Collection that gathers together ten classic animated shorts for the first time, including the iconic “Steamboat Willie,” and features all-new introductions from Mickey and Minnie for each short.
Get ready to cheer, sports fans, as Mickey and his friends team up to bring you the funniest and most entertaining sports moments in animated film! The laughs fly out of the park when Goofy attempts to demonstrate "How To Play Baseball" in the hit classic short that feature everyone's favorite dog in every passion. Then Mickey heads out for a leisurely day on the links, but hilarity is par for the course when his faithful "Canine Caddy" Pluto battles a pesky gopher and does his best to clear the way for a hole in one. The fun never stops in this collection of eight wild and wacky sports stories the whole family will love. Canine Caddy (1941) How to Play Baseball (1942) The Hockey Champ (1939) Double Dribble (1946) How to Play Football (1944) Mickey's Polo Team (1936) Tennis Racquet (1949) Goofy Gymnastics (1949)
It's nonstop laughs as Goofy, the world's wackiest hound dog, returns in a hilarious collection of his greatest cartoon shorts. The whole family will enjoy Goofy's patented brand of comedy chaos.Travel to the circus as Goofy matches wits with Delores the elephant (guess who wins?) in "The Big Wash," and laugh out loud when the loveable loser leaves his house in shambles after helping out with the household chores in "Father's Day Off." You'll love every minute of Goofy's outrageous antics in this delightful collection, overflowing with the magic of Disney animation.
Two animated fables from the Disney studios. In 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' Ichabod Crane is besotted by the lovely Katrina but has to contend with Brom Bones, the town bully. Their rivalry leads Crane to the legend of Sleepy Hollow and the headless horseman. In 'The Prince and the Pauper' Mickey, Goofy, Donald and Pluto star in Disney's re-working of the Mark Twain classic.
This generous collection includes 46 of the 48 shorts that starred Goofy between 1939 and 1961 (but none of the great Mickey-Donald-Goofy films from the mid-'30s). The "How to Ride a Horse" sequence in The Reluctant Dragon (1941) set the pattern for many of these cartoons. An elegant narrator (artist John Ployardt) explains a sport that Goofy attempts to demonstrate. The character that animator Art Babbitt described in a 1935 lecture (quoted in the DVD bonus material) as an easygoing dimbulb gave way to an enthusiastic but spectacularly maladroit figure. One of the funniest entries in the series, "Hockey Homicide," contains several studio in-jokes: dueling stars Icebox Bertino and Fearless Ferguson, and referee Clean-Game Kinney are named for artists Al Bertino, Norm Ferguson, and director Jack Kinney.
Compilation of cartoons raising money for the National Children's Home charity. Featuring Mickey Mouse ("The Simple Things"), Bugs Bunny ("Duck Rabbit Duck"), Tom and Jerry ("The Bowling Alley Cat"), Pluto ("Canine Casanova"), Sylvester and Tweety ("Hyde and Go Tweet"), The Pink Panther ("Sky Blue Pink"), Donald Duck ("Drip Dippy Donald"), Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner ("Hot Rod and Reel") and Daffy Duck ("Ain't That Ducky").
A Walt Disney anthology of eleven Academy-Award winning films: Flowers and Trees, The Three Little Pigs, The Tortoise and the Hare, Three Orphan Kittens, The Country Cousin, The Old Mill, Ferdinand the Bull, The Ugly Duckling, Lend a Paw, Seal Island, Water Birds.
Animation Director
Brutus and Brownie debate the merits of cartoon violence, with Brutus reenacting some of the moments on the hapless Brownie.
История поиска и спасения щенят далматинских догов, которые были похищены у своих хозяев по приказу злобной фурии, Стервеллы Де Виль. Алчная модница задумала сшить себе пятнистый меховой наряд из шкурок бедных малюток. Однако животные, объединившись, ухитряются проучить ее.
Давным-давно в далекой стране жили король с королевой. Когда у них родилась долгожданная дочь Аврора, в королевстве был устроен большой праздник, чтобы все могли поприветствовать малютку. На бал пригласили и трех добрых фей — Флору, Фауну и Хорошую Погоду, а про злую колдунью Мэлифисент забыли. Оскорбленная, она наложила на принцессу проклятье — в день своего 16-летия Аврора уколется о веретено и уснет вечным сном. Колдовство оказалось таким сильным, что добрые феи не смогли разрушить его. Но все же они спасли принцессу: она очнется ото сна после поцелуя прекрасного принца…
The city of Anyburg decides its traffic situation has gotten out of hand, so it puts the automobile on trial. The trial (conducted in rhyme) starts with a car that was in a hit-and-run accident, followed by a sports car whose sins are peeling rubber and general hot-rodding, followed by a heap, on trial for lack of safety. Next, a number of safety equipment designers testify that, despite their best efforts, the accident rate keeps rising. Through all this, the defense lawyer declines to ask questions. A highway designer bemoans the problems on his beautiful roads. At last, defense. He shows a number of scenarios, pointing out that the real problem isn't the car but the driver. Everyone left the courtroom, declaring the car not guilty, and drove politely again, for a little while.
Трогательная и захватывающая история сближения двух абсолютно разных собак — породистой комнатной неженки и бездомного дворняги. Изящная и пушистая как игрушка, коккер-спаниельша Леди была любимицей хозяев, пока в их семье не появился младенец. Надетый намордник стал последней каплей, подтолкнувшей обиженную героиню к бегству. Но на улице ее поджидала целая куча опасностей, о существовании которых она даже не подозревала. И тогда на помощь миниатюрной черноглазой красотке пришел разбитной пес Бродягя, благородство которого было не в породе, а в душе. Проявив отзывчивость и мужество, он в конце концов завоевал сердце нежной Леди.
Walt Disney animation animated cartoon musical compilation ("The BIG Parade of MIRTH and MELODY"; "Offering hits re-released from 'Make Mine Music' and 'Melody Time'"; featuring cartoons from the 1946 musical, "Make Mine Music," and the 1948 musical "Melody Time") featuring Donald Duck, Joe Carioca, and other Disney cartoon characters, and also songs by Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, Benny Goodman and His Orchestra, Frances Langford, Roy Rogers and Trigger, The Andrews Sisters (Laverne, Maxene, and Patty Andrews), Freddy Martin and his orchestra, Sons of the Pioneers, Jerry Colonna, and Ethel Smith
Уолт Дисней зовет нас с собой в волшебную страну Неверленд, где живет удивительный мальчик, который умеет летать и отказывается взрослеть. Это веселый выдумщик, храбрец и проказник Питер Пэн!Однажды в поисках собственной тени Питер попадает в Лондон нашего мира и становится другом маленькой Венди и ее братьев Майкла и Джона, и, конечно же, он берет своих ночных друзей с собой в Неверленд, навстречу потрясающим приключениям.Героям предстоит встретиться с феей Тинкербелл и дружной ватагой Питера Пэна, спасти индейскую принцессу Тигровую Лилию из лап пиратов и сразиться с их демоническим главарем капитаном Крюком!..
From a brand new car in a showroom that draws every eye, to a discard in a second-hand lot and ultimately Skid Row, Susie's story has the highest of highs, and plummets to the lowest of lows... an automotive riches to rags story.
Убежав из дома, Алиса увидела под старой яблоней большого белого кролика, одетого в куртку и жилет. Достав из кармана часы, кролик торопливо скрылся в подозрительно темной норе. Набравшись смелости, Алиса шагнула вслед за ним... и попала в чудесный сказочный мир, где сбываются самые несбыточные фантазии. Чтобы попасть обратно домой, Алисе придется совершить путешествие через весь этот странный и причудливый мир, в котором ее поджидают совершенно невероятные приключения и совершенно фантастические существа...
Золушка — бедная сиротка, которую злая мачеха и ее вздорные дочки, заставляют тяжко работать с утра до ночи. Она так хочет попасть на королевский бал. На помощь бедняжке приходит Добрая фея! Силой волшебства она наделяет Золушку роскошной каретой, чудесным платьем и необыкновенными хрустальными башмачками.
Washington Irving's tale of Ichabod Crane and the headless horseman is brought to life, narrated by Bing Crosby.
Это сказка о настоящей дружбе, о необыкновенных и очень опасных приключениях веселого лягушонка и его друзей, находчивость и смекалка которых помогают ему в самую трудную минуту. В деревушке под названием Сонная Лощина поселяется необычный человек по имени Икабод Крэйн. Как-то раз ему рассказывают легенду о таинственном всаднике без головы, который обезглавливает свои жертвы…
Donald Duck and Jose Carioca, both literally blue, stumble across the Cafe do Samba, whose proprietor is determined to cheer them up with samba music. After they get their color back, they land in a giant brandy snifter, where a live-action woman is playing the tune on an organ. She also drums and dances a bit. The only dialogue is the lyrics of the song, sung by women.
The life of the legendary Texas cowboy with his horse, Widowmaker, and how his romance with Slue Foot Sue disrupted it.
Little Toot is a baby tugboat who would rather play than help his father in New York harbor. When he does finally decide to help, he accidentally causes a major crash and is banished beyond the 12 mile limit. But when a storm comes up and strands an ocean liner, he's the only one that can get there, and he redeems himself.
Яркие музыкальные истории, насыщенные добром, романтикой и трогательной любовью несут заряд хорошего и веселого настроения. Под звуки джаза, блюза, мотивов кантри и самбы можно почувствовать ностальгическую атмосферу Америки 40-х годов и познакомится с ее легендами и балладами.
Яркие музыкальные истории, насыщенные добром, романтикой и трогательной любовью несут заряд хорошего и веселого настроения. Под звуки джаза, блюза, мотивов кантри и самбы можно почувствовать ностальгическую атмосферу Америки 40-х годов и познакомится с ее легендами и балладами.
Гуфи пробует себя в в цирке - кормление и мытье слонов.
The Metropolitan Opera is looking for the sea monster reported in newspaper headlines, because this monster sings beautifully! The "monster" is actually Willie, a whale who can sing in several voices simultaneously. A friend of his, a gull called Whitey, tells him about the searching ship, and Willie goes to audition, as it's been his ambition to perform on stage. Unfortunately, Professor Tetti Tatti from the Opera believes that one or more singers have been swallowed by the whale, and need to be rescued.
Disney's animated adaptation of Prokofiev's masterpiece, in which every character is represented musically by a different instrument. Young Peter decides to go hunting for the wolf that's been prowling around the village. Along the way, he is joined by his friends the bird, the duck and the cat. All the fun comes to end, however, when the wolf makes an appearance. Will Peter and his friends live to tell of their adventures?
Made for the Community Chests of America, Pluto demonstrates his community spirit by donating his collection of bones.
Студия Уолта Диснея преподносит отличный подарок — девять коротких музыкальных историй, объединенных в один сборник «Необыкновенный концерт». Невероятно милые, под час забавные рассказы великолепно дополнены песнями и музыкой в исполнении известнейших певцов и биг-бендов 40-50 годов. Прекрасная музыка, замечательная анимация и искрометный юмор — в лучших традициях знаменитой студии Уолта Диснея!
На этот раз утенок Дональд решил посетить Мексику. Об этом его путешествии и рассказывается в этой сказке.
It's a peaceful day at the local poultry farm until Foxy Loxy happens along intent on a chicken dinner. He takes the advice of a book on psychology by striking "the least intelligent" first and convinces dim witted Chicken Little the sky is falling. Chicken Little spreads the word but when head man Cocky Locky proves the story to be false, Foxy Loxy spreads rumors that Cocky Locky isn't the smart chicken he appears to be, which leads to the ultimate undoing of the chickens at the hands of Foxy Loxy.
Документальный мультфильм, доказывающий обоснованность стратегических бомбардировок союзниками территорий гитлеровской коалиции во время Второй Мировой войны.
В окрестностях военного лагеря появился диверсант. Плуто получает приказ защитить грудью огневой рубеж.
Микки и Плуто отправляются в Южную Америку, где знакомятся с чудным зверьком - броненосцом.
A propaganda film during World War II about a boy who grows up to become a Nazi soldier.
Pluto walks past the zoo and sees the huge bone the sleeping lion has but getting it out is easier said than done. He gets it out of the lion's cage, but then has to face the kangaroo and its playful joey. Next is the gorilla, then the crocodiles.
Pluto finds a bone - but also finds Butch the bulldog, who claims it for himself. Idea: Pluto paces off a distance, buried treasure style, and digs a large bone-shaped hole. Butch falls for it, and while he's digging deeper, Pluto almost makes off with the bone. Butch catches on just in time and chases Pluto, who ducks into a junkyard. The bone gets sucked into in a squeeze-bulb horn, which Pluto does battle with.
Pluto has a tussle over a bone with a female dachsaund named Dinah unaware that he is actually giving her the bone whenever he walks in his sleep and presents it to her. However, each time he awakens, he angrily demands it back until he discovers Dinah's puppies at which point he feels bad and offers up his entire collection of bones to Dinah's family as well as his doghouse.
Pluto longs to be an Army mascot (especially after he sees how well they are fed) so he hatches a plan to take the place of the real mascot.
While Pluto naps, his son gets into scrapes with various other animals and other hazards. Pluto eventually wakes up and comes to his rescue.
Плуто спасает котенка из ледяной воды. Мораль истории такова: относись к животным с добротой и тебе воздастся.
Микки и Плуто находятся на поле для гольфа.
Микки отправляет Плуто в центр города, чтобы принести газету, но тот теряет монету. Что делать?
Pluto is tied up in the backyard and has been ordered by the maid to stay outside while she prepares a roast. Of course, once Pluto smells the scent of the roast, he makes a beeline for the kitchen. Unfortuantely, staying undiscovered proves difficult for Pluto once he gets inside particularly after he inhales a bucket of soapy water and starts sneezing. Bubbles fill the kitchen and cups are broken at which point the maid comes downstairs. Luckily, Pluto returns to his doghouse leaving the impression that he never left. The maid just shrugs and says, "I could swear it was that dog."
Уезжая в отпуск, Микки и Плуто прибывают на вокзал, но оказывается в поезде не разрешен проезд с собакой.
Уезжая в отпуск, Микки и Плуто прибывают на вокзал, но оказывается в поезде не разрешен проезд с собакой.
Плуто давно мечтает о новой будке, и Микки решил порадовать своего приятеля. Во время работы они находят волшебную лампу, которая может исполнить любое их желание. Новая будка построена очень быстро. Волшебная лампа может все.
Дональд Дак и Гуфи пытаются расклеить афиши в городе.
Микки и его друзья — Дональд и Гуфи ремонтировали старый буксир, когда услышали сигнал о помощи с тонущего корабля. Друзья спешат на помощь.
Офицер Дональд Дак получает задание задержать преступника под именем Тини Том.
Плутон становится охотничьей собакой, учится указывать для Микки.
Плавательный поход Дональда и Плуто на пляж, среди прочего, прерывается роем голодных муравьев.
Короткометражный анимационный фильм по мотивам сказки Ганса Христиана Андерсена, получивший премию «Оскар» в 1940 году. Сюжет рассказывает о новорожденном утенке, который ищет семью, готовую принять его, как родного. Малыш мал и беззащитен. Поскольку он отличается от других представителей птичьих, сироте нет места среди них. Но знает ли его приемная мать-утка, что малыш гадкий утенок вырастет в прекрасного лебедя? На диком пруду среди себе подобных утенка ждет лучшее будущее.
Микки и Плуто отправились на выставку собак, но, оказывается, их там никто не ждет: выставка только для породистых собак. Микки и Плуто прогоняют.
Дональд и Гуфи отправляются охотиться на лис. Дональд управляет собаками (или возможно они управляют им), а Гуфи верхом на лошади. Поймать лису дело не из легких.
Гуфи за рулем, Микки на кухне, а Дональд в постели в оборудованном доме на колесах Микки. Когда Гуфи идет завтракать, он ставит машину на автопилот, который увозит героев на опасную горную дорогу. Обнаружив это, Гуфи случайно отцепляет прицеп, отправляя его по опасному пути. Ситуация чуть было несколько раз не закончилась катастрофой, пока рассеянный Гуфи не вернулся за прицепом.
Микки, Дональд и Гуфи строят лодку и, конечно же, строительство превращается в обычную для друзей неразбериху. Ведь когда «Королева Мини» уже готова к спуску на воду, вместе с фанфарами она рассыпается на части…
Микки, Дональд и Гуффи приняли вызов и взялись избавить усадьбу «Мрачный Жуть» от наводящих ужас призраков.
Забавная история о том, как Микки Маус, Гуфи и Дональд Дак устроили охоту на лосей.
Pluto accidentally hatches a bunch of chickens and looks after them until the hen returns.
As the title implies, the three blind mice are musketeers. The cat sets a number of traps for them, which they all evade (apparently without realizing it) while he sleeps. The cat eventually wakes up and begins chasing them unsuccessfully, thanks to their teamwork.
Minnie's old friend, Mortimer Mouse, drops in on Mickey and Minnie's picnic. His practical jokes and coming on to Minnie soon have Mickey stewing, and their car isn't happy either. When Mortimer gets a nearby bull enraged and takes off, the car comes to the rescue after Mickey gets tangled up in a red blanket.
Слоненок Элмер приходит на день рождения к тигрице Тили, но звери смеются над его длинным хоботом и ему приходится уйти. А в это время домик Тили охватывает пожар, и верные друзья Элмер, жираф и пеликаны спешат на помощь.
The title character comes to town, complete with portable boxing ring. He grabs a local chicken and dances with her, inspiring several other barnyard animals to dance. But her rooster takes offense, and enters the ring to do battle.
Musical instruments are the stars of a romantic fable set in the Land of Symphony and the Isle of Jazz, two islands separated by the Sea of Discord. The violin princess and the saxophone prince fall in love, but must meet secretly in order to avoid the wrath of their parents, the Symphony queen and the Jazz king. The queen finds the boy saxophone on her island, attempting to woo her daughter. She has him locked in the metronome, but the young lover manages to send a note - in fact, several musical notes on sheet music - that conveys the message that he has been imprisoned. The Isle of Jazz declares war by blasting musical notes across the sea. The only thing that can bring peace and harmony to the Sea of Discord is love.
Плуто во сне попадает на адский суд мстительных кошек.
Робин напевает Дженни Рен, похожую на Мэй Уэст, когда в него стреляют стрелой. Созывается суд; судья, сова, продолжает петь титул. В свидетели приводятся самые разные птицы ...
A friend in Australia has sent Mickey the kangaroo Hoppy, who with her pesky son drives Pluto completely to distraction. Mickey wants to train the kangaroos to be fighters, but they end up throwing him in his own hay-baling machine.
Микки организовал концерт уличного оркестра, а Дональд на пару с пчелой и ураганом его чуть было не сорвал.
Mickey is stranded on an island. He runs into some cannibals who are about to cook a fellow cannibal. Mickey scares them off and makes friends with the cannibal whom he calls Friday. Together, they build a fort to protect themselves from the cannibals when they come back, but end up fleeing for their lives on Mickey's raft.
В городе появился таинственный похититель собак. Расследованием занялись доблестные полицейские — Микки и Дональд.
The goddess is greeted by dancing flowers and fairies. The devil comes and takes her away to be his queen. She's despondent, as winter settles in above ground. But the devil isn't happy either, and offers anything to make her happy. They reach an agreement: she'll spend six months above ground and six below. Thus we have seasons.
Пингвин Питер встречает пингвиниху Полли и начинает за ней ухаживать…
Join Donald Duck in his debut in the classic animated short The Wise Little Hen. The Little Hen is planting corn and would like to have help from Peter Pig and Donald Duck, but they refuse stating they each have a "tummy ache." When it comes time to harvest the corn, Peter Pig and Donald still refuse to help the Hen, so she and her chicks do the harvest by themselves. Finally, the hen cooks the corn and offers some to Donald and Peter Pig, but when they look more carefully they discover a surprise.
The Big Bad Wolf torments Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs.
Mickey's trying to do some yardwork, but Pluto wants to play. They end up indoors; Mickey breaks a screen, spreads flypaper, and they both get stuck.
Pirate Pete has kidnapped Mickey and Minnie and has them tied up. As Pete prepares to have his way with Minnie, Mickey escapes and gets a swordfish off the wall; a swordfight with Pete ensues. Mickey gets out of the cabin and on deck; he hoists Minnie up onto the mast. Pete summons his crew, and Mickey fights them off with a cannon, shooting pots and pans, a stove, and ultimately a harpoon before winning Minnie and the ship back for good.
Mickey's orphans ask for a story; Mickey casts himself as Jack in Jack and the Beanstalk. He starts with the climbing of the beanstalk; after evading the giant a few times, he ends up inside a cheese sandwich, and then in the giant's mouth, where he ultimately grabs onto a pipe and gets pulled out by the giant. In the ensuing chase, Mickey launches a pepper bomb to slow the giant down, then outruns him coming down the beanstalk and sets the stalk on fire.
Mickey is set to ride Thunderbolt in the big race; his owner, the Colonel, has bet everything. But the stable-hands goof off and incapacitate the horse. In desperation, Mickey rents a horse costume and puts the stable-hands inside. They manage to eventually clear the hurdles, but get hung up on one near a beehive; the bees propel them to victory.
The people of Hamelin, overrun with rats, offer a bag of gold to anyone who can get rid of the rats. A piper offers to do the job, and successfully lures the rats into a mirage of cheese, which disappears. The citizens, disappointed that all he did was play a tune, offer only pocket change. The piper, angered, plays a new tune that has all the children of the city follow him, even the new twins the stork is preparing to deliver.
Old King Cole throws party and invites all of the Mother Goose characters. He warns them that they must leave at midnight. Another collection of characters puts on a stage show. The Ten Little Indian Boys get everyone dancing along. The Hickory Dickory Dock mice announce midnight, and everyone leaves, back into their books.
Mickey has built a robot to compete in the boxing ring against the giant gorilla, the Kongo Killer. Whenever it hears Minnie's car horn, it goes crazy and starts punching any picture of Killer that it sees, even if it's on a brick wall, thus hurting itself. Mickey manages to barely patch his robot together to take on Killer, but after some early success, it gets pummeled by the ape. Minnie fetches the car horn, which brings it back, and it trounces Killer, then flies apart.
Noah, his family (wife, 3 sons, their wives), and various animals all help build the ark. The rains come, and the skunks barely miss the boat (not that anyone was particularly looking for them), but they manage to swim to it. After the rain and many lamentations by the humans, the sun returns, to the great joy of all. The ground appears, and the animals (and many new babies) disembark.
Mickey Mouse and his friends stage their own production of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Two birds rejoice over the hatching of their three eggs; as they grow, the hatchlings are taught to sing and fly. One falls from the nest and has adventures with a rattlesnake and a beehive before finding his way home.
Строительство дома: история знакомства рабочего и продавщицы.
Mickey is playing Christmas carols on a standup bass for change. Alas, all he gets is screws, rocks, and other useless stuff. He plays outside a rich man's window, and the spoiled brat kid inside decides he wants Pluto. Mickey isn't selling, but when his bass gets destroyed by a passing sleigh and he sees a house full of orphans with no presents, he changes his mind. Mickey plays Santa to the kids. Meanwhile, the brat has been torturing Pluto; his father finally has enough and throws Pluto out and spanks the child. Pluto and Mickey are reunited, and as a bonus, the kid has tied the Christmas turkey to Pluto's tail.
(Also included: Chip an' Dale 1947, Lend a Paw 1941)
Santa's little helpers must hurry to finish the toys before Christmas Day.
Mickey plays piano in the Klondike Bar. He rescues a depressed, half-frozen Minnie. Pegleg Pierre comes storming in and steals her away, after a gun battle. A dogsled chase follows, with Pluto pulling Mickey's sled. There's a battle at Pete's cabin that features a sequence with Pete and Mickey wearing bedsprings and bouncing. Meanwhile, Pluto, chasing a rabbit, makes a giant snowball that sends the cabin downhill and eventually traps Pete.
Mickey gives Minnie a canary for a present. Soon there are several little canaries; they get into the inkwell and fly around the house, making a mess, though it's nothing compared to the shambles Mickey makes of the house while chasing them.
Mickey Mouse and Pluto are traveling up an African river with a cargo of goods (including several musical instruments). They hit land and are captured by cannibals who plan to eat them. As soon as Mickey starts playing on a saxophone, they all start jamming to "The Darktown Strutter's Ball."
Весенним утром в лесу разыгрывается романтическая история любви дерева-мальчика и дерева-девочки, не обходится без подлого и злого соперника, поющих птичек и танцующих цветочков. В общем - очень трогательно, душевно и сентиментально.
Mickey and Minnie are touring Arabia when she catches the eye of sheik Pete.
Two bear cubs tussle harmlessly, then start to munch on a berry bush, until a bigger, meaner bear chases them off. They nibble some flowers and find a bee, which they follow to the hive, which they then proceed to raid. The big bear chases them off, but unknown to him, a bee spotted the raid and has summoned the attack squad. The bees run him off, and the cubs dig in.
Mickey performs all his chores while whistling or singing. The big excitement is when Fanny the hen, who hasn't laid an egg in some time, lays a super-giant egg.
Mickey Mouse conducts an orchestra, while the rest of the Disney menagerie of the era provides a dance recital, with Horace Horsecollar as stage manager, and Pluto continually sneaking on stage.
Pluto's cage-mate at the dog pound breaks out and lets all the other dogs out as well. In the park, that terrier keeps following Pluto too closely for Pluto's tastes, until he digs up a huge bone and gives it to Pluto (who doesn't particularly want to share). But soon all the other escaped dogs are chasing after the bone.
Mickey and his friends are staging a sort of olympics in a makeshift stadium on his farm. The main event is a sort of quadrathlon, with running, pole vaulting, rowing, and cycling. Mickey gets a late start due to some foul play by Pete, and that's not the only foul play.
It's bath day for Pluto; we open with him already being scrubbed. He gets out, and his tug of war with Mickey and the towel lands Mickey in the tub. The soap jumps out, and Pluto swallows it, hic-cupping soap bubbles as Mickey chases him. Pluto gets out, and the people on the street think Pluto is rabid and start hiding and throwing things at him. Dogcatcher Pete comes along, and prepares to shoot Pluto. Mickey catches up to him just in time. He tries pleading, then fighting, but they get away when Mickey throws a kitten into Pete's pants. In the ensuing chase, a fruit cart provides more diversions, and ultimately they manage to crash Pete into his own truck.
Mickey (and Pluto) are delivering a grocery order to Minnie. She pretends not to notice for a while, but when he gets hit on the head by an iron, she drops her pretense and rushes to his side. Mickey then helps with the dinner preparations, but Pluto steals the turkey, and a chase ensues. There's also a 4-layer cake that you just know is going to get ruined spectacularly.
Mickey and Pluto go duck hunting, stopping to jam to "Columbia, Gem of the Ocean." The ducks get their own back, carrying the hunters through the air and dropping them on a clothesline.
A pet shop specializing in birds. The various caged birds chirp along to the score in their various styles (including a set of birds that looks like the Marx Brothers). A cat eyes the proceedings hungrily and makes his way in through an open transom, causing panic and an organized counterattack.
The film begins with a mother hen sitting on her eggs from which six baby chicks are born. Though initially overjoyed, her mood changes to disgust when the final egg hatches out a duckling. Though the duckling desperately attempts to win his foster family's acceptance, the mother hen is adamant in her refusal to care for an infant that isn't even her species, let alone not even hers.
Новогодняя ночь. К дому Микки Мауса подбрасывают котят...
A fun day at the beach. While Mickey, Horace, and Clarabelle go swimming, or try to, Minnie lays out a picnic. Pluto discovers why you shouldn't chase a crab. Everyone digs in to lunch. Mickey throws Pluto a string of sausages; he dives after them, and comes up with an angry octopus instead, who crashes into the picnic. Everyone fights the octopus, and Mickey finally manages to send it out to sea by throwing an anchor like a lasso.
Oswald is riding on a camel; he defeats an attacking lion, using the camel's humps as cannonballs. In Cairo, he meets a queen and sings her his theme song; the sphinx and a couple pyramids join in, but the king isn't as happy.
A Oswald the Lucky Rabbit cartoon by Walter Lantz & William Nolan where Oswald do play a song with the animals in the swamp.
Late in the evening, just as a skeleton puts out its cat for the night, the masked Phantom stalks the graveyard, pausing only to insult an overly inquisitive owl. The Phantom enters the local opera house and falls in love with Kitty, a feline singer who is terribly jealous of the star of the show, a husky-voiced hippo. The Phantom falls in love with Kitty at first sight. For her sake, he sabotages the hippo (by popping and deflating her). Then he puts a phonograph player down Kitty's skirt. She walks out and pretends the recording is her own voice. Even though the record skips and, moments later, slows down to a stop (forcing the Phantom to crank the machine for her), Kitty is a hit. But does she appreciate the Phantom? No. Backstage, she jumps into the arms of Oswald the Rabbit. Enraged, the Phantom grabs Kitty and takes her down with him to the catacombs underneath the stage. Oswald goes on a rescue mission.
Three desperadoes come to Heela City to rob a bank. One of them is the tough-acting, but ultimately cowardly, Oswald the Rabbit. His two fellow bad men - a dog with an eye patch and another with a peg-leg - force him to blow up the town bank with dynamite. Oswald ends up surviving the explosion that turns the other two villains into animate skeletons. The bank is destroyed, but the safe remains. Oswald tries to open it, but turning the dial only gives him a radio broadcast. And then out of the safe pops the bulldog sheriff. The sheriff runs him out of town. Unluckily for the supposedly lucky rabbit, he comes across a wailing baby out in the desert. The baby, in a gruff voice, reveals that his father is the sheriff Oswald just escaped. Oswald is forced to return to town, not so much by his conscience as by the baby's force of will.
Three desperadoes come to Heela City to rob a bank. One of them is the tough-acting, but ultimately cowardly, Oswald the Rabbit. His two fellow bad men - a dog with an eye patch and another with a peg-leg - force him to blow up the town bank with dynamite. Oswald ends up surviving the explosion that turns the other two villains into animate skeletons. The bank is destroyed, but the safe remains. Oswald tries to open it, but turning the dial only gives him a radio broadcast. And then out of the safe pops the bulldog sheriff. The sheriff runs him out of town. Unluckily for the supposedly lucky rabbit, he comes across a wailing baby out in the desert. The baby, in a gruff voice, reveals that his father is the sheriff Oswald just escaped. Oswald is forced to return to town, not so much by his conscience as by the baby's force of will.
The film starts with Lantz in person slapping some paint on the bottom of a canvas, turning it over and the paint drips down to create a forest that his dog pal can live in. He draws a roast turkey then he moves it around as the dog chases after it, it just a photo cut-out of Lantz's hand, but he can move the turkey INTO the painting (achieved by animating the turkey getting smaller as it moves further into the background). The maid has quit so the two must find lunch by themselves. Thus begins the parallel adventures as the dog goes to the pond, the butcher shop, and up a tree to find lunch, meanwhile Lantz cooks bacon in the real world.
A "Unnatural History" cartoon
Graphic Designer
A "Unnatural History" cartoon
Two pigs steal the snobby Mrs. Hippo's new Ford and, while being pursued by the police, they hit a stone wall, fly into the air and land in a laundry. They get involved with a clothes-wringer, their tails are caught in the rollers, and they come out with corkscrew tails. In the live action, animator Walter Lantz, as he finishes the story, is being led away by the keeper of the local insane asylum.
Two pigs steal the snobby Mrs. Hippo's new Ford and, while being pursued by the police, they hit a stone wall, fly into the air and land in a laundry. They get involved with a clothes-wringer, their tails are caught in the rollers, and they come out with corkscrew tails. In the live action, animator Walter Lantz, as he finishes the story, is being led away by the keeper of the local insane asylum.
Animated-live action short. An artist is quietly painting landscapes of the countryside when he wanders into an abandoned house which Dinky tries to fool him into thinking it's haunted.
An Unnatural History cartoon produced by the Bray Studios and directed by Walter Lantz in 1925.