Hassan Brijany

Hassan Brijany

Рождение : 1961-04-12, Iran

Смерть : 2020-07-23


Hassan Brijany grew up in Iran and attended stage school in Tehran. He came to Sweden in the mid-80s and initially worked as an interpreter at the Swedish Migration Board, to later break through as an actor. He was best known for his role in "One Eye Red" (2007), an achievement that was awarded a golden beetle for best supporting role in 2008.


Hassan Brijany


LasseMajas detektivbyrå - Stella Nostra
Muhammed Karat
The sleepy little town Valleby is getting ready for the cafe owners Dino Panini's and Sara Bernard's wedding, and our popular young detectives Lasse and Maja stand ready to ensure that nothing will go wrong. But when the wedding couple's respective relatives arrive, they prove to belong to rival mafia families.
The Spaceship
Mia wants to go to space, but finds it difficult to raise money. Her fantastic pizza doesn't convince the restaurant owner who claims one 'need to have it in the veins'. A film about dreams, prejudices and a different girl.
The Accident
Jonas, a successful car-salesman is being suspected having driven over a child. His life is turned upside down and he realize that that we are all responsible, one way or another.
Детективное агентство Лассе и Майя. Возвращение Хамелеона
Muhammed Karat
Когда в городе начинают происходить мистические события, юные детективы Лассе и Майя без раздумий берутся за дело! Жители городка Валлиби находятся в приподнятом настроении - в разгаре традиционный осенний праздник, и скоро будет объявлен победитель конкурса "Самый известный житель города". Все прочат победу начальнику полиции, но когда публике представляют изготовленный заранее бюст победителя, восторг толпы сменяется шоком. Кто-то подменил бюст на зловещий череп. Это происшествие стало первым в цепочке странных событий, случившихся в городе. Юные детективы Лассе и Майя немедленно принимаются за дело.
Ulf and Eva are finally becoming adoptive parents. But when they are picking up their little son from the airport, it turns out that the orphanage has sent them the wrong George; Instead of a child they get an old man!
Beck 23 - The Silent Scream
Ferze Ghiza
Two young girls are killed on railway by a passing train. It does not seem to fit the profile of a normal suicide. So if this is a double homicide who would do this and why? Martin Beck and his team start following the step backwards in order to figure out what has happened. With good and intensive police work they find man side trails from the main path.
One Eye Red
Halim's father
Halim has seen through it all. He has seen through the Integration plan a secret conspiracy that tries to turn all immigrants into Swedes. Unfortunately he has also seen through his own father, who has fallen victim to the Integration plan. But Halim has his own plan; he is going to be Sweden’s mightiest revolution immigrant and take a stand to save his father from forgetting his Arabic roots.
Ahmed Aalam
Томас Скепхулт — человек, у которого есть все. Он сколотил целое состояние со своей компанией венчурного капитала. У него фантастическая вилла. Он живет там со своей семьей, которая любит его. Но все меняется, когда коллега и партнер Томаса по компании найден зверски убитым в своей квартире. В контракте говорится, что когда умирает один из владельцев компании, другой получает 2 миллиона крон. На орудии убийства найдены отпечатки Томаса. Сумеет ли он доказать свою невиновность? Или не так уж он невиновен?
Baba's Cars
Jojo is out of money and must work for his stepfather's shady car dealership to pick up a car that belongs to a Russian gangster.
All Hell Let Loose
Minoo returns to her family in Sweden to attend her sister Gita's wedding. Her mother and father believe that she has disgraced the family having worked as a stripper.