Jenõ Hábermann

Рождение : 1949-07-03,


A tökéletes gyilkos
Homicide detective Kamenár can't find his place in the world following the death of her daughter. His marriage has fallen into pieces; while his wife has found consolation in religion, he buries himself in his work and lives a self destructive life. One day he's called on the scene of a brutal murder. It turns out quickly that he knows the prime suspect quite well: Petra was his daughter's best friend and supposedly the responsible person for her death. With revenge appearing in his sight, Kamenár's life gains new purpose and he's willing to move mountains to prove the girl guilty in this new case, no matter how determined she is about her innocence. As the investigation progresses, Kamenár has to face more and more disturbing revelations. He must make his mind up whether Petra is actually innocent or so professional that she's able to commit the perfect murder.
The Door
This is a story of a special relationship between two women, a writer and her maid.
Отправляясь в путешествие по Восточной Европе, трое молодых американцев даже не предполагали, чем обернется эта поездка. В пути они знакомятся с обольстительной девушкой, и один из них — писатель, увлекающийся загадками древности, — страстно влюбляется в загадочную незнакомку. Все вместе они отправляются к затерянному в горах средневековому замку. Там, в гулких стенах старинного мрачного особняка, их ждет роковая встреча со сверхъестественными силами, тягаться с которыми простому смертному не по плечу…
At 15 he and his family became victims of state terror. At 16 he became a freedom fighter to participate in the 1956 Revolution against Soviet oppression. At 17 he is betrayed and arrested by the dreaded Secret Police (AVH). Now he has to spend the remainder of his life in a political prison, called Hell's Hallway, to reach the legal age of 18 before his death penalty can be carried out. Peter Mansfeld was 18 when he was unjustly executed by the totalitarian regime of Hungary. Today he is remembered as one of the national heroes of Hungary.