Richard Nicolas


Star mit fremden Federn
Anna Susanna
Anna Susanna
Опасный рейс
1934 год. Кочегар немецкого судна Гайни Голлер, находясь в греческом порту Патры, обращается к германском консулу за помощью, чтобы ему помогли переправиться в Германию в связи с болезнью. Консул посчитал Гайни неблагонадёжным, и отправляет вместе с направлением на корабль телеграмму в гестапо. По прибытии в Бремерхафен, Голлера арестовывают. Его товарищи похищают консула и требуют его обмена на Гайни, который должен состояться в Марселе. Гестапо соглашается на обмен, заручаясь поддержкой французской полиции, в надежде захвата похитителей. Но благодаря совместным усилиям всех докеров и моряков Марсельского порта, Фердинанду с друзьями удаётся перехитрить полицию и освободить Гайни.
Mayor Anna
A novelty in German post-war history: a young woman (Eva Rimski) becomes mayor in a village. She is efficient and enjoys respect, but soon enough two villagers disagree with her work. In her predecessor, a prominent farmer (Arno Paulsen), she has a bitter enemy. But even her boyhood friend (Reinhard Kolldehoff), who wants to marry her as he returns home from captivity, can not accept that his future wife holds such an office.
Der Kahn der fröhlichen Leute
Die Jahre vergehen
The successful shipowner Georg Behrendsen and his wife Irene are coming from South America to Germany for business. While negotiating in the home of senator Kersten, the senator's son Wilhelm (Werner Fuetterer) is taking care of Irene Behrendsen. The two fall in love with each other and decide to marry after Irene's divorce from her husband. But the old senator forces his son to decide whether to marry Irene or to become head of the shipping company. Not to break the family tradition, Wilhelm decides against the marriage. Irene, full of hatred against the senator, goes back to her husband. 25 years later. The senator is still head of the shipping company, because Wilhelm was killed in the war. He concentrates his love now on his daughter Victoria and he can't refuse any wish of her. Some day she tells him that she has been falling in love with a young german guy from overseas called Peter Behrendsen, not knowing that he is the son of the women who hates the senator the most.
Great Freedom No. 7
Singing sailor Hannes, who now entertains the crowd at St. Pauli's Hippodrome after years at sea, promises his dying brother that he will take care of his ex-girlfriend Gisa. Taking Gisa to Hamburg to live with him, Hannes quickly falls in love with her, but soon has to face Gisa's affection for another man, Willem.