Crime series actress Hadley Warner retires to a small town where she encounters her first real case. Using her TV crime knowledge, she teams up with Detective Shawn Caden to solve the case. Starring Lyndie Greenwood and Luke Macfarlane.
Eliza Sloane seems to be living her dream life until her boyfriend breaks her heart and she doesn’t get an expected promotion. Her best friend Sofia approaches her with a new path in life: move to the Hamptons and “marry a rich guy with a huge trust fund”.
Julie is adjusting to being a single mother to a grieving child while facing her first Christmas without her husband when she develops an unexpected friendship with her older neighbor Irene.
Профессиональный планировщик Гвен помогает своей лучшей подруге устраивать её свадьбу. Но когда она объединяет свои усилия с шафером Джошем, то понимает, что свадьба не такое лёгкое дело, как ожидалось.
Wedding photographer Jessie Brooke's happy small town life is turned upside down when a famous Hollywood actor shows up at her parent's lakeside vineyard for his sister's wedding.
Executive Producer
Wedding photographer Jessie Brooke's happy small town life is turned upside down when a famous Hollywood actor shows up at her parent's lakeside vineyard for his sister's wedding.
Executive Producer
After a childhood on the road with her legendary singer-songwriter father, organic teashop owner Bonnie Highstreet, wants nothing to do with the music business, but when she helps music sensation Ryder Jamison, develop lyrics for his new solo album, she rekindles her long abandoned dream and falls in love.
Продюсер подкастов Пэйтон вынуждена превратить ведущего Алекса в следующую звезду и создать идеальное шоу, чтобы спасти их карьеру. Шоу представляет собой поиск настоящей любви для знаменитости Джеки Грэй. По мере совместной работы дуэта герои находят собственную любовь.
Executive Producer
To save her father’s lake-front restaurant, a talented interior designer must partner with the celebrity chef her father hired without her knowledge to revamp the place before time runs out.
Executive Producer
Профессиональная подружка невесты Кейт Джеймс рада помочь своей лучшей подруге с её свадьбой. Во время подготовки она встречает брата Максин Мэтта. Промелькнёт ли между ними искра?
Во время рождественского сезона Меган и ее отец Фрэнк отправляются в путешествие, чтобы найти свою давно потерянную любовь. Найдет ли Меган любовь всей своей жизни на этом пути?
Executive Producer
Преподаватель балета Оливия получает больше, чем рассчитывала, когда играет Лили в «Щелкунчике», и обнаруживает, что влюбляется в отца Лили Майкла. Сможет ли Оливия исполнить все желания в это Рождество?
Молодая воспитательница Кейли не может поехать домой на Рождество из-за зимней метели. Несмотря на разочарование, она хочет передать своим воспитанницам волшебство праздника. Получится ли у нее создать идеальное Рождество в неожиданной ситуации?
Executive Producer
Known as a “fixer” for difficult clients, a talented party planner must help a young CEO plan the Christmas party of the year to dazzle the mayor and save his company. Wil the “fixer” fix something more than just the company?
Executive Producer
Ember Morley, a graphic designer and aspiring storybook illustrator in Manhattan is surprised when she learns she has inherited her Grandmother’s Christmas tree farm. She heads back to her hometown of Willow Hill in order to sell it before Christmas, but the charming townspeople convince her to stay a little longer and help plan their annual Christmas Tree Festival. When forced to work with Brandon Hart, the farm’s handsome caretaker, Ember is reminded of the things she once wanted in life.
Владелица небольшой кондитерской, Ария, планирует принять участие в конкурсе шоколатье, но незадолго до соревнований она остаётся без напарника. Казалось, что мечте Арии не суждено сбыться, но ей на помощь приходит Райан, отец-одиночка ненадолго вернувшийся в город, чтобы навестить родителей. Возможно Ария и Райан растопят не только шоколад, но и сердца друг друга?
Executive Producer
A female project manager hires a young male intern, and when he starts staying late to help, they have a one-night stand. Embarrassed by the incident, she apologizes and breaks things off quickly, but the intern isn't ready to let go yet.
Тэнли решает встретиться со своим онлайн-другом, Джаредом. Когда девушку по ошибке принимают за его жену, ей приходится лгать семье Джареда и его очаровательному лучшему другу Эверетту, чтобы помочь им сохранить бизнес.
High school teacher Lauren finds her life up side down when her job, the custody of her adopted daughter and even her safety is in danger when an angry student falsely claims to have had an affair with her.
Executive Producer
When Allie Ederling left her small town to move to New York to pursue her dream of becoming a fashion designer, little did she imagine that the city had big plans for her… and for her heart!
Executive Producer
Elizabeth and her husband are basking in the glow of being new parents. When Elizabeth starts a mommy blog to document the experience, her baby Evan is kidnapped and she realizes danger lies much closer than she thought.
Кэсси, бухгалтер и бывший организатор мероприятий, возвращается в родной город, чтобы устроить свадьбу своей матери. Симпатичный и очаровательный Кайл, шеф-повар, отвечающий за банкет, помогает ей с подготовкой, и вполне может оказаться той любовью, которую ищет Кэсси.
A woman poses as an infant photographer in order to befriend a young mother and steal her baby.
When Seattle magazine writer Samantha Hart is sent home to write an article about the wedding destination of Hawthorne Vineyards, she discovers the ex who broke her heart not only runs the vineyard, but he’s about to get married there.
Executive Producer
Skye is preparing for another great year of her business ‘Lather and Luxury’, she sells colorful and fragrant bath products, face masks, you name it! When her childhood sweetheart Gavin arrives in town to help improve her business model, she initially refuses
Executive Producer
John Logan, a widower and father of two daughters, is struggling to balance his job and parenting. Luckily, he has the help of Jillian, his wife’s best friend. When an attractive woman moves in across the street, John finds himself enjoying her company. Alice, the new neighbor, starts spending time at the Logan house, even helping John with the girls. This new woman in John’s life is a bit mysterious and she starts getting caught in some lies raising the suspicion of Jillian and John’s older daughter, Chelsea. When Alice’s ex-husband is found dead, everyone starts to wonder if Alice is as sweet as she seems
Kate Francis has been a loyal assistant at a Seattle newspaper for the past five years. When one of her story ideas finally gets accepted, the assignment takes her back to her charming hometown of Sunflower Valley.
Executive Producer
After a year of interacting exclusively online, Tenley, an eco-conscious horticulturist, finally works up the courage to meet her online crush, Jared. When Jared doesn’t show because of a bike accident, Tenley gets mistaken for his wife at the hospital. Soon, she’s forced to keep the lie up with Jared’s entire family and his annoyingly charming best friend, Everett in order to save Jared’s company… You’ve Got Mail meets While You Were Sleeping!
Zoe Davis is a successful and highly driven wedding planner in the big city. When her father asks her for help at the family café shop, she happily drives back to her cozy hometown of Romance, Oregon. Little does she know her mom has already hired Will to help, an aspiring chef and coincidentally…Zoe’s childhood sweetheart! Tensions rise between Zoe and Will, but so does the chemistry. Will they settle their differences and find lost love along the way?
Executive Producer
Оливия и Брайан находятся по разные стороны строительного проекта. Приехав на свадьбу лучшей подруги, Оливия с удивлением узнаёт, что шафером оказывается никто иной, как Брайан. Им приходится забыть о неприязни друг к другу, чтобы спасти свадьбу друзей.
Мать помогает дочери стать капитаном команды чирлидеров, но неожиданно узнаёт, что кто-то снабжает её ребёнка опасными стероидами. И этот человек готов на всё, чтобы скрыть свои действия. Даже на убийство.
Executive Producer
When Rose, a passionate fashion stylist in her 30's living in New York, inherits her grandmother's vintage dress shop, she returns to her small hometown to take care of the store. As she's contemplating closing the store for good, she runs into her charming high school crush, Cole Murphy, who convinces her to restore the store and help people in need that can't afford new clothes. After hesitantly agreeing, the two friends reminisce about their old feelings, and realize that the store is not the only that deserves a second chance, but so does their love.
Executive Producer
Callie Fitzgerald is tired of her family fixing her up and questioning her single status. She is determined to find a pretend boyfriend for her 35th birthday party just so her family will leave her alone. What she didn’t expect was to actually fall for him.
Когда дизайнер по интерьерам Лили Саммерс возвращается из Сиэтла в родной город, чтобы помочь своей тёте Мэгги управлять гостиницей, она встречает Маркуса, симпатичного пилота гидросамолета, дело жизни которого - спасение брошенных собак. И Лили обнаруживает, что дом действительно там, где сердце.
Executive Producer
A cookbook literary agent with culinary training is tasked with helping elevate the brand of a food channel personality known for his convenience-oriented recipes. However, as the agent works with her client on a new cookbook, playfully clashing over everything from ingredients to tastes, she must choose between following the directions or her heart.
Jessie Dale is a third generation baker who loves her cake shop more than anything in the world. When developers threaten to buy her building and force her out, she must do all she can to save her bakery, all while juggling a blossoming romance with her client's brother.
Penelope Campbell loves her annual summer vacations visiting her Grandma Dot, despite Dot's constant attempts to set her up with every single man in town. This year, she bumps into Jason Humphrey, her childhood sweetheart. In order to evade the efforts of their matchmaking grandmothers, they make a pact pretending to date each other, but will the old sparks return?
Executive Producer
Sisters, Nicole and Angela, are highly driven and successful in their careers. Angela is married with a baby on the way and wishes Nicole, a rising attorney, could have more balance in her life. When Angela interviews and hires a new bright executive, Michael, she sets him up with Nicole who actually makes time to date him. The relationship seems promising until it becomes clear that Michael is moving much more quickly and obsessively than Nicole can handle.
Exhausted from her marketing job, Sophie rents an Airbnb with a widowed father and his daughter to wind down. However, the daughter is set on making her father fall in love once more, with her sight set on Sophie.
Career driven Abby agrees to help her busy boss find the man of her dreams, but she encounters a dilemma when she starts falling for the same man her boss approves of dating.
Executive Producer
Rebecca, a respected teacher at a private girls school, has her life turned upside down when a new scholarship student arrives who might be the daughter she gave up for adoption seventeen years ago.
Executive Producer
Two paramedics arrive at the site of a car accident to transport an injured teenage girl to the hospital. However, instead of taking her to the hospital, the strangers bring her to a home of a woman whose daughter just died.
Miles apart, Molly and Lily become pen pals at 4th grade, continuing to write to each other throughout their lives. Things change however when Molly shows up at Lily's 25th Birthday, with an intention of taking over Lily's life.
Cassie Temple accepts a job as a babysitter back home after her internship falls through, however she begins suspecting her employer is up to something sinister after overhearing a murder plot.
Executive Producer
Жизнь Энни, любящей матери и жены, переворачивается с ног на голову, когда муж оставляет ее одну и вместе с ребенком сбегает из общины. Однако все становится еще сложнее, когда он возвращается, требуя полной опеки над сыном.
Kent devises a revenge plan against Laurel, whose husband he believed ruined his marriage, however, his plan becomes deadly once Laurel decides to fight back.
Autumn is a beautiful transfer student who goes undercover as a cheerleader to do an exposé on the cruel culture of the squad for her school newspaper. But when someone begins viciously attacking cheerleaders, she starts to fear for her own life.
Executive Producer
Линдси влюбляется в своего начальника и у них начинается роман. Он женат, но клянётся, что давно не живёт с женой и планирует скоро с ней развестись. Чтобы доказать Линдси свою любовь, он предлагает ей поехать с ним на медицинскую конференцию, которая проходит в курортном отеле. Однако, приехав на место, пара замечает, что за ними следят какие-то подозрительные люди.
Executive Producer
Когда бывший соведущий, Джейк Эверетт возвращается в утреннее телешоу Наоми, успех телепередачи начинает расти, но личная жизнь девушки стремительно рушится.
Just three days out from their wedding day, Jess and Max are ready to call it quits from the out-of-control planning. They visit Billie, the owner of a wedding donation company, specializing in donating leftover wedding elements to those in need. However when Max’s brother Charlie will stop at nothing to keep them together, he enlists the help of Billie to ensure this meant-to-be couple gets hitched once and for all.
Executive Producer
Девочка-подросток навещает свою маму в тюрьме перед смертной казнью и попадает в опасную ловушку, которая заставит ее взять на себя вину за преступления своей матери.
Executive Producer
Amber and Kyle are ready to move on after a car accident two years ago. But their world turns upside down when Jessica, the other driver who lost her unborn baby in the accident, moves in next door and gets a job with Amber's doctor -- all in a plan to seek a cold form of revenge.
A single father has a fractious relationship with his rebellious teenage daughter. When a lost letter written to the daughter from her dying mother is miraculously found, everything starts to turn around.
To pay for college, Business major Trina goes live with her unique dating website Let's Date. Let's Date becomes a huge success, though Trina soon learns that her site is being misused as a prostitution hub and shuts it down. When one of the dating users from the site turns up dead, Trina looks to her now defunct site for clues, which someone does not want her to uncover.
В центре сюжета оказывается Кэти Джонс — успешный пластический хирург, которая живет в собственном роскошном доме вместе с любимым супругом и двумя детьми. Однажды по рекомендации её хорошей подруги к ней на прием приходит обворожительная красотка Лиз, в которой Кэти с трудом узнает застенчивую девушку, проходившую вместе с ней практику во время учебы. Лиз так и не удалось построить карьеру врача, но девушка смогла найти себя в другом деле, и теперь она — успешный юрист. С появлением хорошего дохода Лиз стала тратить огромные деньги на совершенствование своей внешности, что и привело её к давней знакомой. Вот только Кэти совершенно не догадывалась, каковы были истинные мотивы её новой пациентки...
Executive Producer
A young woman finds her life in danger when an emotionally disturbed police officer she bullied in high school targets her in a twisted plan of revenge.
Executive Producer
After her daughter Lacey goes off to a prestigious university, Carol finds herself with an empty nest and decides to rent out her room. When Nikki, a local college student answers the ad, it feels like a perfect fit. What Carol doesn't know is that Nikki was her daughter's high school rival, and that she believes Carol cheated her out of a chance to attend a better school by pulling strings for Lacey. Now, Nikki has come to avenge the future she feels has been stolen from her.
Executive Producer
A married woman's life turns upside down when she learns her husband is married to another woman.
Kendra has been given an Educator of the Year award and now must prepare a speech to give at a banquet in her honor. She has the support of her husband (and is trying to start a family with him) and best friend Monica, but her life is starting to unravel. Kendra will discover the cause is a long lost twin sister, Amber, who resents her twin's "entitled" position. Kendra must fight her vindictive sister to save her home, husband, job, and finally her life.
Executive Producer
While flying a drone, a teenager sees her boyfriend cheating with the school's head cheerleader. When the cheerleader turns up murdered, her boyfriend becomes the prime suspect, and only she can find the real killer before another murder takes place....
Executive Producer
Чтобы покрыть расходы на учёбу, трудолюбивая студентка Кейт устраивается на лето на высокооплачиваемую работу в качестве няни для детей одного богатого человека. Но вскоре она понимает, что с детьми, за которыми её наняли ухаживать, явно что-то не так.
Executive Producer
Nicole is stunned when her daughter Cameron returns from a vacation in Mexico engaged to handsome Brent. But Brent has a secret girlfriend, Lexi, and together they're planning to kill Cameron for her money right after her honeymoon.
Executive Producer
Чтобы собрать собрать улики против неверного мужа и подготовиться к бракоразводному процессу, Джеки нанимает так называемого охотника на любовниц. Но, когда мужа вместе с любовницей находят мёртвыми, охотник испаряется, а Джеки становится главной подозреваемой в двойном убийстве.
Executive Producer
When teenager Kendra lies about her age to get into a Hollywood party, she meets handsome reality TV star, Brad. But when she discovers that Brad is not as charming as he seems, Kendra rejects him, only to realize that he has become obsessed with her and will stop at nothing--including dating her widowed mother--to be near her.
Executive Producer
When a single mom hires a tutor to help her daughter graduate high school, the tutor becomes dangerously obsessed.
After learning that her abusive ex-husband is about to be released from prison, a woman flees with her teenage daughter back to her old hometown.
История о противостоянии двух девочек в школе, родителям-одиночкам которых пришлось споткнуться о самое сокровенное в жизни - любви к Рождеству. Постепенно противостояние девочек и вовсе вышло из под контроля, но сумеют ли они найти путь к надежде, чтобы вновь полюбить Рождество?
У Дарси есть любимая работа, преданные друзья и уютный дом, а остальное она находит на страницах книг. Но всё меняется, когда накануне Рождества она сбивает на велосипеде незнакомца. Помогая ему восстановить память, Дарси открывает в себе качества, о которых и не догадывалась, и понимает, что любовь можно встретить не только в книгах.
Since she started working as a dressmaker for her Aunt Daisy, Jenna has seen dozens of brides getting happily married in her gorgeous wedding gowns. Jenna longs to have a white wedding of her own and to find a handsome man who will take her away from her abusive Aunt.
Executive Producer
It's been two years since Tina's husband-to-be, Brock, lost his first wife in a tragic accident. Everyone is thrilled to see Brock so happy with Tina, including his eight-year-old daughter Harper. It seems Tina's only obstacle to happily ever after is Joyce, Brock's former mother-in-law, who is determined to stop the marriage and keep Harper to herself. Joyce's attempts to disrupt the happy couple quickly escalate and it becomes clear that Joyce will do anything to keep Tina from walking down the aisle. Katie Leclerc and Catherine Dyer star.
Emily, who is seven months pregnant, quickly becomes friends with her new neighbour, Kelly, who is also pregnant. They seem to have a lot in common and both look forward to the arrival of their new babies. Little does Emily know that Kelly has been faking her pregnancy in order to get close to Emily so she can steal her baby!
Executive Producer
Years ago, heartbroken and officially separated from her husband, Caroline briefly turned to the arms of another man. It was only one small indiscretion - a brief affair, forgotten after she and her husband reunited. But beautiful Elle, daughter of Caroline's lover, hasn't forgotten. She rents a guesthouse from Caroline, her husband, and teenage son with one purpose: to destroy their lives the way Elle thinks Caroline destroyed hers.
Encouraged by her lover, Danielle kills her husband and goes on the lam with her infant daughter Cali. But the cops catch her and, en route to prison, she agrees to give custody of Cali to her arch rival, her sister Nikki. But on release from prison, Danielle will stop at nothing to get Cali back from Nikki's safe and healthy home.
Single mom Karen Clark hires Alex, a manny (a male nanny or au pair) to help with her two young sons, never suspecting Alex has other plans and wants her family as his own, even if he has to murder to achieve his goal.
Single mom Julie Stevens' life is turned upside-down when international con man Martin moves to her neighborhood. As Julie begins to open up to Martin's charms, another woman - Sloane - is determined to kill Martin for having left her and robbed her blind. Will Julie survive Martin's affections and Sloane's revenge?
Executive Producer
Young newlywed Kristin begins to doubt her husband Jay's love when his aunt and rival is found murdered. Kristin starts to investigate the death, and Jay's checkered past, only to become his next target. Starring: Shenae Grimes-Beech, Samantha Ferris.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Teenager Jennifer Phillips loses her father in a long battle with cancer. She's devastated and one night, after heavy drinking, she crashes her car into Colin, a college bound track star, who now may never walk again. Jennifer is taken into rehab, and when she thinks that the worst is over, Colin's brother is looking for her and ready to take revenge.
Executive Producer
Jill Yates' daughter Emily takes up with bad boy Gary, whose violent behavior lands him and Emily in trouble. To avoid prison, Gary and Emily appear to commit a double suicide, but Jill sets out to prove Gary has gone on the lam, taking Emily with him.
Real estate rising star Molly, who breaks up with Jackson, a smitten but seeming underachiever, on Valentine’s Day because he may have lied to her. Molly moves to New Mexico for a high-profile promotion and soon finds herself close to being engaged to the generous but immature Greg. In a twist of fate, a proposed business deal for a trendy winery puts Molly face-to-face again with the remorseful Jackson, who has a few more surprises for the woman he still loves.
Adopted teenager Sara goes in search of her birth mother Abby, only to find the woman in prison for bank robbery and manslaughter. In an upcoming parole hearing, Sara helps Abby win release, and decides to spend the summer with her before leaving for college. But Sara soon finds herself in danger as her mother returns to her former partner in crime....
Pretty and likable Jennifer arrives as a freshman at Whittendale University and is greeted by pledge-seeker Carly of the Beta Sigma Eta Sorority. Once warmly embraced by the sorority, Jennifer soon realizes trouble is lurking beneath the happy surface of the sorority and makes an enemy of the sorority president Breanne. When Breanne's body is found in her car, Jennifer finds herself considered to be the number one suspect on campus.
Кэти, молодая честолюбивая девушка из небогатой семьи, поступает в колледж, чтобы осуществить свою мечту - стать дизайнером по интерьеру. Однако вскоре понимает, что учеба в колледже -недешевое занятие. Денег катастрофически не хватает. И тогда её новая подруга советует Кэти найти богатого покровителя. Покровитель нашелся, финансовые проблемы решил, но появились другие ...
A woman and her husband become increasingly scared as an anonymous person begins stalking their family.
When runaway teenager Chelsea is mistakenly killed by her friend Brittany's pimp, Brittany returns to what remains of the family Chelsea left years ago. Brittany's doing her best to get by under her assumed identity, until the truth begins to emerge. Then the vengeful pimp shows up.
Wedding Planner Mystery follows the exploits of a quirky but lovable event planner who makes murder as fun as can be. Homicide doesn't follow our heroine; she seeks it out. Using her circle of contacts, her friendship with a reporter and the same research skills that enable her to plan distinctive events - if an unsolved murder occurs in Seattle, Carnegie will find out about it.
At a book signing for his best seller, Nicholas Howarth is confronted by sexy Teresa Smith, who says he stole the story when he was her teacher in a woman's prison. Teresa has killed before and won't be stopped as she sets out to destroy Nicholas's reputation, his marriage and his life in her goal to write the final chapter of Honor Student.
Хранитель музея получает астрологическую скрижаль из слоновой кости 2000-летней давности, не зная о том, что она способна уничтожить человечество.
Executive In Charge Of Production
A young aspiring actress is hired to replace the wife of a businessman during a major reception in their home. What seemed like a simple job becomes a nightmare.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Sonia Patton accepts a huge job promotion. Accepting this promotion means she must leave her home in New York City and move to a small town near Boston. However, someone in her life is not ready to live without her.
В руки корректора Эрика Фокса попадает загадочный артефакт, вызывающий у него видения апокалипсиса. Объединившись с археологом Брук Келвин, Фокс пытается разгадать тайну артефакта и спасти мир, скрываясь при этом от правительственных агентов…
Unit Production Manager
Основанная на реальных событиях история студента Джейсона Мосса, которому в 1993 году удалось наладить контакт с находившимся в заключении известным серийным убийцей Джоном Гейси. Тюремная переписка с маньяком постепенно переросла в доверительные отношения, телефонные беседы и в конец концов личную встречу, состоявшуюся незадолго до казни Гейси. Задумывая близкое знакомство с убийцей лишь частью своего амбициозного студенческого проекта, Джейсон и не предполагал, насколько психологически травматичным оно в итоге окажется.
Line Producer
Основанная на реальных событиях история студента Джейсона Мосса, которому в 1993 году удалось наладить контакт с находившимся в заключении известным серийным убийцей Джоном Гейси. Тюремная переписка с маньяком постепенно переросла в доверительные отношения, телефонные беседы и в конец концов личную встречу, состоявшуюся незадолго до казни Гейси. Задумывая близкое знакомство с убийцей лишь частью своего амбициозного студенческого проекта, Джейсон и не предполагал, насколько психологически травматичным оно в итоге окажется.
Production Manager
A lone female park ranger tries to track down a vicious creature killing various people and terrorizing her at a remote national park.
Человечество вырвалось к звездам. И, как оказалось, зря. Галактика населена всевозможными видами разумных вампиров, жаждущих человеческой крови. Бороться с ними нелегко. И вдвойне сложнее задача Галактической Корпорации по зачистке планет от вампиров, если в рядах землян есть предатели, прикрывающиеся прекраснодушными словами о добре и справедливости.
Aspiring writer Athena Carter has spent years working as a dating consultant with a less than successful dating history of her own. When her college ex suddenly reemerges, romantic complications ensue as Athena has to figure out who she really is and what she really wants.