Alicia is cheated by her lifelong boyfriend, and ends up in Punta Cana invited by her best friend to forget her ex. On the other hand, his ex-boyfriend’s partner also ends up in Punta Cana, looking for a high-value stone stolen by his partner. There, they will meet some of the most diverse characters, from tasty hotel workers, unscrupulous policemen, mute children, and a widow seeking carnal satisfactions.
Женщина, мать которой внезапно умирает, должна следовать причудливым инструкциям, изложенным в завещании, чтобы получить важное наследство.
Roberto has just broken up with his girlfriend Sofia, which has meant a great depression. His friends Jordi and Bebeto, loaded with drugs and alcohol, decide to go to his house to encourage him; but the mixture between the drugs and the antidepressants that Robert took that causes this one to die. The two friends, even under the effects of drugs, will manage to try to dispose of the body in any way by believing they will be charged with murder. To all this is added the visit of Sofia, who returned to the house with the intention of being reconciled with his ex boyfriend. Fernando Ronchese directs this film that is carried out by the comedian Berto Romero.
Front of Aragon, 1937. Lluís, a young republican officer destined for a temporarily dormant position, meets an enigmatic widow of whom she falls in love, Carlana, who manages to fool him to falsify a Document that makes it the lady of the region. The best friend of Lluís, the Soleràs, a degraded officer, discovers the fraud and, in exchange for not exposing him, he demands that he move away from the bombings of Barcelona his son and his wife, from whom he is Secretly in love When Trini arrives at the town, it does not take long to discover the betrayal of Lluís and establishes between them two a "state of war" that will make all moral bases stagger.
Блондинка, хипстер, бизнесмен, бомж — разношерстная группа изолирована в кафе, когда всех выходящих из него начинает обстреливать снайпер. Выйти наружу смертельно опасно, но и внутри страсти разгораются нешуточные. Обстановка накаляется до предела, когда предположение, что главный источник угрозы находится внутри, находит подтверждение. Больше беспредела, ведь заказ кофе может стоить вам жизни
Rosa, is a prostitute who inherited the profession from Antonia, her mother, who thinks she is Sara Montiel and turns her daily life in a hell. Rosa does not know how to be happy. She just can not. But the unexpected arrival of a new member to her particular (and absurd) family will give her a unique opportunity to achieve happiness
Старшеклассница Тереза, переживающая семейную трагедию, открывает книгу первой испанской писательницы – монахини Терезы Авильской. История католической святой XVI века находит живой отклик в сердце современной школьницы.
After an eviction notice, a mother teaches her three children, that even in adversity, they must always look forward. She starts up a restaurant business, but it does not work. Then Magdalena has another idea: to make a film.
Телезапись зрелищного «новогоднего огонька» оборачивается абсолютным сумасшествием, когда череда несчастных случаев обрушивается на съемочную площадку один за другим. Съемочный кран только что разгромил столик с массовкой… включая массовку. Одержимая фанатка шантажирует Адана, сексапильную сверх всякой меры поп-звезду. За легендарным певцом Альфонсо открывает вооруженную охоту сумасшедший автор песен. Один из актеров массовки, Хосе, пытает свое счастье с прекрасной Паломой, однако всех ее мужчин обычно преследуют беды. Тем временем снаружи разъяренная толпа требует ареста бесчестного продюсера шоу. В любой момент все окончательно выйдет из под контроля. Как всегда, «праздник» подкрался незаметно!
Трое незадачливых воришек попадают в заколдованный город, где на протяжении веков правят бал коварные ведьмы. Задача героев проста — унести ноги из страшного места. Для этого надо постараться не влюбиться в обитательниц этого гиблого места… Сюжет основан на подлинной истории, которая случилась здесь в начале XVII века, когда одна из жительниц деревни заявила, что она ведьма и регулярно участвует в шабашах в близлежащих пещерах со своими соседками. Тогда Святая Инквизиция арестовала почти всё население Сугаррамурди и окрестных сёл (около 300 человек), устроив суд по делу «Ведьминской деревни», который длился два года. В результате в 1610 году 40 жителей деревни были обвинены в колдовстве, а 11 из них — сожжены на костре. С тех пор Сугаррамурди запечатлелся в коллективной памяти как обиталище ведьм.
The bonds that unite a father and his daughter cannot be broken even by death.
Dolores (veterinaria)
Цирковые обезьяны истошно вопят в своих клетках, а снаружи люди умирают и убивают друг друга. Это еще один цирк — Испанская гражданская война. Против своей воли Рыжий клоун призывается в ряды народного ополчения и принимает участие в кровавой бойне. В бой против солдат Национальной гвардии он идет, вооруженный мачете и одетый в шутовской наряд.Много лет спустя, во времена диктатора Франко, Хавьер, сын того рыжего клоуна, находит работу Белого (печального) клоуна в цирке, населенном удивительными персонажами. Теперь он дружит с человеком-пушечное ядро и сварливой семейной парой дрессировщиков собак, а на арене становится партнером Рыжего клоуна Серхио.
Mari Carmen
A man and a woman meet at a gallery. Who knows where the conversation can lead?
The Lopez Family just finished moving to their new home and are immediately astonished to witness unexplainable events.
Javi, Hugo, Dani and Pedro are four friends in their late twenties trying to make a life for themselves. The cafe is where the buddies meet through the ups and downs of fast-paced lives full of basketball games, late-night partying and schemes to get what they want most: a little love and a girl who loves them.
Domingo's Wife
Супружеская пара с маленьким ребенком переезжает в старый дом. Жизнь идет спокойно и размеренно, но со временем молодым родителям начинает казаться, что кто-то следит за ними и их домом с намерением похитить малыша. Эта мысль доводит их до стресса. Под угрозой их работа и семейное благополучие, и если не предпринять решительных мер, то может случиться непоправимое.
Barcelona, 2002. A coffin is carried to the cemetery of Montjuïc in a chariot drawn by horses. The lifeless is Pep Grau, an old fisherman found drowned and subject to his boat by a complicated knot sailor. The Pep voiceover Grau, portrayed with affection and humor the curious characters he met in life, recounts the difficult moments of his childhood during the Civil War, and finally, we are introduced to Lola, the woman of his life , which has a fish stall in the Boqueria Market beautiful and, after the death of Pep, begins receiving anonymous gifts. Silvia, a teenage ambitious and attractive, is the attorney for the insurance company. Mario, her boss and lover, asked to investigate the strange circumstances surrounding the death of the fisherman. Silvia's inquiries aa allow us to know other characters, like the maverick Dr. Cipriano Mera, Pep old comrade, and his son Gabino Mera.
Алмения, пустыня Табернас, 2002 год. Штат Техас. Голливуд — грязный город, где никто уже давно не снимает фильмы. Здесь живет Хулиган, ветеран кино. Вместе с другими людьми он работает на Голливуд: они оживляют для немногочисленных туристов старые времена и забытые моменты легендарных съемок. Но жизнь их меняется с внезапным появлением мальчика Карлоса, внука Хулигана, и двух финансовых акул — Лауры и Скотта. Призраки прошлого обретают плоть, а спекуляции дорогим сердцу настоящим приводит к непредвиденным последствиям.
Джулия уже не первый год работает агентом по продаже недвижимости и стала настоящим профессионалом своего дела. Однажды в квартире, в которой умер арендатор, она находит большую сумму денег, после чего решает любой ценой завладеть ими. Однако сделать это будет очень непросто, поскольку ей придется столкнуться с гневом достаточно необычного общества соседей, которым руководит администратор дома. Но женщина не собирается так просто сдаваться и готова пойти на любые ухищрения, чтобы добиться желаемого результата. С этого момента ее ждет настоящая война, одержать победу в которой будет очень непросто ...
Lara, the host of a radio call-in show dealing in psychic phenomena, discovers that her gay estranged lover has been found dead in a small Spanish village. She learns that he was conducting secret experiments searching for tortured souls trapped behind the energy of the living world. This leads her to an old, abandoned house where the experiments took place - and there she finds a world of secrets and horror...
Селестина — старая ведьма, обладающая волшебной силой магии и ворожбы, способна зажечь любовь в самом холодном сердце. Молодой рыцарь Калисто безумно влюблен в хорошенькую девушку. Пытаясь добиться ответного чувства, он прибегает к помощи черной магии Селестины.
Католический священник отец Анхель с помощью библии вычисляет день, когда на земле родится Антихрист. Он знает дату, но не знает место, поэтому пускается во все тяжкие, чтобы сам Дьявол подписал с ним контракт о покупке души. Помощниками святому отцу становятся случайный знакомый из магазина тяжелой музыки и популярный ведущий оккультной телепередачи.
Esposa de Dotrós
Two Frenchmen, Bernadette and Lebrum, arrive in Barcelona and hire detective Bardon to find Alekos, the former Greek lover of the woman.
Miniseries version of the first half of Cervantes' famous novel.
Mujer peón
Spain, 1950s. The corpse of an unknown person appears in the town square of Bocentellas, within the mythical territory of Región. The inhabitants will ask for help to Captain Medina, young officer in command of a nearby military fort, until the arrival of the judge.
Луте упорно борется за свою жизнь и свободу. Его мечта жить как пайо настолько сильна, что ничто не может его остановить. Воссоединение с семьей после побега из тюрьмы Пуэрто-де-Санта-Мария — начало непрерывного полета.
A young woman marries a rich man and begins a new life in a little town in the Spain of the 20s. Feeling trapped and bored, she begins a relationship with her husband's stepbrother.
Mujer en funeral (segment "Delirio 1")
In this anthology film, a female actor cheats on her formerly famous husband, a married couple go to extremes, and an antiquarian falls for a young man.
This drama concerns a seven-year-old boy, Pepe Luis (Lucas Martin, as the younger Pepe and Paco Rabal Cerezales as Pepe at ten) who lives through the rise of Franco and the ensuing years under the fascist dictator. Presented from the perspective of the young Pepe, the Civil War and Franco are irrelevant to his own concerns: daydreaming about a pretty girl he likes, fighting with other boys, helping the priest at a funeral service, and similar activities. Pepe lives with his uncle and grandparents, and whether he is aware of it or not, the war impinges on their lives in several ways. The title of the film derives from little Pepe's contention that God is not responsible for the war, just some "bastard brother" of the Creator.
A new doctor arrives in a small Spanish village. As soon as he begins meeting people there, he notices the strange behaviour of the population and is surprised. Young people make fun of him, a man called Gonzalo seems to be some kind of leader, and he is invited to leave the village when he tries to ask about the situation. All his questions get no answer. His neighbour is a lovely and pretty young woman, who works as the local teacher. They develop a sincere friendship from the very first moment, which grows to become love. Unfortunately, Gonzalo feels that the young teacher is "reserved" exclusively for him and he reacts with violence. Meanwhile, the doctor finds out the key of that strange behaviour. Some years ago, during the local feast, some drug-addicts attacked the village in order to get money and goods. There was a fight and some people died, including Gonzalo's son. From then on, Gonzalo and others began their particular "crusade" against drug-addicts.
Hypocrisy and betrayal are the two dramatic pivots in this effective, emotionally gripping tragedy about the life and death of Paco (Antonio Banderas), a Spanish peasant who had been fighting against the feudal landowning system that kept farmers impoverished. Paco's life is told in flashbacks by a priest (Antonio Ferrandis) who is seen officiating at an anniversary mass attended by three wealthy landowners and no one else. The priest recalls Paco's baptism, his communion, his marriage ceremony and then his work for the peasants as he advocated and led them in a land-reform movement. The rest of the story will rest heavy on the priest's conscience, as he looks out at his empty church.
Pilar Prades Expósito
Valencia, 1955. A down-on-her-luck spinster poisons her friend and employers out of envy.
Somewhere in the spanish country, in the 60s. Paco and his wife Régula are very poor. They work as tenant farmers for a very wealthy landowner. They have 3 children. One is backward. The others can not got to school because the master "needs" their work. When Regula's brother is fired from where he has worked for 61 years, he settles down at their little place... An attack against the archaism of the spanish country of the 60s.
A reclusive millionaire puts an ad in the paper looking for seven "seductive and audacious women". Lured by the ad a horde of women descend on a golf course estate in rural Spain where they're whittled down to seven by a variety of bizarre contests.
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez wrote in 1898 "La barraca" (The Shack), a novel with some cultural significance among spanish literature for reflecting rural life at the end of 19th century with specific local color. In 1979, León Klimovsky directed an adaptation in the form of a mini-series .
Ограбленный и избитый в порту одного из карибских островов Виктор отстал от своего судна. Без денег и документов он опустился на самое дно жизни — туда, где нищие и обездоленные вынуждены продавать свою кровь хозяевам острова, чтобы выжить. Контрабанда крови и плазмы является основным источником дохода для правителя крохотного государства Альмейды. Основным, но не единственным. Есть еще соляные прииски, на которых работают обращенные в рабство бездомные. Вскоре в их число попадает и Виктор.
Berta (Tota Alba) has entered, once again, in prison accused of fraud. From the first moment she steps in the jail, she becomes the toy of all the veteran inmates. The number of conflicts in which she is immersed causes her to be transferred several times from penitentiary. In all of them will live some experience that will change her life; she will know love, hate, despair, etc.
Kingdom of Castile, 15th century. A group of nobles, who question the dynastic legitimacy of Princess Juana, daughter of King Enrique IV, conspire with the purpose of overthrowing him.
On a beach in Barcelona appears the body of a young man, his face eaten by fish, who has tattooed on his arm the phrase: "I was born to revolutionize the hell." So begins a strange enigma. To begin we must find a name to this dead, find their identity. This is the charge receiving Pepe Carvalho detective Galician, former CIA agent and vocational skeptical, which does not prevent you from enjoying and savoring the pleasures of good food and good bed. Among the Barcelona underworld and the streets and canals of Amsterdam, Carvalho soon gives the answer.
Basev's wife
Питер Крэйн, известный римский плэйбой, оказывается под воздействием непонятных сил внеземного происхождения, которые приказывают ему совершать различные кровавые преступления.
Spanish comedy.
Secretaria de Pedro
Begoña and Pedro are stuck. Despite having been married for many years, now the only thing they have in common is a son obsessed with basketball. A new conjuncture will cause love to resurface.
Mauricia "La dura"
Shows the unfailing love of two women for the same man, one as his mistress, the other as his wife. The lives of these characters intertwine and are determined by the variegated fabric of delicate tradition and established vices shaky politics and intrigue of the society they live in. Based on the major novel (1877) by Benito Perez Galdos.
Little orphan Jorge, kisses his parents' grave to absorb their spirits. Her aunt Amelia helps her travel through time.
Charito Sánchez
Lucas, typical average Spaniard, shy, gray and repressed, is married to sanctimonious Enriqueta, so he is always aware of other women, although the couple are already parents of nine children, which is why Lucas will do the unspeakable to convince his wife to take the contraceptive pill, something practically sinful for a practicing Catholic like Enriqueta.
María José
Elisa, a seller of a fashion house, sends a model to the wrong address. For fear of being fired she decides to recover it on her own. She encounters Alberto, a guy whose wedding is at noon, going to the same place it. From the moment they meet, they begin to suffer all kinds of mishaps.
Paco is the boy buttons a luxury hotel. Usually do small businesses with the resale of tickets to bullfights tourists. By a misunderstanding is fired from his job. There is no use of his taste and wanders the Victoria Street taverns. Finally discovers his only chance in bulls, easy craft that believes and loves. The reality is very different and has to accept the truth which manifests itself in a very dramatic.
Linda Barcala
Chica morena en consulta veterinario
Don Senen has spent inheritance Begoña sprees, his niece, who only had to administer. It remains to receive a million pesetas, which will only be delivered to the death of Don Senen. The old man, in complicity with Begoña and two nephews going to fake his death by a false certificate. What you may not know is that some of his relatives did not want it to be false and plan to poison him.
Comedy about the surreal holiday of two teenage Spanish girls, where they meet a bizarre assortment of villains and new friends.
The film is about the daily life of fifteen students enrolled in the University Military service. During three months, they will have a course of military training and will live in the same tent at Camp Robledo. The different personalities and concerns of young people: the serious Eduardo, the glutton Ruiz, the philosopher Ortiguesa, the athletic Colmero, the irreverent Fresneda ... have the common denominator of enthusiasm for the future.
In 1914, a young woman is taken to a coastal resort by her parents to find her a suitable husband.