Gunnar Björnstrand

Gunnar Björnstrand

Рождение : 1909-11-13, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

Смерть : 1986-05-26


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Gunnar Björnstrand (13 November 1909 – 26 May 1986) was a Swedish actor known for his frequent work with writer/director Ingmar Bergman. He was born in Stockholm. He appeared in over 120 films. Björnstrand at first had trouble finding work but got an engagement in Helsinki with his wife 1936-1938. Back in Stockholm he met Ingmar Bergman, at that time a mostly unknown theatre director. In the 1940s he got his first major film roles, making a breakthrough with the 1946 movie Kristin kommenderar. He was a versatile actor who could play tough and tender as well as comedy and tragedy. His daughter Veronica Björnstrand is also an actress. One of his most famous roles was as the worldly squire who makes such a contrast to his austere and spiritual master in Bergman's most famous film The Seventh Seal. Description above from the Wikipedia article Gunnar Björnstrand, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia​


Gunnar Björnstrand
Gunnar Björnstrand
Gunnar Björnstrand


A tribute to Swedish film, which was made to celebrate the 100th anniversary of film in 1995 and consists of about a hundred clips from Swedish film history with many of its stars.
Minns ni?
A quick overview of Swedish film history, featuring a breathtaking cavalry of scenes from about 170 films.
Фанни и Александр
Filip Landahl
История семьи Экдаль, увиденная глазами двух детей — сестры и брата Фанни и Александра. Пока семья едина и неразлучна, дети счастливы и без страха могут предаваться чудесным мечтам. С потерей близких людей в них растет чувство горечи и неприязни к миру. Но там, где Фанни пытается сохранить чистую душу, Александр замыкается в тёмном и жестоком внутреннем мирке.
The Farewell
Set between 1930s and 50s, The Farewell the story of Valerie, who lives in a household totally repressed by her stern father. When Valerie has a brief affair with another woman, her father is extremely angry and tries to end the affair with physical force. However Valerie’s determination, independence and lesbian feelings cannot be crushed.
Charlotte Löwensköld
Rural dean Forsius
1830 Värmland, Sweden. Master Karl Arthur Ekenstedt comes to aid the Minister at Crosss Church. He falls in love with Charlotte Löwensköld, housekeeper in the rectory. They get engaged. Charlotte is full of life, energetic and practical. Karl Arthur struggle with his faith and God.
Осенняя соната
На судьбах одной семьи — известной пианистки Шарлотты Андергаст, ее мужа архитектора Юсефа, и их дочерей, Евы и Елены в фильме показывается крушение семейных уз, распад семьи.
The Making of 'Autumn Sonata'
On-set documentary of the making of Ingmar Bergman's 1977 film Autumn Sonata starring Ingrid Bergman and Liv Ullman, examining every aspect of the production. Unusual for this kind of documentary, there is no post-production commentary or interviews.
Solidarity with the border people. Equal rights for the sexual deviants. Kristoffer Lohman is a young solicitor who collects stories and knowledge of different perversions. This has affected and changed his own sexual life. Sara, a young well-behaved and adorned woman, becomes interested in Kristoffer's activity.
Лицом к лицу
Jenny's Grandfather
Фильм повествует о психиатре Йенни Исакссон, страдающей от умственной болезни. Вместе с мужем, который также является психиатром, они успешны в работе, но медленно и неумолимо ее психическое состояние продолжает ухудшаться. Йенни неотступно преследуют призраки прошлого, в результате чего она в конечном счете оказывается не в состоянии функционировать как жена, доктор или личность.
Gustav III
Based on play by famous swedish author/playwright August Strindberg adapted for swedish TV in 70's. It's about the real life assassination on swedish king Gustav III who was killed by a lieutenant Jacob Johan Anckarström who acted on behalf of a group conspirators.
The Ghost Sonata
The Ghost Sonata relates the adventures of a young student, who idealizes the lives of the inhabitants of a stylish apartment building in Stockholm. He makes the acquaintance of the mysterious Jacob Hummel, who helps him to find his way into the apartment, only to find that it is a nest of betrayal and sickness. The world, the student learns, is hell and human beings must suffer to achieve salvation. The play centers on a family of strangers who meet for the sake of meeting. They exchange no dialogue, nor gestures, they simply sit and bask in their own misfortune.
Barna Hedenhös
Voice over
The major
On his death-bed, Per Henrik Pistolekors must promise his father two things: first of all to kill king Gustav III, which his father hates. Second, to take his half-sister Annarella to Stockholm to find her a rich and noble husband.
Blow Hot, Blow Cold
Prof. Gunnar Lindmark
A quirky, but happily in love young Italian couple fall in with an older, but distinctly reserved Swedish couple whilst on vacation on islands off the coast of Southern Italy. Eventually the couples seem to warm to each other as the infectious youths bring the standoffish couple out of their shells. But there is a sinister reason for the Swedish couple's cold behavior and it may spell doom for them all.
Hans Winkelmann
Судья устраивает допрос с пристрастием актерам, принявшим участие в номере, который оскорбил чувства зрителей.
The lift that went down into hell
The husband
A loving couple on an escapade, ending in a hotel room in the underworld. When the floor waiter shows up, the woman feel she has seen him before. And suddenly she discovers who he is.
Pappa varför är du arg? Du gjorde likadant själv när du var ung
Admiral Carl
"Dad, why are you angry? You did the same yourself when you were young." - The Swedish army is too expensive. The cost has to be reduced by downsizing. The army chiefs begins to recreated the country's defense system.
Mr. Jacobi
Ян Розенберг — композитор и руководитель симфонического оркестра, а его жена Ева — скрипачка. У Яна болезнь сердца, и врач рекомендовал супругам поселиться на острове в Балтийском море. Тем временем, начинается война, которая затрагивает супругов, и их спокойной жизни настаёт конец.
The Girls
A theater company rehearses Aristophanes play "Lysistrata" in which the Athenian women revolt to force the men to suspend the war and make peace. The three leading female actresses, Liz, Marianne and Gunilla, all live in humiliating circumstances to their men.
An Introduction to Ingmar Bergman
Self - Interviewee
Produced in 1968 for New York's WNET public television station and filmed by Gunnar Fischer, host Lewis Freedman visits director Ingmar Bergman during the production of SHAME. They discuss some of Bergman's major works leading up to SHAME as well as the just-released HOUR OF THE WOLF.
An engineer and an actor, two extremely similar men, change their identity with each other.
Paul Hartman
Stimulantia is a 1967 Swedish anthology film comprising eight episodes by eight different directors including Ingmar Bergman, Jörn Donner, Gustaf Molander and Vilgot Sjöman and starring among others Ingrid Bergman, Harriet Andersson, Gunnar Björnstrand, Lars Ekborg and Inga Landgré.
Сага о викинге
King Sigvor
Среди суровых северных фьордов три юных воина сошлись в поединке с сыновьями конунга Сигвора, чтобы отомстить им за смерть своего отца. Видя, что силы противников равны, Сигвор зовет бесстрашного викинга Хагбарда и его братьев в свой дом, чтобы вместе испить чашу мира. Здесь пылкий Хагбард внезапно находит свою любовь - прекрасную Сигнэ, дочь могущественного вождя. И хотя Сигнэ обещана другому, Хагбард решает увезти красавицу с собой. Ее богатый нареченный жених, чье коварство не знает границ, сделает всё, чтобы погубить их любовь - ценой жестокого обмана, горя несчастных и крови невинных…
Fondmäklare Rickardt
Doctor Henck is having bad day, and borrows a fur from a friend. It gives him new confidence, and his day immediately gets better. Hjalmar Söderberg's rejected 1911 movie script, filmed in 1966 for TV as a silent film with a piano soundtrack, to match the time in which it was written for.
Here Is Your Life
A working class teenager comes of age in 1910s rural Sweden, moving through a series of jobs and romances that gradually shape his future.
Herr Vogler
Психологическая драма, в которой раскрывается одна из важнейших проблем современного мира, когда, несмотря на казалось бы нормальное течение профессиональной и личной жизни, человек вдруг ощущает одиночество и бессмысленность своего существования. Будучи знаменитой актрисой, госпожа Фоглер внезапно замолкает прямо во время спектакля и с тех пор перестает разговаривать со всеми. Пребывание в больнице показывает, что психически она здорова. Медсестра Альма должна вывести ее из этого состояния, и они отправляются вдвоем к морю, где им предстоит нелегкие дни общения.
Dr. Rune Wester
The plot revolves around a sadistic doctor, a macabre gravedigger, an innocent girl, sabotage, sex and violent death. The beautiful Vivi Sander is living a rough life and is deeply in debt. She tries to force her family to sell the house to make ends meet. Vivi's car crash after a sabotage. She is injured and brought to a medical center where she meets the perverted Dr. Wester.
Постель для брата и сестры 1782
Count Schwartz
Действие фильма происходит в Швеции XVIII века. Молодой дворянин Якоб возвращается домой из Франции. Он вступает в кровосмесительную связь со своей сестрой Шарлоттой, которая собирается выйти замуж. Шарлотта обнаруживает, что беременна от брата, и просит его бежать из дома вместе с ней. Однако Якоб не хочет менять привычный образ жизни. Кроме того, ему известно, что дети от подобной связи рождаются не вполне здоровыми. Поэтому после размышлений он решает отказать сестре, оставив её наедине с проблемами.
Loving Couples
Dr. Jacob Lewin
As three pregnant women wait to have their babies in a hospital in Stockholm at the outbreak of the Great War, they relive their childhood and youthful experiences.
The Marriage Wrestler
Herr Fotograf Fäger
Stockholm 1912. Site for the Olympic Games. Love entanglements and eroticism at hotel Eros.
The Dress
Helmer Berg
Edit is pleased that her mother agrees to let her buy a dress she loves, but which in fact is made for an adult woman.
Dansen kring Guldbaggen
Filmed during the first ever Guldbaggen awards it was edited and developed that night and shown for the first time to the guests at the after party.
My Love Is Like a Rose
Georg Ehnström
A middle aged doctor begins a relationship with a teenage girl. His best friend is dating the girls mother. A group of boys plan to blackmail the doctor or expose him as a pedophile.
The Karlsson family moves from a small village to a suburb outside Stockholm. The change from a country life to the big city is not easy.
Tomas Ericsson
В одно из промозглых воскресений сельский священник из небольшого прихода выступает с утренней проповедью перед редкими прихожанами. Он болен, терзаем сомнениями и внутренним беспокойством. С потерей любимой жены жизнь пастора потеряла прежний смысл. Ему кажется, что он утратил связь с Богом и это угнетает его. Погруженный в собственные переживания, он не в силах помочь ближним, нуждающимся в его поддержке. Он страдает от отсутствия любви, не замечая рядом женщины, которая его страстно любит.
Ingmar Bergman Makes a Movie
The year is 1961 and Ingmar Bergman is making a movie. While planted on the scene as apprentice to Bergman, Vilgot Sjöman (director, I Am Curious–Yellow, 1967), suggests to Swedish Television that they take the opportunity to record with the acclaimed director. In August, Sjöman and the television crew begin to capture what would become a comprehensive five-part documentary on the making of Winter Light, offering views of script development, set construction and lighting, rehearsals and editing, as well as intimate conversations with Bergman and members of his cast and crew. Footage from the film’s Swedish premiere delivers immediate audience reactions and the critics’ reviews the following day.
The Pleasure Garden
David Franzén
A small picturesque town at the turn of the century. The conservative views of the townspeople are shaken when they find out that the school teacher Franzén published his own poetry anonymously many years ago. At the same time he acknowledges his love affair with a waitress at the city hotel, Fanny. What is most upsetting is the fact that Fanny has a grownup daughter, Anna, with no known father. Could their poet teacher be the father although he and Fanny are not married?
Сквозь темное стекло
Только что вышедшая из психиатрической лечебницы Карин отдыхает на острове вместе со своим мужем Мартином, отцом Дэвидом и младшим братом Фредериком. Карин страдает галлюцинациями и истерическими припадками — ей кажется, что ее посещает Бог.
Дьявольское око
Целомудренная девушка для дьявола, в буквальном смысле, что бельмо на глазу. Чтобы избавить себя от этой напасти, властитель ада призывает Дон Жуана. Великий грешник должен соблазнить 20-летнюю дочь пастора, очаровательную Бритт-Мари прежде, чем она выйдет замуж и потеряет девственность. В распоряжении распутника всего лишь день и ночь…
Heaven and Pancakes
Ernst C:son Kruuse
Sequel to Sjunde himlen (1956). Dr. Lovisa Sundelius (Sickan Carlsson) and radio host Willy Lorens (Hasse Ekman) have been happily married for a couple of years, but when Willy becomes a TV host with cutie Suss (Lena Granhagen) by his side, things start to fall apart
Crime in Paradise
Adam Palmquist
While four men blow up a safe, a night watchman is accidentally killed. They get away with the loot. Ten years later, the stepson of the dead night watchman receives vital information.
Swinging at the Castle
Agne C:son Stressberg
Love triangle between Svante, his fiancee Inga and Sophie, a girl from a rich family.
Dr. Vergerus / Minister of Health
Герои фильма - элита Стокгольма середины XIX века - неискренние люди, но с них нелегко сорвать маски, обнажив их истинные лица. А вот внезапно появивишемуся в столице магу это, кажется, удается...
Miss April
Marcus Arwidson
The banker Marcus falls in love with the young ballet-dancer Maj who works at the opera. To meet her he takes a job there but Maj is in love with Osvald Berg, the big star of the opera. To wake Osvald's interest for her she asks Marcus if he could play deeply in love with her. Plot summary by nL.
You Are My Adventure
Tore Hall
Two journalists marry each other but Tore is unhappy that his wife is ambitious in her career instead of their household.
Земляничная поляна
Evald Borg
78-летний профессор из Стокгольма вспоминает и пересматривает разочарования своей долгой жизни. Вместе с женой сына он едет на машине на вручение почетной докторской степени, посещая по пути места, где был молод, встречая разных людей и старых знакомых, вспоминая сны и былое.
Summer Place Wanted
Gustaf Dahlström
Married couple have romantic interludes in the summer, she at their summer cottage, him in the apartment in town.
Night Light
Sixteen year old Maria arrives in Stockholm. She is going to stay with her aunt. Already at the Central station events occur that change her route.
Седьмая печать
В середине XIV века рыцарь Антониус Блок и его оруженосец возвращаются после десяти лет крестовых походов в родную Швецию. Блок устал от жизни, и не видит вокруг себя ничего, ради чего стоило бы продолжать влачить свое существование. Но прежде он хочет убедиться в том, что Бог — есть…
Seventh Heaven
Maj. Ernst C:son Kruuse
"Seventh Heaven" - Famous radio personality Willy Lorens has a big success with the radio series "Seventh Heaven." The amount of fan mail and attention eventually becomes too much for Willy, who suffers a minor collapse. Taken to a hospital where he meets Dr. Lovisa Sundelius, virtually the only woman in Sweden who do not admire the radio idol.
It's Never Too Late
Arne's father
Görel and Arne are about to get a divorce. Görel thinks back on how history has repeated itself within her family.
Улыбки летней ночи
Fredrik Egerman
Стареющий адвокат Фредрик Эгерман мечется между добродетелью и вожделением. Он боготворит свою юную жену Анну, но втайне ищет встреч со своей бывшей возлюбленной – актрисой Дезире Армфельт. Его сын от первого брака учится на богослова и скрывает свой интерес к неискушенной мачехе. Еще один соперник Фредрика, воинственный любовник Дезире – единственный, кто не испытывает угрызений совести. Однако и его положение победителя уязвимо. Пока мужчины состязаются друг с другом, женщины решают восстановить разрушенное счастье…
Женские грезы
Otto Sönderby, konsul
История двух совершенно непохожих друг на друга женщин. Одна из них испытывает страсть к женатому, вторая — принимает знаки внимания со стороны возрастного мужчины, который годится ей в отцы. Но вскоре их идеалам предстоит измениться…
Acke Kullerstedt
Pawnshop assistant Patrick and maid Viveka meet by chance and become fond of each other, but none of them want to reveal his real profession for the other.
Robert Holmén
While Bertil Lindström works at the Swedish embassy in Paris, his wife Gabrielle spends the summer alone in Sweden. After a phone call to her, he starts to think of all the things she can possibly be doing separated from him.
Урок любви
David Erneman
После 15 лет замужества Давид и Марианна расходятся. Однако случайное совместное путешествие в поезде выливается в выяснение отношений, которое приводит к взаимопониманию супругов…
Seger i mörker
Henrik Kugelström
The story about Gustaf Dalén, the farm boy who became one of Sweden's greatest inventors.
Flottans glada gossar
Ludvig "Ludde" Ekman
When Ludvig Ekman is ordered to do his military rehearsals course, he sends one of his employees, Lasse Alm, to do it for him. Everything is fine until Alm also is ordered to do the same thing - on the same boat! There is only one thing to do: Ekman goes as Alm. When Ekman goes aboard, he discovers that it is his wife's ex-husband who is captain and Ekman really is punished for marrying his wife.
The Glass Mountain
Dr. Dalander
The successful glass artist Stellan Sylvester ends up in the hospital after a car accident. He looks back at his life and finds it empty and meaningless. He falls in love with the nurse Marta but when he finds out that she engaged life turns out to be even more meaningless.
Вечер шутов
Mr. Sjuberg
Бродячие циркачи, шапито, акробаты, жонглеры, фокусники и шуты - театр! А разве вся наша жизнь - не театр, и мы в ней - не актеры?
Vi tre debutera
Director Brummer
Three young poets are about to make their debuts.
Dansa min docka
Zdenko Zapatil
In a small town called Skrabbarp in Southern Sweden lives the school teacher Sebastian Pettersson, an amateur detective and one of the most diligent correspondents of the Stockholm police.
Oppåt med Gröna Hissen
Malte Lövman
A man and a woman are cheated on by their respective partners and decide to get their revenge.
Niklas Slevbrink
The meticulous Fabin Bom is called up for military service in the airforce.
Женщины ждут
Fredrik Lobelius
Ракель, Марта, Карин и Аннетт замужем за четырьмя братьями. Ожидая своих супругов в летнем коттедже, каждая из них рассказывает свою историю.
One Fiancé at a Time
Valentin Fredriksson-Frisk, alias ''Dynamit-Valle'', dynamitard
Lilian is engaged to engineer Arne. To make him more interested in her, she meets a few other men.
Säg det med blommor
Livat på luckan
Johansson has managed to stay away from the military service for several years. But now his time has come.
Frans Melin, aka Hamn-Casanova
Bureacratic customs officer searching for a missing girl.
Kvartetten som sprängdes
Engineer Planertz
A small Swedish town just after WW1. An accountant and his two journalist friends have entered the stock market. The result is not as good as expected.
The White Cat
Jarl Eksell
A man comes to Stockholm's central station. He does not know who he is or where he has been. He has some keys and a phone number. Perhaps he is the escaped sex maniac the police are searching for. A waitress at a café tries to help him.
Kyssen på kryssen
Lars Brenner, film director
Lasse Brenner is a serious filmmaker (spoof on Ingmar Bergman) who is forced to direct a lighthearted comedy. The filming takes place in different cities across Europe and North Africa so Brenner and the crew have to sail on a cruse ship. Brenner's wife suspects he has an affair with the lead actress, so she also boards the ship undercover to keep an eye on him.
Fianceé for Hire
Julius Brumse
A secretary transforms their defunct legal agency into a service where you can get anything, from childcare to gardening to even a fiancée.
My Sister and I
Gunnar Stenwall
The rich, aristocratic Katarina Hassel have an architect renovate her mansion. Katarina fall in love with the young architect, Gunnar Stenwall. Alas, he doesn't fall in love with her. But perhaps if Gunnar would meet her identical sister, who works in Stockholm as a waitress, he would fall in love with her instead? So Katarina travels to Stockholm to act as her non-existing sister.
Pappa Bom
Fritjoff Krafft
Fabian Bom, auctionist in a small town, one day finds a baby boy in a small crib that is for sale at an auction. He places the boy at an orphanage but returns the next day since he realizes that he misses the boy. Since a single man is not permitted to adopt a baby he arranges a marriage with a young woman, who really is the baby's mother. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
The Girl from the Third Row
Edvin Burelius
A ring passes between a lot of different people, giving the bearer or someone close a new meaning to life. Actors, embezzlers, old ladies and cheated husbands all seem to gain temporary hope from misery and disillusionment.
Playing Truant
Bertil Kronberg
High school student Margareta fall head over heels in love with a young doctor and announce her engagement to him to her parents. She quits school and move in with him in a large house. However, the life of a housewife soon becomes tedious. Her husband does not want her to study but secretly she enrolls in a high school again to be able to graduate. Her husband suspects funny business when she is spotted with her private tutor.
Private Bom
The station-master Fabian Bom is a very meticulous person, and he makes sure that the trains leaves exactly - on the second. To him, nothing could be more important than duty, efficiency and punctuality, in fact, his sense of duty is clearly perverted. His beloved Plum-Plum, the major's daughter, is infatuated with army officers. To regain her attention, he joins the infantry. Bom becomes a soldier who loves the military training, long marches as well as hard labour as punishment. He meets Agnes, who falls madly in love with him. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Little Martin Returns
The Captain
Sture Letterström and Kurre Svensson take on the task of rescuing a secret document during World War II from a group of Swedish Nazis. Since both of them are known by the local Nazis, Sture takes on the role of Miss Märta Letterström, and Kurre also has to make use of his feminine side as well as a dress.
Var sin väg
Sture Widman
A drama about a doctor and his wife. She used to be an actress, but became a housewife when she married. When she resumes her acting career the marriage crashes.
Музыка во тьме
История ослепшего музыканта и его любви к добродушной девушке Ингрид.
Two Women
Bengt Larsson
"Two Women" - Cecilia is in hospital after being subjected to an attempt on her life. Her husband is called to the hospital. Cecilia deliriously mentions a mutual friend. The husband seeks out the friend.
Här kommer vi ...
The actor Robert Berg is just about to get his dream role on the big stage in Stockholm when he gets called to the military service.
One Swallow Does Not Make a Summer
When Inga Brantemo goes on a business trip to Italy, her husband Bertil gets romantically involved with Christina Lovén, whose father is a book publisher. When Inga returns, Bertil has a difficult time trying to explain who the woman the neighbors saw in the Brantemo home was. Bertil is an author and it doesn't get easier when he and his wife gets invited to Christina's father to talk business.
Pappa sökes
Shoe-shiner Tom, 'Plutten'
Holger Hallman, CEO of a weapons factory try to prevent his son Tom from dating a manucurist, Lydia. By mistake he try to pay off the wrong manicurist, Mary, who by coincidence has a fiancé named Tom.
The Bride Came Through the Ceiling
Sune Eriksson
The police is looking for a female burglar all dressed in white.
While the Door Was Locked
Erik Sahlén
The film follows a number of people in an apartment building during a night full of dramatic events and entanglements.
Дождь над нашей любовью
Mr. Purman
Упустившая свой поезд Магги встречает Давида и проводит вместе с ним ночь. Не имея денег на проживание, они проникают в летний домик, хозяин которого предлагает им сделку. Там им предстоит столкнуться со своим прошлым, настоящим и туманным будущим.
Dr. Bertil Langenfeldt
Olga Sundblom has alone after the divorce the custody of the son Krister. He has trouble of controlling himself. He cheats in school, smokes in the bed and is generally unbearable. He is send to Granberga boarding school and soon he starting to turn everything upside down. He offers the schoolmates alcohol and begins a relationship with a young woman that he treats like a slut. When he gets expelled he escapes to his summerhouse.
Kristin Commands
Dr. Westman Senior / Vilhelm Westman
Translator Vilhelm and his young wife have a child, as well as a grumpy housemaid who doesn't hesitate to give her opinion on how they behave as parents. In secret Kristin arranges a scholarship for Vilhelm so he can go back to his medical studies.
Peggy på vift
Harald Haraldsson
Midwinter Sacrifice
A mythic depiction of a pagan sacrifice in prehistoric Sweden.
I som här inträden...
"You who entry..." A drama about revenge, lies and destruction. Tomas Eckert, a civil servant, is subjected to a violated woman's revenge. It happens to be his boss's wife, Märta Palm. Tomas is accused of having abused Mrs.Palm. She also reveals that Tomas's wife is morphine addict. He collapses and is forced to accept early retirement, diagnosed "epilepsy with mental changes"
Harry Hellberg
A self centered author are having a word feud in a news paper column with a journalist called Sussie. The author has just divorced and now need a new house keeper. Sussie sees her chance to go undercover and takes the job with the intent to dig up some dirt. However, love intervenes.
New Order at Sjogarda
Felix Palmer
Major Grasser at Sjögårda manor considers selling the estate but his twin daughters Brita and Stina have other plans.
Ян-Эрик Видгрен — ученик старших классов в средней шведской школе, в которой все боятся преподавателя латыни с характерной кличкой Калигула. Ян-Эрик встречается с девушкой Бертой, работающей в табачной конторе и влюбляется в неё. Однажды она сознаётся, что её преследует один садист, но умалчивает, что это — Калигула.
Lev farligt
Iben Holt, a rich bohemian, lives in an occupied country. On his way home from a party he hears an explosion and sees flames rising from a factory. At home awaits another surprise.
Svensson, Editor of Vecko-Bilden (uncredited)
A classic melodrama about the famous pianist Thomas Dahlhoff.
Jag dräpte
"I Slew" - Hospital drama of a doctor who thinks that he killed a patient on the operating table.
Natt i hamn
Sven Eriksson
Early 1940s, during WW2, pitch black waters except for a moon-shadow over the waves. Surrounded by minefields and the fog slips in the sweeping headlights of the cargo ship S/S Rune. But the ship bows relentlessly forward through the night.
General von Döbeln
Lieutenant Bäckström
1813. The Swedish army is fighting in the War of the Sixth Coalition. The popular general Von Döbeln is arrested for sending the army against the French in breach of orders by the crown prince. At the court martial he is sentenced to death but is pardoned by the king and sent to prison instead. A group of conspirators are planning to set him free and make him their leader in a coup d'etat.
In an occupied country, the people rise to throw off the occupants. This includes Jens the farmer and his three sons who successfully perform sneak attacks on the invading army.
Alle man på post
Everybody at His Station
Military Doctor
Swedish comedy from 1940. Kurre Karlsson, a simple man of the people, will be called up for military training given by an anti-aircraft units at sea. He does not like the military and will do anything to get away. One day he steals a wallet and in it finds his paper suggesting that a spy is on the move who think stealing trade secrets about the weapons factory in Granefors.
Karl för sin hatt
Urban girl falls for rugged forest ranger.
June Night
A woman flees to avoid rumors of promiscuity, but is trailed by a reporter who wants to expose her dark past.
Hjältar i gult och blått
Sergeant Frisk
The tailor Tosse is ordered to return to his old regiment to practice what he learned many years ago. But he asks his assistant Loffe to go there instead of himself. Everything is fine until Loffe gets the same order - at the same regiment. When Tosse comes to the regiment, it becomes a case of mistaken identity. Due to the confusion, Loffe is now Tosse's platoon commander. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Mot nya tider
August Palm's Associate
A Swedish drama from 1939 about the social and political developments in Sweden from 1885 until the dissolution of the union in 1905. The year is 1885, Christina Nilsson sings "Fourteen years I believe certain that I was" in the Grand Hotel's Great Hall . She also sings from the balcony of the hotel and the panic arising among listeners outside the hotel. In Norway, talks about the dissolution of the Union and the Swedish socialists with Hjalmar Branting (Victor Sjöström) is in the lead for independence.
Vi två
Architect Sture Ahrengren walks out of his job with an architecture firm with the support of his wife Kristina. He gets a position with an old friend, Balstar Ekberg, who has a big engineering job going. But Sture gets entangled in a romance with Ekberg's wife, Helena.
Ryder, Banker
About the conspiracy against the Swedish entrepeneur Ivar Kreuger. Presented through his secretary as a strictly busy, very wealthy man, involved in important international transactions. Ministers from all over the world stand in line to visit him. The Kreuger shares are in high demand. Germany needs a $ 125 million loan. Bank director Ryder suggests that secret forces want to stop this loan. Ted Harris, an American rogue, wants to sell secret papers from Wall Street on plots against Kreuger. The French minister and an international Soviet agent, Brody, also visit Kreuger regarding the loans. Kreuger shares are dropping around the world. The firm Nathan and Kohn contributes to dumping Kreuger shares after a bribe of SEK 25,000. Ordinary savers are ruined.
Young student watching competition (uncredited)
Erik Andersson marries Brita Blomstedt. During the wedding party he drinks alcohol which he is not used to. Later that evening Erik is involved in a brawl that end with a policeman getting a knife in the back.
His Life's Match
Gunnar Gawell is masonry on a building but also a very good football player. He gets a chance to play for the the national team against Denmark. Gunnar is offered a bribe if he allows the Danish team to win the match.