Margherita Buy

Margherita Buy

Рождение : 1962-01-15, Rome, Italy


Margherita Buy (born 15 January 1962) is an Italian actress. She is a seven-time David di Donatello Awards winner and seven-time Nastro d'argento winner. After a long period of studying at the Academy of Dramatic Arts, she made her breakthrough role in Duccio Tessari's Una grande storia d'amore (1986), which was followed by roles in Daniele Luchetti's two projects It's Happening Tomorrow (1988) and The Week of the Sphinx (1990). For the last one, she won the best performance by an actress in a leading role award at the San Sebastian International Film Festival. Now Margherita Buy is one of the most appreciated actresses of European cinema: Ferzan Özpetek's The Ignorant Fairies, in which she portrayed a widow who discovered her husband had been having an affair with a man for the last seven years won her a Silver Ribbon as best lead.


Margherita Buy


Romeo è Giulietta
Il sol dell'avvenire
The First Day of my Life
In the exact moment they’re hitting rock bottom, a man, two women and a boy meet a mysterious man capable of gifting them a week of time where they’ll discover how the world would be without them. Will they find the strength to start over and fall in love with life again?
Tell It Like a Woman
Tell It Like A Woman comprises of seven segments that are directed by female directors from different parts of the world and shot in Italy, India, Japan, and the U.S. Each segment is an inspirational and empowering story about women, by women, for everyone.
Esterno Notte (part II)
Eleonora Moro
The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists
Esterno Notte
Eleonora Moro
The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists
7 женщин и одна тайна
Семь женщин собираются, чтобы отпраздновать Рождество, но обнаруживают, что хозяин дома убит, и это сделала одна из них.
Noi siamo cinema
An Italian documentary about Italian cinema.
Три семьи
История трех семей, живущих в одном буржуазном кондоминиуме.
Вечная тишина
Вилла Примик, когда-то роскошный особняк, теперь скрипучий особняк, похожий на сказку о привидениях, выставлен на продажу. Болезненное решение, принятое миссис Примик, Роуз, и разделяемое двумя наследниками разрушенного состояния семьи, Максимилианом и Адель. Единственный, кто совсем не доволен, - это глава семьи Валерио, который обнаружит, что он никогда не знал своих близких и, возможно, даже себя, пока не достигнет горького осознания того, что жить не значит быть живым.
Tutti per 1 - 1 per tutti
Queen Anne of Austria
Now without Aramis, the Musketeers embark on a new mission.
Мушкетеры. Неизвестная миссия
Queen Anne of Austria
Окончив службу, 4 мушкетёра пытаются вести унылую мирную жизнь. Д’Артаньян работает мясником и лечит колено. Атос поглощен новыми романами и лечит плечо. Арамис стал аббатом в монастыре. Портос, похудевший и несчастный, стал заложником Бахуса. Но когда королева Анна Австрийская поручает им новую миссию, мушкетёры вновь берутся за оружие. Один за всех, и все за одного!
Just Believe
Adriana Alberti
The owner of a dilapidated B&B has an idea: in order to dodge bankruptcy, he has to turn his business into a place of worship—a tax-free activity, where he'll host pilgrims in exchange for a generous donation. He joins forces with an unscrupulous accountant and a failed novelist to come up with his new religion.
Маленькие семейные преступления
Moglie di Elia
В результате бытового несчастного случая Элиа, автор популярных детективов, теряет память. Его жена в ходе длинного диалога-конфронтации пытается помочь ему восстановить по кусочкам их жизнь и дать ему, возможно, шанс стать другим человеком.
How to Grow Up Despite Your Parents
Dir. Silvia Rufini
More and more parents take competitive behavior towards the teachers of their children: deny votes and programs, vaneggiano of likes, dislikes, and conspiracies. So, instead of helping in the training of their children, they become insurmountable obstacles to their growth. Presumptuously they think: "We know better than anyone else our children and we know what they are worth and how and what you have to teach."
La vita possibile
Questi giorni
Four girls unknowingly experience the happiest days of their lives during an uneventful best-friend trip to Belgrade.
Two Stepmoms
What would happen if two sworn enemies, two opposed women in temperament and lifestyle find out to share the most incredible legacy: the child of their ex-husband?
Two Stepmoms
What would happen if two sworn enemies, two opposed women in temperament and lifestyle find out to share the most incredible legacy: the child of their ex-husband?
Burning Love
Madre Leonardo Film
July 2006. Leonardo Zuliani has vanished. The news from Trastevere in Rome turns into a real national emergency, while a huge throng of followers gathers around the young activist’s house. His mother is beside herself with grief and the entire neighbourhood is paralysed. He’s on every TV channel and the authorities all express their solidarity with the family. Many can’t believe it’s true; they prefer to think it’s just one of his stunts. A genius in conveying his ideas, successful cartoonist, visionary fashion designer, cult author, human rights activist: but who is Leonardo deep down? With the help of leading experts and celebrities, the film traces his life, at last casting light on a key figure of our times
Me, Myself and Her
Federica Salvini
Two women -- a restaurateur and an architect -- have a seemingly idyllic romantic relationship, until the latter encounters a man she had a fling with.
Моя мама
Маргарита снимает новый фильм, возлагая большие надежды на приглашенного голливудского актера, однако на поверку тот оказывается чудаковатым щеглом, который не может запомнить ни строчки сценария, зато веселит всю съемочную группу. Кажется, все летит в тар-тарары: Маргарита уходит от партнера, с дочерью не ладится, и даже образцово-показательный брак испытывает кризис. В этой суматохе из жизни тихо уходит мама Маргариты, мудрая остроумная преподавательница латыни. С удивлением Маргарита обнаруживает, что жизнь ее мамы была полна вещей, о которых дочь и не подозревала…
People Who Are Well
Mi rifaccio vivo
Virginia Di Valerio
After spending most of his life being defeated by his rival Ottone, meek Biagio tries to commit suicide – but in the hereafter he's offered a chance to come back to life for a week as Dennis, Ottone's trusted business partner.
Я путешествую одна
Ирен, инспектор ассоциации LHW в Риме, пытается сохранить равновесие между своей работой — инспектированием самых роскошных отелей по всему миру и «реальной» жизнью с ее рутиной и запутанными отношениями.
Discovery at Dawn
Caterina Astengo
Thirty years after the disappearance of her father, a woman discovers she can make phone calls to her past self.
Красное и синее
Preside Giuliana
Чакка – ученик, который всё время шутит и ставит уроки под угрозу срыва. Адам – отличник, задумчивый выходец из семьи румынских эмигрантов, влюбленный в итальянскую соученицу. Анджела – заводила, девочка из неблагополучной семьи, неожиданно влюбляющаяся в молодого учителя... Это он, тот самый учитель на замену, новый преподаватель словесности в старших классах средней школы, старается запомнить имена юных лоботрясов, царапающих непристойности на партах. Наставники и ученики проведут вместе один учебный год, к окончанию которого никто не останется таким, как прежде..
6 sull'autobus
An old bus drives through the streets of Rome. It's a long day. The bus fills up with people and stories. Then empties out. People get on. And get off. Faces, eyes. Expectations. A few encounters. Incidents. Slips. Ambiguities. Thefts. Rows. Confiding exchanges. Confessions. Projects. Plans. Lies. Slaps. Even one hijacking. A well-defined route can become a journey. Each encounter can become a future opportunity or can lay a former wound to rest. Every stop may produce the person who will change your life trajectory. Or not, and the bus carries on. At the next turn, someone else will get on and a fragment of his life will for a moment touch yours.
Присутствие великолепия
Lea Mami
Пьетро одержим идеей стать актером и ради осуществления своей мечты переезжает в Рим. В его жизни появляются новые люди. Вскоре в доме начинают происходить странные вещи: мебель и другие предметы двигаются сами по себе. Жизнь Пьетро превращается в настоящий спектакль. Будучи уверенным, что в квартире поселились призраки, герой с головой погружается в самое необычное приключение в своей жизни.
Love is in the Air
Couple Andrea and Giulia, an outwardly successful couple, are having problems in the bedroom. When Giulia invites Max, an old friend from high school, to stay in the family home with their teenage son, some new attitudes begin to form.
Monicelli: La versione di Mario
The life and work of master Italian filmmaker Mario Monicelli (1915-2010).
У нас есть Папа!
Moglie di Brezzi
После смерти Папы конклав выбирает нового Понтифика. Жребий падает на кардинала Мельвиля. Но что делать, если новонареченный глава Римской-католической церкви отказывается выйти на балкон Св. Петра, бьется в истерике и кричит, что не может выдержать непосильной ноши? Отправить на сеанс к лучшему психотерапевту Рима? Устроить волейбольный турнир среди кардиналов, чтобы подбодрить его Cвятейшество? В Ватикане царит строжайшая конспирация: католический мир не должен узнать, что у Богом избранного Папы не хватило духу принять этот высочайший пост. Миллионы паломников на площади ожидают явления нового избранника…. который в это время умудряется сбежать из Дворца.
Свадьбы и другие катастрофы
В этой блестящей романтической комедии незамужняя женщина средних лет занимается подготовкой свадьбы своей сестры. Джованне уже за сорок, и в жизни у неё лишь один или два раза были серьёзные отношения с мужчиной; она считает Алессандро, жениха сестры, наглым и претенциозным, но по ходу подготовки свадьбы с удивлением замечает, что её всё больше тянет к нему, а его – к ней. В лучших традициях жанра автор сценария и режиссёр Нина ди Майо ставит своих героев в двусмысленное положение и открывает нам удивительные семейные тайны. Рассказывая о том, как притягиваются противоположности, режиссер для раскрытия характеров героев пользуется широкой палитрой – от любовной лирики до современного рока...
Счастливая семья
Переживающий творческий кризис драматург Эцио существует в окружении своих персонажей и пытается довести свое произведение до финала…
Genitori & figli:) - Agitare bene prima dell'uso
L'uomo nero
Gabriele returns home in southern Italy to bid farewell to his father Ernesto, a former stationmaster in a small town not far from Bari. The old man reawakens in Gabriele memories of his childhood, of his loving mother, his uncle, his friends... but also of his father's rage and bitterness over his failure in achieving his artistic ambitions: Ernesto was convinced he was destined to be a famous painter, and was willing to sacrifice everything for this belief, even his own dignity – and this made his son swear that he wouldn't turn out like him. Only now, many years later, through chance and circumstances, Gabriele begins to understand Ernesto and to see what sort of person his father really was.
Волшебная история Пиноккио
Волшебная сказка Карло Коллоди, знакомая с детства, снова возвращается на экран. Заботливо вырезанный мастером Джапетто из полена, деревянный мальчик Пиноккио оживает… и начинается захватывающая история! Злодеи, воры, феи, говорящий сверчок — чего только не будет в этой сказке! А непоседливый Пиноккио все-таки станет послужным и правдивым мальчиком — но только после невероятных приключений!
The White Space
An unexpected pregnancy and premature birth become a burden that Maria is unprepared for. Lacking control over events for the first time in her life, she retreats into an emotional space where she is alone, until the day arrives when she must learn to live again for the sake of her vulnerable child.
The Ladies Get Their Say
Every Thursday a group of ladies would gather to play cards and discuss their loves, lives and children while their daughters played in the next room. Thirty years later, the daughters meet at a funeral for one of the mothers. Like their mothers, they discuss their hopes, dreams and fears.
Days and Clouds
Set in Genoa, the film concerns the financial struggles and emotional strain that occur after Michele loses his job. He and his wife Elsa are forced to give up their affluent lifestyle and cope with the tensions of moving into a smaller home, finding new work, and making sacrifices.
Сатурн в противофазе
Гей-пара Давид и Лоренцо живут вместе и неплохо ладят. Вторая примечательная семья — Анжелика и Антонио, у них дочь и сын. Третья пара — Неваль и Роберто. Семьи и их друзья собираются вместе, обедают, обсуждают свои отношения. Но жизнь есть жизнь и всякое может случиться…
Avvocatessa di Irena
В небольшой северный итальянский городок приезжает женщина. Она украинка, когда-то давно эмигрировавшая в Италию. Ее зовут Ирена, но зачем она приехала — кто она такая на самом деле? Причудливо смешиваются прошлое и настоящее — на наших глазах части мозаики складываются в картину. Она — иммигрантка из Восточной Европы, оказавшаяся жертвой современных работорговцев. Ей никогда не забыть унижений, которым ее подвергали. Но, несмотря на все жестокие испытания судьбы, Ирена не может забыть главную трагедию своей жизни — потерянную любовь. И сейчас, вопреки обстоятельствам, у нее все еще остались силы для любви и желание изменить судьбу.
The Caiman
Paola Bonomo
A skewering of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
The Days of Abandonment
Olga's life is shattered when her husband leaves her. This makes her fall into a period of self-degradation and self-destructive behaviors.
Учебник любви
Мужчина и женщина. Влюбленность, кризис, предательство, расставание… Как пережить эти тяжелые минуты? Как вынести эту сердечную рану? Оказывается, растерзанные страстным чувством жертвы Амура могут найти много добрых советов в аудио-книге под названием «Учебник любви». Четыре романтические и в то же время смешные истории из жизни четырех влюбленных пар.
Комиссар Мегрэ: Игры с тенью
В Париже, в старинном здании на знаменитой площади Вогезов, произошло убийство. Успешный известный бизнесмен найден мертвым в офисе своей компании. Полиция в растерянности - ни улик, ни свидетелей, а многочисленные допросы не дают результатов. Комиссар Мегрэ снова берется за дело, чтобы распутать сложный клубок загадок и интриг.
Комиссар Мегрэ: Ловушка
Louise Maigret
За короткий промежуток времени в Париже убито пять женщин, и блестящему детективу комиссару Мегрэ предстоит совершить невозможное - вычислить и поймать убийцу, с которым не смогли справиться лучшие полицейские города.
L'amore ritorna
Luca is a famous actor working on his new film as both its star and director. One day he gets extremely sick and, while at the hospital, rethinks his life.
The Vanity Serum
Lucia Allasco
The vips of italian television disappear in a mysterious way. Two detectives, Lucia and Franco, try to investigate in this mystery, drowning into a strange world, where the leader is the powerful star Sonia Norton.
Caterina in the Big City
Agata Iacovoni
When her social-climbing father is relocated from small-town North to his native Rome, 12-year-old Caterina enrolls to his old school, finding herself in an completely different environment where students rigidly divide themselves in subcultures based on social class and their parents' political affiliation.
Margherita, ritratto confidenziale
Ma che colpa abbiamo noi
Seven people in a therapy group are forced to find new ways of coping with their problems when their therapist dies in the middle of a session.
Elisa Quaratesi
The Best Day of My Life
Sara Mazzoni
The lively goings-on of a modern family seen trough the eyes of a young girl just about to receive her first Communion.
His Secret Life
When Antonia's husband Massimo is killed in a car accident, she accidentally discovers that he has been having a same-sex affair with a produce wholesaler named Michele.
The Shadow of the Giant
Capt. Eugenio arrives in a remote castle to take charge of a unit guarding a nameless prisoner. No one knows much about the inmate as he is held in a forlorn tower. When the captain's wife Adele tries to shake her melancholia by playing the piano, she finds -- much to her surprise -- that she's being accompanied by violin music coming from the prison cell.
Tutto l'amore che c'è
The story takes place in an unspecified town in Apulia. We are in the '70s. The arrival of three beautiful and uninhibited girls from the North, the daughters of an engineer who has moved to run a factory, brings the turmoil amongst the young people of the town. Stories of love, betrayals, state money (stolen) and broken promises intertwine. All through the eyes of Carlo (alter ego of the director Sergio Rubini), the youngest.
Sweet Idleness
Countess Gabriella Nencini
This movie depicts the two years that young Stendhal spent in Italy. Stendhal, that time still known simply as Henri Beyle, is living the life of a wanderer, looking for a direction in his life, meeting famous Rossini and falling in love with young widow Giuseppina. A story of love, betrayal and an analysis of women and men's minds and souls.
Not of this World
Suor Caterina
The rumpled owner of a dry-cleaning firm joins forces with a nun to care for an abandoned baby.
An Eyewitness Account
Franca Nava
Love, Money and Philosophy
Stefano, a philosophy grad student without a future, tries to commit suicide after his girlfriend leaves him. He is saved by Giulio, a wisecracking plumber who takes him home and teaches him the tricks of the trade. When Lucia, a woman disappointed in both men and conventional jobs who has started to work as a prostitute, calls them to repair a sink, for Stefano it's love at first sight.
Follow Your Heart
Olga da giovane
The complicated travails of several generations of Italian women provide the basis for this drama that is based on a novel by Susanna Tamaro. It begins with the peaceful death of Olga, the elderly family matriarch. Marta, her granddaughter returns from the US to attend the funeral and once in Olga's villa in Trieste, begins reading her grandmother's diary. Olga's story unfolds via flashback. As a young woman, Oldga had to marry Antonio a man she didn't love. Later she became passionately involved with a handsome doctor at the local spa. He impregnates her and shortly thereafter dies in a terrible car wreck. The result of their love is Illaria, who grows up to be terribly neurotic. She bears Marta and then she too dies in an automobile accident, leaving Marta to be raised by Olga.
Bits & Pieces
Dive into the Eternal City – see Rome like you’ve never seen it before. Storefront robberies, bizarre murders, career dreamers, and cameos from Italy's foremost directors and actors feature in this star-studded omnibus tale about life and love.
Устроим рай
Claudia Bertelli
Рассказ о жизни Клаудии Бертелли со дня ее рождения в 1946 году в миланской зажиточной семье до ее смерти в 1995 году. Она - идеалистическая натура, далекая от условностей, постоянно находится в поисках счастья, стараясь создать определенного рода утопию. Ее радикальный и неконформистский выбор является результатом ощущения необходимости освобождения от того, что она считает узким, лицемерным набором ценностей.
Le fils préféré
Anna Maria
Jean-Paul Mantegna, the son of Italian immigrants now living in Nice, is a hunted man, riddled with debt and involved in borderline illegal companies. To extricate himself, he has to rely on Philippe and François, his two brothers, and on Raphaël, his father; a family torn by disputes and tragic events. However, by rebuilding family unity, Jean-Paul also discovers the secret of his own destiny...
Prestazione straordinaria
Clara Guerri
A white-collar worker finds himself in the crosshairs of his attractive female boss.
Condannato a nozze
A neurotic lawyer is split between the desire to stay faithful to his fiancée and the one to cheat on her. Things take a turn for the literal when one night he splits into two different versions of himself, a soon-to-be-married one and a confirmed bachelor one.
Arriva la bufera
Eugenia Fontana
Depressed magistrate Damiano Fortezza relocates from Milan to a small town in Campania, where the three Fontana sisters, owners of a chain of incinerators, dominate. The youngest, Eugenia, is about to marry a well-known crook Fortezza has to prosecute. However, he ends up falling in love with Eugenia and questioning the priorities of his job.
Cominciò tutto per caso
A middle class couple crisis. A love story between a young blue collar guy an a Philippine girl. The lives of four people get closer in nowadays Rome.
Maledetto il giorno che t'ho incontrato
Bernardo is dumped by his girlfriend, his career as a rock music critic is beginning to decline and stars to see a psychologist but in the meantime he meets the problematic and shy Camilla, who disrupts his life.
Ask for the Moon
Elena Bacchelli
No-nonsense workaholic Marco runs the family business along with his older brother. When the latter suddenly disappears, Marco has to put aside his job and family to search for him together with Elena, his brother's girlfriend.
La settimana della sfinge
Crossword-solving waitress Gloria falls for a womanizing TV repairman.
The Station
A good-natured, albeit a bit pedantic stationmaster works at a railway station in the middle of nowhere. One night, a beautiful high-society woman enters the station to buy a ticket. Waiting for her train, the two talk and eventually grow close. However, the mood quickly changes when the woman's fiancée arrives and tries to prevent her from leaving with increasingly violent means.
Stray Days
Italian comedy produced by Cannon featuring songs by Enrico Ruggeri.
It's Happening Tomorrow
1848, Tuscan countryside. Edo and Lupo are two peasants running away after having robbed their boss. Chased by mercenaries, they'll meet bandits, damsels in distress, eccentric nobles, and revolutionaries along the way.
Dieci minuti