In the year 2030 mankind has regressed to ape form. In order to explain this, a scientist shows a 20th century film about a Roman couple in a society gone mad slightly more than usual to his audience.
In the year 2030 mankind has regressed to ape form. In order to explain this, a scientist shows a 20th century film about a Roman couple in a society gone mad slightly more than usual to his audience.
Two families of the neapolitan camorra fight for the power.
Two families of the neapolitan camorra fight for the power.
Молодой судья Джованни Пеннизи такой же, как и многие другие, человек, со своими слабостями и жизненными проблемами и ему не чужды мелкие нарушения. И поэтому он судит людей, которые идут к нему, с некоторой снисходительностью. Но для всех будет найдено законное наказание.
Молодой судья Джованни Пеннизи такой же, как и многие другие, человек, со своими слабостями и жизненными проблемами и ему не чужды мелкие нарушения. И поэтому он судит людей, которые идут к нему, с некоторой снисходительностью. Но для всех будет найдено законное наказание.
В довольно непростой для семейного бюджета период конструктор Андреа Феррини, как назло, лишается работы, в то время как его жена, наоборот, получает повышение. Неудовлетворённость падением семейного авторитета заставляют инженера кардинально сменить имидж и место работы.
В довольно непростой для семейного бюджета период конструктор Андреа Феррини, как назло, лишается работы, в то время как его жена, наоборот, получает повышение. Неудовлетворённость падением семейного авторитета заставляют инженера кардинально сменить имидж и место работы.
Банда гангстеров, напавшая на банк, берет в заложники Лео, продавца сувениров, невезучего малого, постоянно влипающего в разные истории, и Джиаду, молодую девицу, потерявшую очки и не видевшую дальше своего носа. По дороге машина перевернулась, бандиты без сознания, а Лео прихватывает с собой не только Джиаду, но и чемодан с деньгами. Теперь за ними гонятся гангстеры и полиция, считающая их грабителями.
At carnival, a girl disguised as a devil seduces the parish priest of a village. She becomes pregnant, but the priest can not support his intention to abort and drag her to court.
A woman takes advantage of the fact that her husband allowed himself to be praised for divorce to demand immediate separation.
Patricia, a journalist, is fed up with all the stupid chores and being ridiculed by her colleagues. To show her talent, she challenges her director Eugenio to test her. She will write a good article, but if she fails she will sleep with him.
Patricia, a journalist, is fed up with all the stupid chores and being ridiculed by her colleagues. To show her talent, she challenges her director Eugenio to test her. She will write a good article, but if she fails she will sleep with him.
Небольшой островок южной Америки знаменит своими бананами. Раз в неделю на лодке в город доставляет бананы добродушный Джо. В городе он продает бананы в обмен на товары, нужные населению острова. Но в один из приездов полиция потребовала представить разрешение на торговлю бананами. Но именно ее у Джо и нет, как нет и паспорта, без которого не выдают лицензию.
Небольшой островок южной Америки знаменит своими бананами. Раз в неделю на лодке в город доставляет бананы добродушный Джо. В городе он продает бананы в обмен на товары, нужные населению острова. Но в один из приездов полиция потребовала представить разрешение на торговлю бананами. Но именно ее у Джо и нет, как нет и паспорта, без которого не выдают лицензию.
Lucia has been married for ten years with Julius who is fond of horses and seems to prefer his wife. Lucy tries then ingelosirlo inventing a lover who sends flowers with tickets compromising and makes mysterious phone calls. But Julius seems immune to any kind of jealousy. Then one day is hired as a bodyguard by Lucia Diego, Diego, who has a passion for Rudolph Valentino and thinks he is a great seducer, Diego has a girlfriend away, Nunzia. And things start to get more serious.
Lucia has been married for ten years with Julius who is fond of horses and seems to prefer his wife. Lucy tries then ingelosirlo inventing a lover who sends flowers with tickets compromising and makes mysterious phone calls. But Julius seems immune to any kind of jealousy. Then one day is hired as a bodyguard by Lucia Diego, Diego, who has a passion for Rudolph Valentino and thinks he is a great seducer, Diego has a girlfriend away, Nunzia. And things start to get more serious.
В провинциальном городке местный ловелас решает соблазнить жену мэра, однако переоценивает свои силы.
В провинциальном городке местный ловелас решает соблазнить жену мэра, однако переоценивает свои силы.
Завершающий рассказ о похождениях комиссара неаполитанской полиции Риццо по прозвищу Громила. Теперь он отправляется в Египет вместе с сержантом Капуто на поиски похищенного профессора Черулло, открывшего в Египте удивительное насекомое, которое якобы водится только неподалеку от залежей нефти. Криминальные круги тоже заинтересованы в открытии профессора. Но было ли оно на самом деле или только в голове профессионального шарлатана?
Завершающий рассказ о похождениях комиссара неаполитанской полиции Риццо по прозвищу Громила. Теперь он отправляется в Египет вместе с сержантом Капуто на поиски похищенного профессора Черулло, открывшего в Египте удивительное насекомое, которое якобы водится только неподалеку от залежей нефти. Криминальные круги тоже заинтересованы в открытии профессора. Но было ли оно на самом деле или только в голове профессионального шарлатана?
Undercover cop Fabio Testi infiltrates the world of motocross racing.
У молодого миланского рабочего-коммуниста Ганди, есть прекрасная девушка и уважение товарищей. Как-то ночью, один таинственный парень, подвергается нападению фашистов и он укрывает его у себя дома. Парень оказывается гомосексуалистом и их знакомство вскоре превращается в клубок неразрешимых проблем.
У молодого миланского рабочего-коммуниста Ганди, есть прекрасная девушка и уважение товарищей. Как-то ночью, один таинственный парень, подвергается нападению фашистов и он укрывает его у себя дома. Парень оказывается гомосексуалистом и их знакомство вскоре превращается в клубок неразрешимых проблем.
Циничный и вероломный промышленник превращается в свою противоположность — добрейшего и милейшего человека. Впрочем, это всё равно влечёт катастрофические последствия для его жизни.
Циничный и вероломный промышленник превращается в свою противоположность — добрейшего и милейшего человека. Впрочем, это всё равно влечёт катастрофические последствия для его жизни.
Циничный и вероломный промышленник превращается в свою противоположность — добрейшего и милейшего человека. Впрочем, это всё равно влечёт катастрофические последствия для его жизни.
Annalisa is married to Marco, a journalist too busy with her career, who neglects her even though she loves him deeply. He therefore decides to find another husband, the university professor Antonio, who marries without the first being able to notice it. Until she gets pregnant. David di Donatello 1979 for Monica Vitti.
Инспектор Риццо по прозвищу «Громила» получает письмо с просьбой о встрече от своего коллеги из Южной Африки. Однако южноафриканского полисмена убивают практически на глазах у Риццо. Он едет в Йоханнесбург, чтобы разыскать сына убитого…
A police commissioner and a political activist join to investigate the suspicious death of a playboy Prince.
A police commissioner and a political activist join to investigate the suspicious death of a playboy Prince.
Дон Чимболнано — священник в маленьком городке. Оскар — бежавший из тюрьмы преступник и Филипо — адвокат неудачник постоянно влипают в разные истории. Но герои ильма не унывают и находят выходы из самых невероятных положений ситуаций.
Bruno Fioretti, known as "Mandrake", is an inveterate gambler who never misses a day at the horse racing track in Rome. He is doubly unlucky: he bets too much on one horse, and his wife is sleeping with his best friend because Mandrake is always at the track. Penniless and cuckolded, Mandrake decides to make one last bet.
Bruno Fioretti, known as "Mandrake", is an inveterate gambler who never misses a day at the horse racing track in Rome. He is doubly unlucky: he bets too much on one horse, and his wife is sleeping with his best friend because Mandrake is always at the track. Penniless and cuckolded, Mandrake decides to make one last bet.
Two Sicilian's, Peppe Truzzoliti and Antonio Mancuso, decide, after a misadventure with some mafia drug dealers, to leave the cold and racist Turin to return to their native land. Along for the ride with them is Domenica, a beautiful girl from Veneto, who had arrived in Turin in search of work, but due to a number of setbacks, had been forced into prostitution.
Two Sicilian's, Peppe Truzzoliti and Antonio Mancuso, decide, after a misadventure with some mafia drug dealers, to leave the cold and racist Turin to return to their native land. Along for the ride with them is Domenica, a beautiful girl from Veneto, who had arrived in Turin in search of work, but due to a number of setbacks, had been forced into prostitution.
Two Sicilian's, Peppe Truzzoliti and Antonio Mancuso, decide, after a misadventure with some mafia drug dealers, to leave the cold and racist Turin to return to their native land. Along for the ride with them is Domenica, a beautiful girl from Veneto, who had arrived in Turin in search of work, but due to a number of setbacks, had been forced into prostitution.
Social/sexual farce focusing on a boss and his workers in a faucet factory.
Громила Риццо по прежнему работает в Неаполе и по-прежнему благосклонен к мелким правонарушителям, но беспощаден к насильникам и наркоторговцам. Однажды цыганка нагадала ему дальнюю дорогу. У него опять не сложились отношения с начальником полиции города Неаполя. Его обвиняют в торговле наркотиками. Для того, чтобы очистить свое имя, он должен узнать, кто в полиции работает на мафию. Для этой цели он вынужден отправиться в Гонконг.
Громила Риццо по прежнему работает в Неаполе и по-прежнему благосклонен к мелким правонарушителям, но беспощаден к насильникам и наркоторговцам. Однажды цыганка нагадала ему дальнюю дорогу. У него опять не сложились отношения с начальником полиции города Неаполя. Его обвиняют в торговле наркотиками. Для того, чтобы очистить свое имя, он должен узнать, кто в полиции работает на мафию. Для этой цели он вынужден отправиться в Гонконг.
Молодая девушка Джованна, под впечатлением от просмотра спектакля о Жанне Д`Арк, устраивается на работу в полицию и объявляет настоящий крестовый поход против коррумпированной верхушки своего родного города.
Этому полицейскому не требуется оружие — у него есть кулак! У инспектора Риццо, которого все звали просто «Громилой», было еще одно прозвище — «Бигфут». То есть (дословно) «Большая нога» или (по смыслу) «Снежный Человек». Потому что каждому в Неаполе было известно: с Риццо лучше не связываться. Правда, он вполне благосклонно относился к осведомителям и шлюхам, те и другие платили ему взаимностью. Ненавидел же «Громила» сутенеров, наркоторговцев, организованную преступность и искренне удивлялся, почему новый шеф полиции Табасси не разделяет его точку зрения и вообще не понимает его, Риццо, методов ведения следствия. Именно Табасси и настаивает на том, чтобы «Громила» все-таки носил пистолет…
Don Salvatore Anastasia, a priest in a seminary in Tropea, Calabria (Italy), gets a ticket to visit his brother in New York. He has never known him, because the brother emigrated illegally in the U.S.A. years before. Upon his arrival in America, he is greeted with much respect, as well as his brother, also from the Italian-American community of Little Italy. Enthusiastic of that, he decided to stay on as assistant pastor in the church of Saint Lucia and bring it to a new shine. Accompanied in New York, his last name, Anastasia, commands respect and, above all, opens the door hitherto locked: his brother, really, is the infamous mob boss Albert Anastasia.
To gain fame quickly - three actors - Mino, Giacinto and Mirella, stage a fake murder (Mirella is the "victim"), then plan to find the "body" at the most opportune moment. Unfortunately, a real murder takes place in Mirella's apartment when a young woman named Margaret is killed. Having left abundant clues to the fake murder, Mino and Giacinto realise the only way to save themselves from jail is to find Margaret's killer. Despite the intrusions of a stupid police inspector, the two men discover she was killed by a mysterious "organization". Although every witness they try to question is killed by a hitman, they eventually unravel the mystery...
To gain fame quickly - three actors - Mino, Giacinto and Mirella, stage a fake murder (Mirella is the "victim"), then plan to find the "body" at the most opportune moment. Unfortunately, a real murder takes place in Mirella's apartment when a young woman named Margaret is killed. Having left abundant clues to the fake murder, Mino and Giacinto realise the only way to save themselves from jail is to find Margaret's killer. Despite the intrusions of a stupid police inspector, the two men discover she was killed by a mysterious "organization". Although every witness they try to question is killed by a hitman, they eventually unravel the mystery...
Andrea Pomeraro, a history teacher, has an affair with a student who then blackmails him. Attempting to retrieve the incriminating photos, he accidentally becomes the head of the student revolt and ends up in jail.
Bertone is a moderately honest homicide cop. Unfortunately, the court system is so inept and corrupt that many more-or-less honest policemen have begun taking the law into their own hands. Between his efforts to thwart the growth of crime and to control his vengeful co-workers, homicide-chief Bertone has his hands full
Bertone is a moderately honest homicide cop. Unfortunately, the court system is so inept and corrupt that many more-or-less honest policemen have begun taking the law into their own hands. Between his efforts to thwart the growth of crime and to control his vengeful co-workers, homicide-chief Bertone has his hands full
Bertone is a moderately honest homicide cop. Unfortunately, the court system is so inept and corrupt that many more-or-less honest policemen have begun taking the law into their own hands. Between his efforts to thwart the growth of crime and to control his vengeful co-workers, homicide-chief Bertone has his hands full
Franco and Ciccio work as waiters in an inn in France. The day Ciccio officially takes French citizenship, the First World War breaks out between Germany and France and all citizens are forced to enlist.
Rosario Trapanese is determined to show he is not the typical old-fashion Sicilian. When his firm sends him to Denmark, a more sexual liberated nation than Italy, he immediately adopts the Danish "free-sexual-taboo" way of life. He meets and married Karen and succeeded to come back in Italy. Once here, he discovers Karen did a porn movie and his determination on being open minded is over. The typical Sicilian jealousy drives him crazy. Anyway, after a while, Rosario understands that what his wife did before to meet him it has not to be an issue for him. Karen confesses Rosario she signed a contract for a second movie and she could refuse only by paying a fine. The couple doesn't have enough money so they need to find a solution. And what a solution!
Rosario Trapanese is determined to show he is not the typical old-fashion Sicilian. When his firm sends him to Denmark, a more sexual liberated nation than Italy, he immediately adopts the Danish "free-sexual-taboo" way of life. He meets and married Karen and succeeded to come back in Italy. Once here, he discovers Karen did a porn movie and his determination on being open minded is over. The typical Sicilian jealousy drives him crazy. Anyway, after a while, Rosario understands that what his wife did before to meet him it has not to be an issue for him. Karen confesses Rosario she signed a contract for a second movie and she could refuse only by paying a fine. The couple doesn't have enough money so they need to find a solution. And what a solution!
A young man unwantedly gets caught up in an international gang war in this humorous crime farce!
A young man unwantedly gets caught up in an international gang war in this humorous crime farce!
A young man unwantedly gets caught up in an international gang war in this humorous crime farce!
To satisfy his wife, an elderly man has to have a penis transplant and is willing to pay a lot to do so. Three men are selected who for different reasons are forced to accept but giving up manhood can be more complicated than expected.
To satisfy his wife, an elderly man has to have a penis transplant and is willing to pay a lot to do so. Three men are selected who for different reasons are forced to accept but giving up manhood can be more complicated than expected.
Comedy about a lawyer who is suspected of murder
Фильм состоит из шести новелл, созданных разными режиссерами, но всех их объединяет одно: теплая ирония к текущим событиям.
Фильм состоит из шести новелл, созданных разными режиссерами, но всех их объединяет одно: теплая ирония к текущим событиям.
Dorellik, an Italian contract killer that lives on the French Riviera, accepts a job to kill everyone with the surname Dupont that lives in France for a rich customer which supposedly would allow him to obtain a large inheritance.
Dorellik, an Italian contract killer that lives on the French Riviera, accepts a job to kill everyone with the surname Dupont that lives in France for a rich customer which supposedly would allow him to obtain a large inheritance.
A waitress helps a scientist flee the Nazis.
A trilogy of comedic tales set in the Middle Ages.
A trilogy of comedic tales set in the Middle Ages.
Four episodes: a traveler is enticed by train per bet; a professional wants to be alone with a woman he likes; a lawyer becomes the lover of an adversary; a man discovers his wife's infidelity after ten years.
Anthology comedy structured in 10 episodes (The Exam, Blue Bloods, Too Easy, Love Italian Style, Sunday Story, Wedding Present, Gold Fischer, The Tuxedo, Railway Courtesy, Play Boy). Whimsical exploration of the mores, customs and vices of Italy at that time.
Anthology comedy structured in 10 episodes (The Exam, Blue Bloods, Too Easy, Love Italian Style, Sunday Story, Wedding Present, Gold Fischer, The Tuxedo, Railway Courtesy, Play Boy). Whimsical exploration of the mores, customs and vices of Italy at that time.
This semi-amusing sex (romance) comedy has four separate stories: "The Telephone Call", written by Rodolfo Sonego, directed by Dino Risi. "A Treatise on Eugenics", written by Tullio Pinelli from a story by Luciano Salce and Steno, directed by Luigi Comencini. "The Soup", written by Rodolfo Sonego and Luigi Magni, directed by Franco Rossi. "Monsignor Cupid", written by Leo Benvenuti and Piero de Bernardi from a story by Boccaccio, directed by Mauro Bolognini.
The film's theme is four episodes that offer the public a glimpse into the lives of rich and poor families in Italy in the 1960s.
A thief steals a suitcase but it contains a corpse and the thief is sentenced, but is released by the robbed doctor, who then subjects him to a facial plastic that makes him equal to a criminal.
A thief steals a suitcase but it contains a corpse and the thief is sentenced, but is released by the robbed doctor, who then subjects him to a facial plastic that makes him equal to a criminal.
A thief steals a suitcase but it contains a corpse and the thief is sentenced, but is released by the robbed doctor, who then subjects him to a facial plastic that makes him equal to a criminal.
western movie
A sort of best of popular comedy skits from previous films by various directors.
Two stage robbers impersonate the heirs to a gold mine but end up defending the families they intended to rip-off.
Two stage robbers impersonate the heirs to a gold mine but end up defending the families they intended to rip-off.
The day of Chief Constable Saracino begins badly when his new car is stolen. Then, in his office, he meets Alfredo Fiori who believes that his wife and her lover, a veterinary, are trying to murder him.
In WWII Greece, two enemy Colonels, one Italian and the other English, develop a grudging friendship which the war will test.
Маркиз Галеаццо ди Торреальта найден убитым за своим рабочим столом. Таинственный Дьяболикус расправился с ним. Но кто виноват? Он не успел написал завещания, по которому его огромное состояние переходило бы к его невесте. Следовательно, наследники - родственники, братья. Полиция принимается за расследование. У маркиза, оказывается, довольно много братьев и сестра. Тут и генерал Шипионе ди Торреальта, на старости лет устроивший у себя в доме маленький заповедник времен дуче. Профессор Карло ди Торреальта, доктор, хирург. Баронесса Лаудомия ди Торреальта, милейшая женщина! Преподобный монсиньор Антонио ди Торреальта, святейший человек! Кто же из них таинственный Дьяболикус?
Three pirates are saved from a shipwreck and seize a galleon bound for Maracaibo, where they will save the governor from a conspiracy. Italian adventure movie directed by Steno.
Three pirates are saved from a shipwreck and seize a galleon bound for Maracaibo, where they will save the governor from a conspiracy. Italian adventure movie directed by Steno.
A fashion designer rents his villa to a woman before leaving to go abroad. The daughter of the woman is forced to pretend to be handicapped in a dark conspiracy aimed to prevent the man from leaving.
A fashion designer rents his villa to a woman before leaving to go abroad. The daughter of the woman is forced to pretend to be handicapped in a dark conspiracy aimed to prevent the man from leaving.
Antonio goes to Rome to represent his fellow peasants, to request a highway that will be built in their region. But the guy is mastered by 'la dolce vita' and wastes the money entrusted to him for his mission. When Peppino is sent to to find out what happened, he lets himself be trapped by the gentle grip of 'la dolce vita'
Two bumbling actors get wrapped up in a scheme to murder a rich man's wife.
Two bumbling actors get wrapped up in a scheme to murder a rich man's wife.
Two bumbling actors get wrapped up in a scheme to murder a rich man's wife.
A farcical account of the happenings in Rome in 1943 when the allied army and the partisans fight the nazis.
A farcical account of the happenings in Rome in 1943 when the allied army and the partisans fight the nazis.
Antonio married Amalia and went to fight in Russia during World War II. Since he didn't return Amalia thought he was dead, so she married another man. Many year after the war end, Antonio returned. Amalia has to choose between two husbands.
Antonio married Amalia and went to fight in Russia during World War II. Since he didn't return Amalia thought he was dead, so she married another man. Many year after the war end, Antonio returned. Amalia has to choose between two husbands.
Nicola Carletti is a middle age 50-year old man who return to Italy with his family but he is drafted to go to the mandatory military service in Italy.
Nicola Carletti is a middle age 50-year old man who return to Italy with his family but he is drafted to go to the mandatory military service in Italy.
Baron Osvaldo Lambertenghi is forced to sell his ancestral castle, staying on as a bellboy when it's converted into a hotel. However he becomes vampirized when his mysterious uncle comes to stay.
Baron Osvaldo Lambertenghi is forced to sell his ancestral castle, staying on as a bellboy when it's converted into a hotel. However he becomes vampirized when his mysterious uncle comes to stay.
Убежденный в том, что налоги слишком высоки, владелец магазина тканей Торкато Пеццелла, хотел бы утаить свои доходы, или, хотя бы, часть их. Хитрец разными способами отвлекает инспектора, проверяющего финансовые дела Торкато, от внимательного чтения бухгалтерских книг. Тем временем, дочь сборщика налогов - Лаура влюбляется в сына торговца - Тино…
Убежденный в том, что налоги слишком высоки, владелец магазина тканей Торкато Пеццелла, хотел бы утаить свои доходы, или, хотя бы, часть их. Хитрец разными способами отвлекает инспектора, проверяющего финансовые дела Торкато, от внимательного чтения бухгалтерских книг. Тем временем, дочь сборщика налогов - Лаура влюбляется в сына торговца - Тино…
Убежденный в том, что налоги слишком высоки, владелец магазина тканей Торкато Пеццелла, хотел бы утаить свои доходы, или, хотя бы, часть их. Хитрец разными способами отвлекает инспектора, проверяющего финансовые дела Торкато, от внимательного чтения бухгалтерских книг. Тем временем, дочь сборщика налогов - Лаура влюбляется в сына торговца - Тино…
Едва выйдя из тюрьмы, Рауль Ла Спада замышляет новую аферу. Римский художник Тото Скорчелетти должен написать копию с картины Гойя, а мошенник Рауль собирается выдать подделку за оригинал и продать полотно некой американке, коллекционирующей произведения искусства… Для пущей правдоподобности Ла Спада, с помощью своей подружки Евы, устраивает дело так, что «неизвестный шедевр» обнаруживает в тайнике дома великого художника, не кто иной, как профессор Франсиско Монтиэль - эксперт по испанской живописи.
Владелец популярного журнала «Субретка» - Паскуале Беллафронте - довольно своебразный человек, самодур и управленец. Поэтому он совсем не замечает, что его дочь Лидия влюбилась в курьера Акилле Паолони. Но Акилле довольно непрост. Он пишет фантастические романы, и, к тому же, как случайно выясняется, в его крови содержится глюмоний, что означает, что он может лететь в космос! И никому неведомо, что одновременно за попытками землям вырваться в межпланетное пространство смотрят внимательные глаза неких инопланетных существ, стоящих на гораздо более высокой ступени развития, умеющих делать клонов человеческих существ...
Владелец популярного журнала «Субретка» - Паскуале Беллафронте - довольно своебразный человек, самодур и управленец. Поэтому он совсем не замечает, что его дочь Лидия влюбилась в курьера Акилле Паолони. Но Акилле довольно непрост. Он пишет фантастические романы, и, к тому же, как случайно выясняется, в его крови содержится глюмоний, что означает, что он может лететь в космос! И никому неведомо, что одновременно за попытками землям вырваться в межпланетное пространство смотрят внимательные глаза неких инопланетных существ, стоящих на гораздо более высокой ступени развития, умеющих делать клонов человеческих существ...
Владелец популярного журнала «Субретка» - Паскуале Беллафронте - довольно своебразный человек, самодур и управленец. Поэтому он совсем не замечает, что его дочь Лидия влюбилась в курьера Акилле Паолони. Но Акилле довольно непрост. Он пишет фантастические романы, и, к тому же, как случайно выясняется, в его крови содержится глюмоний, что означает, что он может лететь в космос! И никому неведомо, что одновременно за попытками землям вырваться в межпланетное пространство смотрят внимательные глаза неких инопланетных существ, стоящих на гораздо более высокой ступени развития, умеющих делать клонов человеческих существ...
Tina, an old lady, is in town for the wedding of her grandson when a medallion left to her by her late husband disappears. Dissatisfied with the police effort to find it, she sets on the tracks of the thieves herself.
A psychiatric-clinic medical director runs some tests on two patients, the Ragionier Antonio Vignanelli and Cavalier Peppino Caprioli, so they must retrieve some memories of family life in order to understand their mental illness.
A psychiatric-clinic medical director runs some tests on two patients, the Ragionier Antonio Vignanelli and Cavalier Peppino Caprioli, so they must retrieve some memories of family life in order to understand their mental illness.
Otello, an amateur thief, tries a burglary on New Year Eve but he finds the maid Adalgisa in the supposedly empty house. Adalgisa likes Otello who, all things considered, is a good guy, unlike Amerigo the night watchman who tries to profit from the situation.
Otello, an amateur thief, tries a burglary on New Year Eve but he finds the maid Adalgisa in the supposedly empty house. Adalgisa likes Otello who, all things considered, is a good guy, unlike Amerigo the night watchman who tries to profit from the situation.
The Russian women's basketball team faces to the American team for the championship of the world, in Rome. Upon arriving at the 'Eternal City', the Russian athletes find ways to evade the strict surveillance and meet some Italian guys. After many persecutions, the Russians are confined by their guardians under the promise that, if they win, they can stay and live in Italy. But as they conquer the championship, their guards forget the promises and put them on a plane to Moscow.
The Russian women's basketball team faces to the American team for the championship of the world, in Rome. Upon arriving at the 'Eternal City', the Russian athletes find ways to evade the strict surveillance and meet some Italian guys. After many persecutions, the Russians are confined by their guardians under the promise that, if they win, they can stay and live in Italy. But as they conquer the championship, their guards forget the promises and put them on a plane to Moscow.
A young woman gets closely watched by her jealous fiance while she is trying to deliver cakes to customers' houses.
Император Нерон большой любитель музыки и песен,хочет посвятить себя искусству и заботиться о красивой молодой жене.Но амбициозная Агриппина толкает своего сына Нерона к возобновлению войны в Британии.Справиться со всем этим помогает Нерону Сенека.
Император Нерон большой любитель музыки и песен,хочет посвятить себя искусству и заботиться о красивой молодой жене.Но амбициозная Агриппина толкает своего сына Нерона к возобновлению войны в Британии.Справиться со всем этим помогает Нерону Сенека.
Polish countess Lady Eva is the authoritative signature of the correspondence of an Italian women's magazine; behind the fascinating name hides a Roman girl whose advice will create a series of tangled and comic situations.
Polish countess Lady Eva is the authoritative signature of the correspondence of an Italian women's magazine; behind the fascinating name hides a Roman girl whose advice will create a series of tangled and comic situations.
Polish countess Lady Eva is the authoritative signature of the correspondence of an Italian women's magazine; behind the fascinating name hides a Roman girl whose advice will create a series of tangled and comic situations.
1760 Spain provides the setting for Giacomo Casanova's romantic escapades, every woman he encounters unable to resist his disarming charm, be they single, engaged, or even married.
1760 Spain provides the setting for Giacomo Casanova's romantic escapades, every woman he encounters unable to resist his disarming charm, be they single, engaged, or even married.
1760 Spain provides the setting for Giacomo Casanova's romantic escapades, every woman he encounters unable to resist his disarming charm, be they single, engaged, or even married.
Нандо Мерикони с детства одержим мечтой - уехать в Америку. Подражая американскому образу жизни, он одевается как американский шериф, говорит на английском языке (не всегда понятным окружающим), вместо спагетти ест кукурузные хлопья с кетчупом, и всё время попадает в нелепые ситуации.
Нандо Мерикони с детства одержим мечтой - уехать в Америку. Подражая американскому образу жизни, он одевается как американский шериф, говорит на английском языке (не всегда понятным окружающим), вместо спагетти ест кукурузные хлопья с кетчупом, и всё время попадает в нелепые ситуации.
Нандо Мерикони с детства одержим мечтой - уехать в Америку. Подражая американскому образу жизни, он одевается как американский шериф, говорит на английском языке (не всегда понятным окружающим), вместо спагетти ест кукурузные хлопья с кетчупом, и всё время попадает в нелепые ситуации.
Четыре истории, рассматриваемые в суде в течение одного дня…
Четыре истории, рассматриваемые в суде в течение одного дня…
Четыре истории, рассматриваемые в суде в течение одного дня…
While filming in the Roman countryside, some of the workers damage the garden of Caterina. Going to ask for compensation, she meets the director Marcello, who propose her to star working in movies.
While filming in the Roman countryside, some of the workers damage the garden of Caterina. Going to ask for compensation, she meets the director Marcello, who propose her to star working in movies.
While filming in the Roman countryside, some of the workers damage the garden of Caterina. Going to ask for compensation, she meets the director Marcello, who propose her to star working in movies.
Ignazio Panizza goes from one failure to the other until he meets a singer, Caterina, provided with an exceptional voice.
Paolino, a teacher at an elementary school near Naples, appears nervous for a few days and his friends do not know why. The man is the lover of Assunta, the mother of one of his pupils, and he discovers that she has become pregnant.
Paolino, a teacher at an elementary school near Naples, appears nervous for a few days and his friends do not know why. The man is the lover of Assunta, the mother of one of his pupils, and he discovers that she has become pregnant.
A group of "respectable" people are all partly responsible for the suicide of a servant girl. They are pounced upon by a wily blackmailer, who knows that these people will pay dearly rather than inform on themselves or others.
A group of "respectable" people are all partly responsible for the suicide of a servant girl. They are pounced upon by a wily blackmailer, who knows that these people will pay dearly rather than inform on themselves or others.
Антонио Скапарро одержим из-за женщин. Он изобретает свой собственный способ укрыться от них, на чердаке собственного дома, где он может делать то, что жена запрещает ему: шаркать по полу, читать ночью детективы, бросать окурки и стряхивать пепел на пол. Там он рассказывает зрителю историю своих взаимоотношений с женщинами — женой, дочерью и другими.
Антонио Скапарро одержим из-за женщин. Он изобретает свой собственный способ укрыться от них, на чердаке собственного дома, где он может делать то, что жена запрещает ему: шаркать по полу, читать ночью детективы, бросать окурки и стряхивать пепел на пол. Там он рассказывает зрителю историю своих взаимоотношений с женщинами — женой, дочерью и другими.
An aging, down-and-out public employee must face the primary school examination.
An aging, down-and-out public employee must face the primary school examination.
Four poor fellows win a luxurious car in a lottery but they have not the money to keep it. Therefore they decide to have it a day each and sell it afterwards. Everyone will spend his own day with the car and get some gratification. Some will get it, others will not. And the fifth poor fellow?
In the first Italian film to be shot in color, Totò portrays a musician named Antonio Scannagatti who strongly hopes to sell his composition, "Epopea italiana", to Tiscordi, who is one of the most important Italian impresarios.
In the first Italian film to be shot in color, Totò portrays a musician named Antonio Scannagatti who strongly hopes to sell his composition, "Epopea italiana", to Tiscordi, who is one of the most important Italian impresarios.
In the first Italian film to be shot in color, Totò portrays a musician named Antonio Scannagatti who strongly hopes to sell his composition, "Epopea italiana", to Tiscordi, who is one of the most important Italian impresarios.
A cook from Sardinia who had emigrated to Milan goes back to his native island thinking he has inherited some money with his uncles death. He finds out he has to avenge his death instead.
A cook from Sardinia who had emigrated to Milan goes back to his native island thinking he has inherited some money with his uncles death. He finds out he has to avenge his death instead.
A woman has jumped or been pushed from five stories of an apartment house. The detective on the case lives there, and he discovers that the woman's estranged husband does also.
A woman has jumped or been pushed from five stories of an apartment house. The detective on the case lives there, and he discovers that the woman's estranged husband does also.
A satirical story set during the early years of the Roman Empire.
A satirical story set during the early years of the Roman Empire.
Two two-bit singers become thieves to make ends meet. One day during a theft in the house of a music impresario they hear Marco an electrician gifted with a beautiful voice and give him some money to help for his debut as a singer.
Two two-bit singers become thieves to make ends meet. One day during a theft in the house of a music impresario they hear Marco an electrician gifted with a beautiful voice and give him some money to help for his debut as a singer.
Жулик и воришка обманул жадного и наивного американца. Комиссар дает сержанту Боттони, отслужившему уже 30 лет, последний шанс остаться на работе, получить, наконец, повышение и не сесть в тюрьму за то, что он упустил этого самого «жулика и воришку»: сержант должен поймать вора, ему (сержанту) отводится на это три месяца.
Жулик и воришка обманул жадного и наивного американца. Комиссар дает сержанту Боттони, отслужившему уже 30 лет, последний шанс остаться на работе, получить, наконец, повышение и не сесть в тюрьму за то, что он упустил этого самого «жулика и воришку»: сержант должен поймать вора, ему (сержанту) отводится на это три месяца.
Two American sailors, Fiorello and Jimmy are slugged while sight-seeing in Rome and, together, they dream they are back in Rome in the days of Nero.
Two American sailors, Fiorello and Jimmy are slugged while sight-seeing in Rome and, together, they dream they are back in Rome in the days of Nero.
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.
A naive clerk finds himself involved in the theft of a ring containing a dangerous liquid.
Beppe Musolino is falsely accused of murder. He is tried and once found guilty is imprisoned. Unexpectedly he escape from prison and to survive he start living like an outlaw brigand. He falls in love for Mara, a village girl, and with her help he hunts down all of the witnesses who lied about him at the trial.
A strange vagrant makes repeated attempts to rescue land inhabited by hawkers from being taken over by building development and a subway installation.
A strange vagrant makes repeated attempts to rescue land inhabited by hawkers from being taken over by building development and a subway installation.
Original Story
The plans of a publicity agent to put on a charity concert are nearly wrecked by a lawyer who wants to take over a restaurant, but the situation is saved by local co-operation.
Трагикомедия, рассказывающая об испытаниях и невзгодах труппы артистов варьете.
Трагикомедия, рассказывающая об испытаниях и невзгодах труппы артистов варьете.
Трагикомедия, рассказывающая об испытаниях и невзгодах труппы артистов варьете.
Two twin brothers grew up and never met (due to the fact that the father with the couple would have had 13 children and therefore for superstition he closed one in an orphanage), the one goalkeeper of Juventus and the other employee at the state lottery.
While casing a bank he intends to rob, gangster Leo discovers one of the clerks, Antonio, is his exact double. He kidnaps Antonio and robs the bank, posing as Antonio. But Leo hadn't accounted for the involvement of Antonio's wife, Dorothy.
Returning home after a night of love spent in a woodman's hut with Orsola, Pietro is arrested by the police for a crime he did not commit. His mother and youngest sister, Rosaria, go to Orsola begging her to provide Pietro with the alibi that will clear him. But Rocco, Orsola's brother, dreading a family scandal, constrains Orsola to silence. Condemned despite his innocence, Pietro escapes from prison, but the police track him down and kill him, and his mother, before the eyes of Rosaria. Years pass, and one day Rocco stumbles upon a half-frozen young woman lying in the snow. He takes her home and confides her to the care of Orsola. Later, yielding to the pleas of Orsola, Rocco and Rocco's son, Salvatore, the girl stays on in the house, and Salvatore falls in love with the beautiful stranger, who is careful to keep the family members from learning she is Rosaria, the grown up sister of Pietro seeking revenge for the deaths of her brother and mother.
Returning home after a night of love spent in a woodman's hut with Orsola, Pietro is arrested by the police for a crime he did not commit. His mother and youngest sister, Rosaria, go to Orsola begging her to provide Pietro with the alibi that will clear him. But Rocco, Orsola's brother, dreading a family scandal, constrains Orsola to silence. Condemned despite his innocence, Pietro escapes from prison, but the police track him down and kill him, and his mother, before the eyes of Rosaria. Years pass, and one day Rocco stumbles upon a half-frozen young woman lying in the snow. He takes her home and confides her to the care of Orsola. Later, yielding to the pleas of Orsola, Rocco and Rocco's son, Salvatore, the girl stays on in the house, and Salvatore falls in love with the beautiful stranger, who is careful to keep the family members from learning she is Rosaria, the grown up sister of Pietro seeking revenge for the deaths of her brother and mother.
Beniamino and his family have lived inside a school since the end of the war. After five years they have to move, but in Rome it's not easy to find an apartment.
Beniamino and his family have lived inside a school since the end of the war. After five years they have to move, but in Rome it's not easy to find an apartment.
Beniamino and his family have lived inside a school since the end of the war. After five years they have to move, but in Rome it's not easy to find an apartment.
Three men consider selling their souls to Satan in order to possess a beautiful woman.
Three men consider selling their souls to Satan in order to possess a beautiful woman.
In the village of Viggiù, the firemen organize various skits and performances in their theater, inviting all the celebrities known at that time.
In the village of Viggiù, the firemen organize various skits and performances in their theater, inviting all the celebrities known at that time.
Профессор Тото Казамандреи спокойно работает в своем лицее, учит студентов, пока однажды не знакомится с прелестной Дорианой. Тото влюбляется и, не долго думая, делает ей предложение. Глядя на смешного профессора, Дориана говорит первое, что приходит ей в голову, что она выйдет за него, если он выиграет велогонку Джиро Д'Италия. Но Тото никогда в жизни не умел кататься на велосипеде! Что делать? Тото идет к тренеру-велосипедисту, но, как и следовало ожидать, велосипедист из него никудышный. Что же делать? В отчаянии Тото решает продать душу дьяволу.
Профессор Тото Казамандреи спокойно работает в своем лицее, учит студентов, пока однажды не знакомится с прелестной Дорианой. Тото влюбляется и, не долго думая, делает ей предложение. Глядя на смешного профессора, Дориана говорит первое, что приходит ей в голову, что она выйдет за него, если он выиграет велогонку Джиро Д'Италия. Но Тото никогда в жизни не умел кататься на велосипеде! Что делать? Тото идет к тренеру-велосипедисту, но, как и следовало ожидать, велосипедист из него никудышный. Что же делать? В отчаянии Тото решает продать душу дьяволу.
In Napoli, Nicolino Capece, a truthful pharmacist clerk becomes erroneously recognized as a dangerous Spanish criminal and decides to escape to Spain. In Siviglia, he is blackmailed by the bandit Cast who wants him to marry the rich Patricia Cotten and then kill her. So Nicolino play the bull fighter and heads to the arena....
In Napoli, Nicolino Capece, a truthful pharmacist clerk becomes erroneously recognized as a dangerous Spanish criminal and decides to escape to Spain. In Siviglia, he is blackmailed by the bandit Cast who wants him to marry the rich Patricia Cotten and then kill her. So Nicolino play the bull fighter and heads to the arena....
Giacomo Casanova returns to Venice, to help his brother, falsely accused of robbery.
Giacomo Casanova returns to Venice, to help his brother, falsely accused of robbery.
Felice Manetti is a poor tramp in Turin who, due to his ingenuity, often finds himself in trouble.
Felice Manetti is a poor tramp in Turin who, due to his ingenuity, often finds himself in trouble.
Это история произошла в годы второй мировой войны. Группа итальянцев живущих в Лондоне собирает средства на восстановление разбомбленного нацистами католического собора.
Для этого они организуют музыкальный концерт, доходы от которого поступят на строительство. Возглавляет этот проект журналист Карло Скала. Ему предстоит столкнуться и преодолеть многие трудности по организации мероприятия, но он с честью справится с ними и выступление ведущих итальянских певцов состоится. А в этом ему поможет несравненная Дора Скала.
The story of Jean Valjean, still pursued by Javert, continues with a love developing between Cosette and radical student Marius, a blackmailing attempt by suspicious innkeeper Thenardier, and a climax on the barricades of Paris.
Jean Valjean, pursued through the years for a minor infraction by the implacable policeman Javert, attempts to create a life for himself and for his adopted daughter Cosette amid the revolutionary struggles of France.
Leo Bianchetti has just finished his military service but then is again called to arms; after 10 years on various fronts, he finds himself again in Italy to guard a bridge destroyes by the Germans that he doesn't want to leave.
In 19th-century France, middle-aged orphans Gasparre and Battista, watchmen at an orphanage, find out from a soothsayer that one of them is the offspring of the Hangman of Paris and the other is the son of a count. But it is only a dream of theirs.
In 19th-century France, middle-aged orphans Gasparre and Battista, watchmen at an orphanage, find out from a soothsayer that one of them is the offspring of the Hangman of Paris and the other is the son of a count. But it is only a dream of theirs.
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
An evil Czarist landowner had mistreated the father and friends of an officer.The officer wreaks vengeance by committing masked coach robberies and insinuates himself into his enemy's castle by pretending to be a French teacher.
A woman, a theatrical impresario, simulates the theft of a precious necklace for marketing purposes. A young singer living in the province is believed to be responsible for the theft and is arrested.
A compelling portrayal of postwar Rome
A shy and oppressed professor inherits a musical theater show, so he has the opportunity to change is life and find the real love.
A shy and oppressed professor inherits a musical theater show, so he has the opportunity to change is life and find the real love.
In High Places is a 1943 Italian comedy film directed by Mario Soldati and starring Adriana Benetti, Massimo Serato and Nerio Bernardi. It is based on a play by Jean Anouilh. The film portrays the rise into high society of an immoral young man.
The explorer Smith leaves with Laura, a beautiful but naive girl, in search of Professor Berti, who mysteriously disappeared in Africa in the midst of one of his researches.
Assistant Director
Alberto Serrani, a mining engineer, meets doctor's daughter Marina, sweet and simple, and the notorious and frivolous Clara who falls for him immediately.
Italy, early 1940s. A rich and noble man, returning from America, has the unpleasant surprise of being dirt poor. Its magnificent castle is impounded and he agrees to become the guide allowed visitors to admire.
Italy, early 1940s. A rich and noble man, returning from America, has the unpleasant surprise of being dirt poor. Its magnificent castle is impounded and he agrees to become the guide allowed visitors to admire.
In Santa Cruz, in the second half of the eighteenth century. The Governor of the island, to ingratiate himself with the Viceroy, contrives to make assaulting the island from a mock pirate ship and, with a mock battle, defeat the aggressors and throw them back into the sea.
First Assistant Director
In Santa Cruz, in the second half of the eighteenth century. The Governor of the island, to ingratiate himself with the Viceroy, contrives to make assaulting the island from a mock pirate ship and, with a mock battle, defeat the aggressors and throw them back into the sea.
In 1830 Pierre Courier, a rich and elderly shipowner, awaits the return of his son Stefano, who has just returned from a long trip to Trinidad in the ship in which he is captain.
In 1830 Pierre Courier, a rich and elderly shipowner, awaits the return of his son Stefano, who has just returned from a long trip to Trinidad in the ship in which he is captain.
First Assistant Director
Cousins Michele and Tommaso are told by a notary that a distant uncle has left a large sum of money for them.
Cousins Michele and Tommaso are told by a notary that a distant uncle has left a large sum of money for them.