Документальный фильм отслеживает создание и историю легендарного лейбла звукозаписи Blue Note.
New York: Every night the mysterious "Night Owl" goes on the air with her moody radio show. She seems to have an inexplicable influence on some men; several of Julie's friends commit suicide while listening to her voice. She fears for her husband Harry, who becomes more and more distant from her.
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Made-for-TV drama about one of the largest crimes in history—the 1980 robbery of the Boston Depositors Trust by a group of policemen. Capt. Gerry Clemente is the leader of a gang of rotten cops who take their piece of Boston's criminal offerings. The crimes are petty at first, but soon, Clemente sets his sights on a bank that promises a big score. Can the gang pull it off before a case is built against them?
A white supremacist exploits the works of a college anthropologist and a teen who joins his group.
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The chilling true story of the "two of a kind" killing cousins, Angelo Buono and Kenneth Bianchi, better known as the Hillside Stranglers.
Сиэтл, 1974 год. Студент юридического колледжа Теодор Роберт Банди, образованный и весьма перспективный молодой человек, мечтающий о политической карьере. Однако он испытывает страсть к садомазохистскому сексу. Он начинает охоту за молодыми девушками, бьёт их по голове тяжёлым предметом, после чего вступает с ними в половую связь. Одновременно Банди поддерживает романтические отношения со своей подругой Кэс. Вскоре Тед отправляется в путешествие по стране, пересекая Юту и Колорадо, где продолжает насиловать и убивать женщин. Волею случая его всё же удается арестовать, но Теодор ухитряется дважды бежать из тюрьмы и возвратиться к любимому занятию, теперь уже во Флориде.
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Детектив-драма о сестрах-близнецах, вовлеченных в заговор убийства. Одна из них хочет брака с богатым человеком, с последующим его убийством. Таким образом она разрабатывает сложный план, в котором хочет сделать так, чтобы ее сестру признали виновной в его смерти. Поскольку ложно обвиняемая женщина пытается доказать свою невиновность, она сталкивается с одним тупиком за другим, потому что ее сестра хорошо замела следы.
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A Dallas museum tour guide finds herself having dreams that foretell killings that are attributed to a killer known as "The Perfect Murderer." She asks her boyfriend, a police detective, for help.
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While a major in the U.S. Army, Joe Cheever has a fling with his commanding officer's daughter that results in a pregnancy. Cheever convinces the girl to have an illegal abortion. The abortion goes wrong and the girl dies. To protect his career, Cheever implicates Captain Dennison whose life is thereby ruined. Years later, the Captain's now grown-up sister Katherine marries Army Major Alex Breen, and is stunned to learn his commanding officer is the now Colonel Cheever. She becomes obsessed with getting revenge for the sake of her dead brother.
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Flight 90: Disaster on the Potomac is a true story based on the crash of Air Florida flight 90 on January 13, 1982 in Washington D.C. This movie follows the main players throughout the day, with a lot of care taken to re-create what actually went wrong, who died, and who survived. There is a lot of actual footage from the day, as well as accurate representations of aircraft type and airline.
Blaise Dietz (Patty Duke Astin) plays the wife of police officer Blaise Dietz (Frederic Forrest), who wants to join a special investigative unit. Forrest is denied this position on the basis of information concerning his wife. The information, which reveals a dicey extramarital affair, was culled from a department surveillance file that was supposed to have been destroyed by court order. Blaise battles through legal channels to expose the police force's illegal actions, even as she and her husband suffer the innuendoes and cold shoulders from his fellow officers.
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In this made-for-TV drama, Angie Dickinson stars in three separate vignettes as a woman whose life is dramatically affected by the emotion that gives the film its name.
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A musician living in an apartment building likes to check out the residents of the building opposite him--until he finds out one day that an attractive woman in that building is checking him out. He strikes up a relationship with her. Soon afterwards a string of serial killings occurs in the neighborhood, and suspicion begins to fall on the musician.
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When drillers on an offshore oil rig dredge up several prehistoric eggs, one man is attacked by what appears to be an unidentified deep-sea creature protecting them. Soon, strange symptoms and behaviors become apparent among the crew and one of the creatures grows to adult-size.
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На Мексиканской границе справедливость отстаивают с оружием в руках. Офицер Джеб Мейнард — начальник пограничного поста в 20 км от Сан-Диего. Джеб отличается обостренным чувством справедливости, и поэтому подчиненные в шутку называют его «последним ковбоем».
Через границу с Мексикой в Америку непрерывным потоком переправляются наркотики и нелегальные иммигранты. За торговцами «живым товаром» стоят очень влиятельные люди и слишком большие деньги. Контрабандисты готовы уничтожить любого, кто осмелится встать ни их пути.
И, когда во время обычной проверки на границе погибает патрульный Джексон — лучший друг Джеба, Джеб решает отомстить за смерть друга и навести порядок на своем участке границы.
Based on the well-publicized Oregon criminal case of the late 1970s, this film dramatizes the unique dispute in which Greta Rideout instigated the prosecution of her husband, John, charging him with raping her.
Something or someone is attacking people one by one on the beach. Some of them are mutilated, but most of them are sucked into the sand, disappearing without a trace. What is the creature responsible? Where does it live, and where did it come from? And is there any chance of it reproducing? Meanwhile, David Huffman and Mariana Hill are once-almost-married old friends, reunited over the death of her mother on the beach, and searching for clues in the abandoned buildings where they used to play when they were young.
Egyptologist Robin Ellis and American reporter Eva Marie Saint uncover King Tut's burial site but wealthy profiteer Raymond Burr tries to make sure that the valuable artifacts in its chambers never leave the country.
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Acclaimed dramatization recreating the incidents surrounding the 1971 revolt in New York's Attica State Prison that lasted for 23 days and resulted in the greatest casualty toll between Americans since the Civil War.
A dream vacation at a posh tropical resort turns into a nightmare for four women and a man who wander off into the jungle on a remote part of the island and wage a desperate fight for survival.
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An adventurer searches for the fabled Golden Cities of El Dorado and allies himself with a tribe of Amazon women against a murderous villain who is also after the treasure.
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Captain Rameses and his Legion of the Winged Serpent brigade are out to claim Earth for their dying race. Out to save Earth is an alien guard patrol located in the Bermuda Triangle, the League of Races. LOR leaders warn Rameses that he's breaking galactic treaty rules. The alien villain responds by launching an invasion which telepathically drives Earthlings to suicide. The LOR implore UFO expert Professor Duncan to help them. Eventually, the two alien forces battle. Will the Earth be saved?
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Нью-Йорк. Актриса и модель Элисон живет вместе со своим парнем Майклом, который хочет жениться на ней. Но Элисон еще не готова к такому шагу и решает снять собственное жилье. Элисон снимает квартиру в Бруклине у мисс Логан.
Вскоре Элисон начинают беспокоить кошмары и странные галлюцинации. Она видит в своей комнате качающуюся люстру и слышит шум в квартире наверху...
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Пол Холлистон — учёный, доктор. Он был женат, а его жена Николь уже ждала ребёнка. Но с ней произошёл несчастный случай, и она погибла. Вместе с ней погиб и неродившийся ребёнок Пола. А сам Пол остался вдовцом, сейчас он живёт вместе со своим сыном Гордоном и своей двоюродной сестрой Мартой Дуглас. Со времени гибели своей жены доктор Холлистон занимается генетическими экспериментами, помогает ему в этом его сын Гордон. Доктору удаётся добиться успехов в своих опытах — он изобретает препарат, который может ускорить рост эмбриона. Однажды доктор, возвращаясь домой на своём автомобиле, нечаянно сбивает собаку, перебегающую дорогу. Доктор исследует мёртвую собаку и выясняет, что она беременна...
The second of two Kolchak: The Night Stalker compilation TV films. It combines two episodes of the Kolchak TV series, Demon In Lace (about a succubus who murders young men to maintain her immortality) and Legacy of Terror (about an Aztec cult that seeks to resurrect their god by murdering physically perfect people) and adds new narration by Darren McGavin.
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The story of a pioneer family in the early 1800s that seeks its fortunes on the Ohio frontier.
A Romani antique dealer, who is also a private detective, gets involved in a murder case when one of his colleagues is accused of committing the murder.
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В недалеком будущем почти все население Земли погибает от страшной эпидемии, и теперь в разрушенных мегаполисах занимаются грабежом воюющие друг с другом банды. Барон, глава одного из выживших кланов, создает на руинах Нью-Йорка небольшое укрепленное поселение. И один из его людей, ученый Кэл, находит способ на бесплодной почве вновь выращивать овощи. Однако рыскающие по округе люди бандита Кэррота пытаются прорваться в небольшой оазис, созданный Бароном, и ему приходится призвать на помощь опытного воина Карсона...
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Loosely based on the true story of the killing of Kitty Genovese: A young woman's murder is witnessed by fifteen of her neighbors who do nothing to help and refuse to cooperate with the police.
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An ex-Army intelligence agent is hired to impersonate a rich builder who has been marked for assassination. While impersonating the builder, he discovers a conspiracy to embezzle a land-development company.
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A talk-radio host, who specializes in abusing and insulting his audience, gets a call from a disturbed teenage girl who says she is going to commit suicide. After first encouraging her, he has a change of heart and frantically tries to get his listeners to help find the girl before she makes good on her threat.
An emotionally disturbed teenager whose father is a research scientist takes a rat from his father's laboratory that is infected with an incurable virus that can kill 100 million people in three weeks.
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A husband, wife and their son are stranded on a remote island with no way off; as the son grows older, sexual tensions emerge.
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Экранизация романа Мэри Шелли, повествующая о молодом профессоре Викторе Франкенштейне, который оставляет родную Женеву, отца, братьев и невесту Элизабет и едет в Европу на учебу. Бдагодаря полученным знаниям, рвению и таланту Виктор создает до селе не известное науке существо.
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A man is accidentally locked in a department store overnight and finds himself held at bay by six vicious Doberman guard dogs.
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In the midst of the Depression, a crotchety doctor, whose practice is in the Brooklyn slums, takes an interest in a local teenager, whose hostility and erratic behavior the doctor believes is due to more than just his environment.
A Los Angeles woman, on her way to visit her sister in San Fransisco, picks up a hitchhiker who has just killed his stepmother. Charmed by him, she fails to notice his strange behavior until it is too late.
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Project Questor is brainchild of the genius Dr. Vaslovik: he developed plans to build an android super-human. Although he's disappeared and half of his programming tape was erased in the attempt to decode it, his former colleagues continue the project and finally succeed. But Vaslovik seems to have installed a secret program in Questor's brain: He flees and starts to search for Vaslovik. Since half of his knowledge is missing, he needs the help of Jerry Robinson, who's now under suspect of having stolen the android.
Follows Vince Lombardi's football career from one of Fordham University's legendary "Seven Blocks of Granite" to one of American football's greatest professional coaches.
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When the President's plane mysteriously disappears with him on board, it is left to the seemingly weak Vice President to try to avert a nuclear exchange with the Chinese.
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A TV reporter investigates compromising photographs of a nominee to the Supreme Court.
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A retired judge who opens a private detective agency and her ex-con associate try to track down $750,000 in bank robbery loot.
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Космонавт и лётчик-испытатель полковник Стив Остин получает тяжелейшие травмы во время катастрофы экспериментального ракетоплана. Он лишается глаза, одной руки и обеих ног. Служба Стратегических Операций готова заплатить шесть миллионов долларов за специальные бионические протезы, которые должны сделать его быстрее, сильнее и лучше обычного человека. За это он должен стать тайным агентом ССО. Первое проверочное задание уже ждет Стива Остина…
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Scientists Culp and Wallach suspect that there is someone other than their research primates inhabiting their polar station.
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A retired lady judge runs a private detective agency with a charming ex-con as her leg man and various parolees helping in the day-to-day operation.
A woman is trapped during a storm in a house with no electricity or phone. A killer has murdered her sister, stuffed the body in the basement, and is now after her.
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14-летний Ник живет в Лос-Анджелесе со своей матерью Джанет Сэлтер . Его отец Дуг Солтер , недавно получивший развод, переезжает в Сан-Франциско и зовет сына летом к себе. Проблема только в том, что подросток не знает истинных причин развода его родителей. На самом деле Дуг — гей и уже несколько лет состоит в отношениях с Гэри МакКлейном . По законам жанра тайное становится явным, и Ник, полный отвращения к своему отцу, убегает.
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Francesca, a pregnant Los Angeles widow, journeys to her late husband's Minnesota hometown to finally meet his mother and family. After being met with icy acceptance from her mother-in-law, then getting stranded with her in a blizzard, Francesca begins to discover terrifying secrets about her husband's family.
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After a policeman is murdered in an ambush, rumors surface that he was on the take. His widow sets out to catch the killers and clear her husband's name.
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A thief breaks into the home of a wealthy, happily married Beverly Hills couple. He soon finds out, though, that the couple is neither as wealthy as he thought they were and are not as happily married as they appeared.
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“Our modern technology has achieved a degree of sophistication beyond our wildest dreams. But this technology has exacted a pretty heavy price. We live in an age of anxiety, a time of stress. And with all our sophistication we are in fact, the victims of our own technological strength. We are the victims of shock … of future shock.” No, this isn’t a quote from a Huffington Post column on the Facebookization of modern communication. Nor is it pulled from an academic treatise on the phenomenologies of post-industrial existence. This statement was made by Orson Welles in the 1972 futurist documentary Future Shock, and, unlike some of the more dated elements of 1970s educational films, Future Shock remains shockingly current in verbalizing the concerns and anxieties that come along with rapid societal and technological change. (Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive)
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An elaborate deception emerges when an American astronaut is lost on a mission to Mars. Space agency officials fearful of losing public support and government funding decide to cover up the accident by employing an exact double for the lost astronaut. The ruse begins to unravel when the wife of the lost astronaut realizes she is living with a different man. Although angered by the deception, the woman has fallen in love with the replacement and plans to keep the secret. They both have a change of heart and decide to reveal the secret when they discover a new Mars mission is underway.
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An insane Hollywood makeup artist kidnaps a woman and keeps her prisoner in a prop-filled warehouse.
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In California, a young Caucasian girl and a Japanese-American boy defy local prejudices and secretly marry on Dec. 7, 1941, minutes before Pearl Harbor is attacked.
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Детектив из Сан-Франциско Вирджил Тиббс приходит на помощь группе студентов. Студенты совершили налет на мебельную фабрику, которая на самом деле была гнездом наркоторговцев. Директор фабрики убит, и студенты признаются Тиббсу, что украли героина на 5 миллионов долларов, чтобы наркотик не попал на улицы, но никого не убивали.
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Вместе с космическим зондом на Землю попадает инопланетный вирус, способный вызывать мутацию у заражённых людей.