Vocal Coach
Trying to keep together all the little beings that are fragments of yourself. Overwhelming states of shapeshifting through contradictory perceptions of the inner and the outer self. Feeling, not feeling, falling apart and finally reassembling and reconciling all the little beings into one loving self again.
Hélias (Voice)
It's time for the villagers to start their journey. They cross the perilous water in nutshells, with their loved ones to their final destination... where the blue sky and the blue ocean meet up. When do we leave the world of the living?
Transporting packets across the wooden bridges through gaseous swamps, sometimes stopping at La Touille for lunch : such is life of the Broignes. So long as they can keep it up.
Everything you always wanted to know about pornography (but were afraid to ask).
A look at the work of Japanese woodblock printing artist Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849).
Digital Storyboarding
Marie-Antoninette (voice)
This was a very human account of the lives and deaths of Marie Antoinette and Louis the XVI focusing primarily on Marie. It is an account of their lives from birth to death and the circumstances leading to the downfall of the French monarchy.
Journalist #1
Вторая часть трилогии. Когда-то давно, в середине девяностых, случайная встреча Джесси и Селин подарила молодым людям несколько восхитительных и трогательных часов в предрассветной Вене. Спустя девять лет им снова предстоит увидеть друг друга! Теперь у них в распоряжении несколько часов в предзакатном Париже, в течение которых необходимо решить — каким станет их завтра…
Despite the deep love and tenderness that exists between Franck and his older brother, the sadness and emptiness caused by his mother's absence being taken away by the police, leads him to commit a terrible and hopeless act.