Short documentary about making of "Picnic at Hanging Rock" (1975) including interviews with actors, crew and Peter Weir himself.
A Feature Length Documentary On The Making Of The Film Featuring Exclusive Interviews With Peter Weir, Hal & Jim Mcelroy, Patricia Lovell and much more
An adolescent girl's journey of self-discovery set in the garish twilight world of Sydney's late night shopping malls and rooftops.
Barbara and Steward are happily married and have three kids. But one day Barbara decides that her children are old enough now and she can quit as housewife and start to study. Against the will of her husband she employs babysitter Eric while she attends university. Steward reacts increasingly nervous about the presence of another man in his family and brings their marriage into a crisis.
1915 год. Два романтически настроенных молодых человека вступают в ряды австралийских вооруженных сил. После ускоренной подготовки в «учебке», затерянной в песках близ древнеегипетских пирамид, приятелей отправляют в полк, который ведет боевые действия против турецкой армии.
Друзья еще не знают, что им предстоит принять участие в битве при Галлиполи — одном из самых кровавых сражений первой мировой войны…
When teacher Simon arrives in a small, secluded village to take over the local school, he is surprised to discover that his predecessor has disappeared without a trace - and that nobody seems too concerned about it. As Simon probes deeper into the disappearance, the inhabitants of a forbidding estate called "Summerfield" take on more and more significance - until events reach a tragic, shattering and unforeseen climax.
Executive Producer
В 1900 году, в День Святого Валентина, группа австралийских школьниц во главе с учительницей отправляются на пикник в район Висячей скалы, местной достопримечательности, и бесследно исчезают…
A documentary about the disappearance of school girls on St. Valentine's Day, 1900 at Australia's Hanging Rock.
A documentary about the disappearance of school girls on St. Valentine's Day, 1900 at Australia's Hanging Rock.
A documentary about the disappearance of school girls on St. Valentine's Day, 1900 at Australia's Hanging Rock.