Коварный кот Кэт Р. Воул заманивает нашего героя на запад, где тот объединяет свои усилия со знаменитым псом Уайли Берпом в борьбе против зловещего заговора, цель которого — сделать из ничего не подозревающих мышей-поселенцев… гамбургеры!
In the world of the Murwoks where nightmares are made, the evil Botch hatches a scheme to make bad dreams real. Only Ralph and Mumford, misfits from the cheery land of Frivoli, can stop him.
In the world of the Murwoks where nightmares are made, the evil Botch hatches a scheme to make bad dreams real. Only Ralph and Mumford, misfits from the cheery land of Frivoli, can stop him.
Dorothy is carried back to Oz by a green turkey balloon on the final Thanksgiving she is to spend with her aunt and uncle, who are moving to a retirement community. She meets Jack Pumpkinhead, The Hungry Tiger, and Tic Toc (sic), and must stop the evil Tyrone the Terrible Toy Tinkerer (looking suspiciously like John R. Neil's depiction of the Nome King), who brings the balloon to life.
Rhoda's camera-shy doorman gets his own special in which we see his daily habits, including flirting with joggers and making the rounds of local watering holes.
Spanky and Porky try to figure out a way to get their mother a winter coat for Christmas after she buys them a Blue Comet electric train.
Sandy is a little girl with a penchant for whoppers. However, when her lies start go so far as to implicate the innocent for her own misdeeds, Puff decides to step in. Using his magic, Puff takes Sandy to the Land of Living Lies where everyone tells the most ridiculous lies and honesty is persecuted. Only when Sandy realizes the need for honesty can she help Puff escape this insane world. Written by Kenneth Chisholm
Jackie is a boy who is so trapped by his fears and doubts that he could not communicate with anyone. Then, a magic dragon named Puff comes to help Jackie by taking his soul force on a wonderous voyage to his island of Honah Lee. Along the way, they have adventures that nurture Jackie's imagination and courage in unorthodox ways.
Jackie is a boy who is so trapped by his fears and doubts that he could not communicate with anyone. Then, a magic dragon named Puff comes to help Jackie by taking his soul force on a wonderous voyage to his island of Honah Lee. Along the way, they have adventures that nurture Jackie's imagination and courage in unorthodox ways.
A mouse and his child, the two parts of a single small wind-up toy, go on a quest to become "self-winding".
A mouse and his child, the two parts of a single small wind-up toy, go on a quest to become "self-winding".
A comedy about a group of colorful characters who go on a chase in search of a billionaire's lost fortune.
A quick, unabashed look at the downside of "kids' cereals" and hard-sell marketing, through the fictional brand Sooper Goop; an overpriced, overprocessed, candied, chemically-enriched, bad excuse for nutrition. (Not to mention a here-today, gone-tomorrow one; by the end, Sooper Goop is already being outsold by Eatum Sweetum, made from a different grain, but with the same drawbacks.) Kid-friendly, with a lesson easy to understand, and impossible to forget.
Willard, a mild mannered insurance adjuster, teams up with a foul-mouthed fowl who takes Willard on a surreal quest to become less uptight - and possibly get laid in the process.
Willard, a mild mannered insurance adjuster, teams up with a foul-mouthed fowl who takes Willard on a surreal quest to become less uptight - and possibly get laid in the process.
Years ago, there was a place called The Land of Point, because everything in The Land of Point had one: the barns, the houses, the cars, everything, even the people. Everyone in The Land of Point had a point at the top of its head. Everyone, that is, except Oblio, who was born round-headed. Since he had no point, Oblio, along with his trusty dog, Arrow, was banished to the Pointless Forest. Join them to see what wonders await these two intrepid travelers as they make their way on their amazing, song-filled journey of discovery!
Короткометражная лента о любви, коварстве и измене, претендовавшая на «Оскар». В центре сюжета любовной истории оказывается пожилой дворянин, его молодая хорошенькая супруга и не менее очаровательный молодой приятель. Жуликоватый юноша останавливается погостить в их поместье, и хозяйка дома начинает преследовать его всюду, не стесняясь даже залезать к мужчине в постель. Старый дворянин не обращает внимания на беспредел, творящийся в стенах его дома. Даже когда его молодая жена при нем лезет с поцелуями к гостю. Будет ли у любовного треугольника счастливая развязка? «Волшебная груша» — недетский мультфильм, который, тем не менее, получил рейтинг М — для любой аудитории.
Короткометражная лента о любви, коварстве и измене, претендовавшая на «Оскар». В центре сюжета любовной истории оказывается пожилой дворянин, его молодая хорошенькая супруга и не менее очаровательный молодой приятель. Жуликоватый юноша останавливается погостить в их поместье, и хозяйка дома начинает преследовать его всюду, не стесняясь даже залезать к мужчине в постель. Старый дворянин не обращает внимания на беспредел, творящийся в стенах его дома. Даже когда его молодая жена при нем лезет с поцелуями к гостю. Будет ли у любовного треугольника счастливая развязка? «Волшебная груша» — недетский мультфильм, который, тем не менее, получил рейтинг М — для любой аудитории.