Eitelfritz (voice)
Кролик Макс жил беззаботной жизнью, пока однажды лапы не привели его в компанию талантливых и ловких зайцев. Они – стражи праздника Пасхи, и именно они отвечают за то, чтобы все пасхальные яйца были надежно спрятаны. Неожиданно для самого себя Макс оказался по уши в приключениях! Теперь он должен возглавить важнейшую миссию по спасению долгожданного праздника Пасхи!
Pension landlady Sophie imagined her job as mayor differently: not even the garbage collection works anymore! In order to defuse the scandal, she temporarily stores all municipal waste on her own yard. The improvisation artist gets active support from Felix, who appeares virtually with a paraglider out of the blue and skilfully turnes Sophie's head. Just now, Sophie's ex-mother-in-law Brigitte is at the door. The grande dame from Paris wants Sophie to return to her son Phillippe to prevent the unsuitable young successor who, in her opinion, does not come from a good family and only wants to take over the business. While Leonie is happy about her grandmother's visit, Sophie wants to know as little as possible about her. She is amazed at the unexpected magic that the sophisticated Brigitte unleashes on her grumpy barn occupier Barthl. He buys an elegant suit and dresses up neatly to impress the elegant elderly woman. But unfortunately more uninvited guests show up.
Franz Germinger Senior
Professor Karl Michaeli is a former star cellist and grantler , as he is in the book. After the death of his beloved wife Maria in 2014, the retired music professor lives alone in a three-room apartment in Vienna. To his displeasure, several foreign families are housed in his apartment building. The widowed, free-spirited apartment building owner Esther Polgar also houses refugees in his home. These are a special thorn in Karl's side.
Mr. Tierlieb
Юный Отто хочет провести большую часть школьных каникул со своим другом-слоном Бенджамином. Планы мальчика оказываются под угрозой срыва, когда выясняется, что зоопарк, где живёт Бенджамин, собираются реконструировать.
Klaus Manz
Martin Manz has run over the daughter of his best friend, Frank, who plays handball with him and regularly repairs Frank’s father’s old television. Martin wants to do the right thing and help the family, but he also wants to cover up his drunk-driving episode.
Franz Germinger Sr.
Макс, любитель городской суеты и молодежных развлечений, попадает туда, где ему совсем не место — в старомодную заячью школу. Но чем дольше он здесь находится, тем больше узнает о чудесном светлом празднике, ценности дружбы и собственном предназначении.
Karl Steiner
Вена, женщина таксистка — свидетельница убийства в соседней квартире. Но она также замечена убийцей, и её жизнь переворачивается вверх дном. Полиция не поможет ей, но один детектив даёт ей приют...
Franz Germinger senior
Der alte Moor
Karl Maillinger
Actually, the Maillingers just want to celebrate the christening of their youngest family member — but then everything turns out differently than expected...
Norbert Kanter
After the death of her mother, Bea Kanter leaves her home in Hesse in order to start her studies in Frankfurt. She leaves her father Norbert and her younger sister Conny behind. Thanks to her fellow student Andrea, the shy student quickly finds a connection. She moves into a WG and is confronted with the left scene, the rebels of the 1970s. This fits in with her inner life, because she has to distract herself mentally from her father - a conservative entrepreneur, for Bea the epitome of the capitalist. So she becomes a radical rebel.
Franz Germinger Senior
As a junk dealer Anton is found dead, a case develops in which each of the Germingers is involved: the law-abiding Commissioner Franz Junior, his rebellious sister Anna, ex-policeman Franz Germinger senior and his wife Erika. Who could have wanted Anton? Commissioner Franz Germinger Junior first taps in the dark. His sister Anna is sometimes ahead of him in some situations, which may be because she likes to exceed her competencies. Even more annoying the junior but his father Franz Germinger senior, who can not refrain from finding.
Johann Schlorke
Carl Reimann
Весь мир рушится для «правильной» девушки Лени, когда она случайно через видеочат замечает голую девушку в квартире своего возлюбленного. Теперь она одна и от безысходности решает переехать в общежитие к своей сестре Ханне. Лени сразу находит общий язык с соседкой сестры Вивьен, которая считает, что лучший способ избавиться от любовных страданий — это переспать с как можно большим количеством мужчин. Также мама Лени, Марго, переживает не самые лучшие времена из-за развода с мужем после 30-летнего брака. Обе женщины пытаются переосмыслить прошлое и открыть новую страницу в своей жизни. И вот в этом женском царстве появляется Он — Йозеф...
Can Liechtenstein maintain prosperity despite relaxation of banking secrecy and the withdrawal of billions of clients' money or is it in danger of falling back into the poverty of past days?
Dr. Jakob Mangold
Inspector Susanne Landauer is called to a mission in the country. A schizophrenic woman admitted anonymously years ago has disappeared from Dr. Mangold's clinic. Susanne can only recover the woman dead from the nearby river. A DNA comparison reveals that the dead woman is her biological mother. Luckily, Susanne's partner Isabell is there for her.
Sektionsrat Wiesner
The events in Sarajevo in June 1914 are the backdrop for a thriller directed by Andreas Prochaska and written by Martin Ambrosch, focusing on the examining magistrate Dr. Leo Pfeffer (Florian Teichtmeister) investigating the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Trying to do his job in a time of lawlessness and violence, intrigues and betrayal, Leo struggles to maintain his integrity and save his love, Marija, and her father, prominent Serbian merchant. But the events of Sarajevo have set into motion an inescapable course of events that will escalate to become … the Great War.
Wolfgang Waldheim
Universes meet: Jule Ronstedt as a woman, who is a mystery of the world of numbers, and Alexander Beyer as astrophysicists collect the stars together from the sky. Thomas Kronthaler provides cinematic proof that there is no contradiction between mathematics and love. Other roles include Friedrich von Thun, Günther Maria Halmer and Suzanne von Borsody.
Albert Hedgeson
Koloman Laux
Karl Maillinger
At Christmas, the four Maillinger siblings want to spend quality time together in peace and quiet. That's why Miriam, who is now heavily pregnant, invited Anna, Vince and Tom, with their families, to her boyfriend's farm. This project threatens to fail because her unpredictable father Karl appears uninvited in the idyllic wasteland because he is on the run from tax investigators.
After 16 years in jail is Harms attracted by the big bucks: a raid on the central bank, 70 to 100 millions in cash. A former staff member can arrange access to the bank. However, the team needs to be careful - too many bills, too many problems. One third of the money should suffice but Harms underestimated the deadly power of greed. The project gets out of control...
Franz Sonntag
Kurt Vermehren
Karl Maillinger
Entrepreneur daughter Anna Maillinger wants to start a new career in New Zealand after the divorce. Shortly before leaving, she learns that the family business is facing bankruptcy. Anna's oldest brother Vince leads the company meanwhile. He asks Anna to come to the emergency meeting on the father's hunting lodge, where on the weekend, the wedding of her father Karl with his Moldovan housekeeper Dina is to be celebrated. Gritting her teeth, Anna agree
18-year-old Stella lives with her mother Clarissa on a picturesque lodge in the South African bush. When Clarissa one day died in a tragic car accident, the young woman makes a surprising discovery: Obviously, her mother was not a South African, but the daughter of a rich industrial family from Austria. But why did she leave her homeland, change her name and even lied to her daughter over the years? To find out the truth, Stella travels to Styria.
For more than 20 years, the entrepreneur Bernhard and the eco-conscious gardener Claire have been divorced people - in every respect: the former couple are consistently avoiding each other. But now they have to call each other for good or ill because their daughter Sophie wants to marry. But before Sophie is confronted with a challenge of a completely different kind: surprisingly emerges after many years, her once great love Hans and twisted her head.
Werner Wachter
Крис — преуспевающий инвестиционный банкир, привыкший жить на широкую ногу. Он также является лицом рекламной компании, которую спонсирует его банк. На плакатах, развешанных по всей Вене, его рекламируют, как профессионала на рынке инвестиций. Однако его блестящей карьере приходит конец, когда его решают подставить коллеги по службе. Они представляют дело таким образом, будто Крис лично переводит деньги со счетов клиентов банка на счета фиктивных компаний и проектов. В отчаянии Крис дважды пытается свести счёты с жизнью. В этот нелёгкий для него жизненный период Крис знакомится с уборщицей Кармен, молодой женщиной, которая работает в его банке, в одиночку растит двоих детей и даже умудряется выкроить время для учёбы. Кармен — полная противоположность скрупулёзному Крису: она располагает к себе и ее совершенно не волнуют материальные блага. Она смотрит на жизнь по-другому и помогает Крису поквитаться с вероломными коллегами…
Rüdiger Siebert
Graf Lorenz 'Lenz' von Felsen-Hepp
Wendel's suspicions are confirmed. For as long as he can remember he has believed that he was switched at birth. In the shock of retirement, he decides to finally get to the bottom of the matter. A lock of hair from his deceased mother allows only one conclusion in the DNA test. Wendel is not Wendel. But then who is he? In search of his presumably aristocratic origins, he meets a countess who is as resolute as she is fascinating.
Josef Bernhuber - Chef der Bernhuber-Quelle
Lord Philip Woxter
Magnus Binder
Henry Morgenthau
2010 documentary film on the Armenian Genocide by the Young Turk government of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It is based on eyewitness reports by European and American personnel stationed in the Near East at the time, Armenian survivors and other contemporary witnesses which are recited by modern German actors.
Feldmarschall Fürst Radetzky
Отправляясь во дворец вместе с сестрой Хеленой, которую все прочили в супруги императору Австрии Францу Иосифу, юная принцесса Елизавета и представить не могла, что именно она покорит сердце правителя. Став императрицей, Сисcи (так ласково называли родственники Елизавету) было нелегко смириться с многочисленными ограничениями, сопровождавшими ее новый статус. Однако детская непосредственность и добросердечие очень быстро помогли Сисси завоевать любовь всего народа, но мало кто мог вообразить, сколь великая миссия уготована ей судьбой…
Rudi Müller
Karl Maillinger
In the Austrian first broadcast: For his life he said to others where to go. That shouldn't change on the 70th birthday. The screw manufacturer Karl Mailinger asked his four children. In his mountain hut in the Bavarian Alps, the eager Anna, eco-fan Tom, the coke addicted broker Vincent and the unsuccessful artist Miriam learn that her father wants to marry his maid. When Karl suffers a collapse, the conflicts in the family open. All suffer from the defiant patriarch ...
Albert Targensee
Spring 2008 in a suburb of Munich: Hannah Bergmann and her father Frank are kidnapped. The kidnappers do not just want money, they want to destroy an empire.
Bernhard Jeschke
A king has many beautiful daughters, but the most beautiful is the youngest, princess Sophie, who likes to go to a forest nearby her father’s castle and play with her favorite toy, a golden orb. One day the young princess loses her golden orb in the water and a frog offers to retrieve it for her, but in return she must make many promises to him.
Dr. Gregor Schwarz
Rolf Waldheim
Nick Winter
Toftlund-Holst, the tranquil place on the Baltic Sea, just before Christmas: everything could be so contemplative, but the mood in the Torkelsen house is cloudy. The lease of the restaurant "Four Mermaids" expires and the new owner Nick Winter does not want to extend it ...
Gabriel Fischer-Hellwarth
Josef Schröder
Wolferl, a 38-year-old bank employee, still lives together with his overprotecting mother Maria. While his father Josef, who secretly plans to end his hypocritical marriage, and his sister Nannerl think Wolferl should become independent, mummy's boy seems to enjoy this lifestyle. When he gets to know beautician Eva and falls in love with her, his jealous mother tries everything, including a faked suicide attempt, to keep her son...
Dr. Fehse
Professor Dr. Frederick Czerny
Georg Lünemann
Alberto Puccini
Charlie Bernbeck
A crime comedy directed by Urs Egger.
Sylvester Späth
Richard Jessen
Ludwig Gehlen
Great feelings about a selfless young doctor on the wrong path of passion: On the eve of the First World War, Ernst is betrayed and betrayed by the two women to whom he gives his heart. He serves in World War I, gets injured, gives himself up. His love for a Polish countess saves him. But the lover dies in childbirth and the supposedly common daughter is not his. His world finally collapses when even his beloved father robs him of the glory of a medical discovery. And yet he finds the strength to continue the fight for his happiness.
Carl Berger
A rebellious young woman is thrown out by her wealthy, but marbly parents and gets into a nightmare of poverty, prostitution and sickness.
Hofrat Lassnig-Schiele
Mario Bechstein
Dr. Josef Heiss
Gersteins Vater
Kurt Gerstein—a member of the Institute for Hygiene of the Waffen-SS—is horrified by what he sees in the death camps. he is then shocked to learn that the process he used to purify water for his troops by using Zyklon-B, is now used to kill people in gas chambers.
Prof. Julius Stern
Heinz Wucher
The popular TV star and director Peter Weck staged the turbulent comedy "Herzensfeinde" by Uli Brée, in which romance is not neglected either. Weck himself shines as a lovable and hypochondriac pedant; his vacation partner and "Herzensfeinde" is congenially embodied by Friedrich von Thun. The attractive ladies of the heart of the two vacationers are played by Susanne Uhlen and Michèle Marian.
Karl Weiss
Professor Riewa
Georg Altenburger
Half-Italian Gioia loves Max, but leaves her son's son to cheat her as a fiancé. When Mama invites the family to the Italian winery for Grandpa's 80th birthday, the feelings are on the table alongside pasta, pesto and vino, because Gioia happens to meet Max again ...
Albert Schweitzer
Очередная серия о приключениях молодого Индианы Джонса.
Herr Buchheim
Prof. Maximilian Weiß
Joe Felsner
Будущий великий пес-сыщик стал проявлять свои недюжинные таланты чуть не с самого рождения. Оказавшись в Вене у приютившего его десятилетнего Бенни, малыш Рекс вместе со своим юным хозяином выводит «на чистую воду» целую банду экологических террористов…
Rolf Moormann
Hella is around 30 and works in a pharmacy. She is waiting for the right man to step into her life, but as she has a certain affinity for losers, she is kind of disillusionized. When she gets to know Levin, a dentist student who likes cars most, her dreams seem to come true. Levin has a very rich grandfather who likes her at first glance. The old man thinks of changing his last will to the condition that Levin has to marry Hella in order to inherit his fortunes. Like in a fairy-tale the door to a new life opens for Hella, but can she take it?
Georg sr.
Prof. Will Thorwald
Richter Erwin Wentland
Patrick McLeish
Tom Cameron's death after an ailing illness decides his daughter and heir, college librarian Isobel, to leave job and home in search of peaceful Cornish country pleasure. Stumbling upon the house where the Camerons once enjoyed a family holiday, she settles their and concentrates on its marvelous garden and hothouse. She also strikes up friendship with some neighbors, in the case of the castle-inhabiting doctor-financier with an option for love, while scorning the champion shepherd she hires as gardening helper. She also invites the true youth lover she lost trough indecisiveness, but he turns up with a fiancée and a wedding invitation
Stefan Struck
Guy Fallon
Herbert Faltermeier
A comedy directed by Otto W. Retzer.
Rolf Czurda
Лента рассказывает реальную историю загадочного Оскара Шиндлера, члена нацистской партии, преуспевающего фабриканта, спасшего во время Второй мировой войны более тысячи ста евреев. Это триумф одного человека, не похожего на других, и драма тех, кто, благодаря ему, выжил в ужасный период человеческой истории.
Konrad Maienstedt
Klaus Weidenfeld
Enzo Bellocchi
Le duc Richard
The 35-year-old ministry official Baron Leisenbohg had the stage career ten years ago as the cast of the "Queen of the Night", opera that promoted singer Klare Hell. Klare shows no gratitude however.
Paul Luhn
A comedy directed by Vivian Naefe.
Film by Michael Verhoeven.
A short comedy directed by Rainer Kaufmann.
Dr. Hans Bergmann
Albrecht Maybach
The young toolmaker Gerd Asselt knows how to exploit his acquaintance with the influential Albrecht Maybach for a breathtaking career: With pumped money, he takes over companies in need of reorganization and quickly racks up an entire business empire. But pride comes before a fall...
Eugene Morrisson
Heinrich Merz
Dr. Helmut Rossdorf
Kriegsrat von Questenberg
Armando Bissanti
В 1950-е годы танцоры Амелия Бонетти и Пиппо Боттичелла выступали дуэтом, позаимствовав себе псевдонимы и творческую манеру у легендарных голливудских танцоров степа — Джинджер Роджерс и Фреда Астера. Прошло 30 лет. Бывшие партнеры потеряли друг друга — каждый выбрал свою жизнь, но такого успеха, который был в молодости, им так и не удалось испытать. И вот неожиданный шанс — Амелию и Пиппо приглашают принять участие в рождественском телешоу…
Leonidas Tachezy
In October 1936, a high official in the Austrian government receives a letter from a German Jewish woman with whom he had an affair in 1925 asking him to help place an 11-year-old, half Jewish boy in a good Austrian school. Is the child his? Should he help? And above all should he help now, at a time when Nazis are becoming powerful in Austria?
Franz Ferdinand
Zoltan Pronay
Insurance Director
A middle-aged professor's young bride and his assistant plan to commit a double murder disguised as a "Crime Passionel", but discover too late that one of their intended victims has become a fellow conspirator.
Anton Dorwald
Franz Stephan
Ernst Auer
Herr Bergmann
A rock band moves into a farmhouse in a little village. They are eyed suspiciously by the citizens of the village.
Edgar Burgman, after collaborating to assassinate the elder senator husband of Alice Young, the wife remarried. The woman, after a short period, doubts of love Edgar and convinces more and more that, having married out of interest, now wants to eliminate the possession of his great assets.
Baron Fritz von Dalheim
Изобретатель сэр Клод Эмери хочет дать вору формулы его последнего изобретения шанс отдать только в темноте. Он собирает всех в доме в библиотеке и отключает свет на короткое время. Когда свет включается, Эмери мертв. Случай с бельгийским мастером-детективом Эркюлем Пуаро.
Pfarrer Hell
Captain Williams
A group of teenage girls at camp discuss their various sexual escapades while they read a new journal about sex has been published to help teenagers understand the consequences of sex.
After the big success of the first part the film-makers apparently felt pressured to launch a new "investigation" and gather new material. Therefore, Friedrich von Thun again ventures out into the streets, this time of Berlin, to ask schoolgirls about their sexual experiences. The invinted guests talk about (allegedly) true events. Schoolgirls that seduce their teachers, runaway girls that have been robbed and who have to prostitute themselves or innocent girls that have been drugged and raped...
Sergeant Tony Meserve
A four man US fireteam on patrol seizes a passing young Vietnamnese girl and continue to torture, rape and kill her. Only one soldier refuses to take part in it and reports this incident to his superior, who dismisses it as simple wartime incident. As a consequence for his report, the soldier has to fear for his life. Later, the perpetrators are convicted, although subsequent appeals reduce their sentences significantly. The plot takes place in a Bavarian forest and reenacts a real war crime that happened in the Vietnam war. The soldiers wear US uniforms, have authentic names but speak with a pronounced Bavarian accent - a conscious directing decision known as Brechtian distancing effect.
Philip Scott, the boss of a toy company, is secretly also the chief of a British spy organization. Scott's cover is destroyed when enemy agents kidnap his girlfriend to force him to reveal the identities of his fellow spies.
Franz Reiser
Martin Lechner
Franz Reiser
Franz Reiser
The 13-year-old Ludwig is to have for every joke. At boarding school he cuts his stern teacher, Captain a. D. Semmelmaier, during the nap from the beard. The angry pedagogue then sends the spoiled flail back to his beloved Bavarian village. The long-suffering mother persuades the rector to resume her reforming boy at the Latin school. Everything seems to be working out for the better, but the upcoming marriage of his sister Ännchen with the Berlin beer brewer Karl Schultheiss presents Ludwig with new challenges.
Vetter Franz
An episodic film, telling four erotic tales: Angela isn't sexually satisfied by her husband, so she simulates sleep-walking to visit her neighbor across the street every night; when his bathtub runs over, shy Peter gets to meet his sensuous neighbor Lolita; at a high-school reunion his former students pull a prank on Prof. Hellberg and make him believe he cheated on his wife while being drunk; Sybill has a good time during a break at the opera with the famous conductor Cramer.
junger Graf
Franz Reiser