Gábor Koncz

Gábor Koncz

Рождение : 1938-07-08, Mezökeresztes, Hungary


Gábor Koncz


De La Fonge
Just Drop Dead!
Drop dead please! Following the sudden death of a mysterious engine driver in his sixties, the Wife, the Lover, her illegitimate Daughter and an increasing number of shady characters from his spurious past want to know the true identity of the man they loved. They are dying to know which of them was really loved by him, and where he has hidden the fantastic fruit of his double life. In their deadly struggle, our heroes find themselves in the center of a satirical crime comedy, the sinful roots of which stretch back to the eighties, the closing decade of the socialist era.
A fekete bojtár
István Sinka, known in the farm world of the Great Plains only as Black Burdock, is a decent, honest fellow. He stands out among his peers with his education and literacy. He and his love, Piroska, are happily planning their lives when an unexpected tragedy occurs.
Mari apja
The Door
The Lt. Colonel
This is a story of a special relationship between two women, a writer and her maid.
Count Thurzo
Отправляясь в путешествие по Восточной Европе, трое молодых американцев даже не предполагали, чем обернется эта поездка. В пути они знакомятся с обольстительной девушкой, и один из них — писатель, увлекающийся загадками древности, — страстно влюбляется в загадочную незнакомку. Все вместе они отправляются к затерянному в горах средневековому замку. Там, в гулких стенах старинного мрачного особняка, их ждет роковая встреча со сверхъестественными силами, тягаться с которыми простому смертному не по плечу…
В конце 9 века нашей эры мадьярские племена, образовав союз, решили покинуть равнину Этелькотц по течению реки Днепр в надежде обрести новую Родину в предгорьях Карпат. Они захватывают Закорпатскую низменность, где когда-то находилась империя Аттилы Гуны. В 896 году вождь союза - наследный князь Арпад - объявил, что эти земли принадлежат его людям и будут процветать в веках. Таким образом зародилась венгерская нация.
A három testőr Afrikában
The Three Musketeers in Africa is a novel written by a Hungarian novelist Jenő Rejtő with the penname P. Howard. It tells the story of Csülök, Senki Alfonz (Alfonz Nobody) and Tuskó Hopkins, the three legionaries . They have to deliver an important letter to Marquis De Surenne and protect a young lady called Yvonne Barre through the desert and lead her to a safe place. Although these three men are outlaws , they try to do everything to help people who are in need. This is a very exciting book with the unique humor of Jenő Rejtő.
Фильм рассказывает об одной из самых загадочных личностей в истории России — Григории Распутине.
A pályaudvar lovagja
2nd driver
Красная жара
Vagran Rostavili
В доперестроечные времена торговля наркотиками была из ряда вон выходящим преступлением. На борьбу с грузинским мафиози, который используя все связи США, пытается пристрастить к кокаину советских граждан, выходит гроза преступного мира милиционер Иван Данко. Этот парень не любит шутить, и доказательством серьезности его намерений служат большие мускулы и пистолет. Чтобы арестовать бандита, Иван направляется в Чикаго - рассадник капиталистической заразы. Там его помощником становится болтливый полицейский. Вместе они обезвреживают мафиози, разрушив при этом полгорода и расстреляв пару десятков негодяев.
The Southern Mail
Based on the eponymous novel by Ladislav Ballek.
A Thorn under the Fingernail
From the intrigues and slander of the branch the painter Hódosi moves out to a hamlet at Hortobágy. He gets into conflict situation as well as he cannot endure that the political and economic elite of the neigbourhood would devastate the nature conservation area with hunting and (tax evading) goose husbandry.
Myths of the Housing Estate
The Assistant
Valent Lančarič
A story of a family that after WWII moved to the south of Slovakia and acquired a prosperous butcher business left behind by a Hungarian emigrant. From the previous owner, the family also inherited a self-assured, greedy assistant who does not like to observe any firm moral principles. He assists the family in gaining wealth but in the long run, he causes the family's moral dissolution. In his most successful feature film, director Zoro Záhon combined a complex drama with excellent acting performances, especially that of Hungarian actor Gábor Koncz in the lead role.
Run with Me!
Csikós tanár úr
Kohán Imre, an adolescent kid under state care, is taken to the school resort house in the Bükk mountains with tuberculosis. He falls in love with Nurse Katica, not much older than him, and she makes friends with this open and sincere boy. Imre also finds friends among his class-mates and gains recognition for his brave behaviour.
The Match
Dongó Béla
Summer of 1956. In the small town in the Hungarian country-side, during the time the chief of police spends in a course in Budapest, Rigó Dezső is the boss with full powers. He is fighting tooth and nail to help the local football-team stay in the second national selection. During one of the matches, he beats the referee to death.
The Nameless Castle
The romantic story takes place in the time of Napoleon in Hungary, near Fertő-lake. Count Vavel hides here the French heiress from the revolution and Napoleon.
Bálint Fábián Meets God
Fábián Bálint
1918. Fábián Bálint is forced to kill humans on the Italian front. At home his sons drown the priest, the lover of their mother, in the river Kraszna. Mrs. Fábián turns insane. Following his arrival home Bálint becomes the liveried coachman of the baron.
A néma levente
Mátyás király
Венгерская рапсодия
Первая мировая война. Два сына крупного венгерского землевладельца Жадания отправляются на фронт. Они храбро сражаются и полны желания победить. Но война длится слишком долго, и солдаты больше не хотят воевать. В части, где служат братья, вспыхивает бунт. Старший брат Иштван приказывает расстрелять каждого десятого солдата. Вскоре в Венгрии происходит революция. Но новая власть продержалась недолго. В стране свирепствует террор, и братья принимают в нем активное участие. Но в душе Иштвана происходит переоценка ценностей, он пытается порвать со своим прошлым..
A világ közepe
Matthias shoulder the burden of not only the government, but also the duty of the qualification overwhelming. That is released from the care, disguise hunt megy.Így Gyevibe reach the center of the world where the law of the judge himself, who is of course no law judge brig Zarate vonatkozik.A haughty king in disguise, while the royal court only gather the bride candidates causing no small diplomatic complications.
András Fábián
A group of landless Hungarian peasants accept work as migrant-laborers on a farm in northern Germany where the wages are good, and the wives and family are allowed to accompany them. Though it is in the midst of World War II, they are relatively well-off. However, they glimpse the treatment accorded to POWs and others who are not so gently treated, and at the conclusion of the year's harvest, they choose to return to Hungary and are quickly swept up in the tides of war. This film is part of a series of films by award-winning, well-respected director Zoltan Fabri who devoted much time and effort chronicling the struggle against fascism.
Black Diamond
Szaffrán Péter
Csongor és Tünde
When Joseph Returns
An unsentimental Hungarian film about the edgy relationship between a middle-aged woman and her young, restless daughter-in-law when the son-husband goes to sea for six months.
The film evokes the era of the 1831 cholera epidemic and the peasant uprising which followed it. The way of Doctor Balás, cholera commissioner, and district administrator Hunyor leads through the mountains of Zemplén and is lined by unburied corpses, peasants dying of the illness and of overdoses of bismuth, by the miserably starving population, the healthy digging mass-graves and by uncultivated lands.
The Danube Pilot
Borús Demeter, Szergej Ladko
Based on the Jules Verne's novel "Danube pilot." The film is set during Bulgarian people struggle against the Turkish oppressors. Bulgarian Sergei Ladko embarks on a voyage on the Danube under the guise of traditional "Danube Anglers League" competition in order to bring the rebels money to buy weapons.
The Turkish Spear
Akibár aga
The adventurous history film conjures up the way of life in the castles on the country border in the late 16th century. Dani is only six years old when agha Akibar and his troop kill his father and force his mother to go with them. He engraves the face of the Turk into a spearhead and swears that he will take revenge.
The events of the story take place in the outskirts of working class people in the early nineteen fifties. Makra, a skilled worker in a factory, suddenly comes to close quarters with everything around him because his environment condemns and ridicules him for protecting a woman when his drunk fellows were going to rape her after his bachelor party.
Öt férfi komoly szándékkal
I've Become a Cop
After World War II police forces increase the number of their permanent staff because of the corrupted general conditions. After a short instruction, recruits Sipos and Czöntör are also put into action against riotous groups, black-marketeers and burglars.
Hi, Junior!
Everyone loves little Junior, but nobody has time for him. So Junior decides to find Time with the help of his friends - dwarves.
A Galant Story
It is the story of Bálint Balassi , the poet and warrior. The scene is Hungary at the end of the 16th century. The soldiers stationed at the castles of Hungary's border defence-system spend their days with anti-Turkish raids, hunting and womanising.
Krebsz, the God
Putz, tanácselnök
The protagonist of this farce is the enthusiastic, bald, spectacled Krebsz, an employee at the Prime and Sample Institute. He alerts the whole village to organise a beauty contest in the weed-field of Balatonszutykos. Hoping to win the grand prize, the leading role in a two-hour colour-film, the girls make all efforts and use all their tricks.
Knight of the TV-screen
Prohászka Feri / Gyula vitéz
This mocking criticism of public life and the media focuses on a TV series. The protagonist of the film, depicting the battles fought for Hungarian castles during the Ottoman occupation, is chosen to be the amateur Prohászka Feri, a worker in the beer-factory.
Face to Face
The members of a rifle-corps unit gather in a village by the western border
Palm Sunday
Epic recalling the early days of the Republic of the councils.
Профессор преступного мира
Béres Ferenc
Отсидев свой срок за преступные махинации, на свободу из ворот тюрьмы выходит бывший моряк, известный в преступном мире под кличкой Красавчик. Проезжавший мимо мотоциклист передает ему записку, в которой ему предлагается немедленно придти в кафе «Крепость». Там к нему подходит миловидная незнакомая девушка, которая, по-видимому, очень хорошо его знала.
Red-Letter Days
Kovács Misi
Mihály, a retired foundryman has brought up his sons in a very disciplined and strict way, and as a result they have become a doctor, an engineer, and a teacher. However, his half orphan grandson, Misi, has been spoilt, and become skilled in nothing else really but riding his motorbike and going to parties. He has been involved in shady businesses a number of times already. Having experienced so many difficulties, privation and hardship in his own life and now seeing Misi's irresponsible lifestyle, the old man's bitterness is growing day by day.
Changing Clouds
At the end of World War II, Bálint, a deserter tries to obtain forged papers. He gets involved in funny adventures
Cold Days
Andras Kovacs' film, considered one of the most important Hungarian films of the 1960s, centers around four men who await trial for their involvement in the massacre of several thousand Jewish and Serbian people of Novi Sad in 1942. Each denies any responsibility, claiming that they were only following orders. The film is significant for its willingness to address the subject of Hungary's role in WWII, which was taboo at the time of the its release.
The film takes place in the outskirts at the end of the fifties. Gabi and Vince meet at the factory party. As the man learns that Gabi raises her little son alone, he does no longer want to marry her. An unclear and for Gabi humiliating relationship forms between them until the old suitor of Gabi, Feri appears.
No Love, Please
A néma
Экранизация одноименного романа Эмиля Золя. Франция, 1863 год. Когда героя фильма Этьена Лантье увольняют из железнодорожной компании за его революционную деятельность, молодой человек устраивается на работу в одну из шахт на севере страны. Крышу над головой ему предоставляет один добрый местный человек, тоже шахтер, чья дочь выказывает явную симпатию Лантье. Работа в шахтах оказывается чрезвычайно тяжелой, опасной и низкооплачиваемой. Тогда герой картины «Жерминаль» решает организовать забастовку рабочих, которую власти безжалостно подавляют...
Легенда в поезде
Едущие в поезде пять членов бригады монтажников рассказывают пассажирам переполненного вагона пять историй из жизни своей бригады, посвященных Карло — старшему среди товарищей, всеобщему любимцу и весельчаку, совести и душе коллектива.
Земля ангелов
Снятая по роману Лайоша Кашшака кинолента изображает изнурённых и обездоленных людей, работающих от зари до зари. Доведённые до отчаяния, они решаются на своеобразный бунт — отказываются платить домовладельцу за жильё.
The Concert
Koncert is a 1962 Hungarian short film directed by István Szabó. In the film, several beach-goers have a go at playing creating an impromptu concert. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Будапештские крыши
Молодой кровельщик Граци связался с бандитом Визашем и был арестован за кражу, но не выдал соучастников. По отбытии тюремного заключения он снова вернулся к своей работе. Ни мастер, ни товарищи по работе не знали о прошлом Грация. Случай снова сталкивает Граци с Визашем. Будучи свидетелем кражи бандитами крупной суммы денег, Граци опять не выдал бандитов. Однако после некоторого размышления он с помощью любимой девушки выполняет свой гражданский долг и задерживает бандита.