Joe Chan


Шторм G
Director of Photography
Следователь пытается предотвратить теракт во время симпозиума, проводимого Гонконгской независимой комиссией по борьбе с коррупцией. Позже он обнаруживает, что это связано с торговлей людьми в Таиланде.
Ударная волна: Битва за Гонконг
Director of Photography
Главный сапер особого подразделения SWAT в Гонконге при очередном разминировании бомбы допускает роковую ошибку, вследствие чего по всему городу происходит серия крупных взрывов. Выйдя из комы, он должен во всем разобраться и узнать правду в этой запутанной ситуации...
A Home with a View
Director of Photography
The Lo family live in an old flat in the middle of a noisy neighborhood: father, mother, unemployed son, teenage daughter and his elderly, disabled father. Now a billboard is blocking their perfect view of the harbor, and their already chaotic life becomes sheer madness.
The Leakers
The film centers around a Malaysian pharmaceutical company using a new virus to generate an epidemic. A secret organization, known as "The Leaker", discloses this information. After the suicide of the pharmaceutical company's son and a local reporter, the wife of the pharmaceutical company's owner leaves for Hong Kong. A Malaysian police chief , Hong Kong police officer, and journalist work together to locate her whereabouts.
Ударная волна
Director of Photography
Семь лет назад полицейский сапёр Чун Чойсан был внедрён под прикрытием в банду торговца взрывчаткой Хуна. В тот день банда была полностью обезврежена, но главарю удалось сбежать, оставив в руках полиции подельщиков и младшего брата. Теперь Хун возвращается в Гонконг, чтобы отомстить. Разместив бомбы в крупных общественных местах, преступник вступает в опасную игру с офицером Чуном, возглавившим за это время городской Отдел по утилизации взрывчатых веществ.
Director of Photography
В 1990 году доктор Лам занимается исследованиями сна — зачем нужен сон, какие изменения происходят в мозгу, если долго не спать, и может ли человек и вовсе обходиться без сна. К доктору обращается бывшая возлюбленная, которая оставила его 10 лет назад, с просьбой вылечить брата от бессонницы. Оказывается, что семья девушки страдает наследственной болезнью — в определенный момент человек перестает спать, начинает мучаться галлюцинациями и в конце концов умирает.
The Mobfathers
Director of Photography
The godfather of the triad Jing Hing and his senior bosses need to select a new boss to run the daily operations of the five gangs under their control. Chuck, a lifelong member of the triad, dreams of being the elected one, but his wife wants him to leave the criminal life and spend time with their child. Wulf, a former cop, also wants take over the seat. Both will try to achieve their goal by any means necessary.
Инспектор пришёл
Director of Photography
К знатной семье накануне вечеринки по случаю помолвки младшей дочери приходит полицейский инспектор. Он портит всё веселье своим расследованием самоубийства беременной девушки, к которому, по утверждению членов семьи, они никак не могут иметь отношение.
Ип Ман: Последняя схватка
В послевоенном Гонконге легендарный великий мастер Ип Ман вскоре после событий, связанных с, казалось бы, простым соперничеством между различными стилями кунг-фу, оказывается поневоле втянутым в тёмный и опасный преступный мир триад. Теперь, чтобы защитить жизнь и честь, ему не остаётся ничего, кроме как сразиться в последний раз…
Ип Ман: Последняя схватка
Director of Photography
В послевоенном Гонконге легендарный великий мастер Ип Ман вскоре после событий, связанных с, казалось бы, простым соперничеством между различными стилями кунг-фу, оказывается поневоле втянутым в тёмный и опасный преступный мир триад. Теперь, чтобы защитить жизнь и честь, ему не остаётся ничего, кроме как сразиться в последний раз…
Director of Photography
Хао Дун страдает от бессонницы и однажды он выходит на балкон и видит прекрасную соседку, рисующую странную картину. Странность заключается в том, что он может предсказать любое движение этой незнакомки. Девушка Хао Дуна считает, что Юэгуан — порождение его фантазии, спровоцированной хронической бессонницей. Но память парня хранит более страшные, истинные воспоминания о том, что произошло с ним в прошлом.
Turning Point 2
Director of Photography
Laughing is judged guilty of murdering gang lord Michael So and is sentenced to life imprisonment. Locked up behind bars, he meets the seemingly benign inmate Fok Tin Yam, a university professor in criminal psychology who is jailed for drug possession. Highly intelligent and manipulative, Fok reveals the power of his mind games by effortlessly subduing the violent prison bully. He also deduces that Laughing is sent to the prison on an undercover mission to find out the rogue cops within the police force. The clues lead him to inmate Chit, a former sergeant from the Narcotics Bureau who has been suffering from a mental disorder. To unlock the critical information from the deranged man, Laughing must get the help of Fok, but this enigmatic figure has an agenda of his own...
Ип Ман: Рождение легенды
Director of Photography
В детстве Ип Ман вместе со своим братом Е Тяньцы и младшей ученицей Ли Мэйхуэй учился боевым искусствам у известного мастера вин-чун Чэнь Хуашуня в городе Фошань. Спустя несколько лет, мастер Чэнь Хуашунь умер, и Ип Ман продолжил обучение у старшего ученика Чэнь Хуашуня — Чжунсу. Затем Ип Ман отправился в Гонконг, чтобы продолжить обучение боевым искусствам, расставшись с Е Тяньцы, Ли Мэйхуэй и другими учениками. Во время обучения в Гонконге, Ип Ман часто сталкивался с оскорблениями и дискриминацией со стороны иностранцев…
Turning Point
Laughing (MICHAEL TSE) is formally a police undercover. However due to a drug trafficking case, Inspector Pan (FELIX WONG) is hot on his trails. Before Laughing becomes a police undercover, he works under triad leader Yi (ANTHONY WONG). Yi treats Laughing as his own brother, however to protect his territory and illegal businesses, Yi instructed Laughing to join the police force and act as his undercover. Laughing is a high-flyer in the police academy. However he never got a chance to join the force because he is specially picked by Inspector Xian (YUEN BIAO) to be an undercover in the underworld syndicate. Hence Laughing becomes a “double-undercover”. Yi is happy that Laughing is allocated to the triad of his rival (FRANCIS NG). To make his situation worse, Laughing falls in love with the triad leader’s sister, Karen. Justice, brotherhood and love, what will Laughing decide on? His decision will be a turning point in his life.
Director of Photography
Перевоплощение легендарной серии о женщине-мстительнице, заключенной № 701 aka Скорпион. Мэйко Кадзи заменена заслуженной мстительницей всея Азии Мики Мидзуно. На сей раз Нами Мацусима подставлена группой наемных убийц, целью которых был отец ее жениха Хэй Тая, профессор Лам. Наемники предоставляют Нами выбор: либо она убивает сестру Хэй Тая, либо Хэй Тай отправляется вслед за своим отцом. Став, таким образом, соучастницей убийства, Нами попадает в тюрьму. Ее жизнь разрушена, Хэй Тай желает ей смерти, тюремная жизнь — ад. Однако Нами удается бежать из тюрьмы; волею судеб она попадает к таинственному Собирателю трупов. Видимо, давно скучавший Собиратель, находит себе развлечение и обучает Нами боевым искусствам. Теперь Скорпион обрела силу и готова мстить. Но не слишком ли долго подогревалось блюдо под названием месть?
Himalaya Singh
Director of Photography
Ronald has lived in the Himalayas since he was young and has grown up to become a clean-living yoga master who will soon marry an Indian beauty. But things change when an absent-minded tourist guide accidentally leads him onto her bus.
Dating Death
Seven friends plan a reunion on a remote island and end up killed in bizarre incidents.
Director of Photography
Mandy's life turns upside down after getting into a car accident.
The Era of Vampires
Director of Photography
In 17th century China, zombies and vampires roamed the lands, feeding on the unsuspecting. A group of martial artists / vampire hunters find themselves employed by a very rich - and very insane - old man who has kept everyone of his relatives preserved in wax and not buried. Apparently it is his family's tradition. So, having generations of potential zombies in your cellar may not be the smartest idea ever, but it takes two to tango. In this case, a thief wants the old-man's treasure and hires a zombie-wrangler to re-animate the waxed up relatives in order to sneak into the mansion and steal the treasure. It's up to the kung-fu fighting vampire hunters to save the day (or night).
Shark Busters
Director of Photography
TC Lee, a senior policeman whose mounting debts are making headlines in the local press. Lee's not the only person in trouble at his police station, where a handful of colleagues are paying off the bank or worse, are becoming locked into repayments to gangland debt collectors. When Lee and his colleagues become caught in the loan sharks' spiraling interest charges and organized pressure tactics, they become vigilantes and fight back.
From the Queen to the Chief Executive
Director of Photography
In 1985, Cheung Yau-ming was one of five miscreants involved in the brutal murder of a white couple. As he was still a juvenile, the court ordered that he be "detained at Her Majesty's pleasure," a clause in British law allowing the government to imprison young offenders for an indefinite period. The film picks up in 1997, with Yau-ming (now 28) being paid a visit by a girl named Cheung Yue-ling. With only six months to go before the Handover, Yau-ming and 22 other prisoners hope to have their sentences determined soon, fearing what might happen should the decision about what to do with them become the province of incoming Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa.
Troublesome Night 2
The second chapter of the "Troublesome Night" series, this movie consists of three stories. The first story is about a girl that called a radio show for advice and comfort after her boyfriend died tragically. One of the station DJs unconsciously suggested that she should commit suicide if she wants to be reunited with her beau. Unfortunately, the girl takes the suggestion and the DJ becomes racked with guilt as the girl's ghost returns to haunt him. The second story is about a group of friends voyage to the sea. During the trip, they encountered mysterious events after they rescued an eerie woman from a boat wreckage. The third story is about another DJ that quit his job after the untimely deaths of his co-workers. To escape the pain, he becomes a street racer. But, his thrill rides were hindered when he stumbled upon a sinister spirit by the roadside
Troublesome Night
Director of Photography
Tales of the supernatural include encounters with ghosts and a man's communication with his dead wife.
Hong Kong Showgirls
A struggling acting troupe uses an old abandoned porno theater to rehearse. As one strange occurrence follows the next, it becomes clear that the hall is haunted by a dancer who died in a mysterious theater fire years ago.
The Eighth
Gordon Lam kills a guy who raped his sister. When he gets out of jail he runs into a girl in trouble and they fall in love but she has to go back to USA soon. She is somehow related to a gangster. His best friend has a debt to this gangster. The gangster wants another gangster – who is together with his former girlfriend – killed.
Director of Photography
Альфред Танг знает о машинах абсолютно все. Он не только изумительно водит автомобиль, но и способен по одному звуку мотора опознать марку машины, безошибочно определив, какая деталь в механическом организме машины нуждается в замене. Альфред, некогда талантливый и бесстрашный гонщик, теперь работает механиком-экспертом в фирме своего уважаемого отца. Роковой случай сводит Альфреда с эксцентричным и безжалостным преступником по кличке «Кугар». Этот тип — тоже крупный специалист по автомобилям, соединяющий, однако, это пристрастие с ужасной тягой к красиво «поставленным» убийствам. Злодей сразу замечает в Альфреде сильного опытного и непредсказуемого соперника, — словом, лучшего партнера в гонках на жутких скоростях. Чтобы заставить Альфреда играть по своим правилам. Кугар похищает юную сестру героя, предлагая Тангу сразиться с ним на престижном чемпионате в Японии. Отважный Альфред принимает вызов и отправляется спасать сестру.
Spider Woman
Director of Photography
Michael Wong is walking in a circle, he is not only facing a complex human relationship as well as inharmonious relationship with some terrible persons. Those affairs push Michael to the death.
Passion Unbounded
Director of Photography
Someone's been murduring naughty girls. David is the detective onthe case. Carrie is the strange woman who lives by the scene of the crime.
Passion Unbounded
Someone's been murduring naughty girls. David is the detective onthe case. Carrie is the strange woman who lives by the scene of the crime.
Beginner's Luck
Director of Photography
Lau and Chow are roommates and they both dream to strike it rich at the races. They invent a device that allows them to eavesdrop on jockeys in training for tips. When they lost at the races, Lau's girlfriend threatens to leave, and Chow is stalked by the loan sharks. Will they bet it all on one last race?
Doug's Choice
Slacker Douglas Ng (Michael Chow) decides to become a gigolo to make money in order to impress grade school sweetheart Joanne, now a currency speculator.
Organized Crime & Triad Bureau
Director of Photography
The head of the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau, Inspector San Lee, will do anything to put triad boss Tung in jail.
The Bride with White Hair 2
For ten years, Cho has been in the snow of Mount Shin Fung waiting for a rare flower to blossom that will cure his wife who, back in Chung Yuan, is slowly killing all of the members of the Eight Big Clans. Something Cho did to her early in their marriage has turned her hair white and driven her mad. Cho's nephew, Kit, marries Lyre; they are deeply in love. On their wedding night, Ni-Chang, the bride with white hair, kidnaps Lyre and takes her to her harem of fighting women to indoctrinate her against Kit. Kit tries to lead a rescue party, but they are up against formidable opponents. Can Cho come in time with the blossom to soften Ni-Chang's heart?
Криминальная история
Director of Photography
Криминальный триллер, основанный на реальных событиях, о похищении людей и коррупции в полиции Гонкога. Инспектор, заданием которого является защита известного магната. Но бизнесмена все-таки похищают…
Fatal Love
After being thrown out of the police academy, Debbie Fung (Ellen Chan) gets a new chance but instead the proposition is to go undercover. Accepting the mission to get close to tycoon Lau Fuk Tin (Michael Wong) as he's suspected of a number of murders of women, under the disguise of Maryanne, Debbie quickly gets close to Lau. Going so far as getting almost permanent residence with the man, Debbie witness horrific things on the grounds. Despite, affection starting to develop towards her target.
All Men Are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard
Based on parts of the classic Chinese novel The Water Margin (aka Outlaws of the Marsh).
Полный контакт
На улицах Бангкока каждый китаец сможет найти себе место. Например, крутой парень Джефф работал одно время вышибалой в баре, но продолжалось это совсем недолго. Вступившись однажды за своего приятеля Сэма, он быстро оказался среди личных врагов босса местной китайской мафии Чуна, которому Сэм был должен приличных денег…
Безумный город
Director of Photography
97-ой год, Токио. Оказывается, уже давно среди нас живут так называемые Поглотители, полулюди-полумонстры, питающиеся человеческой кровью и периодически превращающиеся в страшных чудовищ. Существуют и бюро по борьбе с ними. Сотрудник одного из таких бюро Таки работает в паре с полупоглотителем Кеном, но сержант бюро постоянно осаживает Кена, боясь, что его инстинкты рано или поздно вырвутся наружу. А в общине Поглотителей — разлад. Одна часть их, ведомая престарелым героем Тацуи Накадаи и его помощницей Винди, намеревается спокойно осесть в городе, не доставляя хлопот людям, однако вторая, во главе которого стоит его сын Шудо планирует начать выпуск нового смертельного наркотика, с помощью которого он покорит людей.
Shanghai 1920
Billy Fong, a Chinese boy working the Shanghai docks, becomes friends with Dawson Cole, the spoiled son of an American shipping tycoon. As adults, the friends become business partners. Dawson wants to run a legitimate trade, but Billy craves the power that comes with leadership among the cities gangster underground.
Blue Lightning
Director of Photography
Danny Lee is a retired cop investigating the murder of his wife, witnessed only by his son.
Rebel from China
Prolific action director Woo proves his thespian mettle on screen as a destitute, desperate Chinese defector who, with his brother in tow, tries to find a foothold in the Hong Kong underworld.
When Fortune Smiles
Director of Photography
The story revolves around a massive inheritance from a rich man, whose nephew is plotting to seize the fortune from his daughter Fei Fei. He hires a petty thief, nicknamed "Tricky Star" to court Fei Fei in an attempt to steal all the money. But it turns out that Fei Fei is a fake who works for the rich man's evil son.
A Moment of Romance
Director of Photography
During a bank heist, getaway driver Wah takes a young woman Jo Jo hostage. After preventing his accomplices from killing her, they begin a forbidden relationship that causes mayhem and chaos for their friends and family.
City Cops
Director of Photography
Cindy is an American FBI agent who is currently in Hong Kong seeking arch-criminal Kent Tong. In order to bring down Tong and his criminal organization, she teams up with local HK cops David and Johnny.
A Killer's Blues
Director of Photography
Fourteen years ago, Wai Yat Ming (Ti Lung) went to the US to settle affairs for triad boss Sun (Bao Fang), but ended up in prison. Finally free again, Wai wants to start over with his girlfriend (Olivia Cheng) and adopted daughter (Fennie Yuen), but he finds it hard with Sun's feuding son and nephew, Kit (Mark Cheng) and Chong (Roy Cheung), constantly raising trouble in the gang. Seeing his own misguided past in them, Wai fruitlessly tries to guide them in the right direction. He eventually decides to make a clean break and leave Hong Kong, but Sun's sudden death pulls him back into the violence of the underworld.
Aces Go Places V: The Terracotta Hit
Director of Photography
Two friends who own an investment firm turn to a policeman friend for help when they are framed for robbery by a gang of antiquities smugglers.
The Crazy Companies 2
Director of Photography
One the day Horny to get married, his two pals Frank and Kai told him to avoid the trap of marriage. However his finacee forced him to sign the certificate. Kwai, Horny's other pal had a firm with his brother Fu. Fu could not manage the office and owed the Fok's family 2M and Fok's manager Robert persuaded to merge Fu's company. The three pals joined Fok's to solve the crisis...
School on Fire
A young schoolgirl, Yuen Fong becomes caught in a tragic stranglehold of triad activity after she testifies in court over a triad beating. When this news reaches the triad leader Brother Smart, Yuen Fong must pay him protection money for what she has done as events begin to escalate.
Tiger on the Beat
A seasoned cop and his rookie partner are a pair of mismatched partners in this Hong Kong action-comedy in the style of 'Lethal Weapon'. The wacky twosome are up in arms as they try to solve the murder of a heroin trafficker.
The Eighth Happiness
Director of Photography
Three oddball brothers go looking for love but unfortunately, their out-there personalities get in the way!
Trouble Couples
Director of Photography
Mui Da Hsien (Anita Mui), the eldest sister, is the only breadwinner in the family. She spends all her time in raising up and discipline her three sisters, Yee Hsien (Ann Bridgewater), Sarm Hsien (Charine Chan), and Sai Hsien (Fennie Yuen). They are aware of Da Hsien is becoming a spinster and they are not allowed to get married if Da Hsien remains single. So they decide to find her a husband. So all their boyfriends very anxious to give a helping hand. They find Tsang To Choy (Eric Tsang) who just has broken heart is the right man, but Tsang is scared away by Da Hsien's shrew temper...
Scared Stiff
Alan and Halley are partners in a pest control company. Handsome Alan gets the girls and puffy Halley gets nothing. One night the two are injured in a car crash. Halley suffers slight injuries but Alan is dead for all purposes except his brain wave which still works actively. But when Halley cries over his "corpse", Alan bursts into ecplosive life. So the doctor decide to study this phenomenon and Alan agrees to be the guinea pig as he fancies the beautiful Dr. Emily. Halley discovers by accident a murder and is chased by the murderer who happens to be a police inspector...
Chase a Fortune
Tiger, a fierce champion pro-boxer, is a gentle giant outside the ring. So when he accidentally injures a reporter during an interview, Tiger forswears his boxing career to care for the wheelchair bound journalist. Unbeknownst to Tiger, the reporter is exaggerating the severity of his injuries in the hopes of winning a financial settlement. The boxer's selfless behavior soon triggers a change of heart in the faking journalist, who must find a way to convince Tiger to return to the ring without risking their newfound friendship.
Customs Frontline
Director of Photography
Zhou Zhengli and his boss Zhang Yunnan are working for Hong Kong Customs. When they are investigating an arms smuggling case, the Customs encounter a violent attack by an overseas force. Zhou Zhengli participates in the joint operation with the Interpol. Zhou is a brave man, not afraid of dangerous mission, but the truth might be difficult for him to accept...