Juan Pablo Miranda

Juan Pablo Miranda

Рождение : , Chile


Juan Pablo Miranda


La taza rota
Rodrigo once had a girlfriend, a son and a house. But today a different man has taken his place. One day, at dawn, he appears at his old home with the intention of regaining, in a single day, everything he has lost; even if this might mean hurting the ones he loves. The stubbornness, the ego and the grief of a man.
American Huaso
When the woman he loves commits herself with another, Joe, a ridiculous huaso who thinks he is a cowboy, steals from him a valued horse in which he embarks on a journey where he meets singular characters who convince him to fight again for her.
La salamandra
Man 2
In a violent city where a man succumbs to the loneliness and delirium of his unfulfilled desires. He wishes to belong somewhere. And the only way to achieve this goal is projecting in his own mind another version of himself, a "second man", someone -who will be accepted.
Little White Lie
Production Manager
A small-town journalist in southern Chile realizes he just run out of good news so that he starts making gossips and fake stories in order to keep his job in the local newspaper he works for.
Puzzle Negro
Duke Blanco
A trans-media storytelling which combines comics, interviews, animation and film noir.
Family Holidays
Municipal Guard
The Kellys are a bourgeois family that have fallen into hard times. Deprived of the bragging rights of their typical summer vacation at a posh Chilean beach resort town, they pretend that they are instead going to Brazil for their vacation. They feign leaving on vacation but instead spend the time locked up at home and avoiding the suspicions of a nosy neighbor.
Five strangers meet on the beach of Ventanas, where the ocean merges with the industrial waste from the area.
Génesis Nirvana
Patricia Lucia went out of court with a verdict that proves innocence of the murderer of her only daughter, Genesis Nirvana, a girl of only 6 years old. Inside her head, the only way of having justice is by taking it into her own hands. Her only purpose is revenge. Because of this, she takes a home video camera and leaves a record of it. This is a story of revenge and justice, that show us the weakness and vulnerability of human beings, that lose their sanity after missing a child
Hijo de Trauco
A 14-year-old skeptical young man one day discovers that everything he knows about his father is a lie.
Калеуче: Зов моря
Juan Bórquez
Изабель — морской исследователь латинского происхождения, работающая в Соединенных Штатах, серьёзное заболевание которой вынуждает её покинуть работу. В целях оздоровления она отправляется на остров Чилоэ, что на юге Чили, и изучая историю своих предков, узнаёт о существовании удивительной легенды про корабль-призрак под названием Калеуче, который пагубно влияет на жизнь местных обитателей.
Night Across the Street
A drama centered on an office worker on the verge of retirement who begins to relive both real and imagined memories.
The 33 of San Jose
Young Man
A team of Chilean miners are trapped underground for months and hold out for a miraculous rescue.
The story centers on a Chinese restaurant where three office colleagues come together to celebrate. An understatement with the account gives rise to an argument that will lead to problems with Chang, the owner of the restaurant and the Mapuche chef, Lautaro
Ni una caricia
Rayen is a young theater student who has recently been infected HIV. She lives her illness in silence, as does her new gay friend: Manuel. Everything begins to get complicated when her ex-boyfriend Fiodor reappears after two years of absence and tries to seduce her
The Life of Fish
At a house party, a handsome man wanders around catching up with friends he has not seen for some years. A travel writer now based in Berlin, Andre appears to be living an exciting international life, and yet... something has drawn him back home to Santiago. As the night goes on, we realize that a tragedy binds this group - an event that was also the impetus for Andre's departure from Chile years ago. Moreover, there is someone at the party he goes to great lengths to avoid. But she is the very person he most needs to see.
Displays the experiences of diverse groups of people inside a supermarket.
Он пришел, чтобы бороться со злом в любом его проявлении. У него нет никаких сверхвозможностей, а лишь надежда на собственные силы и знания! Ни мелкие хулиганы, ни крупные дельцы преступного мира - никто не уйдет от человека по прозвищу Мираж, данное ему за ловкость и молниеносность, потому что на его стороне правда и справедливость!
The Sacred Family
It's Easter in the beach house of a Chilean well-to-do and nowadays family. A self-centered and successful father, a disoriented mother and a son overshadowed by his successful father. The three of them, wait for the arrival of the son's first official girlfriend; a disturbing and rebellious young lady who will invade the house with her powerful sexual load and other "gifts", breaking loose an emotional cataclysm with no stepping back.
Mi mejor enemigo
After losing their bearings, a group of Chilean soldiers learns some lessons about their enemy's humanity in this dark comedy set during the 1970s war between Chile and Argentina. Digging in where they are, the troop soon discovers a nearby Argentinean platoon. Unsure how to handle the situation, the two groups start passing notes via a stray dog, and eventually achieve a wary camaraderie.
1973 год, конец эпохи Альенде. Страна — на грани гражданской войны, генералы готовят путч. Трагические события чилийской истории увидены глазами подростков. Сын обеспеченных родителей, 11-летний Гонсало Инфанте, живет в элитном пригороде Сантьяго. Он посещает престижную английскую школу, директор которой Отец МакЕнрой, открыл дорогу к образованию детям из бедноты. Так в классе Гонсало появляется Педро Мачука — голодранец из столичных трущоб. Ребят разделяют социальные, имущественные и культурные барьеры, но вопреки всему они становятся неразлучными друзьями…
The Newcomers
The story of two brothers who get involved with a sexy stripper and her boss, the nightclub king of Santiago, as told from three perspectives.