Laurent Desmet


Diary of a Fleeting Affair
Director of Photography
A single mother and a married man enter into an affair with the understanding that their relationship is purely sexual. Though they agree the relationship has no future, they find themselves increasingly drawn into each other's company.
Что мы говорим, что мы делаем
Director of Photography
Беременная Дафна проводит отпуск в деревне и ждёт, когда к ней присоединится её парень Франсуа. Девушка знакомится с Максимом, двоюродным братом Франсуа, и постепенно их доверительные отношения перерастают в роман.
Мадемуазель де Жонкьер
Director of Photography
Молодая вдова мадам Поммерай ведёт замкнутый образ жизни, пока королевской двор не назначает ей нового жениха - маркиза Арсиса. Но он совсем не интересуется своей новой женой. Уязвлённая до глубины души героиня решает отомстить ему.
Aucun regret
Director of Photography
Aurélie and Célia are friends studying at the École des Beaux-Arts. One day Aurélie falls for the charms of Olivier, a handsome architecture student. Célia warns her friend of Olivier's bad reputation with women, but Aurélie lies to her, saying that she's not interested in him and doesn't mention that she has agreed to go on a date with him.
The Great Man
Director of Photography
Sent to Afghanistan for 6 months, legionnaires Markov and Hamilton are caught in an ambush during an unauthorized expedition. Markov saves Hamilton, seriously wounded by rebel fire, but leaves the Legion without honors. Once back in Paris, Hamilton, convalescing, hopes to remain a legionnaire, while Markov, now a civilian and without working papers, tries to make ends meet with his son Khadji. Hamilton lends his identity to his Chechen friend, so that he can work legally. But one day, Markov disappears, leaving Hamiltion disorientated and Khadji alone in the world.
Passer l'hiver
Director of Photography
A gas station. Two women. Winter. Trips. Daily life. And then a risk. The hotel in Normandy. A step aside. The investigation. The red Lada. The beach. The death that works the living. A movement and a suspension. The brown girl. The love. A story of links that are woven.
Сфера колдовства
Director of Photography
Заброшенный пруд. Два одиноких ребенка попадают под очарование этого дикого места, которое постепенно сблизит их и даст им силу идти по жизни. Пруд в их глазах и в их воображении становится волшебным королевством, наполненным созданиями, рожденными в их мечтах и кошмарах.
Au voleur
Director of Photography
Isabelle teaches, Bruno steals. Together, they start believing that could be happy. The day when the police net starts tightening, Bruno fleesm taking Isabelle with him. Deep within the forest, they hide and love each other, outside of time, in a final attempt to hold at bay the world's violence.
Please, Please Me!
Director of Photography
Ariane is convinced that her boyfriend, Jean-Jacques, is having fantasies about another woman, Élisabeth. In an attempt to save their relationship, Ariane encourages Jean-Jacques to pursue Élisabeth, believing that this is the best way to free him from his own desires. Jean-Jacques presents himself at Élisabeth's house, not realising that she is the daughter of the French President.
Давай поцелуемся
Director of Photography
Во время однодневной командировки в Нант девушка Эмили знакомится в кафе с парнем Габриэлем. После пары стаканчиков завязывается интереснейшая беседа, которую логично продолжить в гостиничном номере. Габриэлю захотелось поцеловать Эмили, она вроде бы не против - если бы не одно обстоятельство. Замужняя знакомая девушки однажды позволила себе подобную вольность, и тот безобидный поцелуй имел весьма серьезные последствия...
J'ai besoin d'air
Director of Photography
A long relationship comes to an end, which is the loneliness: Anna leaves the city, finds new friends and soon meets a man who brings her smile back.
The Lonely
Director of Photography
Pierre's wife, Madeleine, is dead, but he still sees her in his dreams. One day, his younger brother, Baptiste, comes back to live with him. A new life is possible, but Eva, Baptiste's wife, comes back and divides the two brothers.