Stefan de Walle

Stefan de Walle

Рождение : 1965-09-15, The Hague, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands


Stefan de Walle


Sinterklaas Procession 2022
Direct report of the national arrival of Sinterklaas that will take place this year in the municipality of Hellevoetsluis. Mayor Milène Junius will welcome the Good Saint and his Pieten in this fortified town on the Haringvliet.
Моя подруга Анна Франк
На основе реальной истории дружбы Анны Франк и Ханны Гослар - от оккупированного нацистами Амстердама до их душераздирающей встречи в концлагере.
The Dick Maas Method
Documentary on the Dutch filmmaker Dick Maas.
Heer & Meester: De Film
Professor Kessens
Coco has no idea what to do with her life until she discovers her mother is terminally ill. She wholeheartedly embraces this new purpose in life and moves in with her mother to take care of her, ignoring their distant relationship, as well as her mother's desire to die alone.
Life Is Wonderful
Kees Bakels
Life Is Wonderful is a feel-good movie about love and longing. Best friends Mees and Boelie are spending a beautiful spring day in Amsterdam's Vondelpark. It seems like just a normal day, until they meet the young and attractive Panda. While the heat rises in the park, it's nowhere to be found between the long-married couple Etta and Ernst-Jan. Ernst-Jan suspects Etta of cheating and has his own ideas of how to catch her in the act. We also meet Rosa and Kees, old lovers whose paths cross after decades of not seeing each other. On this spring day in Amsterdam, their love starts blooming again.
Dummie the Mummy and the tomb of Achnetoet
Meester Krabbel
Dummie has homesickness. He wants to go back to Egypt to seek the grave of his parents so that he can say goodbye to them. Klaas sees that trip is not going to be easy. He finds flying to Egypt scary, it costs way too much money and Dummie has no passport. But if Dummie's painting by Miss Friek is sold for a large amount and he can organise a passport, then can Klaas, Goos, Dummie and Miss Friek leave for Egypt. But is the Tomb of Achnetoet still available after four thousand years? With a plan by Master Drab, Dummie and Goos are investigating. But the search is full of dangers and the best friends walk into a trap. Can Klaas save them on time or keep Dummie and Goos captive forever?
Once Upon a Ladder
De Verteller
Incredibly enough, one day before the start of his pension and just hours before his 65th birthday, window cleaner Alfred suddenly finds himself stricken by vertigo. A 64-year and 364-day journey through glass and lather reveals why he is afraid to either go up or go down the ladder. And whilst he finds himself to be an accidental Cupid by hitting anyone but himself with his arrows, it’s not until that particular day, 44 years after meeting Dirkje for the first time, that he realizes he has to point the arrow at himself.
Hallo Bungalow
Tiebe Prins
A comedy about three woman working at a boring holiday resort and their criminal employer.
Секреты войны
Mr. Nijskens
Во время Второй мировой войны дружбе двух парней может прийти конец после того, как девушка рассказала очень личный секрет лишь одному из них.
Автомастерская, в которой работают четверо любящих пивко, карты и сигареты друзей, под угрозой банкротства. Их осеняет "блестящая" идея найти спонсора и пробежать Роттердамский марафон. Вот только лет им уже всем под пятьдесят. Они полны решимости финишировать и уговаривают быть их тренером хромого эмигранта-египтянина. Для главного героя на кону стоит не только гараж, но и собственная жизнь.
Doodslag (Dutch for "Manslaughter") is the story of Max, a paramedic who is repeatedly hindered in performing his duties by loutish behaviour. As his ambulance hurries towards a complicated childbirth, some youths prevent Max from reaching the distressed woman in labour. Spurred on by the emergency and the incendiary words of a TV pundit, he reaches a boiling point and forcefully hits one of the men obstructing his ambulance. Max's strike has far-reaching, unintended consequences.
Secretaris Generaal
One hour before the State Opening of Parliament, something very unusual happens. The Prime Minister appears and demands an adjustment to the Queen's speech. The speech concerns aid to Africa. Even with all the pressure around the State Opening, Beatrix goes back in time, and remembers her banishment to Canada, the visit to the victims of the Flood disaster and the turbulence suffered by her parents at Palace Soestdijk during the Hofman case.
The Dark House
Wolf Vos
A woman tries to escape a stalker by moving with her children to her sister's isolated beach house
Sinterklaasjournaal: De Meezing Moevie
Jan Boerefluitjes
Follow the adventures of the real St. Nick and all his helpers.
How to Survive Myself?
Alexander Apenbil
Метод Ботокса
Фильм «Красотки-убийцы» это комедия с элементами черного юмора, в которой рассказывается о приключениях трех гламурных подружек - жен богатейших бизнесменов. Они праздно ведут свою жизнь, которая сводится к одному – к борьбе за ушедшую молодость. Постоянные посещения пластических хирургов откладывают отпечаток на их мозги, внешность, да и на всю их жизнь вцелом. И так бы всё и продолжалось, если бы одна из подружек Кити, не стала подозревать своего мужа в измене, а когда подозрения укрепились, подруги решаются пойти на крайний шаг…
De vogelaar
Johan has got a secret. When his wife and kids think he is in the park watching birds, he actually is going to his friends at the talk session. He has a problem for years. Now he thinks the time is right to give. He is excited about it. When the time is there he is happy for a moment.
Sportsman of the Century
In the year 2000, a jury convenes in Friesland to elect the Sportsman of the Century. One man, Sake Wiarda, tries to convince his fellow-jury members not to nominate a sports hero like Abe Lenstra, but to give preference to the Frisian pole-squatter Taeke Jongsma. In flashbacks, Wiarda tells his audience the life story of this worker's son, who since childhood tries to escape the oppression of the working class in the thirties. Taeke finds out he is a splendid pole-squatter, but his record attempts are repeatedly thwarted by his great rival in love. Against the background of the historical changes in the previous century, the love story gradually unfolds between the pole-squatter and the farmer's daughter.
XTC Just Don't Do It
Melissa is a 15-year-old girl who loves to dance. Her parents think she is taking classes in classical ballet, but once at the dance school she devotes herself to the hip-hop dance classes. Melissa is good friends with Jordi and he is very happy for Melissa when she is asked to dance in the music video of the famous rapper Brainpower. But because of bad influences, her life becomes a nightmare. Until her real friends decide to get her out of there.
Boy Ecury
Dhr. Van Kuilenburg
In 1944, resistance hero Boy Ecury was executed by a German firing squad at the age of 22. In this historical drama, Dundun Ecury, a business man from Aruba, travels to the Netherlands in 1947 to search for his son’s body. Here, he relives the courageous Boy’s tragic history. When Dundun meets Boy’s suspected murderer, he is confronted with a painful revelation and himself. Inspired by Ted Schouten’s book Boy, een Antilliaanse jongen in het Nederlands verzet.
Флоддеры 3
Kees Flodder
Вернувшись из заграничного вояжа, семейка Флоддер горит желанием собрать всех жителей городка и рассказать им о путешествии. Повод подходящий — скоро Зоннендалю исполнится 25 лет! Но тут мамаша неожиданно влюбляется в бомжа…
Eenmaal geslagen, nooit meer bewogen
Sinterklaasjournaal 2022
The Sinterklaasjournaal is the annual fictional news section in the context of the traditional Sinterklaas celebration of the NTR on Dutch television, showing what Sinterklaas experience everything. The format of the 'real' television news is imitated, where storylines are presented in fragments as reports.