Ty Hodges

Ty Hodges

Рождение : 1981-05-26, Washington, District of Columbia, USA


Ty Hodges


Венера в теле юноши
Хантер — талантливый, но не очень успешный художник. Его беспокоит разница между тем, кто он есть, и тем, кем он хотел бы быть. Однажды Хантер встречает красивую девушку, которая вынуждает его сделать выбор.
Венера в теле юноши
Хантер — талантливый, но не очень успешный художник. Его беспокоит разница между тем, кто он есть, и тем, кем он хотел бы быть. Однажды Хантер встречает красивую девушку, которая вынуждает его сделать выбор.
Венера в теле юноши
Хантер — талантливый, но не очень успешный художник. Его беспокоит разница между тем, кто он есть, и тем, кем он хотел бы быть. Однажды Хантер встречает красивую девушку, которая вынуждает его сделать выбор.
Венера в теле юноши
Хантер — талантливый, но не очень успешный художник. Его беспокоит разница между тем, кто он есть, и тем, кем он хотел бы быть. Однажды Хантер встречает красивую девушку, которая вынуждает его сделать выбор.
Charlie, Trevor And A Girl Savannah
Charlie Trevor and a girl Savannah is a thought provoking action/thriller about reality verses the dream state. Trevor has been having nightmares about his girlfriend Savannah. He begins to question what is true in his present life verses the perception in his waking dream. Even though this film can come off dark our goal was to express a universal message that can seem complicated, but is as simple as exploring the Mind, Body and Soul. Once we are able to accept these 3 traits of ourselves, we will realize this balance is just the beginning to life and self-discovery to the higher being. But, it first starts with Love, Trust and Faith. Meet, Charlie, Trevor, and A Girl Savannah
Charlie, Trevor And A Girl Savannah
Charlie Trevor and a girl Savannah is a thought provoking action/thriller about reality verses the dream state. Trevor has been having nightmares about his girlfriend Savannah. He begins to question what is true in his present life verses the perception in his waking dream. Even though this film can come off dark our goal was to express a universal message that can seem complicated, but is as simple as exploring the Mind, Body and Soul. Once we are able to accept these 3 traits of ourselves, we will realize this balance is just the beginning to life and self-discovery to the higher being. But, it first starts with Love, Trust and Faith. Meet, Charlie, Trevor, and A Girl Savannah
A Girl Like Grace
Raised by a single mother, a bullied 17 year-old girl seeks guidance from her best friend and the girl's older sister.
A Girl Like Grace
Raised by a single mother, a bullied 17 year-old girl seeks guidance from her best friend and the girl's older sister.
A Girl Like Grace
Raised by a single mother, a bullied 17 year-old girl seeks guidance from her best friend and the girl's older sister.
You, Me & the Circus
With Max and Bo’s relationship on the outs, tensions flare in a last-ditch effort to understand their crumbling love. Caught in the crossfire are their friends, Ralph and Andrea, who spark the beginnings of new love while their friends’ comes to a bitter halt. Fantasy accompanies reality as the characters reveal their true emotions in a magical, bohemian circus infused with dancing, acrobatics and original music.
You, Me & the Circus
With Max and Bo’s relationship on the outs, tensions flare in a last-ditch effort to understand their crumbling love. Caught in the crossfire are their friends, Ralph and Andrea, who spark the beginnings of new love while their friends’ comes to a bitter halt. Fantasy accompanies reality as the characters reveal their true emotions in a magical, bohemian circus infused with dancing, acrobatics and original music.
You, Me & the Circus
With Max and Bo’s relationship on the outs, tensions flare in a last-ditch effort to understand their crumbling love. Caught in the crossfire are their friends, Ralph and Andrea, who spark the beginnings of new love while their friends’ comes to a bitter halt. Fantasy accompanies reality as the characters reveal their true emotions in a magical, bohemian circus infused with dancing, acrobatics and original music.
Dance Fu
A young championship dancer seeking fortune and fame is forced to avenge the death of his uncle.
Video Girl
Lorie Walker is a small town girl whose big dreams of becoming a dancer come true when she becomes a star in the Hip-Hop video world. But she soon learns the hard way that life in front of the camera is not as glamorous as it seems.
Video Girl
Lorie Walker is a small town girl whose big dreams of becoming a dancer come true when she becomes a star in the Hip-Hop video world. But she soon learns the hard way that life in front of the camera is not as glamorous as it seems.
A botched car-jacking forces two white-collar criminals to take refuge in the home of the thugs that accosted them. Over the course of one explosive, unpredictable night, worlds collide, fortunes shift, lives are cast aside and the most unsuspecting of heroes walks away with a multimillion dollar score.
Chile and Head, two wannabe thugs, get more than they bargained for when they duck into a blues joint while on the run from the cops. The seventy-year-old owner of the club and his staff, each societal misfits in their own right, become hostages and bear witness to an intense journey of self discovery as Chile and Head move down vastly divergent paths.
Реальные девчонки
Это фильм о богатеньких наследницах президента косметической компании «Марчетта». После смерти отца имидж компании оскверняют, полагая, что косметика «Марчетта» ядовита. Главные героини — Эва и Танзания (Хейли и Хилари Дафф) теряют всё — их счета заблокированы, дом сгорел, компания на грани краха. Тогда девочки поселяются у своей домработницы и начинают расследование, чтобы восстановить доброе имя отца.
Miles from Home
Miles From Home, is a tale of lost innocence. Miles Conway, 17, is force to fend for himself after his mother walks out on him and his brother, due to her drug addiction. Abandoned also by his brother he is homeless on the streets of Los Angeles. Miles is introduced to a group of teenage prostitutes and is seduced into a world of sex, money, and drugs. They become his family. Once he is confronted by his inner demon, it's too late. Innocence is lost. Miles is torn between his two worlds after he meets Natasha Freeman, 19, a free spirited college student. Without effort, Natasha shows Miles there is still beauty in life. In order to survive, he must learn to overcome his circumstances and recognize a blessing when he sees one. There is a war within him and Miles has to make a decision. Will he choose life or death? Miles quickly learns the greatest fear we will ever have to face is to confront the person inside.
Miles from Home
Miles From Home, is a tale of lost innocence. Miles Conway, 17, is force to fend for himself after his mother walks out on him and his brother, due to her drug addiction. Abandoned also by his brother he is homeless on the streets of Los Angeles. Miles is introduced to a group of teenage prostitutes and is seduced into a world of sex, money, and drugs. They become his family. Once he is confronted by his inner demon, it's too late. Innocence is lost. Miles is torn between his two worlds after he meets Natasha Freeman, 19, a free spirited college student. Without effort, Natasha shows Miles there is still beauty in life. In order to survive, he must learn to overcome his circumstances and recognize a blessing when he sees one. There is a war within him and Miles has to make a decision. Will he choose life or death? Miles quickly learns the greatest fear we will ever have to face is to confront the person inside.
Miles from Home
Miles Conway
Miles From Home, is a tale of lost innocence. Miles Conway, 17, is force to fend for himself after his mother walks out on him and his brother, due to her drug addiction. Abandoned also by his brother he is homeless on the streets of Los Angeles. Miles is introduced to a group of teenage prostitutes and is seduced into a world of sex, money, and drugs. They become his family. Once he is confronted by his inner demon, it's too late. Innocence is lost. Miles is torn between his two worlds after he meets Natasha Freeman, 19, a free spirited college student. Without effort, Natasha shows Miles there is still beauty in life. In order to survive, he must learn to overcome his circumstances and recognize a blessing when he sees one. There is a war within him and Miles has to make a decision. Will he choose life or death? Miles quickly learns the greatest fear we will ever have to face is to confront the person inside.
Suits on the Loose
Suits on the Loose is the story of two rebellious teens, Justin and Ty, and their breakout from a desert survival camp. When two naive Mormon missionaries, Elder Talbot and Elder Johnson, run into a restroom at a remote rest stop, Justin steals their car. Scrapping their military fatigues for the conservative missionaries' tags in hopes of passing through any road blocks, their guise is so good that the police insist upon escorting the escapees directly to New Harmony, the town that's been anxiously awaiting their Mormon missionaries. As the two renegades find themselves embraced by the town's hospitality, they try to map out their escape. With Elder Talbot and Elder Johnson destined to arrive, what will happen when the town of New Harmony discovers that their missionaries are actually on the lam from the law? Can they keep up the charade and fool everyone around them or will they be found out? Written by HaleStorm Entertainment
Как остаться в живых
Larry Beale
Стивенсы выигрывают бесплатные путёвки на красивейший остров в Тихом океане. Но как жестоко они заблуждаются, радостно собираясь в дорогу! Стивенсам суждено стать невольными героями нового реалити-шоу на выживание, которое будет транслироваться в прямом эфире национальной телесети. А отвезут их не на другой конец света, а на близлежащий островок, который населен пренеприятными персонажами (это переодетые актёры-статисты). Но когда Стивенсы поймут, как жестоко их обманули и опозорили перед зрителями всей страны, настанет время справедливого реванша, и они сведут счёты с телевизионщиками самым забавным способом!
The Challenge
Estranged twins Lizzie and Shane are chosen for a Survivor-like popular game show with college scholarships as the prize.
Соединенные штаты Лиланда
16-летний Лиланд Фицджеральд сделал свой шаг в жизни: убил человека. Необъяснимый поступок для его близких, знакомых и друзей. И все изменяется, но только не для Лиланда. Его отец — известный писатель, подруга-наркоманка, тюремный наставник, приятель, оказывается, сами находятся в одном шаге от пропасти, к которой приближались все эти годы…
Не заглядывай под кровать
Larry Houdini
Фрэнсис - послушная дочь своих родителей, заботливая сестра для младшего брата, и прилежная ученица, которая так преуспела в учёбе, что даже перескочила через класс на зависть сверстникам! Но с недавних пор в родном городке Фрэнсис стало творится что-то невероятное. В городе завёлся какой-то таинственный особо злостный вандал, который своими пакостями доставляет немало хлопот горожанам! Никто не может объяснить, почему в городе вдруг все часы стали спешить, все домашние псы переместились за ночь на крышу, любимая машина учителя биологии превратилась в омлет на колёсах, во всем городе вдруг погасло электричество, вода в бассейнах превратилась в желе, а по всюду появилось таинственное граффити! Возможно, ответ на все вопросы Фрэнсис где-то рядом... под кроватью её младшего брата...
David and Lisa
A psychiatrist tries to treat an emotionally disturbed teenage boy who has a pathological fear of being touched. The only person who can communicate emotionally with the young patient is a girl suffering from split personalities who speaks in rhymes and withdraws from anyone who refuses to do the same.