Erik MacArthur

Erik MacArthur

Рождение : 1976-10-15, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA


Erik MacArthur


Я — Пол Уокер
«Я – Пол Уокер» посвящен памяти актера, погибшего в автомобильной аварии в 2013 году. Лента рассказывает о жизни Пола Уокера, начиная с его первых съемок в раннем детстве и доходит до пика его карьеры, когда он стал звездой франшизы «Форсаж». Также в фильме освящается его частную жизнь, преданность семье, увлечения серфингом и автогонками, страсть к морской биологии и акулам.
Stories USA
Owen Peedmen (segment "Life Makes Sense If You're Famous")
Ten individuals set out to find themselves in an alienating world, filled with heartbreak, deception and tragedy. With so much at stake, these strangers struggle to overcome their fates and find their place in a frequently harsh and unforgiving world.
Stories USA
Ten individuals set out to find themselves in an alienating world, filled with heartbreak, deception and tragedy. With so much at stake, these strangers struggle to overcome their fates and find their place in a frequently harsh and unforgiving world.
Stories USA
Ten individuals set out to find themselves in an alienating world, filled with heartbreak, deception and tragedy. With so much at stake, these strangers struggle to overcome their fates and find their place in a frequently harsh and unforgiving world.
Стильные штучки
Small-town bartender Owen Peadman goes to Los Angeles to raise money to help save his father's Minnesota restaurant. He tries to find a way into Hollywood society, where he meets socialite Lisa and her uptight actor boyfriend. Can he balance his growing feelings for Lisa with surviving the sordid lifestyles of the Hollywood elite?
Стильные штучки
Drunk Guy on Couch
Small-town bartender Owen Peadman goes to Los Angeles to raise money to help save his father's Minnesota restaurant. He tries to find a way into Hollywood society, where he meets socialite Lisa and her uptight actor boyfriend. Can he balance his growing feelings for Lisa with surviving the sordid lifestyles of the Hollywood elite?
Стильные штучки
Small-town bartender Owen Peadman goes to Los Angeles to raise money to help save his father's Minnesota restaurant. He tries to find a way into Hollywood society, where he meets socialite Lisa and her uptight actor boyfriend. Can he balance his growing feelings for Lisa with surviving the sordid lifestyles of the Hollywood elite?
Стильные штучки
Small-town bartender Owen Peadman goes to Los Angeles to raise money to help save his father's Minnesota restaurant. He tries to find a way into Hollywood society, where he meets socialite Lisa and her uptight actor boyfriend. Can he balance his growing feelings for Lisa with surviving the sordid lifestyles of the Hollywood elite?
Life Makes Sense If You're Famous
A short film about a movie star from humble beginnings and his three friends.
Life Makes Sense If You're Famous
A short film about a movie star from humble beginnings and his three friends.
Life Makes Sense If You're Famous
A short film about a movie star from humble beginnings and his three friends.
Life Makes Sense If You're Famous
Owen Peedmen
A short film about a movie star from humble beginnings and his three friends.
Мы были солдатами
Sp4 Russell Adams
Рассказ о героях и их героизме, которых незаслуженно забыли при сражении под Ай Дрэнгом. В первом крупном сражении между американскими и вьетконговскими войсками 395 американцев оказалось в окружении, причем враг значительно превосходил их по численности. События происходили с 23 октября по 26 ноября 1965 года.
A father buys his closeted son a night with a prostitute.