Rome, 1944. An Italian cook meets a young American soldier with a mission: to set up a special meal for the Allied forces stationed in the city.
Джек на свадьбе сестры встречает неожиданных гостей, что сразу же меняет для него настроение праздничного мероприятия.
Cardinal Martini
В переломный момент в истории Католической церкви папа Бенедикт XVI завязывает дружбу с будущим папой Франциском. Основано на реальных событиях.
Cardinal Angelini
История о легендарном итальянском премьер-министре Джулио Андреотти, проработавшем на этом месте не то шесть, не то семь сроков. Он знаменит своим чувством юмора и то ли связями с мафией, то ли, наоборот, тем, что мафия ополчилась против него. Разнообразные смерти, призраки, интриги, агрессивный монтаж и еще более агрессивный саундтрек, а посреди всего этого — маленький смешной человечек, почти бесстрастный.
Col. Campbell
Год 1814 Остров Эльбы. Мартино-молодой преподаватель и идеалист,влюбленный в красивую и благородную Баронессу Эмилию.Молодой человек служит библиотекарем Императору, находящемуся в изгнании, которого он глубоко ненавидит, но все же скоро начинает писать ммуары Наполеона. Он постепенно узнает и оценивает Императора вне мифоф. Среди соблазнов, дел, ожиданий, он создает точный портрет Наполеона.
Michelle lives in Paris with René, who is influential politicians. One morning as Michelle discovers that her 18-year-old daughter Lauren has not come home from a pub tonight. René does not want to involve the police, because he does not want a scandal that could affect his political career negative. They decide instead to hire a private investigator. It turns out that Lauren has been kidnapped to be used by a gang producing snuff. Detective withdraws from the case, however, because he fears for his life and Michelle decides to find their own daughter. The hunt goes by porn swamps in Paris, Amsterdam and Hamburg.
A fictionalized account of the last days of opera singer Maria Callas.
Direttore dell'hotel
Pubblico ministero
Milanese and Naples people go to Cortina d'Ampezzo on Christmas holidays
After the death of his father, prince Tristan is living in Cornwall at the court of his uncle, King Marke, who treats him like a son. When the Irish king sends his son Morold over to demand high tax payments, Tristan challenges him to combat. He manages to kill Morold but is very badly injured, and is placed in a boat to be healed by the magic powers of the sea, which takes him across to Ireland.
marito di Michela
While visiting Universal Studios in Hollywood along with their respective families, two Italian tourists get on a real time machine and got lost in time. Professor Mortimer effort to rescue them result in trips through various ages of ancient Italy.
Footman At Ballroom
Закат XIX века — не лучшее время для истинной любви, но прекрасное для браков по расчету. Изабель Арчер — свободолюбивая девушка с душой бунтарки — шокирует ближайшее окружение своим отказом от выгодного замужества. Верная традициям и общественным устоям семья давит на нее. И даже неожиданное наследство не приносит ей долгожданной свободы. Пользуясь неутолимым любопытством юной Изабель, ее коварная подруга интригами и обманом устраивает брак девушки с эгоистичным деспотом, своим бывшим любовником. Но очень скоро жестокая правда раскрывается, и, сбросив цепи семейных оков, Изабель вырывается навстречу настоящему чувству, несущему свет и надежду.
Marzio Mannino (as Anthony Berner)
Giovanna Dei, a young cartoonist, works on the violent comic strip "Doctor Dark". Unfortunately, young women are being killed in the style of the comic strip character she becomes the main suspect.
Prof. Lo Verso
Carlo Monti is a young man who wants to reveal the secret of his mother's mysterious death which occurred in a strange car accident many years ago.He is an illegitimate son of a late film director. Carlo learns where his father's home was and goes there because he thinks his father was involved in the accident.There he meets Emma- a glamorous young woman who claims to be Carlo's sister. Carlo is attracted by her beauty but he soon realizes that he has got involved in a dangerous and mysterious affair...
Советская профсоюзная делегация прибывает в Венецию. В компании «передовиков производства» героиня фильма выглядит «белой вороной». Русская интеллигентка с античным именем Хлоя, впервые оказавшись за границей, да еще на родине Казановы, влюбляется в итальянца Лоренцо, не подозревая, что он мошенник и альфонс, обхаживающий богатых женщин…
A TV movie variation on Shakespeare's Hamlet. The movie is a part of Carmelo Bene's multi-medial project on Hamlet, also including the theatrical movie "Un Amleto di meno", a stage drama and the experimental video "Amleto di Carmelo Bene (Da Shakespeare a Laforgue).
Police Comissioner Datti is investigating the murder of a female doctor whose murderer seems to be a thirty-fivish year old man. Soon another murder follows: Pianist Robert Dominici's girlfriend is found killed. The killer also challenges Datti on the phone and says he can't be caught since he has a secret which makes him invulnerable. In the meantime the clues seems to point in strange directions...
Die drei Sklaven
Film adaptation by Straub and Huillet of Hölderlin's 1798 tragedy on the symbolic death of Empedoclus, the legislator in Ancient Greece.
A biographical feature on the Italian literary giant, Gabriele D'Annunzio. Set in late 19th century Italy and France when the artistic style, Decadentismo, was beginning to take shape, the film focuses on D'Annunzio's life when he was already an established poet and journalist in Rome. A staunch opponent of democracy and commoners, he searches for passion and pleasure among the wealthy and noble. One such noblewoman Elvira Fraternali Leoni, serves as the muse for his first novel - The Pleasure (Il Piacere).
A young man falls in love with extra-liberated Giulia. Their relationship becomes very passionate, but Giulia has no limits in her sexual fantasies and games. Poor guy, will soon discover he'll have to pay a price for Giulia. He'll have to put up with all her strange and pervert desires, until of course he reaches his limits.
A woman becomes obsessed with a man she can't have, and carries the torch for more than 15 years.
A safecracker takes a job where he must go to Istanbul and steal a scepter that once belonged to the god Gilgamesh but is now in the temple of a secret cult.
(as Achille Brunini)
A man has psychic premonitions of bad things happening to both a young boy and a young lady in a flaming vehicle.
Трейси — начинающий дизайнер из чикагских трущоб. Она проходит через школу моды в надежде стать одной из главных дизайнеров в мире. Ее амбиции ведут ее в Рим, где ей предстоит сделать выбор между карьерой и мужчиной, которого она любит.