John Collin

Рождение : 1931-01-01,

Смерть : 1987-02-25


Jimmy Somerville: The Video Collection 1984/1990 (Featuring Bronski Beat and The Communards)
(segment "Smalltown Boy")
Collection of music videos by Jimmy Somerville, both as solo artist as well as with the bands Bronski Beat and The Communards.
Doctor Who: The Leisure Hive
Romana fancies a proper holiday and convinces the Doctor to visit the leisure planet Argolis, where a takeover by the Argolins' historic enemy is underway.
The Errand
Warrant Officer
A soldier at an elite military institution is sent on a strange and increasingly nightmarish errand in this full-on fever-dream thriller from long-time Pete Walker collaborator David McGillivray (House of Whipcord).
John Durbeyfield
Юная красавица-крестьянка Тэсс неожиданно узнаёт, что в её жилах течёт благородная кровь норманнских рыцарей. По воле родителей девушка уезжает жить к новообретённым состоятельным родственникам. Там она сталкивается с обольстительным кузеном Алеком, который не прочь воспользоваться невинностью Тэсс.
О всех созданиях - больших и малых
Mr Alderson
История молодого помощника под руководством эксцентричного старшего ветеринара в сельской местности Англии, и его стеснительного ухаживания за дочерью местного фермера.
Highway Robbery
Terry and his family fight against a planned eviction when the council decides on a road building programme and their house is in its path.
Man at the Top
Northerner Joe Lampton becomes involved with Lord Ackerman, the powerful chairman of a pharmaceutical concern, his beautiful wife Alex, and daughter Robin. But trouble starts when Joe is made Managing Director of one of Ackerman’s companies and makes a shocking discovery: his predecessor committed suicide...
Innocent Bystanders
Washed-up agent John Craig is given the task of proving his worth by tracking down a Russian scientist on the run. Cross and double-cross is the name of the game.
The Fox Trot
The first in a series of new plays. Arthur and Gwen, a cosy middle-aged couple, remember with nostalgia the pre-Motorway Britain of their youth. When Tom, an old friend, returns from voyaging the world their life takes a strange new turn.
Before Winter Comes
Sergeant Woody
Comedy set in a refugee camp in occupied Austria after World War II. A shrewd multi-lingual interpreter who mediates between Russian and British military brass enters into a friendly rivalry with British Major Giles Burnside, who is in charge of assigning the displaced persons into either the American or Russian zones.
Jack Roper
Британская актриса Гертруда Лоуренс — самое прекрасное и чарующее создание из всех, выходивших на сцену мюзик-холла в первой половине XX века. Люди хотели веселья и в «безумные 1920-е», и «депрессивные 1930-е». Звезда дарила публике свой свет, получая взамен ее любовь…
The Witches
Following a nervous breakdown, Gwen takes up the job of head teacher in the small village of Haddaby. There she can benefit from the tranquillity and peace, enabling her to recover fully. But under the facade of idyllic country life she slowly unearths the frightening reality of village life in which the inhabitants are followers of a menacing satanic cult with the power to inflict indiscriminate evil and death if crossed.