Mona McKinnon

Mona McKinnon

Рождение : 1929-05-01, Tennessee, USA

Смерть : 1990-03-12


Mona McKinnon (1929-1990) was an American actress. She played in three movies associated with Ed Wood: Jail Bait, Plan 9 from Outer Space, and Night of the Ghouls.


Mona McKinnon


The Haunted World of Edward D. Wood, Jr.
Herself (voice)
Often called the worst director in the history of cinema, Ed Wood is nevertheless a beloved figure among cult-film aficionados for his oddball productions. This documentary takes a look back at Wood's unique career at the margins of 1950s Hollywood, speaking to those who loved him and hated him. Bela Lugosi Jr. discusses his father's work in the abysmal "Plan 9 From Outer Space," while a Baptist reverend recalls how he was tricked into financing the film.
Danny's Girlfriend (segment "Hellborn")
Conrad Brooks discusses "Hellborn," his unfinished movie with Ed Wood, and other projects
План 9 из открытого космоса
Paula Trent
Инопланетяне хотят превратить землян в рабов, но, опасаясь, что не справятся с их свободолюбивыми душами, вначале оживляют мертвецов на захолустном американском кладбище. От их рук гибнут всё новые люди, полицейские наталкиваются на разрытые могилы и отчаянно стреляют в неотвратимо надвигающихся живых мертвецов…
Teenage Thunder
Betty's Sister
Teenagers rebel and race cars.
Jail Bait
Miss Willis
Don Gregor, the son of famous plastic surgeon Dr. Boris Gregor, begins to hang around with young criminal Vic Brady and carry a gun. The pair attempt an armed holdup, and when things start to go wrong Gregor accidentally kills a night watchman. Fearing that Gregor plans to turn himself in, Brady kills him and blackmails Dr. Gregor into giving him a new face.
Mesa of Lost Women
Lost Woman
A mad scientist, Dr. Aranya (Jackie Coogan), has created giant spiders in his Mexican lab in Zarpa Mesa to create a race of superwomen by injecting spiders with human pituitary growth hormones. Women develop miraculous regenerative powers, but men mutate into disfigured dwarves. Spiders grow to human size and intelligence.