Michael Jungfleisch

Рождение : , Esslingen am Neckar, Germany


Hannelore Kohl - Die erste Frau
Production Coordinator
Hannelore Kohl was the brave political wife, the wife of the Eternal Chancellor. The reliable companion on his way to power. His campaigns were hers too. Last but not least, his success was based on her strength. Hannelore Kohl lived in her husband's iron power system. When she fell seriously ill, Hannelore Kohl retreated more and more from the light of the public to a life in the dark. Until she put an end to her life on July 5, 2001. The documentation chronologically traces the life of Hannelore Kohl using archive recordings from over half a century of German history.
Съешь этот вопрос: Фрэнк Заппа своими словами
Line Producer
Документальный фильм о жизни и творчестве известного авангардного музыканта Фрэнка Заппы.
Stations of the Cross
Line Producer
Maria finds herself caught between two worlds. At school this 14-year-old girl has all the typical teenage interests, but when she’s at home with her family she follows the teachings of the Society of St. Paul and their traditionalist interpretation of Catholicism. Everything that Maria thinks and does must be examined before God. And since the Lord is a strict shepherd, she lives in constant fear of committing some misconduct...
Курназ – Пять лет жизни
Line Producer
Фильм рассказывает о судьбе жителя Бремена Мурата Курназа, который пять лет провел в заключении на американской военной базе в Гуантанамо по подозрению в терроризме.
Executive Producer
История 21-летней Жозефины «Файн», начинающей актрисы. Для такой профессии героиня очень застенчива, стеснительна и неуверенна в себе. Вместе с тем, к ее большому удивлению, известный театральный режиссер Каспар Фридман предлагает ей главную роль в новой постановке. Речь идет о роли Камиллы, экстраверта, сексуально требовательной, но очень хрупкой личности. Эмоции девушки на подъеме. Она понимает, что для того, чтобы сыграть хорошо, необходимо много репетировать. В качестве «репетиций» она начинает соблазнять соседа Иоахима, одновременно все больше удаляясь от своей больной сестры, которая болезненно реагирует на это. Во время проб Файн все больше попадает под влияние Фридмана, он вызывает в ней гневные чувства, о которых героиня даже не подозревала. Эта напряженность все более нарастает, грозя разрушить внутренний мир молодой женщины.
Think German!
Daniel lives in Bernau, a small town north of Berlin.This film tells this 21-year-old’s story and describes the radical right-wing milieu in which he grew up. In his candid portrait of how right-wing radicalism breeds, Daniel explains how difficult it is to break out of a vicious circle of violence, self-hatred and a right-wing extremist frame of mind.
My Brother the Vampire
Josh is about to turn 30; he's mentally retarded, and likes to play at being a vampire. His sister Nicole is 15, and dealing with her impending womanhood; middle brother Mike is the "normal" one, but in some ways the most childish - his latest conquest is Nadine, who runs the dog kennel at his security guard job. Nic is fixated on getting laid, and watches Mike and Nadine through the skylight with Josh. Josh also gets fixated on sex, though he has no clear idea what it's all about, and in particular on Nadine; to Mike's chagrin, she seems more interested in Josh than in him.
Ring of Fire
Animated short of a Cowboys' psychedelic Odyssey.
Die Blume der Hausfrau
About a group of door-to-door salesman who try to sell vacuum cleaners from "Vorwerk", a German manufacturer.