Daniel Drewes

Daniel Drewes

Рождение : 1972-01-01, Bottrop, Germany


Daniel Drewes


До конца ночи
Полицейскому Роберту поручили опасное дело под прикрытием. Вместе с Лени герою предстоит изображать пару и тем самым привлечь внимание лидера наркокартеля Виктора. Если миссия провалится, дуэт либо погибнет от рук преступника, либо отправится в тюрьму.
Mr. Mills
Фрэнк Фаррелли устраивается на работу посредником в американский городок Кармак — сообщество находится в такой глубокой депрессии, что им нужен посредник, чтобы профессионально сообщать очередные плохие новости.
Biopic about Alice Schwarzer.
Future Is a Lonely Place
Frank, a man without a criminal record, attacks a money transporter and then turns himself in to the police. His behavior is a mystery. In prison he meets the unscrupulous and suspicious Arab Fuad, who is protected by his clan. To get closer to Fuad, Frank intervenes in the drug business within the walls and gets caught between the two rival groups of German and Arab inmates. It is only the prison guard Susanna with whom Frank will be able to build a relationship of trust, not knowing that she is part of Fuad’s business and has a sexual relationship with him. However, they come emotionally close. What only Frank knows is that his wife and his daughter died in a car accident. Fuad was the hit-and-run driver that remained unpunished. Frank seeks revenge.
The Last Execution
Richter Nolte
The ambitious scientist Franz Walter doesn't hesitate when he is promised a professorship at the university. He immediately accepts, pledges absolute loyalty to the system and agrees to work for the GDR's foreign intelligence service until he can take up his new position. Together with his colleague Dirk, he is sent on foreign assignments to West Germany. Franz soon has to use blackmail to get innocent people to talk. But his superiors go even further: GDR refugees and their relatives are targeted to be psychologically destroyed, forged letters, medical diagnoses, surveillance and wiretapping are on the agenda. However, this is more than Franz can bear: he feels powerless and increasingly isolates himself. When he then decides to steal secret documents for a later defection to the West, this results in an unfortunate chain reaction leading to his arrest and ultimately to his execution...
Billy Kuckuck - Aber bitte mit Sahne
Mack the Knife - Brecht's Threepenny Film
Caspar Neher
Following the phenomenal success of “The Threepenny Opera”, the film industry wants to win over the celebrated author. But Bertolt Brecht is not prepared to play by their rules. His concept of the “Threepenny Film” is radical, uncompromising, political, and incisive.
Beyond This Day
Filialleiter Ungureit
Мы чудовища
Родители девочки-подростка Сары в разводе, впрочем, весьма мирном. На этой неделе задача отца, музыкального продюсера, доставить дочь в летний лагерь. Неожиданной попутчицей становится разбитная подруга Сары Чарли, сорвавшаяся на приключения без ведома своего запойного папаши, — странно, но не страшно. Страшно будет позже: совершив вынужденную остановку в лесу — «природа зовет», галдели девчонки, — отец не сразу дозовется дочь. Найдет он ее на плотине у водохранилища, дрожащую от ужаса и смятения: Сара только что столкнула свою подругу в омут...
A Hitman's Solitude Before the Shot
The over-ambitious Koralnik has a dream job: he is a contract killer for a secret EU programme. But even eight years after his training he still hasn't had a single hit. Bored and frustrated, he lives according to the programme's strict rules - withdrawn, no social contact and constantly undercover. One day, the shy Rosa crashes into his car and life. Before he knows it, Koralnik is having dinner with her. For the first time, he can flee his everyday misery for an evening of company. But then the telephone rings. It's Koralnik's first job. With Rosa alongside, Koralnik sets off on a chaotic odyssey through a night in which nothing goes according to plan. It is only when Koralnik's target is revealed to be none other than one of his colleagues that the rigid concept by which he lives finally comes into question. He is confronted with the dilemma of either protecting his secret programme or drawing a line under his unfulfilled existence as a killer.
The Lies of the Victors
Kuros Mitarbeiter
Fabian Groys, a renowned journalist for a political news magazine, enjoys great freedom, since the stories he uncovers make for good sales. When he loses a hot story about the German army, the editor saddles him with a young female intern. Fabian hates teamwork and sticks the intern with what seems a classic tabloid story about the suicide of a man who had himself torn to shreds by a lion at the zoo. But thanks to the intern’s dogged determination, signs emerge that the story Fabian was working on and the gory zoo story are actually interlinked. Is it pure coincidence? And if it isn’t, how can Fabian fight a nebulous enemy?
1001 Grams
When Norwegian scientist Marie attends a seminar in Paris on the actual weight of a kilo, it is her own measurement of disappointment, grief and, not least, love, that ends up on the scale. Finally Marie is forced to come to terms with how much a human life truly weighs and which measurements she intends to live by.
Источники жизни
После Второй мировой войны Эрих Фрейтаг приложил большие усилия, чтобы вписаться в изменившийся быт новой Германии. Деятельный предприниматель открыл фабрику по производству садовых гномов и с головой ушел в процесс, игнорируя лесбийские эксперименты жены. Его сын Клаус пробует себя на литературном поприще, но с рождением сына полностью посвящает себя его воспитанию, поскольку для матери мальчика ее карьера оказывается важнее счастливого детства ребенка. Не имея положительного примера выстраивания отношений с противоположным полом, подросший Роберт ищет свой путь к счастью.
Bissige Hunde
Синий тигр
Девочка и мальчик противостоят попыткам амбициозного главы местной администрации снести ботанический сад, в котором они живут вместе с родителями, чтобы построить на его месте современный квартал. Их шансы близки к нулю, но случается чудо, и к ним на помощь неожиданно приходит синий тигрёнок…
Das Glück kommt unverhofft
Dr. Stellbrink
Run If You Can
An independent tragicomedy, Run If You Can is the debut feature for director Brüggemann who, along with his sister, also wrote the compelling screenplay. Forced to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, Ben is deeply desperate, despite his humor and vivaciousness. When he meets Christian, his new assistant, Ben treats him like every other helper he’s had. Things suddenly change when Christian meets Annika, “the cello player” whom Ben has been observing from his window for years. The three become close friends, putting Annika in the middle of an emotional, and somehow dangerous, ménage à trois. While conquering Annika is nothing very serious for career-focused Christian, Ben’s love for Annika reminds him of his past and forces him to face his most remote fears. A character-driven story, Run If You Can owes much of its power to the actors’ performances, especially Robert Gwisdek’s outstanding interpretation of Ben.
40+ sucht neue Liebe
Maria is a student at the university of Essen, Germany, living and working in a gray, unpleasant, and anonymous environment. While she has little problem finding someone for a one night stand, she rebuffs her lovers in such a rude way that they actually don't know what's going on. But what seems to be a negative attitude at first glance is in fact much worse: Maria is suffering from borderline syndrome, a serious psychotic disease that makes her fail to develop a continuous, reliable personality, from her own perspective as well as from the perspective of those she meets. Then one day, she bumps into Jan, a student who falls in love with her without delay. He's awaiting a hard time when he has to learn how hard it is to stay loyal and faithful to a person who, in her own words, "has a different world inside of her head" and who feels that "there is something inside of me that eats me up."