Urs Furrer


Sounder, Part 2
Poor black sharecroppers band together to build a school for their children.
Birch Interval
Director of Photography
A young girl is sent to live with Amish relatives in post-war Pennsylvania, where her life dramatically changes.
Где цветут лилии
Director of Photography
Овдовевший отец четверых подростков умирает. Чтобы государственные службы их не разлучили и не развезли по домам для сирот, дети решают держать смерть отца в секрете. Четырнадцатилетняя Мэри Колл, хотя и не самая старшая, берет на себя ответственность за двух сестер — Иму Дин и Деволу — и брата Роми. Ребята учатся выживать во взрослом мире. Они собирают в горах лекарственные травы и продают их в городе. Предоставленные самим себе, дети трогательно заботятся друг о друге, взрослеют и тщательно хранят свою тайну…
Семь плюс
Director of Photography
Филип Д Антони выступил режиссером этого напряженного боевика о спецподразделении полиции. Шайдер возглавляет группу крутых ребят, ведущих расследование похищений, организованных различными кланами мафии.
Большая удача Шафта
Director of Photography
Второй фильм трилогии о темнокожем детективе Шафте. Джон расследует дело об убийстве своего приятеля.
Director of Photography
A childless middle-age couple adopt a troubled youth they find living in their crawlspace and attempt to get him to rejoin society with tragic results.
The World of Liberace
Director of Photography
In 1976 the pianist, entertainer and one of the biggest stars of the day, published a coffee table book about his collection of homes, jewellery and costumes called The Things I Love. This DVD is nothing more-nor-less than precisely that, as told to the acclaimed film-maker Tony Palmer. Liberace himself takes us on a guided tour of his Hollywood and Palm Springs homes and his treasured possessions.
Desperate Characters
Director of Photography
Sophie and Otto Bentwood are a middle-aged, middle class, childless Brooklyn Heights couple trapped in a loveless marriage. He is an attorney, she a translator of books. Their existence is affected not only by their disintegrating relationship but by the threats of urban crime and vandalism that surround them everywhere they turn, leaving them feeling paranoid, scared, and desperately helpless.
Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me
Director of Photography
Free-thinking student tries to put up with life at a straight-laced college in 1958.
Director of Photography
Мафия хочет вернуть Гарлем. Но получит Шафта. Ричард Раундтри блистает в роли нью-йоркского частного детектива Джона Шафта. Он хладнокровен и жесток, не остановится ни перед кем. Когда мафия хочет прибрать к рукам гарлемский наркотрафик, она похищает дочь местного авторитета Бампи Джонаса. Посреди войны мафиози, грозящей перерасти в расовые беспорядки, Джонас нанимает единственного человека, способного вернуть ему дочь – Джона Шафта.
Dr. Cook's Garden
A young doctor returns to his New England home town after a long absence. He visits with the town's kindly old physician, Dr. Cook, a man he has admired since childhood. However, he soon finds out that the old doctor isn't quite what he seems to be, and the young doctor finds his life in danger.
The Sidelong Glances of a Pigeon Kicker
Director of Photography
After a young man graduates from a prestigious college, he rebels by preferring a carefree existence rather than the life of fighting the rungs within the treacherous American corporate ladder. For his means of survival he becomes a New York cab driver.
What Do You Say to a Naked Lady
Candid Camera's Allen Funt secretely tapes people's reactions to unexpected encounters with nudity in unusual situations, such as when a naked young woman casually exits an elevator in an office building, or when the nude male art model breaks the wall between artist and model and has off-the-cuff conversations with the clothed women artists. Funt also secretly tapes the test audience watching the preview film and their responses to it, from outright indignation to warm hearted-praise.
The Playground
Director of Photography
A religious prostitute who sees an atheist client die after blaspheming believes the next man she runs into is Jesus.
The Fat Black Pussycat
Director of Photography
A detective investigates the murders of three young women, searching for the killer with a fetish for high heels.
Sin You Sinners
Director of Photography
A stripper/fortune teller uses a magical Haitian amulet to keep young, and in so doing forces others to kill for her.