James Tung
After his negligence causes an innocent woman to go to jail, a lawyer and his colleagues work to clear her name.
San Ye
После того как японская армия вторгается на территории Фошана, Ип Ман становится мишенью для очень влиятельного бандита.
Old Man
Где-то в джунглях Таиланда отряд наёмников проводит операцию по спасению своего главаря, объявленного террористом. В процессе они убивают всех встречных, и заминировав лагерь, оставляют умирать своих: тайца Паю и китайца Фэя. Этим двоим удаётся спастись и, чтобы заработать, они участвуют в боях без правил, где на них и выходит Джака — выживший после нападения на лагерь боец, мечтающий отомстить за смерть жены. Выпив с новым знакомым, с утра Паю и Фэй попадают в полицейский участок. В это время уже знакомый нам отряд наёмников пытается убить китайскую наследницу миллионов Сянь, которая хочет потратить своё состояние на развитие региона и этим положить конец преступности. Почти все телохранители девушки убиты, а сама она чудом добирается до того самого полицейского участка, где содержатся Паю и Фэй.
The financial analysis of a Chinese IT firm has been stolen, and a senior executive at the investment bank that wrote it must pay a ransom before the confidential report is released to the public. However, eyebrows are raised when the thieves ask for a surprisingly low amount for the ransom. What are the thieves really after?
Top agent Mr. Chan (Dayo Wong) suddenly finds himself removed from duties after his partner Wonder Child unintentionally offends a policewoman, Ms. Shek. But when a financial officer goes crazy due to drugs, Mr. Chan is called back in to solve the case, which he accepts even though this means partnering up with Ms. Shek. The two have some ups and downs while working together, eventually leading to romance.
Capt. Tang
Чтобы обезвредить преступный синдикат и спасти свою племянницу, самый честный коп должен взять в напарники красавчика-афериста. Они полные противоположности, но у них одна опасная миссия. Они в бегах, но им не избежать друг друга.
Captain Ma
Мир впал во мрак. Города, как сказано в предсказании, стали кладбищами, а кладбища городами. Эпидемия распространяется из небоскрёба по всему мегаполису. В доме одновременно оказываются разные люди, оказавшиеся там с разными целями. Полицейские, наркодиллеры, школьницы, рэперы, девицы легкого поведения, тусовщики... Они первыми и оказываются жертвами.Небоскрёб превращается в кладбище восставших мертвецов. Эпидемия выходит на улицы города, но она меняет людей, превращая их не только в зомби. Милый и когда-то добрый учитель химии становится хозяином бойцовой арены, на которой люди сражаются с мертвецами. И что ждёт такой грёбаный мир? Надежда или смерть. Умереть или сражаться?
Hong Kong Police Chief
Автоботы и десептиконы покинули планету, оставив человечество собирать ее по кусочкам. Между тем группа могущественных бизнесменов и гениальных ученых пытается извлечь уроки из ошибок прошлого и улучшить технологии до такой степени, чтобы выйти за пределы контролируемого ранее. В это время другая группа - древних мощных трансформеров - берет Землю под прицел.
Malcolm Wu
История о самой крупной финансовой махинации, произошедшей в Гонконге, соучастниками которой стали все 7 миллионов его жителей.
''Delete to'' Rich Ma
So Boring, a nobody who has no love from everyone except from childhood sweetheart Bobo, receives a weird text message one day, saying: Ever thought of deleting those you dislike?
Officer Lee
Кул, Карл и отец Кула Бенц являют собой бесстрашное трио воров-мошенников, которые зарабатывают, грабя мелких бандитов. И вот однажды дядя Бенц знакомит сына и Карла со своим старым другом Кеном. Кен - легенда азартных игр, вернувшийся из США в родной Макао после окончания карьеры в качестве эксперта по безопасности. Кул просит Кена стать своим наставником. В это же время к Кену обращаются представители закона - им нужна помощь, что бы поймать главу китайской мафиозной группировки, который хитроумно отмывает деньги.
Chief Superintendant Choi
Бронированный инкассаторский автомобиль средь бела дня подвергается атаке со стороны банды преступников. Расследованием преступления занимается инспектор Луи Мин Чит, который руководит спецотрядом. Однако не так то просто схватить вооруженных до зубов головорезов, поэтому Луи решает пойти на сделку с Синг Понгом, обещая освободить его из тюрьмы, если он поможет схватить своих бывших подельников. Помимо этих событий к городу приближается шторм катастрофической силы.
Commissario di polizia Xi Chan
In a small village in China's Yunnan region, Xiwen mourns the sudden loss of her beloved, only child, a young boy poisoned by tainted food. Numbed by the pain, she seeks a reason to live.
Stone, SDU officer
The Special Duties Unit (SDU) is an elite paramilitary tactical unit of the Hong Kong Police Force and is considered one of the world's finest in its role. But being the best carries its own burdens. Like everyone else, they go through troubles with love, with family and with their jobs. And sometimes they get horny. This touching story is about Special Duties Unit Team B and their trip to Macau for a weekend of unadulterated debauchery.
Peter Fong
Отряд мятежников под предводительством Те Юня в тайне перевозят золото собранное для закупки оружия за границей. После нападения бандитов золото было утеряно. Те Юнь и жители Золотой Долины под предводительством Мастера Мао решают помочь вернуть золото и разгромить Принца, тем самым пытаясь остановить угнетения народа.
York Tsang Sheung-wing
У гонконгской полиции дел невпроворот — в Монгкоке произошел сильный взрыв, а тем временем с радаров исчез один из полицейских патрульных экипажей, причем, среди пропавших сын полицейского начальника, мистера Ли. Ли называет операцию по его поиску «Холодная война» и бросает на нее все полицейские силы, что заставляет офицера Шона Лау сместить его с поста руководителя операцией. Тем не менее, поймать похитителей не удается — деньги за выкуп пропали, хорошо хоть полицейские вернулись домой. Но спустя какое-то время следователи из отдела внутренних расследований начинают подозревать, что вся эта операция была срежиссирована кем-то из служителей закона…
Han Tsui
20 лет назад было совершенно страшное преступление: молодая девушка была изнасилована и жестоко убита в собственном доме. Убийца пойман на месте преступления и пожизненно отправлен в тюрьму. Но спустя 20 лет был освобождён досрочно. Сразу после его выхода не менее жестоко был убит отец девушки - известный музыкант. Стареющий и спивающийся инспектор Лам считает, что между двумя убийствами существует взаимосвязь.
Отношения Дерека и Эйми продлились 7 лет, но из-за очередного кризиса им пришлось расстаться. И вот, спустя полгода, судьба сталкивает их лицом к лицу в борьбе за крупные инвестиции в горнопромышленной отрасли. Он – управляющий крупного инвестиционного банка, она – финансовый консультант их конкурента. Удастся ли им остаться беспристрастными и играть по правилам, либо же чувства возьмут верх? Кто из них одержит победу?
Mr Kong
Чемпион по снайперской стрельбе Кен случайно становится свидетелем ограбления. Он видит полицейского, который удерживает заложника и убивает четырех грабителей. Одному из грабителей удается скрыться, а полицейский остается в живых. Дело расследует Джерри Чан, которого Кен знает по соревнованиям по снайперской стрельбе, в которых Кен проиграл Джерри. Суд признал Кена невиновным. Вскоре после этого на Кена совершает нападение сбежавший грабитель Пан Тао. Их столкновение открывает совершенно другую историю происшествия и приносит мириаду лжи и ловушек и перемен в отношениях, так как Джерри и Кен пытаются перехитрить друг друга.
Willie Ma
Джoнни, Джин и Maкc, пoлицeйcкиe из oтдeлa paccлeдoвaний экoнoмичecкиx преступлений, вeдyт пpocлyшкy и нaблюдeниe зa кpyпнoй кoмпaниeй, зaнимaющeйcя мaxинaциями нa рынке цeнныx бyмaг.
Sgt. Peter Wong
На вечеринку, проводимую медицинским колледжем в одном из зданий Гонконга, собирается странная публика. Среди них стоматолог Ка Хо и его любовница Мэри, немецкий убийца Стефан, девушка-полицейский под прикрытием Аня, которая пытается поймать хитрого продавца запрещённых товаров из Японии. На сцене проводится розыгрыш призов в лотерею и каждый из них надеется выиграть, потому что у него есть своё «счастливое число». Когда на вечеринке появятся незваные гости, розыгрыш превратится в борьбу за жизнь, где каждое «счастливое число» будет приговором.
Prince Dokado
В соответствии с указом нового императора, занятия боевыми искусствами были объявлены вне закона, а все несогласные с этим подвергались нещадному истреблению. Военные устроили на этом побоище жестокий бизнес, так как за голову каждого убитого была назначена немалая цена серебром. В это тяжелое время семеро искусных воинов объединяются, чтобы противостоять жестокой травле новых властей и сберечь древнее боевое искусство.
Тедди Ю - китайский костоправ и отец-одиночка. Его дети Никки, дрессировщик дельфинов в океанариуме, и школьница Натали, - изучают под руководством отца боевые искусства и с недоверием относятся к его рассказам о том, что он - героический телохранитель одного отставного агента. Но однажды появляется Рокко в инвалидном кресле и требует у Тедди информацию об экс-агенте Драконе. Двенадцать лет назад Дракон прервал миссию Рокко, при этом Рокко лишился ног. Когда Тедди отказался отвечать, Рокко послал несколько боевиков, чтобы захватить его. Дети наконец понимают, что отцовские рассказы были правдой, и им надо применить все свои познания в боевых искусствах, чтобы выручить отца...
Yau (Sammi Cheng) is a successful chef and owner of a restaurant which is located in a flat called Magical Kitchen which is more like a home rather than like a restaurant. In a tale told by Yau's mother, that she would be haunted by a family curse overshadowing three generations, which destines her (Yau) to fail in every relationship. On a tour of the Iron Chef TV show in Japan, Yau is at the crossroads between her love life and career.
Tenth film in the 10 film series titled The New Option Hon Kin, head of the police's Organized Crime Division, has been pushed to the edge by a triad boss intent on killing him. In a fit of fury, Hon embarks on a violent rampage that ends tragically. With the very existence of the Special Duty Unit(SDU) now in jeopardy because of the aftermath, Commander Stone (Michael Wong) must make up his mind and decide on SDU's future.
Ninth film in the series titled The New Option, it once again stars Michael Wong as Stone Wong, an SDU captain who's a damn man at his job. Stone is a no-nonsense SDU trainer who must initiate young studs into their SDU world.
Eighth film in the series titled The New Option. A crime syndicate specializing in the making of counterfeit credit cards was very active in Hong Kong and the nearby Guangdong Province. The Hong Kong police found out that the syndicate had its headquarter in the mainland. One day, Stone's daughter Ling Ling and her boyfriend Mike was suddenly back from Canada. Unknown to Ling Ling, Mike worked for the counterfeit credit card syndicate. He went on a shopping spree with Ling Ling, then handed all the things they bought over to the syndicate. However, he grew careless, leaving a trail for the police. The syndicate killed Mike. Finally, could Stone and SDU rescue the situation?
Seventh film in the series titled The New Option. Lucky Lun was sent to the hospital. He was shot in the spine and was paralyzed from the waist down. Hank told Stone that he returned to Hong Kong to enter a shooting competition. He donated blood to Lucky Lun and helped all those who needed him. There was a big money laundering case in which three prosecution witnesses were in the police's witness protection program. On the first day of legal proceeding, the first witness was shot. Ann and Stone deduced that the killing were done by an expert sniper. The second witness was shot in much the way as the first. All evidence pointed to Hank. When Hank sensed that Stone began to suspect him, and told Stone that he had bought the airplane ticket to the States. When it was time for the third witness to go to court, Stone exchanged clothes with him and waited for the killer.
Sixth film in the 10 film series titled The New Option. Hon's sister, Bibi was crushed. She phoned Hon for help. Hon beat up the crook. Unfortunately the whole incident was captured by the CCTV and was suspended from this post. Fatso came to his rescue by forcing the crook to withdraw his complaint. Hon was re-instituted but he owed a favor to Fatso which might someday cost him dearly. Jason, son of Fatso, had employed some thugs from the mainland to swindle money out of the insurance company. The thugs read from the newspaper that the amount reported lost far exceeded the amount they had robbed. They asked for compensation from Jason. While he was negotiating with the thugs, the police and the SDU surrounded the building to comprehend the thugs. But when Lun saw Hon and Jason...
Fifth film in the series titled The New Option, it again stars Michael Wong as Stone Wong, an SDU captain who's a damn man at his job. Stone is a no-nonsense SDU trainer who must initiate young studs into their SDU world.
Fourth film in the 10 film series titled The New Option. Hon tabled a proposal to establish an assault team to take over some of the functions of the SDU. Madam So then withheld an application by Stone to increase the budget of the SDU to upgrade their equipment. Stone of course felt uneasy about this decision. Fatso told Hon that a gang of seven criminals with heavy firearms was planning to rob a factory. To be safe, Ann ordered the SDU to standby for any emergency. The assault team successfully shot or captured five gangsters after their robbery. While they were celebrating their success, the remaining two gangsters returned and opened fire on them. The SDU then stepped in and killed the two gangsters. Madam So had no choice but to shelve the idea of an assault team and approved the new SDU budget proposed by Stone.
Third film in the 10 film series titled The New Option, it again stars Michael Wong as Stone Wong, an SDU captain who's a damn man at his job. Stone is a no-nonsense SDU trainer who must initiate young studs into their SDU world.
Zhenbang is a Chinese-British reporter and novelist who grew up in England. When vacationing in Shenzhen, he checks on his family's ancestral home, abandoned for many years. He finds that his uncle and cousin still live in the area, but refuse to live in their family's home. As Zhenbang continues to explore his family's history, strange things begin to happen, and it all comes back to the ancient home. What secrets is it hiding?
Second film in the 10 film series titled The New Option. The slim plot once again has Stone leading a group of rag-tag group of SDU recruits (is the force so hard up that they're allowing their cadets to go around with spiked and dyed hair?), while his squeeze (Suki Kwan) is working on a kidnapping case. After Suki loses her gun, her squad is taken off the case, and it's up to Stone and his boys to save the day.
Michael Niu
A hairdresser, a village leader and a veterinarian each have girlfriends but still insist on playing the field. One night, a demon spirit arrives to teach them a lesson by taking their "goods" away. To get their "goods" back, the trio must each have a woman tell them "I love you."
В знаменитой банде интернациональных грабителей из Гонконга всего четыре человека. Кван Юнг — руки (с зажатым в них пистолетом) группы, Рик — мозги, Хунг — ноги (на четырех колесах), а Чан Фун — душа. Вместе четверка фактически неуязвима и способна провернуть дело любой степени сложности, однако когда речь заходит о том, кто из них является лидером, некогда крепкое партнерство дает трещину.
Action - When the SDU special force kills the leader of a gang of thieves, the surviving robbers vow revenge on all SDU members. To stop the carnage, SDU leader Mike must use himself as bait to lure the killers in a desperate fight to the finish. - Wah Leung Hung - Director, Michael Wong, Ken Wong, Pinky Cheung
Faced with early retirement and difficulty recruiting, Stone is forced to lower his standard of acceptance. When a vicious, military-trained group of criminals commit a chain of big-time robberies, the Flying Tigers are called into action once again.
Burglars leaving the scene of their latest loot cross paths with cops ambushing an armed criminal in the same area. Amid the chaos, the burglars take a bar hostage and begin planning their escape not knowing that the armed criminal is in the bar.
Marvin Lai
An appassionato art student and a dispassionate college girl make a vow, saying they would meet each other again in the Florence Cathedral after 10 years.
A hired professional kills the wrong target. Seeking redemption, the professional finds himself protecting his missed target from an underground syndicate.
Wu Man-He
Jade enjoys married life, but after her husband accepts a promotion and becomes the president of his company, he focuses almost exclusively on his work, neglecting her needs. To revive their marriage, Jade insists on taking a trip with her husband. However their relationship takes a turn for the worse when she meets a man on their trip…and asks him to kill her husband.
Police officer
"There Is A Secret in My Soup" is based on infamous HK crime case called 'Hello Kitty Murder'.In 1999 three triad gangsters kidnapped,brutally tortured and beat a 23-year old woman named Fan Man-yee for one month until she died.Then they dismembered and cooked the body,threw most of it out with the trash,fed legs and arms to stray dogs and hid the skull inside the head of a giant-sized Hello Kitty doll.
Mike, Jean, Shoot and Q are a professional robbery gang working for Uncle Lam. Q loves his girlfriend Bo who loves decisive men and luxury life. Shoot loves exotic fishes and Jean. Jean loves Mike, but he is married to another woman and has a young son. Uncle Lam loves good meals and big money. After finishing successfully the most recent job for Uncle Lam, Mike and his team want to take a break. Uncle Lam insists that they take one more job, which is to rob a triad boss Chicken Sam who loves diamonds in the very literal sense of the word. The robbery doesn’t go too smooth; moreover, Tom Wai, a police officer who loves his job, is getting closer and closer…
Michael Wong stars in this comedy about a cop who falls in love and the low brow hijinks that follow
Michael Wong stars in this comedy about a cop who falls in love and the low brow hijinks that follow
Cuba Koo
A cop teams up with a pimp to catch a killer, who castrates his male victims.
Miles Ma is made to look like he raped and beat a girl to keep him from investigating a Triad boss.
Vodka Mak
A suspended alcoholic cop and a small-time street gang get mixed up with a powerful religious cult and vengeful cops.
Yau, Yeung, and Wong are professionals who steal expensive cars, using technology so advanced that even the police cannot get any clues. A covert detective, Raymond, is assigned to investigate the case. He successfully wins the trust of Yau and also falls in love with his sister. Yau, Yeung and Wong have a conflict of interest, and as a result, their latest operation fails after police close in. During the raid, Raymond makes a terrible mistake...
Mike Cheung
When a cop finds himself stalked by another officer, it turns out to be supernatural forces at work as his colleague is possessed by the spirit of his dead lover who wants him and his family dead as well.
Police Inspector Wong / Inspector Ho
At a Hong Kong dormitory, the cook's little granddaughter is brutally murdered. The next day, a mysterious new student, Connie, moves into the dorm. As it is summer vacation, only four students are still living there. Mysterious, disastrous things seem to accompany the new girl everywhere she goes, and this school is no exception.
Professional thief Martin is assigned to steal the largest diamond in the Czech Repbulic, the Czar's Prism for $3M. Needing extra help, Martin brings in his former partner Mandy, an excellent sharpshooter with lethal martial arts skills. Together with two young pickpockets, the group sets out in an adventure of espionage, double-crossing, and explosive action.
1997 год. Гонконг — центр подделок. Русские террористы из спецслужб задумали операцию по глобальному шантажу США. Войдя в сговор с мафией, «гастролеры» из России напичкали миниатюрными дистанционными взрывателями поддельные товары — игрушки и джинсы, которые должны были попасть в Штаты. Маркус Рей и его компаньон Томми Хендрик занимались поставкой товаров в США и попали прямо в центр событий, когда взялись за расследование о поддельных джинсах, которое вывело их на террористов…
Michael Cheung
Ruthlessly realistic, and vivid and unremitting in its uncompromising brutality and honesty, Beast Cops is a visceral and hard-hitting exploration of the dichotomous existence of two cops charged with upholding the law, while balancing on a moral knife-edge. Compelling and controversial, with a breakout performance of startling intensity from leading man Anthony Wong, this raw and enticing action-thriller has mesmerized audiences worldwide with its disturbing examination of the subjective and marginal morality, which inhabits the uncertain and ambiguous world of law enforcement.
John Cannon
Cat (Almen Wong) is a professional killer falling in love with John, a police investigator (Michael Wong). John feels torn between his job, his ex-wife and child, and Cat of course.
Michael Tang
Trained thieves (Ivan Sergei, Sandrine Holt) investigate a hit man and a power struggle within their former crime family.
Dan Peterson
During an operation with a master criminal, an undercover cop fails his mission because he was shot by an uniform officer. His superior suspects he has become a bad seed and refuses to allow him to rejoin the force. In order to prove his innocence, the cop decides to follow the thief to the Sino-Russian border on an arms struggle deal, but on the way they are chased by Mainland police. During the escape the cop and the criminal become friends. When they return to the Hong Kong border, the police awaits on the other side and...
Sam Wong
It is wedding days or rather wedding dreams for Rachel. Sam, her pilot boyfriend of 3 years, wants to take his time to commit to marriage, but deciding against tradition is still on the horizon.
Wong Hei is Dee, a nice guy who was pushed around as a kid. Back then he had a compatriot in May, who protected him by threatening other kids with her predilection for cutting up animals. Years later, Dee tries to become a hair stylist, but he just can't get it right. He trembles, messes up, and loses jobs. Furthermore, his mean co-workers pick on him. One day, when he gets framed for messing up, May shows up again, except now she looks like Hilary Tsui. The two find that their special bond remains, and then they go and kill people. Dee kills and dismembers the bodies, but not before coiffing them up with his latest Dennis Rodman 'do. One day, a retarded girl (Annie Man) witnesses Dee disposing of a body. He's instructed by May to off the girl, but he ends up taking a liking to her. It seems that he sympathizes with her vulnerability. May doesn't feel the same and you can see this conflict coming a mile away. Michael Wong and Kent Cheng are the cops who try to crack the case.
G4 Trainer
With the retreat of the British government from Hong Kong, the S.B. Team, an elite secret police force, is also on its way out. However, this team of highly trained cops have one final mission together and they are in for the fight of their lives!
Where is the end of the world? A rich girl diagnosed with leukemia wants to follow a sailor friend to St Kilda, Scotland to find out. but first she must search him out, who is missing.
Michael Tang
Set in Hong Kong and Vancouver, the story follows Mac Ramsey and Li Ann Tsei, lovers and professional thieves who are separated while fleeing the powerful Hong Kong underworld crime lord who raised and trained them. After being imprisoned in Hong Kong, Mac is forcefully recruited into a clandestine international crime-fighting unit by a hard-nosed, menacing Director. He is teamed in Vancouver with Li Ann, who thought Mac was dead, and her new fiancé Victor Mansfield, an ex-cop who is attracted to the unorthodox methods of the agency. Conflict flares between Mac and Victor as the trio take on their assignment. They soon learn that their principal target is their foster brother Michael Tang, who had been given Li Ann as his future wife and who has vowed to hunt down the pair for their disloyalty to the "family".
Officer Don Wong
Майк Стоун — опытнейший солдат, возглавляющий специальное подразделение по борьбе с преступностью. Но его отряд состоит из совсем еще неопытных и необстрелянных юнцов, которые не в силах справится с бесчинствующей в городе группировкой, занимающейся контрабандой наркотиков. Вся она состоит из бывших американских спецназовцев, а командует ими хитрый и жестокий убийца. На Стоуна возложена тяжелейшая задача — в кратчайшие сроки подготовить свой отряд для решающей схватки с бандитами. Он должен исключить даже малейшую возможность просчета, ведь бой пойдет не на жизнь, а на смерть.
New Year's Eve of 1997, Hong Kong is almost in hand to China and the service routine is shaken by a number of events that threaten to get out of hand: a cop accidentally kills an old woman kidnapped by a thug during a tense action and is arrested facing general disbelief. A cadet committing the same offense is acquitted and instead celebrated as a hero by the citizens, but flooding of guilt. A senior police officer on the other hand is going to be left by his wife in vain that claims more attention and time he has never failed to give her. The three destinies cross when the third of them takes hostage during the New Year, the new man in the woman.
St. Michael
Angel of Nine Heavens is found to have fallen in love, and is banished to Earth. Windfall God is secretly in love with her, and begs the Jade Emperor to be given a chance with her. He is sent to Earth in human form, only able to use his godly powers three times per day. He has seven days to find the reincarnation of Angel of Nine Heavens and make her fall in love with him.
Chim Si/Superintendent James Fok
Mainland Chinese 'Super Cop' Hwang Fri (Yu Rong Guong) is sent to Hong Kong to assist Scotland Yard trained James Fok (Michael Wong) in this surreal comedy.
Honey Chan
A man (Cheng) hires a mousy woman (Yau to help his disabled brother overcome psychological paralysis.
Additional Ball Player
Муж Джинны Хольман погиб во время корейской войны, и ей одной приходится воспитывать двух сыновей, Тома и Гюнтера. Мальчикам очень не хватает отца — они растут неуверенными в своих силах, кажется, что у них никогда ничего не получится. Однажды мать сбивает прохожего — Джека Макклауда.
Steve Cannon
Альфред Танг знает о машинах абсолютно все. Он не только изумительно водит автомобиль, но и способен по одному звуку мотора опознать марку машины, безошибочно определив, какая деталь в механическом организме машины нуждается в замене.
Альфред, некогда талантливый и бесстрашный гонщик, теперь работает механиком-экспертом в фирме своего уважаемого отца. Роковой случай сводит Альфреда с эксцентричным и безжалостным преступником по кличке «Кугар».
Этот тип — тоже крупный специалист по автомобилям, соединяющий, однако, это пристрастие с ужасной тягой к красиво «поставленным» убийствам. Злодей сразу замечает в Альфреде сильного опытного и непредсказуемого соперника, — словом, лучшего партнера в гонках на жутких скоростях.
Чтобы заставить Альфреда играть по своим правилам. Кугар похищает юную сестру героя, предлагая Тангу сразиться с ним на престижном чемпионате в Японии. Отважный Альфред принимает вызов и отправляется спасать сестру.
Jerk Sir / Michael Cheung Fat-Loin
On the peaceful Lantau Island of Hong Kong, a murder takes place. A Eurasian is suspected until he turns out to be a cop from the city S.W.A.T team. The laid-back chief inspector Chow of the island is forced to collaborated. The ways of a city cop and the ways of a country cop collides into series of laughs.
Officer Wong Tam-Cheung
Chow Mei Si (Diana Pang) is a late-night radio DJ who receives an ominous warning from one of her callers. The caller, named "Hungry Wolf", says that he's going to blow up a hospital...and he does! Chow Mei Si tries to warn cop Wong Chi Ming (Michael Wong), but he's skeptical. That is, until the caller threatens to blow up a kindergarten and promptly follows through. Now Wong and his partner (Joyce Ni) must protect Chow Mei Si from the bomber before he can claim her as his next victim!
A spiritualist can put you into a dreamworld where you can have your greatest desire
Michael Wong is walking in a circle, he is not only facing a complex human relationship as well as inharmonious relationship with some terrible persons. Those affairs push Michael to the death.
Narcotics officer Shaolun (Tony Leung Ka Fai), in order to bring down the local drug kingpin King (Michael Wong), forces a female street thug with an equally sketchy past, Coco (Rosamund Kwan) to infiltrate King's organization and provide information. What no one expected was for both men to fall for Coco, and Coco for King.
Joe Cheng
Police officer Cheng (Michael Wong) gets into a brawl with another man while he's off duty out of town. When the other man is found murdered the following day, Cheng assists the local authorities in their investigation, despite their drastically different crime-solving methods.
Renowned writer/director/actor/producer Wong Jing created this charming fantasy comedy, featuring a top notch cast. The sweet, lovable Anita Yuen Wing-Yee stars as an illegitimate daughter who inadvertently finds a pearl with a genie in it. Michael Wong Man-Tak is the genie who gives her three wishes, which leads to a lot of hilarity and even a little heartbreak.
Joe Ma
Two different men each find their true meanings in life. Leslie and Tony, two lower middle-class bachelors, are bosom friends. Leslie is a wandering soul who seems unable to settle down. He give got fired and his girlfriend left him. Tony is a frustrating musician and a part-time worker at an elderly home. He doesn't like old people, but works there only to get close to his dream girl WAI.
Duke Simon
An adventure that delves into the dark caverns of the underworld and tells the tale of three chivalrous gangsters who attempt to escape the powerful clutch of their gang leader.
Story 1: A superstitious girl who would only marry her 29th boyfriend. The 29th boyfriend is impotent. Story 2: A promisurous girl whose husband is in jail comes home one day. Story 3: A lesbian refusing to become straight Story 4: A beautiful woman who only likes men that belong to others for the challenge. Until she falls in love.
Stone Wong
A look at the SDU in the Royal Hong Kong Police Force - how members are selected, how they are trained, their lives, what they think, the relationships between SDU members and their friends and the pressures they face.
A C.I.A. agent is assigned to go to Beijing to look for a hidden "treasure," which turns out to be a woman who has supernatural powers, and is the National Treasure of China.
Follows the changing love lives of college buddies KK and Ronnie, with their girlfriends/wives May and Candy. Workaholic adman KK and his girlfriend May are going through a tough time. They attend Ronnie’s wedding, where KK meets Ronnie’s cousin Candy. KK hires Candy as a secretary on Ronnie’s urging, and the two drift together. Meanwhile, Ronnie’s marriage fails, and he gets together with May….
Cheese and Ham are two men with nothing better to do in their lives. Until they meet a man dying of throat cancer who will pay the two men a large sum of money to kill a woman, whom he wants dead. The problem? She is the hottest chick, the two men have ever seen, and they are having a very difficult time trying to kill her.
Law Fuk-Tin
After being thrown out of the police academy, Debbie Fung (Ellen Chan) gets a new chance but instead the proposition is to go undercover. Accepting the mission to get close to tycoon Lau Fuk Tin (Michael Wong) as he's suspected of a number of murders of women, under the disguise of Maryanne, Debbie quickly gets close to Lau. Going so far as getting almost permanent residence with the man, Debbie witness horrific things on the grounds. Despite, affection starting to develop towards her target.
Charlie Fok
Fred Suen is fan of TV news reporter Kitty Wong. It is an obsession that will eventually result in rape and murder.
Tom Chan, Dick Ching and his older cousin Hairy Mo live in the same tenement building but each of their love life is different.
Герой Джеки Чана — плейбой, полусыщик, полунаемник и целиком бабник. К нему обращается газетный магнат Имамура, у которого пропала дочь. Джеки пробирается на роскошный круизный лайнер, на котором разношерстная банда преступников держит свою жертву. Доступным лишь одному ему способом, Джеки удается изрядно подпортить путешествие этим подонкам и освободить прекраснейшую из женщин.
Sullen insurance agent Maggie Cheung reluctantly rescues a triad goon suffering from hatchet wounds (Roy Cheung), and thus begins their slow-burn romance.
Сложное и запутанное дело расследует отдел преступлений и непосредственно офицер Джеймс и Джон. Сложность заключается в том, что агенты подозревают влиятельное лицо, которого зовут Ли. После серии «подстав» и организованного кем-то покушения на Джеймса, дело и вовсе закрывают по приказу «сверху». Только через полгода напарники догадываются, кто стоит за этими событиями. Теперь ими движет месть и жажда справедливости….
Maggie came back to Hong Kong and gathered her grandmother back to Vancouver for good. She took this opportunity to bunch up with her boyfriend Michael, best friends Jackie and his wife Carol. Although Michael convinced her that the couple had moved to Macau, incidentally they met each other on the street. Maggie couldn't believe her own bare eyes that Jackie was already addicted to cocaine. And the most absurd fact that Michael was the drug dealer himself. Jackie owed the mob a great deal of money; and one of the gangster, Chau Sung was determined to force Jackie to the corner.
Ms Kuan's new boyfriend
Shui (Stephen Chow) and Ti (Sandra Ng) elope off, against the wishes of Ti's father (Shing Fui-On). They live the life of a struggling young couple. Shui finds a job at a jewelry importer and his hard work is noticed by the boss lady (Suki Kwan). As Shui moves up the corporate ladder, the chasm between Shui and Ti starts to widen, and the bond between Suki and Shui tightens.
Joseph is an advertising man whose wife and mother in law want a grandson. He is saddled with a loud-mouthed Taiwanese partner, who takes him to Taiwan for a business trip. There, he becomes involved with an apparently sweet Taiwanese woman.
Captain Michael Wong
Двое американских полицейских расследуют дело о поставке через ЦРУ наркотиков. При исполнении погибает их напарник, и единственным подозреваемым и свидетелем одновременно становится рабочий доков, которому перед смертью убитый отдает пленку с компроматом на высокопоставленных лиц. Тот, правда, теряет ее, и поэтому совсем не понимает, что от него хотят как полиция, так и наемные убийцы мафии, от которых он еле успевает отбиваться.
Jeremy Young
На безымянном острове расположен обширный виноградник, принадлежащий известному виноделу Доктору По. Его продукция ежегодно привлекает к себе внимание виноделов всего мира. Но на самом деле Доктор По очень древний человек. Когда-то, убив собственного отца, он отобрал у матери именной талисман бессмертия. Мамашу он держит в стенах дома. Секрет заключается не только в талисмане, но и в вине, которое он изготавливает себе. У китайцев собственная методика — нужно смешивать вино с кровью симпатичных девушек…
Michael Yuen
Interior designer Dodo and lawyer Michael have been in love for years with no plans of marriage. Because of the intervention by the colleagues, Dodo resigns in anger and leaves for New York with Michael. She is heart-broken to catch Michael in a passionate scene with her close friend at the airport. After that, Dodo gets stuck with her first assignment of her own company. She has no resources but to seek help of Jacky, a worker from former design company, but misunderstanding arises between them due to difference in rank. But as they get on more, they begin to admire each other. Meantime, Michael, who tries to win back Dodo's heart. What would Dodo decide between her two admirers?
Chik (Philip Chan), Lucky (Michael Wong), Chi-to (Waise Lee), and his ex-girlfriend Ngao (Carrie Ng) who he is still sweet on but is married to Lucky now, are aiming to make a score on a deal with a Taiwan triad when things take a turn for the BLOODY because Chi-to's cousin, who arranged the deal, set them up.
This is an outrageous comedy about seven days in the life of two girls Leung and Ling, who want to skyrocket to the top by entering a beauty pageant. Both girls are ballyhooed as the hottest contestants, but at the end neither can make it to the top 5! What's more, Ling is dumped by her boyfriend, and gets fired at the same time. Being afraid of going home to get along with her father. Leung gives her a hand, inviting Ling to stay with her in her roof-top bungalow. Then they begin their days of similar conscious degradation, which force them to become best friends. But their friendship becomes short-lived when they run into a handsome and well-built young man Wong. They start to vie for his attention and his sex. However, before the climax of their war comes, they find out that he's a dawdler. Shattered by the fact, the two girls eventually come to team with one another.
На ресторан, в котором работает Брендон наезжают бандиты во главе с Рэкетиром. Получив жесткий отпор, мафия приводит в действие чудовищный план, цель которого — надолго упрятать за решетку строптивого Брендона.
Mark, a local cop is investigating a string of jewel robberies. He soon discovers that the men behind the crimes is the notorious"Red Devil" and his band of Ninjas. Mark teams up with Billy, a man out for revenge.
Michael Wong
Обычный рейс самолета по маршруту Токио - Гонконг превращается в трагедию. Именно этот рейс выбрали террористы, они требуют изменить маршрут. Оказавшиеся среди пассажиров два спецагента пытаются мирно разрешить конфликт, но в возникшей суматохе происходит перестрелка, преступников арестовывают, а их главаря убивают. Кажется, конфликт исчерпан, но бандиты долгов не забывают...
Jane, born in a lower-class family and neglected by her parents, becomes a rebellious girl. She enters a famous high school by personal relationship of her aunt. May, born in a rich family and spoiled by her parents, is very capricious. Isolated by her classmates, Jane keeps silent and swallow everything. Not until one day, when she rescued May, who has constantly saved Jane from being embarrassed in class, Jane shows her power and is greatly respected by May.
Five young and idealistic policemen, nicknamed Bravo (Mark Cheng), Rambo (Anthony Tang), Superstition (Bennett Pang), Wealthy (Michael Wong) and Old Bachelor (Billy Lau) are tired of their jobs and are determined to join the Special Duties Unit. Instructor Lee (Dean Shek) demands discipline, efficiency and obedience. Despite the hostility and hardships, the young officers begin to realize that Instructor Lee is passionate at heart. Eventually, they all respect him for his devotion and inspiration. On a silent night, they are summoned to an emergency assignment. A dozen of innocent citizen are held as hostages. The death of Bravo in their first successful mission sadden their high spirit and celebrating mood.