It's an enchanted royal tea party, and your little princess is the guest of honor! There, she can sing along with all her favorite Disney Princesses as they perform their best-loved songs. Plus, she'll be the belle of the ball as she learns wonderful dance moves and sings karaoke-style too!
Sound the trumpets and prepare for the ultimate celebration of magic, music and dreams come true! Introduce your little princess to the one special collection that features all her favorite Disney Princesses performing their most cherished songs from Disney's award-winning classics
What better way to say goodnight than with Disney's Greatest Lullabies? Soothing refrains from masterfully crafted shorts and features you come to know and love. The most poignant, precious moments from the vast Disney library presented in this enchanted series. Certain to turn any child into a Sleeping Beauty--the best lullabies in the world--from Disney!
Золушка — бедная сиротка, которую злая мачеха и ее вздорные дочки, заставляют тяжко работать с утра до ночи. Она так хочет попасть на королевский бал. На помощь бедняжке приходит Добрая фея! Силой волшебства она наделяет Золушку роскошной каретой, чудесным платьем и необыкновенными хрустальными башмачками.