Jorge Perugorría

Jorge Perugorría

Рождение : 1965-08-13, Boyeros, Cuba


Jorge Perugorría
Jorge Perugorría
Jorge Perugorría


Гаванское Кирие
Отчаявшийся мужчина снова находит страсть к жизни на Кубе. А всё благодаря музыке и сыну, которого он никогда не встречал.
Black Is Beltza
Sergeant Bravo (voice)
New York City, October 10, 1965. A group of wooden giant figures from Pamplona, representing Basque culture and traditions, parade down the street; but the local authorities have not allowed the appearance of all of them: due to the racial prejudices that persist in many sectors of society, the participation of two black giants has been banned.
Don Pablo Rubirosa
Story of Porfirio Rubirosa, the Dominican playboy and suspected spy.
Manfredo Ferreira
Two brothers separated by tragedy, find redemption in the most improbable place: an MMA ring.
Беспокойная Гавана
Teniente Mario Conde
В своей квартире изнасилована и убита молодая учительница. В квартире обнаружены следы наркотиков и алкоголя. За расследование берется Марио Конде, романтик в душе и писатель по натуре. Следы ведут в его родную школу, но так ли все просто?
Хесус делает грим для труппы сопротивления драг-исполнителей в Гаване, но мечтает стать артистом. Когда он наконец получает свой шанс быть на сцене, из толпы выныривает незнакомец и наносит ему удар в лицо. Незнакомец — его отец Анхель, бывший боксер, который отсутствовал в жизни сына 15 лет. Конечно же отец и сын сталкиваются противоположными ожиданиями и интересами, и если они хотят стать семьёй, то придётся немного поумерить свои претензии друг к другу.
Хесус делает грим для труппы сопротивления драг-исполнителей в Гаване, но мечтает стать артистом. Когда он наконец получает свой шанс быть на сцене, из толпы выныривает незнакомец и наносит ему удар в лицо. Незнакомец — его отец Анхель, бывший боксер, который отсутствовал в жизни сына 15 лет. Конечно же отец и сын сталкиваются противоположными ожиданиями и интересами, и если они хотят стать семьёй, то придётся немного поумерить свои претензии друг к другу.
Фатима и парк «Фратернидад»
Маноло Гарсия приезжает в столицу из глухой провинции, где его нетрадиционная сексуальная ориентация стала притчей и вызывала непрекращающийся конфликт с вечно пьяным отцом, мечтавшим совсем о другом сыне. В Гаване юноше пришлось пройти через многое: его грабили и избивали, ему приходилось зарабатывать на жизнь проституцией, прежде, чем он стал Фатимой, Королевой Ночи. Но даже превратившись в звезду травести-шоу, Маноло не обрел счастья. Его единственная любовь, человек, который поддержал юного провинциала в самый тяжелый момент, эмигрирует в США, и Фатима снова остается одна перед враждебным миром
His Wedding Dress
In 90's Habana, a nurse and a home builder, hopelessly in love, live happily married. A circumstantial fact of her past life will put their feelings to test and undermine the most elemental principles.
The Wall of Words
A mother struggles to hold her family together after her son succumbs to a disease that leaves him disabled.
Return to Ithaca
Sun is setting on Havana. Five friends are gathered to celebrate the return of Amadeo after 16 years of exile in Madrid.
The Cat
Raul, Camilo and Armando are three friends who, forced by the crisis, plan to kill a neighbor’s cat to eat meat in the “Periodo Especial” in Cuba (1989).
Boccaccerías Habaneras
Three stories, loosely inspired on short stories from classic Boccaccio’s Decameron, are connected by a creatively-bankrupt writer who offers money in exchange for original subjects.
Hostias (Un amor de película)
Romantic comedy about a cinema director who is cheated by his producer and distributor, forcing him to make a low budget movie from a terrible script.
Edificio royal
A seen-better-days Barranquilla apartment complex is the setting for this droll comedy of high-rise tenants on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Dragon Hunter
Comandante Contra
Gorka has long postponed again and again the answer to the pressing questions that his son Aitor asks about his past. Gorka, a member of ETA political-military until its dissolution in the early eighties, ends joining the guerrillas in Central America. A life experience shared with Maddalen, a nurse and committed Christian, with José, an indigenous guerrilla member, and Andrés a former military, head of the insurrection. An experience that will transform them all.
Clara, no es nombre de mujer
Jorge arrives Cuba accompanied by her nephew, trying to untangle a mess of skirts. The argument leads to a bizarre story in which the incredible Cuban Harley Davidson and passion for motorcycles are also actors.
Гавана, я люблю тебя
Daniel (segment "Dulce amargo")
Мастера мирового авторского кино сняли 7 маленьких увлекательных историй, действие которых происходит в Гаване.
Chronic Love
Amor Crónico follows Grammy-nominated, Cuban-born CuCu Diamantes as she embarks on a whirlwind tour of her home country. Interweaving glamorous live performances with a fictional romance, the film pays tribute to the history of cinema in surreal fashion. Backed by a high energy Latin soundtrack, Cucu's journey is a visual love poem to the sites, sounds, and people of Cuba.
Chronic Love
Amor Crónico follows Grammy-nominated, Cuban-born CuCu Diamantes as she embarks on a whirlwind tour of her home country. Interweaving glamorous live performances with a fictional romance, the film pays tribute to the history of cinema in surreal fashion. Backed by a high energy Latin soundtrack, Cucu's journey is a visual love poem to the sites, sounds, and people of Cuba.
For Sale
In the Cuba of these times, where everyone sells something, the young Nácar wants to sell her only property, the family vault.
For Sale
In the Cuba of these times, where everyone sells something, the young Nácar wants to sell her only property, the family vault.
For Sale
In the Cuba of these times, where everyone sells something, the young Nácar wants to sell her only property, the family vault.
Faced with the emptiness and lack of rational explanation for many of the problems of the contemporary world, it sometimes seems that the only solution is to take refuge in the instincts ... and instincts lead us to sex. At least this is the exit that find the protagonists of this story: sex as a shock to stay alive, the manipulation of others as a way to ward off impotence and reaffirm their personalities torn by loneliness. But the result is ephemeral and the attempt has unforeseen consequences.
Faced with the emptiness and lack of rational explanation for many of the problems of the contemporary world, it sometimes seems that the only solution is to take refuge in the instincts ... and instincts lead us to sex. At least this is the exit that find the protagonists of this story: sex as a shock to stay alive, the manipulation of others as a way to ward off impotence and reaffirm their personalities torn by loneliness. But the result is ephemeral and the attempt has unforeseen consequences.
Ticket to Paradise
Eunice is a teenage girl who is running away from her father's sexual harassment. Alejandro is a young rocker who breaks into a drugstore and escapes to Havana with a couple of friends. When they meet on the road, they decide to travel together in search of a paradise. This will mark the rest of their lives. They are homeless, during Cuba's 'special period' of acute shortages, and the local AIDS hospice begins to look like an unlikely refuge
Рог изобилия
После статьи в газете, в которой сообщалось о том, что граждане по фамилии Кастиньейрас могут претендовать на многомиллионное наследство, дожидающееся своего законного владельца в британском банке, свои права на эти деньги предъявили более двадцати пяти тысяч кубинцев. Действие этой сатирической комедии происходит в маленьком кубинском городе, где новость о таинственном наследстве, оставленном некими английскими монахинями еще в 18-м столетии, производит эффект разорвавшейся бомбы. Все гордые обладатели фамилии Кастиньейрас тут же бросаются доказывать, что именно им-то и должны достаться вожделенные миллионы. Главный герой, Бернардито, решает возглавить эту безумную «золотую лихорадку».
Titón: From Havana to Guantanamera, 1928-1996
A look at the life and work of Cuban filmmaker Tomas Gutierrez Alea.
The Bad Girl
Determined not to simply get married, start a family, and grow old like the rest of the girls in her town, an aspiring Cuban diva sets out to launch a career as a singer.
La noche de los inocentes
The Heart of the Earth
Tensions mount in an Andalusia mining town between local Spanish workers and their British employers.
Virgin Rose
Simon transports illegal immigrants to New York, leaving them to their fate. He is discovered by the coastguard and Andrés, a young sailor, saves his life. When he falls for a young protegée of Simon conflict erupts.
Mata que Dios perdona
Gaijin: Ama-me Como Sou
Gabriel Damazo Bravo Salinas
In 1908, Titoe leaves her country, Japan, to try her luck in Brazil. Her intention is just to get rich and return in five years. But life has other plans for her.
Ants in the Mouth
After languishing in a Barcelona prison for nearly a decade, a busted bank robber attempts to find the girl who made off with the cash in this suspenseful tale of revenge and betrayal starring Adriana Gil and Eduard Fernández. Ex-con Martin Losada is out of prison and on the hunt. When he and his band of anti-Franco bank robbers were busted after a botched heist ten years ago, the only member of their team never caught by police was his long-gone ex-girlfriend Julia. Now, on the eve of the 1958 revolution, the recently released ex-con sets his sights on Havana in a determined bid to find Julia, and stake his claim on his rightful share of the take.
За несколько дней до коллективной гей-свадьбы сплетаются судьбы пятерых женщин, чьи сыновья готовятся вступить в брак. Судья Элена отвечает за церемонию, хозяйка гостиницы Магда — за прием гостей и банкет. Правда, свадьба под угрозой срыва из-за забастовки в отеле. Другим матерям тоже не сладко: нимфоманка Райс больна, состоятельная Рейс сходит с ума по жениху ее сына, Офелия на грани банкротства. Три дня жизни этого блистательного женского ансамбля, такого разного, но в чем-то похожего…
Abdul Kader Torres (Jorge Perugorria), son of Ricardo Torres (Matterhorn), former Commissioner of the Social Political Brigade, and Fatima, a beautiful tangerine, just returned to London to work on his father's shady business dealings, "Executive Tangier ". In Tanger, Abdul was a teacher, but because of his addiction to alcohol was banned from teaching. When he meets Lidia (Ana Fernandez), the young bride of his father, feels an irresistible attraction that will force him to choose between her and his father.
Vicente and Abigail run a banana plantation in Limon Province, on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Abigail's half-sister Irene, about whom Abigail knew nothing, comes to introduce herself. Banana prices start falling, threatening the plantation's finances. An oil company works with the government to get off-shore drilling rights, over local objection. Vicente is at the center of each cross-current. Will he fall for Irene? Can he save the plantation? Will he sell out to corporate offers?
Más vampiros en La Habana
Capitán Dumigrón (voice)
Julia, toda en mí
A poetic journey about the life and work of Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos.
When Chelo Zamora, middling singer, agreed to spend the summer working in restaurants in the Valencian beach Cullera, could not imagine being reunited with Toni, a guy who shares a dark past. Moved by his desire for revenge, Chelo attempt to ruin his life: get him to break with his girlfriend Esther, who loses his job and returning the police on her trail.
Barrio Cuba
Over several years, we follow three households and their emotions in a barrio of Havana. Magalis is a nurse, rarely happy. An older man, Ignacio, professes his love for her; her father and her brother quarrel over her brother's sexual orientation; she thinks about leaving Cuba. Santo's wife Maria is expecting their first child. Tragedy strikes and Santo leaves, drowning sorrows in alcohol and crime while his son grows up in the care of an aunt wondering where dad is. Vivian and Chino are in love, passionate, but childless. The pressures of a society that demands grandchildren strain their relationship.
Вайонт — безумие людей
Olmo Montaner
Журналистка Тина Мерлин в течение пяти лет пыталась убедить граждан Италии, что строительство плотины Вайонт рядом с горой Монте Ток приведет к страшной катастрофе. Однако жители селений, расположенных у подножья горы, предпочли закрыть глаза на опасность, поверив словам старого геолога Дала Пьяца. 9 октября 1963 года в чашу водохранилища обрушился горный массив, и на деревни хлынули водные потоки, унесшие жизни тысяч людей. Фильм основан на реальных событиях.
The Waiting List
Rolando / el ciego
At a rundown bus station in rural Cuba, the line of passengers waiting just keeps getting longer. The problem is that every bus that passes by is already full. Their only hope is to wait for the station's bus to be fixed. As the disparate group settles in, relationships start forming between the passengers: Emilio, a young engineer, becomes smitten with a beautiful young woman who is en route to meet her Spanish fiancé, a blind man gets support from the others to go to the head of the line. Frustration and disorder reign when the one bus brakes down and no one can leave. Resigned to working together, the group magically transforms the station into a beautiful place where no one wants to leave.
Огненная земля
Julius Popper
Осталось несколько минут до конца XIX века. Перед собором Сантьяго в Чили, нищий чувствует приближение смерти. Он решает рассказать свою историю и окинуть взглядом всю свою жизнь. Этот человек Юлиус Поппер, румынский инженер, который в 1860 изобрел новый способ добычи золота и был отправлен в Тьерра дель Фуего, в Патагонии королевой Кармен Сильба. Множество персонажей и событий проносятся в голове у Юлиуса перед смертью. Он вспоминает свою любовницу-армянку и итальянского авантюриста, и австрийского сержанта, и жителя Уэльса, любителя волынок. Но главные события вращаются вокруг мест добычи ценного металла, где разворачивается борьба за право владения землей.
After a restless night he is awoken by his doorbell insistently ringing. Through the peephole, he sees a stranger. He doesn't know why that man is there but is immediately certain of one thing: he represents a terrible threat. He quickly dresses and manages to sneak away, no doubt in his mind that the stranger is pursuing him, and that the nightmare has only just begun.
By My Side Again
When three estranged sisters, Gloria, Ana and Lidia, meet up again on the death of their mother, Adela, they find themselves obeying her somewhat eccentric last wishes. Though their mother has spent the last 30 years without uttering a single word, she has left very clear written instructions of what she wants done after her death.
Обнаженная маха
Francisco Goya
Интерпретация последних дней жизни герцогини Альбы, послужившей моделью живописного шедевра Франсиско Гойя «Обнажённая маха». Богатая, красивая любовница самых влиятельных людей своего времени донья Мария дель Пилар, герцогиня Альба, устраивает ужин, чтобы отпраздновать завершение строительства своего нового дворца. Веселье длится всю ночь, а на следующее утро женщину находят мертвой в ее постели…
Fegefeuer der Leidenschaft
Santos Luzardo
Things I Left in Havana
Three sisters leave Cuba in search of a better life in Madrid. While there, they encounter, among other things, other Cuban expatriates.
Vertical Love
Ernesto Navarro Aces
The architecture student Estela (Silvia Aguila) makes a suicide attempt after her plans for solving Havana's housing shortage are rejected. This brings her into contact with earthy, cynical hospital nurse Ernesto (Jorge Perugorria). Estela invites him home for dinner, and he succeeds in offending everyone present. Unable to find a quiet spot to be alone, they finally find a squatters' tenement, where their sexual frenzy causes a ceiling to collapse. They next try vertical love in a stalled elevator, trapping people in the modern building minus stairs. Fleeing responsibilities, they stage a romantic rendezvous alongside a country river, but once again they are interrupted as Cuban commissars arrive with papers and forms because the couple constructs a hut beneath a bridge. Amid the misadventures, lust turns to love
Razor in the Flesh
Neusa Suely, a prostitute, is accused by her pimp Vado of stealing his money. To get rid of the accusations, she blames her neighbour, Veludo. The three characters then start to live a small tragedy set in the underground Rio de Janeiro scene.
Life According to Muriel
Muriel and her mother leave their home for good and a freak occurrence leaves them stranded in the country. They beg a woman to let them stay and a shaky friendship develops between the two families.
Clandestine Stories in Havana
Argentine 40-year-old Laura, visiting Cuba for the first time on business, is divorcing her husband back in Buenos Aires. She's soon involved with smooth-talking cab driver Frank. Garment manufacturer Francisco, having lost his wife, children, and home, has traveled to Cuba to kill himself, but Frank's mother realizes that Francisco is the teenage lover who got her pregnant. In other relationships, a gay couple argue over whether or not to remain in the closet, and two documentary filmmakers have career conflicts.
Ее зовут Мина, но все называют ее Бамбола (куколка). После смерти матери она и ее брат- гомосексуалист Флавио открывают пиццерию. Мужчина по имени Уго одалживает Мине деньги, но затем его убивают в драке с одним из ее бойфрендов, Сеттимио. Посещая Сеттимио в тюрьме, она встречает садиста Фурио и у нее с ним начинается любовь.
Oedipus Mayor
Edipo, is appointed mayor of a town plunged in misery and violence. His first mission is to discover and punish the murderers of Layo, a well-known potentate of the region. His investigation is directed towards all the armed factions that exist in Colombia.
Un asunto privado
Alex is a famous singer who lives in a big mansion. One quiet night, a hooded stranger comes into his home, shoots the butler and then takes the mask out. Surprisingly, it's a woman. At the beginning she just want to have dinner with him.
A gypsy girl, when her grandmother dies, goes in search of his mother who abandoned her as a baby
During the 'Special Period', the members of a funeral procession cross paths with truckdrivers who have to take the same route, and begin to talk about God and the world. They discover that life for both groups has many similarities, as well as a lot of differences.
Клубника и шоколад
Действие этой замечательной драмы происходит на социалистической Кубе, где народ все еще наслаждается прелестями режима. Член молодежного, коммунистического союза, простой и недалекий парень, Давид, познакомился с гомосексуалистом Диего, настроенным против системы, увлекающимся искусством и литературой. Воспринявший сначала "голубого" в штыки, Давид постепенно узнает ближе его тонкое, доброе сердце, а когда того за поддержку выставки высылают из страны, расстаются они уже настоящими друзьями.
Derecho de asilo
In an imaginary country in Latin America, a man asks for asylum in an embassy. Trickery, passion, and intrigue are the motives of his actions.
Los Frikis
Based on the true story of teenagers who deliberately inject themselves with HIV to escape the oppression of "Special Period" Cuba.