Vincent Paterson
Рождение : 1950-05-04,
Vincent Paterson is an American director, dancer, and choreographer with an extensive career. He is perhaps best known for his choreography work in music videos for Michael Jackson and Madonna.
Himself - Choreographer & Dancer
A biopic drama-documentary about the 'King of Pop', that mixes real footage and new interviews with people around him (most notably his mother Katherine Jackson) with re-enactments of times of Michael's life until his untimely death on the 25th of June in 2009.
Massenet's opera centres on its charming but contrary heroine, the vivacious young Manon who longs for luxury and excitement. We first encounter her en route to a convent, where her family are sending her to be educated. Along the way, she falls in love with the young student Des Grieux, and, impetuously, runs off with him. She soon leaves him, however, to become the mistress of a rich nobleman. Thus begins her descent into criminality and depravity, all too soon dragging the besotted Des Grieux with her, until she is imprisoned. Despite its tragic story, the opera is full of French charm and vitality – typified by the ambiguous Manon herself. Her plight is touching because of the subtle play of innocence and calculation in her character. The score contains many sparkling arias and ensembles, moving rapidly from moods of exuberance to tenderness, with perfect dramatic timing. Recorded live at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Berlin, April/May 2007.
Since her thrilling, 1995 debut at the San Francisco Opera, soprano Anna Netrebko has starred with opera companies and orchestras worldwide. This video gathers some of her best moments in excerpts from Giacomo Puccini's "La Boheme"; Charles Francois Gounod's "Faust"; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Don Giovanni"; Vincenzo Bellini's "La Sonnambula"; and Antonin Dvorak's "Rusalka." Also included are interviews with Netrebko and her colleagues.
THRENODY is a look, through dance, at the resilience and triumph of the human spirit. In the wake of the 9/11 experience, this film has been interpreted in two ways. One is the confusion of individuals post tragedy, the sense of isolation, the search for answers by binding with survivors and the moving on through group bonding and understanding. The second interpretation sees the figures in the film as souls after a tragedy. Confusion leads to questioning, eventual comprehension, and the evolution of traveling together into the light of peace.
During World War II in the South Pacific love is found between a young nurse, Nellie Forbush and an older French plantation owner, Emile de Becque. The war is tearing them apart.
Знаете ли Вы, что такое камера обскура? Это пропасть, обрывающая мир солнечного света и теней и ввергающая в царство мрачной, черной пустоты. Отчаяние, страх, недоумение и… надежда, ведь надежда, как известно, всегда умирает последней. Или вовсе не умирает… И музыка, звучащая отовсюду.
Знаете ли Вы, что такое камера обскура? Это пропасть, обрывающая мир солнечного света и теней и ввергающая в царство мрачной, черной пустоты. Отчаяние, страх, недоумение и… надежда, ведь надежда, как известно, всегда умирает последней. Или вовсе не умирает… И музыка, звучащая отовсюду.
A behind-the-scenes look at how Vincent Paterson creates his dance sequences.
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of "Dancer in the Dark" by Lars von Trier.
Nearly 2 hours of the short films that made HIStory... Including never before released short films.
Фильм поставлен по музыкальной пьесе «Эвита» на слова Тима Райса и музыку Эндрю Ллойда Уэббера, поставленной на Бродвее Робертом Стигвудом вместе с Дэвидом Лэндом. Райсу и Уэбберу не удалось достичь вершин их самой популярной рок-оперы «Иисус Христос Суперзвезда», но тем не менее любители музыки и поклонники таланта режиссера Элана Паркер смогут получить удовольствие от истории о бедной девушки Эве Дуарте, ставшей женой президента Аргентины Хуана Перона.
A nosy reporter wants to find out all she can about Dr. Seuss, aka Ted Geisel, and gets told the real facts by several of his characters, with large snippets of his stories and songs interspersed.
A special commemorating the 10th anniversary of MTV. Included are performances created for this special by contemporary music artists who have been associated with MTV throughout the years as well as celebrity interviews, animation and a look at MTV around the world.
Американский профессиональный карточный игрок Джек Уэйл решает посетить столицу Кубы Гавану, для того, чтобы играть там на деньги. Но на пути к Гаване ему суждено встретить загадочную женщину, которая перевернет его жизнь, заставит забыть правила и вступить в игру, на кону которой будет человеческая жизнь…
Set in the mythical world of Rhymeland, Gordon Goose returns home to discover that his mom has mysteriously vanished. Now the characters of Rhymeland are in danger of disappearing unless Mother Goose returns.
На одном из Карибских островов темнокожий полицейский ведет расследование убийства, которое пытается скрыть группа людей из высшего общества. Несмотря на предупреждения влиятельных высокопоставленных личностей, главный герой старается узнать правду…
Смесь видеозаписей живых концертов Майкла Джексона и ряда художественных сцен с ним, как главным героем. Сюда вошли некоторые из лучших видеоклипов Майкла, отснятых во время мирового турне с альбомом «Bad», а также видео «Smooth Criminal» с сюжетной линией в стиле «фэнтэзи». Вся история рассказана посредством музыки\танца и полна спецэффектов.
Zombie (uncredited)
A night at the movies turns into a nightmare when Michael and his date are attacked by a horde of bloody-thirsty zombies.