Martial Salomon

Рождение : 1977-07-20, Salins-les-Bains, Jura, France


Мои дорогие шпионы
Два брата, Пьер и Владимир, решили выяснить, работали ли их русские бабушка и дедушка, Лиля и Константин, на советские секретные службы в Париже в 1930-х и 1940-х годах. Для этого они едут в Россию. За всеми встречами и словами, пожелтевшими фотографиями и несколькими рюмками водки потерянный мир возникает вновь и преследует настоящее.
Diary of a Fleeting Affair
A single mother and a married man enter into an affair with the understanding that their relationship is purely sexual. Though they agree the relationship has no future, they find themselves increasingly drawn into each other's company.
Под чужим именем
1914 год. Бедная Нелли устраивается работать медсестрой в военном госпитале. Однажды на её глазах умирает Роз, девушка из зажиточной семьи, и Нелли решает занять её место. Представившись чужим именем, она становится компаньонкой в доме богатой мадам де Лангвиль.
Just Like a Woman
Eleonore Berthier, 34 years old, keeps living as a teenager, collecting odd jobs and one night stands. Following a burnout, her mother and sister decide to take action to help her make a fresh start.
Что мы говорим, что мы делаем
Беременная Дафна проводит отпуск в деревне и ждёт, когда к ней присоединится её парень Франсуа. Девушка знакомится с Максимом, двоюродным братом Франсуа, и постепенно их доверительные отношения перерастают в роман.
Under the Lather
Ivan, five years old, is forced to take his bath by his babysitter. Once in the water, he discovers with horror, hidden under the lather, a frightful creature that he will have to face ...
Мадемуазель де Жонкьер
Молодая вдова мадам Поммерай ведёт замкнутый образ жизни, пока королевской двор не назначает ей нового жениха - маркиза Арсиса. Но он совсем не интересуется своей новой женой. Уязвлённая до глубины души героиня решает отомстить ему.
Blonde Animals
Fabien, former star of a television show, always seems disoriented when he wakes up. He feels abandoned since the disappearance of Corinne, his co-star, whom he loved so much. Nothing surprises him already, not even his encounter with Yoni, a sad young man, who carries in a bag a beautiful and disturbing token of his own loss.
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
An aging movie actor who is preparing to shoot a death scene finds himself visited by the spirit of a dead, long-ago lover.
Hugues is forty years old. He's an actor but he doesn't want to perform. He's taken refuge with Serge, his partner, in the house where he grew up. However, Micheline, a director, insists that he tread the boards once again. Serge gives him an ultimatum: it's him or the play. Hugues chooses the play. When rehearsals start, Hugues, alone in the house, discovers naked people frolicking in the field adjoining the garden.
No Trifling with Love
Antoine and Marina spend their holidays in a club near the Mediterranean sea. They hope to find again a bit of intimacy. But at nearly forty, after years of marriage and two children, desire can be quite capricious. Despite all, Antoine and Marina can land on their feet!
4 Days in France
A man leaves everything behind to travel aimlessly through France, letting himself be guided only by the people and landscapes he encounters: four days and four nights of wandering, during which his lover tries to locate him via Grindr, a smartphone dating app.
I Am Not a Swan
Pierre, 20, looks like any other guy his age. But to support his studies in molecular biology, he also has another life which he prefers to remain secret—to make some extra money, Pierre works as an escort. One day, he receives an insistent SMS from Hélène, one of his regular clients. Intrigued, the young man will discover a side to her that he did not know existed.
Two Rémi, Two
Thirty years old, a nothing job, a timid love affair: Rémi is a little at sea in his life. Until the day when he must share it with his double, another him, invasive and not so nice. Which one will be the true Rémi?
Клеман работает учителем, он счастлив до умопомрачения: Алисья, знаменитая актриса, которую он боготворит, становится его спутницей. Но все усложняется в момент, когда он знакомится с Каприс, женщиной, которая с трудом сдерживает свои эмоции и имеет склонность к крайностям. Она в него влюблена. Между тем, его лучший друг Тома сближается с Алисьей….
The Girl and the River
Nouk and Samuel love each other, but they are young and possessive and awkward. One day, Nouk abruptly loses Samuel, who finds himself in limbo.
La dernière plaine
Every night, in the heart of the forest, Abel and Nadja challenge the curfew and make love. One night, they discover a place which seems protected from the abstract war which surrounds them. A camp where, among others, Leila, Ivan and Samuel welcome them. Then life is going to waste away very hardly and quickly.
Please, Please Me!
Ariane is convinced that her boyfriend, Jean-Jacques, is having fantasies about another woman, Élisabeth. In an attempt to save their relationship, Ariane encourages Jean-Jacques to pursue Élisabeth, believing that this is the best way to free him from his own desires. Jean-Jacques presents himself at Élisabeth's house, not realising that she is the daughter of the French President.
The Idiot
Nastassia Philippovna finds herself juggling the affections of four men over the course of a single evening. One is her benefactor, the bourgeois Totsky. Another is the opportunistic Ganya, whom Totsky has promised 75,000 rubles if he will marry Nastassia. Rogozhin offers Nastassia 100,000 rubles for her hand. And the “idiot,” Prince Myshkin, loves Nastassia madly and vows to “save” her.
The Idiot
Nastassia Philippovna finds herself juggling the affections of four men over the course of a single evening. One is her benefactor, the bourgeois Totsky. Another is the opportunistic Ganya, whom Totsky has promised 75,000 rubles if he will marry Nastassia. Rogozhin offers Nastassia 100,000 rubles for her hand. And the “idiot,” Prince Myshkin, loves Nastassia madly and vows to “save” her.
Paul is twenty-five years old. He is young and attractive, but he doesn't understand the world around him. He doesn't know who he is. He lives by appearances and through other people's desires. Paul is alone and it drives him crazy.
Paul is twenty-five years old. He is young and attractive, but he doesn't understand the world around him. He doesn't know who he is. He lives by appearances and through other people's desires. Paul is alone and it drives him crazy.
Давай поцелуемся
Во время однодневной командировки в Нант девушка Эмили знакомится в кафе с парнем Габриэлем. После пары стаканчиков завязывается интереснейшая беседа, которую логично продолжить в гостиничном номере. Габриэлю захотелось поцеловать Эмили, она вроде бы не против - если бы не одно обстоятельство. Замужняя знакомая девушки однажды позволила себе подобную вольность, и тот безобидный поцелуй имел весьма серьезные последствия...
A Truck Under Repair
Twenty-year-old Eugène is somewhat aimless and has not been doing well in university. He is staying in a small village for the summer. He awkwardly seduces Pierre, a slightly older man who is working for Mathilde as caretaker for the season. Pierre is initially open to the relationship, but quickly becomes reluctant to become too involved.
Antoine, twenty-five, does not want to be alone this evening. He leaves in the middle of the night to find a remedy for his loneliness.
A man senses the mysterious presence of another man close to him, as if he were haunted.