Kate Harcourt

Kate Harcourt


Kate Harcourt
Kate Harcourt


Winter Carlisle
16-летняя героиня волею обстоятельств открывает в себе способности ведьмы, обнаруживает, что мир устроен намного сложнее, чем ей казалось, знакомится с семейством колдунов, встречает свою любовь и вступает в отчаянную схватку с демоном, покушающимся на жизнь ее младшего брата…
MARIAN is an 80 year old resident of Meadow Park Rest Home. During a difficult visit, her daughter PHILLIPA is forced out and accidentally leaves something important behind. Wandering out of the rest home, the outside world proves challenging, as Marian battles her mind in an attempt to return her daughter’s beloved possession.
Вся правда о мужчинах
Mrs Simpson
После рождения двух детей, брак Саймона и Пэм превращается в скучное и безрадостное подобие семейной жизни. Саймон, уставший от невыносимости быта, влюбляется в молодую и невероятно красивую Кэтрин. У них закручивается жаркий роман. В этом водовороте событий и отношений и рождается правда. Вся правда о мужчинах.
Apron Strings
Celebrity Chef Anita hasn't seen her family for twenty years. That is until her son Michael decides to do some soul searching and track down his aunt.
Egg and Bomb
Henry Waghorn and his father Henry Waghorn Senior run a circus of performing chickens, however the chickens’ real value may be more to do with taste than performance. An offer from Theo Theodolite to join him in a fried chicken outlet has little attraction for the Waghorn family. However Thoe’s daughter Wilga sees a different side to Henry and his training skills and their relationship might have flourished if Henry Senior hadn’t had an unfortunate accident. Finally the truth of the accident is discovered and the explosive finale sheds new light on the need for better-trained chickens.
Трое в каноэ
Old Woman
Это история трёх друзей из большого города, которые отправляются на поиски потерянных 200 тысяч долларов, которые сбросил с парашютом знаменитый угонщик самолёта Д. Б. Купер. Очень скоро трио понимает, что их попытка плыть на каноэ не очень-то удалась и всё идёт не так: и река становится опасной, да ещё какой-то мужик, что живёт у реки, всё время мешается под ногами…
Backroom Troubles
Women talk about the circumstances that drove them to seek illegal abortions and the often traumatic result. Interwoven with historical photographs and newsreel footage, the stories expose how the reality of women's lives were counterposed to what was socially and morally expected of them.
The Dig
A retired couple spend their time digging into the earth beneath their house in search of treasures, until a tremor shakes things up.
Send a Gorilla
The girls and gorillas at a singing telegram company are overworked because it is Valentine's Day. A series of sub-plots - a sexist disc jockey loses his dog and the girls fine it; one of the girls fights for custody of her child; an aspiring opera singer gets her chance to audition; and evil developer demolishes the telegram company's offices, etc, which all adds up to a large dose of confusion.
Mrs. Mac
A young woman searches for her identity by joining a "free love" hippie commune, against the wishes of her darkly possessive widowed father. The tensions of small town New Zealand and individual conflicts generated by intolerance and fear, unleashes forces of violence and betrayal.
Нэйт и Хейс
Mrs. Williamson
Известный пират и молодой священник начали борьбу против банды головорезов.
Carry Me Back
Two brothers take their father into the city for the weekend for a rugby game and a night on the town. However, the old man dies in their hotel and the boys need to smuggle his body back to their farm and make it appear that he died there to satisfy a clause in his will or else they won't inherit the property.