An invincible, but unknown force ardently aspires to save the world - To achieve it, would it be enough to announce it?
Группа серферов находит магическую настольную игру, после нескольких партий они с ужасом понимают, что в конце каждой кто-то снова будет умирать…
Tensions mount in an Andalusia mining town between local Spanish workers and their British employers.
Tensions mount in an Andalusia mining town between local Spanish workers and their British employers.
La Buena Voz (aka The Good Voice) explores the relationship that develops between a father and a gay son he never knew existed -- two men suddenly and unexpectedly thrust into each other's lives. Pepe, a slightly listless, fifty-something taxi driver with a heart condition, suddenly learns that he fathered a child, Jordi, from a quiet affair with his wife's girlfriend. Jordi, now HIV-positive, enters Pepe's world and recolors the elder's perspective and outlook on life, with his take-no-prisoners zeal for living and a restless, inquisitive spirit.
Thirteen-year-old Ramon is on the verge of many adolescent discoveries -- and the confusion that goes along with them. Shy and awkward, he's moved from town to town throughout his childhood and believes that life is about winning and losing. But he soon learns it's all about survival. Like Ramon, Spain is in transition (President Francisco Franco is about to die); it's a time of social upheaval marked by change, illusion and struggle.
Thirteen-year-old Ramon is on the verge of many adolescent discoveries -- and the confusion that goes along with them. Shy and awkward, he's moved from town to town throughout his childhood and believes that life is about winning and losing. But he soon learns it's all about survival. Like Ramon, Spain is in transition (President Francisco Franco is about to die); it's a time of social upheaval marked by change, illusion and struggle.
Thirteen-year-old Ramon is on the verge of many adolescent discoveries -- and the confusion that goes along with them. Shy and awkward, he's moved from town to town throughout his childhood and believes that life is about winning and losing. But he soon learns it's all about survival. Like Ramon, Spain is in transition (President Francisco Franco is about to die); it's a time of social upheaval marked by change, illusion and struggle.
Устав от жизни, Мартин принимает решение совершить самоубийство. Однако без какого-нибудь эффектного финального аккорда уходить не хочется, и он недолго думая, занимает миллион долларов, чтобы на эти деньги как следует оттянуться в последние деньки своего бренного существования. Идеальный план, к тому же не надо отдавать долг – какой спрос с покойника?