Chi-Yeung Wong


The Real Bruce Lee  2
Tsui Kit
Mostly a re-cut of the movie Dragon the Master 2 with 30 extra minutes of footage added from various Bruce Lee, Bruce Li, Dragon Lee, and Bruce Le movies.
Story of Prostitutes
Kit, a smart and enthusiastic rascal under his leader Tung, successfully builds up his prosperous prostitution business on Portland Street. However, he can't resist the seduction of two young prostitutes, which initiates with another triad leader. He is severely attacked and injured and is eventually betrayed...
Death Rim
An ex-con (Mark Cheng) has to help the police in catching of his former partners in crime.
Gambling Baron
Chen Chun (Max Mok) and San (Roy Cheung) are two low-level mainland gangsters who open their own gambling outfit. When Chen Chun winds up killing the owner of a rival parlor, he flees to Hong Kong where he soon falls in with a heroin-addicted hooker named Fang (Lee Suet Man). They inevitably fall in love, but soon their bliss is shattered with the news that Chen's gambling venture has been taken over by a notorious gangster called Bolo Guy (Jimmy Lung Fong) and his mainland girlfriend Melia (Jacqueline Ng) who has been killed. Chen goes back over the border looking to set things right.
Hong Kong Adam's Family
Mad mix of comedy and action as a family of thugs and Triads can't see eye to eye and so end up going fist to fist.
Fatal Dream
A little-known Hong Kong crime film.
No Regret, No Return
In a plot of pre-adolescent scope, investigative reporter Sylvia Cheng (Vivian Chow) jumps on the trail of a mysterious young hit-man hired by an evil politico. It's hard to imagine ultra-fem Vivian Chow painting her nails without wincing, much less tailing ruthless killers.
Danger of the Wedding
Yu Ping comes to Hong Kong in search of the murder who killed her father. She sings in a nightclub and meanwhile hires detective to track down the killer. On the stage, Yu Ping deeply fascinates Black Dragon, but she has a liking for the man next to him, with the name of Ox. They start to fall in love with each other. In an incident, Black Dragon is killed. Black Dragon’s sister and Ox denounce to avenge him.
Ангелы терминаторы 2
Brother Mad
Пуля (Юкари Ошима) выходит из тюрьмы, куда она села вместо своего босса, мелкого криминального авторитета. Пуля рассчитывает на помощь босса, но тот отказывает ей и девушка пытается найти себя в жизни. Читти (Мун Ли) ее лучшая подруга всячески помогает ей, до тюрьмы девушки вместе тренировались в одной школе боевых искусств. Мэй, подруга Пули и Читти подписывает контракт на главную роль в фильме, но на самом деле негодяи насилуют девушку и записывают видео, а после принуждают к проституции. Пуля и Читти мстят за подругу и избивают людей, которые записали видео. Вскоре девушки узнают, что это были мелкие сошки и что на них открыли охоту настоящие бандиты...
The Rapist Beckons
After being raped at a young age, May has an abortion. Later, she is attacked by two men but is saved by kung fu teachers Sam and Bing. She pretends to have lost her memory, and Sam takes her in. But after Bing rapes her, she is driven to desperation...
Однажды в Китае
Commander Man
Конец прошлого столетия. Китайцы пытаются бороться всеми доступными им средствами с расширением американского влияния, решительно восстают против наглого грабежа и похищения людей. Но находятся и такие, которым чужестранная мода, традиции и культура пришлись на руку в их темных делишках. Народный герой Китая Вонг пытается защитить девушку, которую предприимчивый барыга — китаец продал на Запад в бордель.