, он однажды видит в поезде объявление, где одна строительная компания предлагает любой семье пожить год в шикарном доме в качестве идеальной семьи. После чего дом переходит в собственность этой семьи. Его жена Рёко принимает участие, и их выбирают в качестве идеальной семьи. Одно условие — дом каждый день должен принимать посетителей, среди которых можно встретить молодые пары, издевающиеся над ними, или пожилые пары, приходящие провести свободное время. Семью донимают и завистливыми звонками. На всех членов семьи внезапно обрушивается масса неприятностей…
Why Do I Choose?
Who Do I Choose? is a Japanese film directed by Shūsuke Kaneko.
Dangerous Stories
Akihiko Sonoda
Three stories with horror and science fiction elements. 1st episode: "The Curse of Tutankhamen" (Tsutankâmen no noroï) by Kazuyuki Izutsu. With Naoto Takenaka. Two clans of Yakuza clash in a bar. 2nd episode: "They came back, tonight too" (Yatsura wa konya mo yattekita) by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. With Renji Ishibashi. A polar writer is pursued by two mysterious mountebanks. 3rd episode: "I want to come back to this day" (Ano hi ni kaeritai) by Banmei Takahashi. With Toshiyuki Nagashima. A couple who robbed a bank decides to separate to escape the police.
Тэцуо, железный человек
Технофетишист пытается увеличить свою ногу, вставив в нее кусок металла — труба длиной 30 сантиметров. И… он снимает бинты с ноги и его самодеятельная хирургия не удалась! Он кричит и убегает… Тем временем некий бизнесмен едет в машине и они встречаются в результате автокатастрофы. Это начало конца для нашего бизнесмена, который медленно превратится в груду металлолома.
Bungakusho Satsujin Jiken: Oinaru Jyoso
Yoshirō Ōgaki
A young doujinshi writer doesn't win the literary prize award, and ends up killing the selection committee.
It's Easier Than Kissing
After the death of her mother a young woman wants to meet her real father
The Boss' Wife
Tsuyoshi Tanokura
The widow of a murdered yakuza boss serves jail time for attacking the man she believes killed her husband. After her release, as she is shadowed by a hitman, she returns to thoughts of revenge.
Бунт цветов
Shojiro Sawada
Поэтесса Акико Ёсано (1878 — 1942) прожила долгую творческую жизнь, создала более 30 тысяч стихотворений, перевела на современный японский язык роман «Гэндзи Моногатари», была матерью 11 детей. Её постоянно критиковали за открытый эротизм, при этом все свои стихи она посвящала законному мужу Хироси Ёсано. Переживания поэтессы становятся фоном для всего искусства «серебряного века» Японии. Вновь мы встречаемся со знаменитыми создателями японского реалистического театра Сумако Мацуи и Хогэцу Симамура, узнаем об упрямстве Кафу Нагаи, становимся свидетелями творческого кризиса Такэо Арисима, поражаемся революционной смелости анархиста Сакаэ Осуги и его верной спутницы Ноэ Ито.
Bakayaro! I'm Plenty Mad
Masao Atsugi (Episode 1)
Anthology film. "What's Wrong with Eating?" Numayama Kazuki is always complaining about his wife's, Atsugi Shizuka, body shape. Because of that Shizuka tries her best to restrict her diet and please Kazuki. "It's So Far Away!" Karuma Sae is an office lady who works in the city center but lives with her family in a house far away from her work. Because she is always rushing to catch the last train, she can never enjoy a decent date with her boyfriend, Oishi Mamoru. Her father is also always interfering in her life, so she can't appreciate the city life and isn't happy. "Get Ready to Drive!" Masuko is a new taxi driver in Tokyo who is very stressed from dealing with the behavior of some passengers. One night he drives a very beautiful drunk hostess home. "What Is English?" Kosaka Shigeru, a businessman, was transferred to a Chicago branch factory. He tried hard to learn English, practicing day and night, but couldn't improve as much as he expected.
Marquis de Sade’s Prosperities of Vice
Leading Man in Play
A decadent count in 1920′s Japan becomes obsessed with the life and works of the Marquis de Sade. He creates a theatre to show plays adapted from the notorious writer’s novels and recruits thieves, prostitutes and low lives to act out his fantasies on stage for the delectation of his rich, jaded friends. In search of new sensations the nobleman orders one of the actors, on pain of death, to make love to the nobleman’s wife while he watches. Unfortunately, this incursion of real life into his fantasy world will have dire consequences for the count and his divinely decadent coterie.
Break Out
An accidental shooting on the job and a recent divorce take a toll on the personal and professional life of a Japanese detective. Just as it seems he can't go any lower, he is suspended from the force for disregarding orders to halt his criminal investigation of a Congressman. However, even this setback won't stop the determined cop from getting to the bottom of the scandal.
So What
In a small town, high school students in their final year try to balance their studies while also playing together in a rock band.
Magino Village: A Tale
The movie compiles footage taken by Ogawa Production for a period of more than ten years after the collective moved to Magino village. Unique to this film are fictional reenactments of the history of the village in the sections titled "The Tale of Horikiri Goddess" and "The Origins of Itsutsudomoe Shrine". Ogawa combines all the techniques that were developed in his previous films to simultaneously express multiple layers of time—the temporality of rice growing and of human life, personal life histories, the history of the village, the time of the Gods, and new time created through theatrical reenactment—bring them into a unified whole. The faces of the Magino villagers appear in numerous roles transcending time and space—sometimes as individuals, sometimes as people who carry the history of the village in their memories, sometimes as storytellers reciting myths, and even as members of the crowd in the fictional sequences.
Sure Death 4
Kohei Yasuda
Having been demoted for failing to prevent the murder of one of his superiors, Mondo is startled by a group of masked thugs who are soon attacked in turn by an unseen force. He begins to suspect the work of assassins, but whose side are they on?
The Gentlemen’s Alliance
Etsuko, a female college student, tries to beat the con artists at their own game after she gets scammed one after another.
A Homance
Dating Cafe's Customer
A homeless man suffering from memory loss is unbeatable in a fight. He becomes involved with the Yakuza. It is based on a manga by Carib Marley.
Be Free!
Adventures of a young high school teacher and his oddball students.
The New Morning of Billy the Kid
All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.
House on Fire
Kazuo's father
In the 50s, the complicated life of a popular writer who must share his life with his family, his numerous mistresses and his work
Life of Don Matsugoro
Children's movie about a dog that can type messages into a word processor. When his owner is kidnapped, the canine summons his fellow dogs to help in the rescue effort.
Karate Cop 4
I Want To Live Once More: Shinjuku Bus Fire Incident
Soroku Sugihara
On the night of August 19, 1980, a bus was set on fire by the vagrant Hirofumi Maruyama at the Shinjuku West Exit Bus Terminal. In the burning flames, Mitsuko, who was exhausted by her affair, suddenly thought of suicide. As a result, she escaped too late from the bus and suffered a serious injury. From there, she was hospitalized for a long time. As she gradually recovered, the wife of her affair partner, Soroku Sugihara, died of cancer. Soroku proposed to Mitsuko again, and they lived together. Due to Soroku's mounting debt, they decided to flee to Tojinbo. With the desperate persuasion of her acquaintances, Mitsuko regained her desire to "live again."
Moment of Demon
Filled with guilt over his forbidden desires, a young man leaves home and his studies. He finds a new smaller place to stay, a low-paying but satisfying job and a girlfriend. Then his mother, unable to fight her forbidden desires, shows up.
Someday, Someone Will Be Killed
While trying to search for her missing father, Atsuko Moriya (Noriko Watanabe) meets a group of outcasts that help her. Having only an encrypted disk in her possession and while being chased by unknown people, Atsuko tries to solve the mystery of her family origins...
Прощай, ковчег
Yonetaro Tokito
В небольшой японской деревушке влюбленные поженились, несмотря на существующие предрассудки о тех, кто вступает в брак, являясь родственниками. По легенде у таких людей может родиться ребенок с хвостом. С этих странных событий и начинается невероятная история…
Lowly Ronin 5: The Teenage Orphan Girl
When the 'Lowly Ronin' helps an orphaned teenage girl avoid being turned into a prostitute, she then claims he is her father and they start a farm as father and daughter until fate steps in and he must draw his sword.
Перевал Амаги
Ryosaku Tsuchiya
В 1940 году на дороге через перевал Амаги было совершено убийство. Вещи и деньги убитого остались нетронутыми, мотив преступления — непонятен. Детектив Мацунодзё Тадзима сумел найти преступника, но и десятилетия спустя он продолжает сомневаться в его виновности.
Village of Doom
Chuji Akagi
An emotionally distraught young man goes on a violent killing spree after his tuberculosis keeps him from serving in World War II and is frowned upon by his fellow villagers.
The Black Hood
A horse-riding samurai fights villains.
Rolling on the Road
Guest in Bar(酒場の客)
George is a washed-up middle-aged rocker, who divorces his wife and lives with his girlfriend, a soap massage parlor worker.
Island of the Evil Spirits
Famous detective Kosuke Kindaichi follows a dying man's words to an enigmatic island, where he meets beautiful twin sisters and tragic events unfold.
The Hidden Trail of the Beasts
Setsuo Kishii
A star tennis player takes revenge on the blackmailers out to ruin his athletic career.
Summer of Demon
A former retainer to a noble family kills his wife's father when he tries to expose his past crimes. When he begins an affair with the daughter of another clan's retainer, her father tries to poison him but the substance instead claims an innocent victim...
Play it, Boogie-Woogie
A runaway cat-loving girl begins a love triangle with a reckless older man and a young biker in high school. The film follows their subsequent chaotic relationships.
Another Side
This is Yamakawa's first feature film in 16mm. A group of university students who grew up in an era of rapid economic growth yearn for "another side" of life as they face romantic conflicts and the suicide of a fellow student.
Until Evening
Man at Hotel
Intellectual collegue professor Sasa becomes obsessed with beautiful Sugiko, a virgin. Eventually, luring her to a love hotel.
Woman's Trail: Wet Path
A man travels with his pill-popping girlfriend to the headquarters of her yakuza boss husband, in order to claim her for himself.
Faraway Tomorrow
The Inferno
Emma Daio
Hell manifests itself through the sins, shame and desires of an upper class rural family and a mother's grief from beyond the grave.
Goodbye, Flickmania
Set at the height of the Japanese student rebellion in 1968, the film tells the story of the friendship between two very different men—a fortyish film maniac who spends nearly all his time at the movies and a 19-year-old going through the final rites of passage from adolescence to adulthood.
No Grave for Us
A plot to steal money from gangsters leads to trouble...
The Woman with Red Hair
Junko Miyashita plays a mysterious hitchhiker picked up by a brute of a construction worker named Kenzo who takes her back to his run-down and cramped apartment in a not so good part of town. Claiming that she is running away from an abusive husband, she shacks up with him. In a futile attempt to escape the bleak working class surroundings, the pair engage in an obsessive erotic relationship.
The Most Dangerous Game
The first movie of Tôru Murakawa’s “Game” trilogy, in which an assassin hired to recover a kidnap victim becomes embroiled in a vicious power struggle between two large corporations over a sizable government defence contract.
Флаг в тумане
Takeo Yamagami
По одноимённому роману Сэйтё Мацумото. Юная девушка приезжает в Токио с острова Кюсю к знаменитому адвокату, чтобы он спас её брата от несправедливого обвинения в убийстве. К сожалению, у неё нет денег, которые обычно просит адвокат за подобную работу. Само дело также представляется безнадёжным.
Kitamura Tokoku: My Winter Song
This biopic is centered on New Year's Day of 1894, when Kitamura is recovering from a suicide attempt. Japan is then under the spell of fervent patriotism because the government wants to build up public support for a war with China. Kitamura's literary friends and militant comrades come to visit. They wonder why Kitamura wants to kill himself. Kitamura at first refuses to receive them, then he sits down with them and looks back on his days as a civil rights militant, his stormy love life and his ardent but destructive desire to live literature to the full.
Love in the Mud
This is a story of love between a society girl and a yakuza boy. Mami lives an ordinary life in Tokyo, being with her friends and studying. Her biggest interest is ladies hats. She is rather well off, as her father is the ambassador of Japan in Spain. One day when she is out driving, she is attacked by a group of yakuza, but is saved by the honorable yakuza Jiro. This will change her life forever.
Eros Eterna
Old man
Eros Eterna tells the story of a legendary immortal nun who wanders around encountering several people of various conditions.
Omnibus about three actresses from different generations
Noboru Ando's Chronicle of Fugitive Days and Sex
Koyama Hiro
Ando on the run, stopping in to service all the women in his life, with a bit of the old ultra-violence.
The Watcher in the Attic
Saburo Gouda
The landlord of a boarding house in 1923 Tokyo, is keen on spying on the bizarre close encounters taking place beneath his roof. One day he sees a prostitute killing a customer, and decides he's found his soulmate.
The Sea of Genkai
Two yakuza, one of whom frequently reflects on an uncomfortable past taking advantage of Korean women, meet a stowaway on Japanese soil from across the Genkai Sea.
The Machine Gun Dragon
Ryu, a low life thug, along with his mother, steals a shipment of drugs. Now with his machine gun and a gang of hoodlums, he must face the yakuza and the mafia.
Operation Plazma in Osaka
Amidst Japan's postwar economic boom, yakuza factions in Osaka fight for survival when Japan's largest crime syndicate plans a hostile takeover.
Evil Doers
Hiroki Matsukata plays Ogata, an Osakan restaurant worker that gets sent to prison for murder. The film details his subsequent attempts to escape. It's the third and final entry in the "Hiroki Matsukata Toei Jailbreak Trilogy" following Escaped Murderer from Hiroshima Prison (1974) and Riot in Shimane Prison (1975), both directed by Sadao Nakajima.
The International Gang of Kobe
Pochi / Yoko
In 1947, in Kobe, Japan, a local street gang fights for their survival when its turf is overrun by United States occupation forces and international gangs.
Дзёкити и Комагэн знакомы с детства, еще их связала тюрьма. Во всем остальном они абсолютно непохожи друг на друга. Комагэн думает о сокровищах, Дзёкити влечет жажда мести. Им явно не по пути.
Code of Wolves
In gangster-infested 1920s Yokohama, gambler Ishiguro gets in with the local gang -- but his view of life changes after the Great Kanto Earthquake.
The Assassination of Ryoma
Shintarô Nakaoka
Story of the last three days in the life of Sakamoto Ryoma (1836-1867), imperial loyalist who tried to unite the Choshu and Satsuma clans and prepared the way for the Meiji Restoration (1868).
Меч отмщения 6
Злой князь Ягю Рэцудо, которому до сих пор не удалось устранить Огами, решает применить своё последнее оружие. Это оружие — его дочь Каори, неофициальный сын от наложницы Хайеи, и сверхъестественные воины клана Демонов Гор ташигумо, которые могли передвигаться под землёй, как будто бы это была вода. Если и на этот раз не удастся убить Огами, у Рэцудо не останется иного выбора, кроме как поднять против него всех воинов своего теневого клана. При численном превосходстве Ягю Огами никак не сможет выжить. Для этого ему придётся сразить всех воинов клана Ягю и клана Ташигумо. Огами Итто и его сын всегда готовы к смерти. Но готов ли к смерти Рецудо?.
Резня в снегу
У странствующего мстителя Дзёкичи появляется компаньон — наёмный убийца и мастер метания ножей по кличке «Мельница». Очень скоро «Мельница» признаётся, что его наняли потенциальные жертвы Дзёкичи. Однако два одиноких аутсайдера-истребителя находят между собой много общего, потому взаимная симпатия связывает героев. Дзёкичи, всё более и более уподобляющийся своим врагам в жестокости, пытается даже уберечь спутника от повторения своего пути.
Internal Sleuth
When 150 guns are stolen from Iwakuni base and two police officers are shot dead, a detective criminal tries to find out the truth.
Hanzo the Razor: Sword of Justice
Fearless Edo-period police inspector Hanzo Itami, nicknamed The Razor, has developed his own unique way of extracting information for his inquiries. His first adventure sees him investigating his superior officer's mistress, whom he suspects of having ties with a reputed criminal on the loose.
Затоичи на свободе
Затойчи приходится платить за все свои добрые дела. После того как он принял роды у умирающей в поле женщины, он выполнил ее последнюю волю: отнес ребенка в Сиобара. Но там не оказалось отца ребенка и он отдал его тетушке Ойа-э. Испытываю симпатию к Ойа-э, он решается помочь ей, когда постоялый двор, на котором она работала, начальник Тецугоро превращает в бордель.
Lost Lovers
A rebel youth joins a duo of entertainers only able to communicate by gesturing; when the female performer is suddenly abducted, he and Takeru must take action.
The Gentle Japanese
A survivor of the tragic mass suicides on Tokashiki Island in 1945 falls in love with a near-mute motorcycle engineer.
Yakuza Law
A story of yakuza lynching during the Edo, Meiji, and Showa periods.
Glorious Fights
A young leader of the Yamazaki family of Nagasaki, Takida (Ken Takakura) is an A-bomb survivor. He fiercely battles violent elements in southern Japan like there is no tomorrow.
Pretty Devil Yoko
Easily bored, but still innocent and naive countryside girl (Mako Midori) discovers partying in Tokyo is a ton of fun. Yakuza-to-be (Ichiro Araki) is an acquaintance who tries to rape her, and the typically bland but very-good-here (Hayato Tani) the first boyfriend. Director Yasuo Furuhata (his first picture) lets his camera roll in trendy clubs amongst partying youngsters in a way that could've been out of 60s England or a Nikkatsu film if it wasn't shadowed by dated 60s Toei conservatism.The resulting film is a bit confused, either a rebellious youth tale chained by moral concerns, or something conceived as a morality tale trying to break free from its chains.
Wolves, Pigs & Men
Sabu and his pals hold a pauper's funeral for Sabu's mother. His brother Jiro arrives home, fresh out of jail, and Sabu pointedly states that Jiro is not invited. Jiro meanwhile is planning a big job - steal 40 million in cash and drugs, and he invites Sabu and gang to act as decoys, for 50,000 each. The sting is a success, but the double-crossing starts almost immediately. Sabu discovers how little of the take they were promised and hides the stash. Jiro and his slimy partner pressure the kids to fess up. Meanwhile, their respectable elder brother Ichiro is being leaned on by the town's big boss, whose money it was.
Tale of Young Drifter 2
Young boys learn survival skills on a remote island and rescue a girl abducted by a gang of foreigners.
An adaptation of Akira Yoshimura's original suspense novel starring Rentaro Mikuni. 4th year of the Taishō era. About 15 families who moved in search of agricultural land to the land of the pioneers in Hokkaido led a peaceful life. One day, one of the pioneers, Mikio Shimakawa's wife Yura, and her child Taichi are attacked and killed by a bear that cannot hibernate. To resolve the situation, Shimakawa goes against all odds and turns to Ginshiro, the most hated hunter in the village, for help. While Shimakawa was away from the village, Yura and his friends were holding a funeral, the bear attacked again...