Self (archive footage)
An exploration of the life and work of the legendary neurologist and storyteller, as he shares intimate details of his battles with drug addiction, homophobia, and a medical establishment that accepted his work only decades after the fact. Sacks was a fearless explorer of unknown mental worlds who helped redefine our understanding of the brain and mind, the diversity of human experience, and our shared humanity.
Фильм исследует влияние музыки на сознание людей и ее способность пробуждать воспоминания. Режиссер наблюдает за рядовым сотрудником дома престарелых Дэном Коэном. Однажды Дэн решает провести эксперимент и приносит в больницу айпод с музыкой разных эпох. К общему удивлению, многие пациенты, страдающие болезнью Альцгеймера и другими расстройствами памяти, начали вспоминать забытые события своей жизни, слушая музыку из прошлого. Позже исследованием открытия Дэна занялись нейробиолог
Award-winning musician Björk and legendary broadcaster and naturalist Sir David Attenborough have admired each other's work for years but this is the first time they have discussed their mutual love of music and the natural world on screen. In this remarkable documentary, Björk explores our unique relationship with music and discovers how technology might transform the way we engage with it in the future.
Himself - Professor of Neurology and Author
D Carleton Gajdusek won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of Prions - the particles that would emerge as the cause of Mad Cow disease - while working with a cannibal tribe on New Guinea. He was a star of the scientific world. Over his years working amongst the tribes of the South Seas, he adopted 57 kids, bringing them to a new life in Washington DC. His adoptions were hailed as wonderful fatherly beneficence. But, at the height of his career, rumours began to spread he was a paedophile. Gajdusek would argue that if sex with children was okay in their own cultures, he wasn't wrong to join in. How could a great mind like Gajdusek's lose insight so totally, and why would the scientific community to which he was a hero be so quick to leap to his defence and dismiss the allegations? (Storyville)
Alan Yentob talks to Dr. Oliver Sacks about his latest book 'Musicophila: Tales of Music and the Brain' which deals with the power of music and how it helps those with extreme neurological conditions, and meets some extraordinary people overcame their conditions with music.
Nineteen people with differing degrees of visual impairment – from mild nearsightedness to total blindness – discuss how they see themselves, how they see others and how they perceive the world. Unusual images, of burning trees or empty deserts, link the interviews, which vary from deep to funny to poetic.
Картина снята на основе реальных событий, описанных известным американским писателем Оливером Саксом. Увидеть мир, который не мог видеть раньше, — это как родиться во второй раз. Еще ребенком Вирджил ослеп и потом вынужден был жить в мире, в котором… который он даже не знал как выглядит. Что такое цвет, пейзаж, как выглядит любимая девушка? И тут случилось чудо: хирург делает невозможное и возвращает Вирджилу, уже молодому человеку, зрение! Вот бинты после операции сняты и ему предстоит увидеть мир СВОИМИ глазами.
One of the most interesting shows ever aired on public television was Wim Kayzer's interviews with six leading intellectuals who represented both the mainstream academic (Stephen J. Gould, Freeman Dyson and Stephen Toulmin) and more or less, as it were, "eccentric" outside the box groundbreaking intellectuals (Oliver Sacks and Rupert Sheldrake). Kayzer interviews each of them (and philosopher Daniel Dennett) individually and then has the entire group sit in a kind of round-table seminar that he moderates and lets the ideas fly.
Доктор Малколм Сэйер, застенчивый врач и ученый, использует экспериментальные препараты, чтобы «пробуждать» обездвиженные жертвы редкого заболевания. Леонард был первым пациентом, получившим это неопробованное лечение. Его пробуждение, наполненное благоговением, страхом и энтузиазмом, приводят как бы ко второму рождению и самого Сэйера по мере того, как пациент открывает для себя и доктора простые радости жизни. Воодушевленный чудесным выздоровлением Леонарда, Сэйер дает лекарство другим больным.
Oliver Sacks
John's Not Mad is a QED documentary made by the BBC in 1989. It was ranked, in a British public poll, as one of the 50 Greatest Documentaries. The film shadows John Davidson, a 15-year-old from Galashiels in Scotland, who had severe Tourette syndrome. John's life was explored in terms of his family and the close-knit community around him, and how they all coped with a misunderstood condition.
Opera singer and professor Dr P is examined both in a clinic and in his home, as he suffers from a degeneration of the occipital lobe that allows him to see details but not wholes.
Opera singer and professor Dr P is examined both in a clinic and in his home, as he suffers from a degeneration of the occipital lobe that allows him to see details but not wholes.