Robert Thorne


Robert Thorne works as a producer for film and television projects.


Мгновения Нью-Йорка
Один день из жизни 17-летних сестер-близняшек Джейн и Рокси Райан. Путешествие от Лонг-Айленда до Нью-Йорк Сити оказывается полным не только забавных приключений, но и досадных неожиданностей…
The Challenge
Executive Producer
Estranged twins Lizzie and Shane are chosen for a Survivor-like popular game show with college scholarships as the prize.
When in Rome
Executive Producer
Teenage sisters Charli and Lola are on the verge of an experience beyond their wildest dreams! Pack your bags and jet off to Rome as the girls start their summer internship working for the legendary Derek Hanson - the totally cool international tycoon whose empire reaches from airlines to cutting-edge fashion. Amid the fabulous sights of this exciting city, the girls do their best to impress their boss, while still finding time to design their own line of very hip clothing, meet some very cute guys and turn their summer abroad into one awesome adventure they - and you - will never forget!
Getting There
Executive Producer
Taylor and Kylie Hunter are sweet sixteen and licensed to drive. Grab a seat in their classic Mustang convertible as they set out on their very first road trip, to the Winter Games in Utah. Cute outfits, even cuter guys. And all kinds of friends along the way. But watch for Olympic-size detours. Will they ever make it to the velvet-smooth ski slopes and posh Stein Ericksen Lodge at Deer Valley and the big-air snowboarding at Park City? Will they be on time for the Winter Games? See for yourself why half the fun is getting there.
Солнечные каникулы
Executive Producer
Сестры-близнецы отправились на каникулы. Пышная тропическая природа, водные забавы и масса других развлечений — это совсем не плохо! Симпатичные парни добавили остроты впечатлений! А уж с соперницами они всегда расправлялись легко! Вдобавок ко всему их ожидало настоящее приключение! Будет чем удивить друзей.
Winning London
Executive Producer
When Chloe and Riley Lawrence are invited to London to participate in the international Model U.N. competition, they enjoy seeing the sights and head over heals romance with cute british boys of course.