Jim Thorburn

Jim Thorburn

Рождение : , Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


Jim Thorburn


Robin Roberts Presents: Mahalia
The true story of Mahalia Jackson, who began singing at an early age and went on to become one of the most revered gospel figures in U.S. history, melding her music with the civil rights movement.
Она написала Рождество
Rob Hartman
После увольнения из крупной газеты, Кэйли решила вернуться домой, чтобы провести время со своей семьёй. Однако внезапно она узнаёт, что решение было принято слишком быстро, и её снова хотят вернуть на работу.
Доставить к Рождеству
На ёлочном базаре Молли случайно сталкивается с незнакомцем по имени Джош, отцом-одиночкой, который после смерти жены переехал с сыном в небольшой городок, где живут его мама и брат. Спустя пару дней в пекарне Молли раздаётся звонок от незнакомого клиента, между ней и собеседником возникает симпатия. Молли и Джош поначалу и не подозревают, как причудливо пересекутся их судьбы.
Мистические хроники: Спасение
Bradley Wilmott
Алекс МакФерсон возвращается в маленький городок в Пенсильвании, где она провела лето в детстве, чтобы записать следующий эпизод своего настоящего криминального подкаста об исчезновении друга детства 20 лет назад. Однако, после объединения с редактором местной газеты, который неохотно соглашается помочь ей проследить последние шаги девочки, Алекс не только раскрывает шокирующую правду, стоящую за исчезновением девочки, но также и убийство десятилетней давности и ее сокрытие.
Свадьба на Рождество
Peter Whitcomb
When Miranda Chester sets off to find information on her biological father two Christmases ago, she never imagined her investigation would lead her to both the love of her life, Ian McAndrick, and the family she had always longed for, including Margaret Whitcomb and half-brother Peter Whitcomb. After her romantic engagement last Christmas, Miranda prepares for a Christmas wedding surrounded by this new family. While Miranda finalizes the details of her big day, Margaret forges a surprising romance with a friend from the past. Miranda’s wedding plans are quickly complicated when a mysterious visitor who claims to have ties to her late parents reaches out to her just days before her wedding. As Miranda’s wedding approaches, she must decide if she wants to spend one of the most momentous days of her life with this new family connection, and must carefully navigate the first steps into the next chapter of her life with Ian.
Помолвка на Рождество
Peter Whitcomb
It's Christmas and Miranda leaves Seattle with a suitcase full of presents to join her long- lost family in Carlton Heath, where she will experience the joyful traditions she missed as a child. Last Christmas, Miranda fell in love with Ian, a local man who helped her as she searched for her father, James Whitcomb, a famous theatre actor she believed had a connection to the town. At his widow Margaret’s request, Miranda agrees to keep it a secret to protect the family from scandal.
Hailey Dean Mysteries: Deadly Estate
Ryan Cook
When Hailey helps her friend Pam sell her recently deceased parent’s estate, she becomes suspicious when Pam suddenly leaves town without notice. To make matters worse, Pam's boyfriend is the sudden victim of an accident and the man Hailey's dating, Assistant Medical Examiner Dr. Jonas McClellan, falls critically ill. Now Hailey must determine: Are all these events a coincidence?
Смерть кувырком: Тайна Авроры Тигарден
Pete Lambert
Однажды прямо на лужайку перед домом Авроры с неба падает мёртвый шериф местной полиции. Да-да. Кто-то сбросил его тело с самолёта и явно показушно выбрал именно дом Авроры...
В поисках Санта-Клауса
Peter Whitcomb
Christmas for Miranda (Krakow) is a painful reminder of the family she never had. Her mother died when she was young, never revealing the identity of her father. But, three days before Christmas, she unexpectedly receives a clue as to the whereabouts that takes her to a beautiful New England town where she meets Ian (Matter), a young man who helps with her search. As the clues lead to her father’s identity and Miranda discovers the possibility of love in Ian, and she learns that her father lived in the small town and now she knows his family (her brother and her biological father’s wife). She faces a terrible decision… Should she share the truth and risk losing the family she has just found, or leave and keep the secret forever? This Christmas promises to be life-changing for Miranda with a new chance at life and love.
Christmas Cookies
Aunt Sally's Christmas Cookie Company is sold to a large conglomerate and executive Hannah must seal the deal and shut down the factory, which is the small town of Cookie Jar's lifeblood. What was supposed to be a simple assignment for Hannah becomes complicated when she meets Jake, the factory owner who's determined to keep the factory in town. Despite not being a fan of the holiday, the Christmas spirit in this small town is infectious and she gets swept up in the joy of the season while also falling in love with Jake.
Восставшие мертвецы: конец игры
Captain Smith
Журналист Чейз Картер снова выясняет интересные подробности о зомби-вирусе и правительстве.
Who Killed My Husband
Detective Douglas Howell
Sophie's husband is killed in the line of duty as a police officer, now she goes undercover to solve his last case as she deals with her gravely ill daughter.
The Tree That Saved Christmas
Walter Dunlap
Twenty years after saving a frail sapling from a cutting crew, Molly Logan learns that the bank is foreclosing on her parents' Christmas tree farm. Can the tree she spared rescue the holiday?
The Color of Rain
After cancer claims Matt Kell's life on Christmas Day 2005, his widow, Gina and two young boys are left to cope with the pain of his loss while their close church community gathers around them for support.
Garage Sale Mystery
Cliff Rodes
Jennifer Shannon can always find a diamond in the rough, when it comes to garage sales, that is. Whether it's a new antique to sell at her consignment shop, an Atari game for her son or a piece of furniture for her handy husband Jason to refurbish, she has made a career out of her treasure hunting prowess. When a string of burglaries hits her town, Jennifer's keen eye for detail and her natural problem solving instincts even help her see the connection between these burglaries and local garage sales! Jennifer works with Detective Adam Iverson to investigate her theory that the perpetrators of the burglaries are fellow garage sale regulars. The case escalates to dangerous levels when Jennifer discovers the dead body of her friend. Even though the deceased's husband, Ben Douglas, finds nothing missing in their house, and the police label the death as accidental, Jennifer suspects that the death may be related to the burglaries.
Рождественская история
История о том, как непреклонному боссу - а в данном случае это женщина - являются духи Рождества.
Шкатулка проклятия
Сюжет повествует о деревянной античной шкатулке, которая ушла с молотка на «eBay» ветерану Второй мировой войны. В ней живет злой дух, который творит несуразные вещи с обладателями шкатулки — их было много и владели они все этим «сокровищем» очень недолго.
Воины Авалона
The Arkadian
За двадцать лет, прошедших после падения Камелота, Мерлин превратился в отшельника, известного, как «человек леса». На его поиски отправляются молодые рыцари, которые не могут мириться, что хозяином «Нового Камелота» стал злой волшебник. Они хотят попросить Мерлина помочь им уничтожить злого мага.
The Last Trimester
A young married couple, Eric and Tracy Smythe, are thrilled when they adopt a baby, only to have it taken away from them when the mother turns out to be married. At a complete loss, and in debt from in vitro, they are desperate to complete their family. When Eric comes home with what seems to be the perfect solution, a young woman who is pregnant and does not want the baby, their dream of family seems to be coming true...but the dream is about to become a nightmare.
Ниже нуля
Mike Frazier
В результате дерзкой попытки похищения, секретный военный прибор, управляющий сверхмощной космической пушкой, оказывается на вершине горы-убийцы К-2. Одним коротким сигналом он может вызвать катастрофы по всему миру, накрыв развалинами крупные города. Группе опытных альпинистов во главе с отважным Джоном Гудвином поручено преодолеть высоту в 7 000 метров, чтобы найти и отключить машину смерти, которая в любой момент нанесет свой удар! Удастся ли группе отчаянных героев, бросивших вызов ледяным бурям, сокрушительным лавинам и коварному предательству, добраться до смертоносного устройства, чтобы спасти человечество от неминуемой гибели?
Shane Waller
У преуспевающего дельца с Уолл-Стрит убивают друга, который возглавлял проект по арбитражу сделки с нефтяной компанией. Расследовать это дело поручают Тому и молодой специалистке Эбби Гэлахер, В процессе работы между ними вспыхиваетсильное чувство. Но дело начинает заходить слишком далеко — девушку похищают, и герой становится перед выбором: рассказать о шокирующих результатах их расследования или спасти жизнь любимой
Personal Effects
An attorney is trying to solve her younger brother's mysterious disappearance while simultaneously helping a new friend rid herself of a stalker. As she begins to uncover the truth, it turns out that the seemingly separate situations are actually connected.
Генетическая особь
Prof. Peter Lang
Элитный отряд американского спецназа поднят по тревоге после загадочной аварии в сверхсекретной лаборатории на Аляске. Избранным бойцам во главе с биохимиками Лэнгдоном и Коул предстоит попасть в огромный подземный город, где лучшие умы страны работают над уникальной добычей военных: мыслящим инопланетным вирусом, извлеченным из метеорита, упавшего в Сибири. Им удалось клонировать его, создав жидкую субстанцию, способную порабощать любые живые организмы. Это непобедимое оружие Судного Дня. Никто не знает, что происходит в герметично запечатанном комплексе, но ученые не хотят верить, что случилось самое страшное — пришелец-мутант обрел свободу и теперь ищет путь во внешний мир, с каждой секундой становясь, все умнее и коварнее…
Тварь из бездны
Cole Griffin
A top secret drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico raises a dormant alien creature from the depths. Once loose, the creature goes on a murderous rampage.
The Fraternity
Morgue Guard
Some students at Runcie prep school form an elite club. The group is implicated in a cheating scandal and one of the club members dies mysteriously. Another member decides to try and discover the dangerous truth about Runcie.
All Around The Town
Gregg Bennett
A young woman, seemingly good but still psychologically disturbed from being kidnapped as a little girl, becomes the obvious suspect in a murder.
Her Best Friend's Husband
Would you betray your best friend for your own happiness? This is the moral dilemma one woman faces after she is called upon to help save her best friend's marriage, and the unthinkable happens. She and the husband find themselves falling in love.
Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story
In 2000, VH-1 produced the television biopic Daydream Believers: The Monkees' Story. In 2002, the movie was released on DVD, and featured both commentaries and interviews with Dolenz, Jones and Tork. The aired version did differ from the DVD release as the TV version had an extended scene with all four Monkees but with a shortened Cleveland concert segment. It was also available on VHS.
Dead Fire
The year is 2062. The Earth is no longer inhabitable and has been left in ruins. On-board the space station USS Legacy in orbit around Earth, the Earth's population are in suspended animation whilst the space station is under military control and scientists are working on a project to make Earth inhabitable again. After disobeying orders, trying to apprehend a out-of-control soldier on a rampage, tough soldier Captain Cal Brody is sentenced by his commanding officer, Colonel Alexa Stant, to guard the stasis chamber where the Earth's population is in suspended animation for 3 months. But the USS Legacy is taken over by criminal Max Durbin and a group of escaped convicts, who have been freed by Alexa from the prison colony on Earth and Alexa decides to help them. Cal sets out to stop Max and Alexa's scheme and believes he is the only man who can stop Max, who plans to use Cal's scientist girlfriend Kendall Foster experiment to make the Earth inhabitable again...