Georg Bringolf

Georg Bringolf


Georg Bringolf


Проклятие черного паука
Production Design
Швейцария, XIII век. Чтобы защитить свою деревню от жестокости тевтонских рыцарей, молодая повитуха Кристина заключает сделку с самим дьяволом. Но все имеет свою цену: на деревню нападает полчище пауков, и Кристина из спасительницы становится изгоем. Хватит ли ей духа побороть зло, если все вокруг желают ей смерти?
Production Design
Аллегра живет в швейцарском Лугано и любит проводить время со своим парнем Бенни, лучшей подругой Софией и ее бойфрендом Сандро. У них есть страсть — покорять вершины окрестных Альп, но однажды Аллегра предлагает попробовать что-то более экзотическое. Друзья отправляются в Марокко, чтобы подняться в Атласские горы. Там они попадают в эпицентр террористической атаки, которая меняет все. Уничтоженная чувством вины и желанием отомстить, Аллегра не знает, как жить дальше, — пока не встречает Арада, молодого беженца с Ближнего Востока. Им обоим придется заново учиться доверять самим себе и тому, кто рядом.
Production Design
A mysterious lonely man and a young rebel woman, confront each other in a psychological drama about suspended identity.
Art Direction
Девочка Хайди живет со своим дедушкой в маленькой альпийской деревушке. Она и её друг Петер пасут в горах коз и вполне довольны своей жизнью. Но однажды всё меняется — Хайди призывает к себе её богатая тётушка из Франкфурта.
The Drift
Production Design
Robert, a former driver in illegal races, returns to his hometown Dietikon after a long period of absence. He is determined to put his past behind him and starts an apprenticeship in a repair shop. When he meets teacher Alice, his life starts to unravel.
Production Design
wacked..! tells the story of Michael and his friends Mani and Dani. All three of them are patients in a psychiatric institution with the same goal: they want out! The lively interplay between the characters sets the scene and provides insight into the manic-depressive protagonist's inner world. A serious topic, portrayed in an entertaining and direct manner.
Jeune homme
Art Direction
Finally adult and free? You wish! His father sees him as a future boss of the family-owned printing firm and his mother only wants the best for him. Sebastian can’t take it any more. On his eighteenth birthday he announces his departure to Geneva to work as an au pair in a family, looking after children and doing the household chores. To improve his French, of course! His father flips his lid, his mother is distraught. Only his sister Kathrin thinks her little brother is really cool… Very few men would be up to the challenge!
Чистый белый цвет
Art Direction
Жизнь 20-летней Нико из высшего общества Цюриха состоит из вечеринок, секса и наркотиков, когда она встречает Карлоса, фронтмена хип-хоп группы. С наивностью и бесконечной самоуверенностью она пытается перенять его образ жизни — с тяжелыми последствиями.
Little Girl Blue
Art Direction
Sandra is new to the neighbourhood and she's shy. The girls in her class don't make it easy for her either. She doesn't fit into the cool clique around Nadja and Isa at all. But when she meets 14-year-old Mike who lives in the house across the street, all her problems seem to be forgotten. She falls head over heels in love with him. However Sandra doesn't know that Nadja, too, has had a crush on Mike for some time and Nadja doesn't miss any opportunity to score points with her feminine charms - Nevertheless, Sandra and Mike are becoming closer. But their young love is soon put to the test. One day, they observe Mike's mother with a stranger. Mike is outraged. He can't understand that only a year after his sister died, his family will now be completely destroyed. But Sandra is staggered as well. How can she explain to Mike that the stranger is her father? Afraid of losing Mike, she tries everything to keep the matter secret. But by doing so, she becomes entangled in contradictions. ...
Art Direction
A Colorado sheriff and his teenage son investigate a bizarre kidnapping, ultimately leading them on the hunt for a legendary Swiss criminal.
Hotel Belgrade
Art Direction
A couple makes love in a hotel. She lives in Switzerland, he lives in Belgrad. What’s been destroyed by war will be reborn in this hotel room.