Patrick Catalifo

Patrick Catalifo

Рождение : 1957-07-01, Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis, France


Patrick Catalifo
Patrick Catalifo


When an elderly priest died, the people in charge of his diocese discovered that it was a woman. Without anyone suspecting it, she had been practicing her vocation for years. Dismayed, the bishop decided to launch an investigation and asked the chancellor of the diocese to find out how, why and with what complicity such a deception was possible.
Город мошенников
Georges Campana
Чтобы защитить ребят из своего отдела, честному полицейскому приходится бороться не только с враждующими марсельскими бандами, но и с коррумпированными коллегами.
Un enfant
Le père
Adrien is twenty years old. He lives alone with his father, a famous actor with an overbearing personality. Adrien's summer in Paris is a succession of small failures and disillusions. More than ever, Adrien is a young man struggling with his self-confidence and his future... Unless he eliminates his father, who he considers the cause of all his setbacks.
Franck Moser
Боясь потерять свой семейный бизнес, обычный парень Антуан Рока придумывает аферу, которая в будущем станет мошенничеством века. Ввязавшись в криминал, он сталкивается с предательством друзей, убийствами и подтасовкой.
Le viol
21 August 1974. In Marseille, two Belgian tourists, Nicole and Malia, are savagely attacked and raped by three men. Their attackers claim that the women consented and are allowed to remain free. Though their friends and family advise them to forget the ordeal, Nicole and Malia instead decide to fight. Helped by their lawyer, Gisèle Halimi, they request that the attackers be judged at the assize court. On 8 May 1978, after a long battle, they finally obtain justice. A trial which made history as until then rape had been considered simply as a misdemeanor, whereas now it became a crime.
На грани добра и зла
Michel Neyret
По автобиографическому роману бывшего комиссара полиции Гренобля Кристофа Гавы / Christophe Gavat "96 часов в участке / 96 heures, un commissaire en garde à vue" (2013), после 25 лет безупречной службы, арестованного по обвинению в покрытии преступной деятельности по обороту наркотиков. За время содержания под стражей он столкнулся с другой стороной своей профессии
L'Homme de ta vie
Nicolas Corto
Le Père
C'est pas de l'amour
Le jour de la grenouille
Peter Morel
A dedicated archaeologist, Anna Brahé, is stubbornly engaged in exploring an underground site, convinced that she will soon come across some important burial artefacts. Her superior is more sceptical and, his patience exhausted, sends Peter Morel, a renowned archaeologist, to make an assessment of Anna’s discoveries so far. Despite their differences Anna and Peter cannot help being drawn to one another as the site collapses around them...
Commissaire Max Brauner
Детство Эдмонда Видаля прошло в нищете в цыганском таборе. Но он знает, что такое истинные семейные ценности и преданная дружба. Он всегда держит своё слово, даже если даёт его своему врагу. Он верный муж и настоящий друг, готовый всегда помочь в беде. И он не любит проливать кровь зря. Именно он стоял у истоков создания самой известной группировки, которая лихо грабила банки во Франции в начале 70-х…
J'ai peur d'oublier
La France qui se lève tôt
Le policier séduisant
Souleymane has been living and working in France for years, with no residence permit. One day, his boss reports him. A musical about illegal immigrants.
Guy Môquet, un amour fusillé
Lieutenant Parrain
The Year After
Roland Benoît
Emmanuelle lives in the suburbs near a shopping mall. Since her father's death, she feels increasingly out of sync with the world around her. Her mother is distracted, high school bores her. She has just turned 17 and, this particular year, her life will take an entirely different turn.
Le Gahennec
State secrets, sincere convictions, ecstatic crowds, a regal lifestyle, prying journalists, suspicious disappearances: what goes on behind the scenes in the halls of power or the daily life of a President.
Marc Vaillant
Juliette is a wheelchair-bound nine-year-old who sees life as one big card game. She thinks it is her fault that her father abandoned her mother, Sandrine, when she was diagnosed with myopathy as a child. So when Juliette and her mom move into a new house, she decides she' s personally going to find her a new man. Juliette picks the writer next door to be his mother's new deal. Unfortunately not only does this reluctant player prove to be a child- hating bachelor, but his brother happens to be Sandrine's employer and landlord - who wants more than just gratitude from her.
Passés troubles
Marc Lorca
A former police officer, Marc Lorca, sees his wife die from a terrible car accident, which occurred while he was driving. Previously alcoholic, Lorca seems to collapse under the weight of guilt. But a former colleague, Marianne Duriez, recently become a police captain, shows him that the accident is not accounted by any negligence on his part. The survey of experts has indeed revealed that the steering axis of the vehicle was sabotaged. Gradually, the suspect list is expanding. Lorca realizes he knows nothing of the past of his deceased wife, who was obviously part of a small extreme left group.
Trois jours en juin
Henri Dragance
June 1940. While the Germans advance inexorably on the French territory, the army is in full debacle. While the top brass played "sauve qui peut", a handful of French soldiers desperately resisted on the banks of the Loire. On one side, a company of Senegalese riflemen and a few French soldiers, on the other side, the armored tanks of the Wehrmarcht. An act with no real future, it was considered heroic by some and useless by others. But for their leader, Henri Dragance, there was no alternative but to resist or die.
A literary professor who suffers from writer's block decides to kidnap one of his female students in order to promote her brilliant essay that reminds him of his own work as his own.
The Pleasure Is All Mine
A beautiful, self-centered young woman's life turns upside down when she suddenly "loses her clitoris" (i.e. her ability to have an orgasm).
Le Choix de Macha
An emancipated young woman has a string of one-night stands, out of fear of commitment. Until the day she meets Eduardo... She confides her feelings to her grandmother in the greatest secrecy, but, by mistake, the latter reveals the love relationship that her granddaughter has with her new lover. The situation suddenly becomes complicated.
Mister V.
Lucas is a young scientist obsessed with the analysis of movement: that of the horses he studies in his laboratory, that of the clappers he practices as an amateur. His professional and sentimental life seems like a stalemate when his brother Luigi, a passionate horse breeder and little crook,who is accidentally killed by a stallion, Mister V. He knows that the animal is the subject of an insurance scam and must be shot against the will of his brother, who had seen in him a future champion. He then decides to take care of the farm and his sister-in-law, for whom he has always had an attraction. Tugged between his feelings, Luigi's memory and the pressures of the former crook partner, he will draw strength and power from the murderous stallion whose savagery fascinates him.
Jean Moulin, une affaire française
Drama set in the Second World War, focused on Jean Moulin, hero, martyr and symbol of the French resistance and the patriotism during the dark years of Nazi occupation.
Paul Mantoux
L'Oiseau rare
A woman in her forties takes stock of her past years. She has led a full life, with lots of outings with her friends. She has certainly not had time to be bored and has built the life that suits her. Professionally, she has an interesting job and her friends find her beautiful and funny. The only shadow in this almost idyllic picture is the absence of a child. Unfortunately, she has not yet found the rare pearl who would be a perfect father for her descendants. Determined to remedy the situation, she sets out to find the ideal man. Several male representatives are on the starting line.
A woman remains in an airport after her husband announces he wants a divorce, just before they are to board a plane for Argentina. Unwilling to turn to her sister and emotionally traumatized she makes the airport her home, making money by working as a prostitute. She strikes up a friendship with a café worker Marco.....
Жанна работает продавщицей в парижском книжном магазине. Однажды к ней заходит молодой серб Драган, который ищет книгу об итальянском художнике… У Жанны и Драгана сразу возникает взаимная симпатия, переходящая в страстные любовные отношения. Но Жанна не знает, что ее новый друг живет во Франции нелегально.
From Behind
Frédérique's mother has died recently leaving her the family stud farm. She's never met her father, doesn't even know his name. But she finds it on the back of an old photo. She sets off for Paris. She stays with her gay dancer pal Marc. Marc and friends decide to go to their favourite gay bar... but it's men only. So Frédérique becomes Frédéric, an effeminate gay boy... Frédérique follows her father. Pierre Arroux is an art curator - and gay. She introduces herself to him, but as Frédéric. So while Frédéric is quite an awkward young man and an embarrassment to his father, Frédérique is secretly meeting with her old boyfriend now living in Paris..
L'Onzième Commandement
The perpetrator of a murder refuses to denounce himself, which results in the conviction of one of his friends. On leaving prison, 20 years later, he goes in search of his former boyfriend.
Don't Let Me Die on a Sunday
Ben works in a morgue. Ben's wife left him and he is into various kinds of alternative sexuality. Teresa dies of an ecstasy overdose on the dance floor. When she is brought to the morgue, she is resurrected -how shall I say?- in Ben's arms (that part based on a true story). From this starting point, the film revolves around the interactions between them and Boris (orgy fan), Abdel (no sentimental life), Ducon (wants to kill himself), Nico (dying of AIDS), etc... A social study of the 90s with heavy references to sex and deat
Chaos technique
François Bara
I Hate Love
Independent Parisian doctor Annie finds herself in an emotional tangle when she tries to help single-minded HIV-positive patient Laurent and embarks on a brief affair with conceited actor Richard.
Mon amour
Three years after the wedding husband Richard starts to set up his wife, the teacher Marion, with his love and jealousy. He wants to have a baby too. Her best friend and the head of the school only see the nice husband. Antoine, the fiend's brother, is the only one believing her. Everyone else starts to believe that Marion is getting insane is about to become a mental case. Marion moves out, but it's not over. Richards terrorizes her and even starts to get violent. Her only solution is to move to Antoine but that doesn't make it only worse ...
Дьен Бьен Фу
Captain Jégu de Kerveguen
Дьен Бьен Фу - местечко в долине в северо-восточной части Вьетнама, где произошло главное сражение Первой Индокитайской войны 1946-1954 гг. Вьетнамцами, которыми командовал генерал Во Нгуен Зиап, удалось окружить 14-тысячный французский гарнизон Дьен Бьен Фу своей 72-тысячной армией. Сосредоточив на окружающих высотах артиллерию и минометы, вьетнамцы разрушили взлетные полосы и лишили осажденных подвоза боеприпасов. 7 мая 1954 года французы, потеряв около 2 300 чел. убитыми, капитулировали. После этого поражения Франция согласилась на переговоры, завершившиеся признанием независимости Вьетнама и его разделом. Американский репортер оказывается в самом центре этого 57-дневного сражения, которое в конце концов привело к поражению и сдаче французских сил и уходу Франции из Вьетнама...
Children of Chaos
Is there still a chance for Marie, an unwed young mother and a former drugs addicted prostitute, who is sent to a reformatory school?
Не будите спящего полицейского
Однажды ночью в Париже зверски убивают крупных дельцов порнобизнеса и наркоторговли. Расправа над ними напоминает страшную месть.Комиссар Грандель расследует убийства и выходит на след подпольной организации — «Союза полицейской солидарности», которую возглавляет коммисар Скатти, маниакальный борец за чистоту французского общества. Члены этого общества безжалостно истребляют «подонков, евреев и коммунистов», а шеф Гранделя ведет подлую двойную игру. В комиссариате происходят невероятные события: шантаж и самоубийства полицейских. Жертвой «органа правосудия» становится и лучший друг Гранделя. Теперь герой Делона должен совершить возмездие. Даже если ему придется уйти после этого из полиции…
Sand and Blood
Francisco Jimenez
Bullfighting, music, medicine, change, and homoerotic possibilities mix in this study of friendship. Francisco is a bullfighter on his way up, so focused even sex doesn't hold his interest. After a minor road accident, he meets a doctor, Manuel, who attends a bullfight, leaving early, retching. His wife, who is also his partner in a string quartet, worries about him: Manuel has a history of breakdown. Manuel, for his part, hates bullfighting and the memories it brings of Franco's Spain. His harsh views undermine Francisco's focus. He accompanies the young fighter to Spain for an important corrida. Will Francisco succeed? And what becomes of this friendship?