Raymond Paul


Murder on Flight 502
Set Decoration
On a flight to London, a note is found stating that there will be murders taking place on the airliner before it lands.
Death Cruise
Set Decoration
Several couples are notified that they have won an ocean cruise, but they actually have been lured onto a ship so that they can be murdered.
Honky Tonk
Set Decoration
In the wild west con-man 'Candy' Johnson heads to Nevada to set up his own gambling den and teams up with Lucy Cotton, a young woman he meets there. This failed television pilot film is loosely based on Honky Tonk (1941), which starred Clark Gable.
The Phantom of Hollywood
Set Decoration
The internationally famous Worldwide Studios has hit hard times and is forced to sell its backlot to Hollywood property developers. The trouble is someone keeps killing off the site surveyors. The studio chiefs then learn of the legend of a masked man who lives on the lot and is sworn to protect it from harm
Molly and Lawless John
Set Decoration
Molly, the shy, romance-starved wife of an arrogant frontier sheriff, finds herself drawn to a prisoner in her husband's jail. This prisoner, a handsome young man named Johnny, plays on Molly's sympathy and convinces her to help him escape. Molly then accompanies Johnny on his cross-country flight but soon learns he's simply been using her. Molly makes the best of the situation, however, and by the time the sheriff's posse catches up with them, Molly shows that she's learned how to assert herself.
The Baby Maker
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Tish Gray had a baby and gave it up for adoption. She is contacted by a second childless couple who want her to have the husband's baby because of the wife's inability to have children. She accepts but finds that knowing the parents, and developing a relationship with them for the entire pregnancy complicates the simple arrangement.
Бонни и Клайд
Set Decoration
Молодые и отчаянные любовники Бонни и Клайд легко и изящно грабят банки в 30-е годы XX века. Но их романтизм и «робингудство» довольно быстро перерастают в лужи и реки крови, в хаос и грязь смерти, а судьба пророчит им неудачу…
Восьмерка беглецов
Set Decoration
Генри, вдовец с семью детьми, работающий кассиром в банке, находит на автостоянке 10 000 долларов. Радость длится недолго. Вскоре обнаруживается, что в банке, где работает Генри, существенная недостача денег. Теперь вся его большая семья вынуждена отправиться в бега…