Father Balthazar
What could be better? A footballer's wedding, a week in the sun, a luxury villa in historic Transylvania. It’s the trip of a lifetime for Coronation Street's favourite café owners Roy and Hayley Cropper, until the brash Glen and Verity appear... Opposites don't attract in this chaotic comic caper as the unlikely foursome embark on an adventure neither couple will ever forget. And when Weatherfield hell-raiser Becky McDonald jets in from her honeymoon, the stage is set for mountain mayhem deep in the heart of Dracula Country.
Haunted by the death of his father, who was killed by a tornado years earlier, Josh Barnaby finds himself tracking the deadly storms... this time as a photographer. When he partners up with Nickie Flynt, a reporter searching for the story of her career, he soon finds himself mixed up with forces of a different nature. A fanatic cult who is somehow able to influence the elements is after them, and as Josh works to fit the pieces of the puzzle together, the ultimate tornado forms: a category F5. Now it's a race against time as the mega-storm threatens to obliterate everything - and everyone - in it's path.
Face Licking Throne
In Bucharest, Allison is protecting the mysterious bible, "The Prophet Lexicon", where the last chapter about the apocalypse, called Revelations, discloses the name of the Antichrist in its last page. Meanwhile, the evil and jealous leader of the renegade angels Thrones, Stark, forces the hit-man Dylan to kill Allison to get the information about the Antichrist, but Dylan mysteriously feels attracted by the woman, protecting her against the Thrones. Allison seeks John Reigart for help, but Satan tell her that he is interested in the apocalypse to gather millions of souls to Hell. Alone and betrayed, Allison discloses the truth about her origins, while protecting the Lexicon.
Преследование Дракулы приводит охотников на вампиров - отца Уффици и Люка в Румынию. Где они обнаруживают настоящий ад, в котором развернулось ужасающее кровавое пиршество!
Orthodox Priest
В 1431 году в Трансильвании появился на свет легендарный Влад Цепеш, благородный потомок древнего княжеского рода, прославившийся не только своей боевой доблестью, но и безумной жестокостью, ужасавшей даже его соратников. Освобождая Румынию от гнета чужеземцев и беспощадно мстя им, князь Дракула обезглавливал своих недругов, сажал их на кол и устраивал трапезы, обмакивая хлеб в их дымящуюся кровь. Народ, ставший свидетелем этих событий, нарек своего гордого властителя «Колосажателем», описав в преданиях и хрониках правду о кошмарных деяниях могущественного румынского господаря, известного нам, как первый в истории вампир - Дракула.